Jewish People The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in Vallejo, and every city in America. Vallejo has a lot of victim groups. Who is behind all of them? The same organization. Who is… byRyan MessanoFebruary 20, 2020
Politics Tech company censorship, the Progressive Fear Culture, and why more women in the workplace is a bad idea. In the above pictures, you can see how Facebook gets away with it’s censorship, and how tens of… byRyan MessanoFebruary 15, 2020
Politics John Garamendi is a Marxist snake! John Garamendi is a typical swamp creature. He has been in power for quite some time. He is… byRyan MessanoFebruary 10, 2020
Communism Cultural Marxism at Solano Community College What is Cultural Marxism, and who are it’s victim groups? It has three victim groups. African Americans, homosexuals, and… byRyan MessanoFebruary 10, 2020