Makow — We Sold Our Freedom


Many people are blissfully unaware that their freedom is gone.They can’t function in society or travel without a vax passport. 
They and their children are being poisoned. 
Why the docile response? They have been dulled by greed. 
The Rothschilds have anaesthetized them with a tidal wave of cash.

by Henry Makow PhD 

The Rothschilds bought this pandemic with a mountain of money they created out of thin air and charged to future generations, if there are any. 

Everyone involved in perpetrating this hoax has been bought and paid for.
Medicare pays US hospitals $50,000 for a covid admission. 

Pfizer said Tuesday it expects to make up to $36 billion this year from its COVID-19 vaccine, which is now the highest-selling drug in the world. The usual suspects own big pharma.   

This is a repeat of 2007-8 credit crunch. They are robbing the US treasury again. The US has spent $6 trillion on the covid response. But just so you don’t notice, they bought the US mass media. 

They were also careful to spread this money around and create the biggest stock market bubble in history. 

Then there are crypto currencies. One I never heard of has gone from $1000 to $3.5 million since March. 

So while Mother Liberty is gang raped, millions of people are glued to their stock accounts, thinking that a wad of digits will inure them from what is coming.

The $6 trillion the US spent on the covid hoax is the same as all the wars waged by the US since 9-11. 

This is appropriate because, like 9-11, all these wars were also boondoggles designed to enrich the already filthy rich. 


Their ultimate goal is to rob us and leave us to die in a ditch. 

But it will happen so slowly, you won’t notice.

Needless to say, some of this lucre has been used to bribe politicians.Politicians have resigned in disgrace in Australia and Austria. 

In 2012, Pfizer admitted to bribery in six countries.   A leopard does not change its stripes. 

The average American has been placated with relief cheques and other giveaways.  The measure included “a $1,400 check for many Americans and an extension of a $300 weekly unemployment aid supplement through August, as well as a generous one-year expansion of the child tax credit and hundreds of billions of dollars in funding for schools, state and local governments and vaccine distribution efforts.”

Canada is a model of how the cash was spread around. Almost everyone was bought. People were content to be paid for doing nothing. 

“The CBC News analysis has tracked $105.66 billion in federal payments to individuals; $118.37 billion that has gone to businesses, non-profits and charitable organizations; and a further $16.18 billion in transfers to provinces, territories, municipalities and government agencies. 

The largest single expenditure thus far has been the $81.64 billion spent on the Canada emergency response benefit (CERB), the monthly $2,000 payments that were offered to Canadians who were unable to work during the pandemic, with 8.9 million people — a third of all adults in the country — having received them.

The direct payments to individuals, which also included $7.7 billion in enhancements to employment insurance, a $5.6-billion GST credit, almost $3 billion in emergency benefits for students, and $2 billion in bonus payouts to Old Age Security and guaranteed income supplement recipients, establish a new benchmark for government support. The $105.66 billion total between mid-March and November was almost $10 billion more than all major federal transfers to individuals, including children, for the entirety of fiscal 2018-19.

But the federal subsidies for businesses and other organizations have been even larger. Those supports include $49.27 billion sent to more than 352,000 enterprises to help defray payroll costs under the Canada emergency wage subsidy (CEWS). Another $31.55 billion of interest-free loans extended to almost 790,000 businesses under the Canada emergency business account. As well as $6.1 billion spent on personal protective equipment procurement under the Safe Restart Agreement, and $5.8 billion in support for banks and other lenders under the insured mortgage purchase program.”

So the pain from loss of freedom and forced gene therapy “vaccines” was salved by cash.
But eventually the anaesthetic will wear off, and we will begin to feel the pain that comes from selling our soul.

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