America’s return to virtue

Tocqueville said America was great because America was good, and when America ceased to be good, America would cease to be great.  How prescient he was!  The Ivy league schools that early Americans attended all were designed to teach Biblical morality FIRST, and then to educate the students minds.  The reverse is done today, and the former is actually deliberately and malevolently excluded, and we have many educated menaces to society running around as a result.


America once had an Olde Deluder law for public education: “It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures, as in former time… it is therefore ordered… after the Lord hath increased [the town] to the number of fifty householders, [they] shall then forthwith appoint one within their town, to teach all such children as shall resort to him, to write and read…. And it is further ordered, that when any town shall increase to the number of one hundred families or householders, they shall set up a grammar school… to instruct youths, so far as they may be fitted for the university.” This law was first passed in Massachusetts in 1642.


A 1690 law in Connecticut read as follows: “This [legislature] observing that… there are many persons unable to read the English tongue and thereby incapable to read the holy Word of God or the good laws of this colony… it is ordered that all parents and masters shall cause their respective children and servants, as they are capable, to be taught to read distinctly the English tongue.”


When Delaware Indian chiefs brought their children to be educated by George Washington, this is what he told them: “You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of live, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. These will make you a greater and happier people that you are. Congress will do every thing they can to assist you in this wise intention.”


Let us examine some of the Ivy league schools:


The mottos of Harvard were:

For Christ and the Church.
For the Glory of Christ.


The founders of Harvard believed that:

“All knowledge without Christ was vain”.


In 1636,the rules of Harvard included:

“Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well the main end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisdom, let every one seriously set himself by prayer in secret to seek it of Him. Every one shall so exercise himself in reading the Scriptures twice a day that he shall be ready to give such an account of his proficiency therein.”

In 1790, the requirements for Harvard stated:

“All persons of what degree forever residing at the College, and all undergraduates… shall constantly and seasonably attend the worship of God in the chapel, morning and evening…. All the scholars shall, at sunset in the evening preceding the Lord’s Day, lay aside all their diversions and… it is enjoined upon every scholar carefully to apply himself to the duties of religion on said day.”

Ten of the twelve presidents of Harvard, prior to the Revolutionary War, were ministers, and over fifty percent of the seventeenth-century Harvard graduates later became ministers.

Among the many founding fathers who graduated from Harvard were John Adams, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Elbridge Gerry, John Pickering, William Williams, Rufus King, William Hooper, William Ellery and Robert Treat Paine — all of whom where signers of the Declaration of Independence.


The College of William and Mary:

In 1692, the Rev. James Blair helped found the College of William and Mary so that, as the Charter and Statutes of the College of William and Mary in Virginia stated:

“[T]he youth may be piously enacted in good letters and manners and that the Christian faith may be propagated… to the glory of Almighty God.”

By 1792, the requirements further stated:

“The students shall attend prayers in chapel at the time appointed and there demean themselves with a decorum which the sacred duty of public worship requires.”

Princeton University:

In 1692, the Rev. James Blair helped found the College of William and Mary so that, as the Charter and Statutes of the College of William and Mary in Virginia stated:

Princeton University’s official motto was:

Under God’s Power She Flourishes.


The first president of Princeton University, the Rev. Jonathan Dickinson, stated:

“Cursed be all learning that is contrary to the cross of Christ.”

The requirements of Princeton University, during President John Witherspoon’s tenure, 1768-1776, included:

“Every student shall attend worship in the college hall morning and evening at the hours appointed and shall behave with gravity and reverence during the whole service. Every student shall attend public worship on the Sabbath…. Besides the public exercises of religious worship on the Sabbath, there shall be assigned to each class certain exercises for their religious instruction suited to the age and standing of the pupils… and no student belonging to any class shall neglect them.”

Princeton University, under President John Witherspoon, 1768-1794, graduated 478 students who directly contributed to the shaping of America. Among those graduates were:

James Madison, who served eight years as Secretary of State and eight years as President of the U.S.
Aaron Burr, Jr., who was a U.S. Vice-President
3 U.S. Supreme Court justices
10 Cabinet members
13 state governors
21 U.S. Senators
39 U.S. Congressmen
114 ministers


Nine of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention were graduates of Princeton:

Gunning Bedford Jr., Del.
David Brearley, N.J.
William Richardson Davie N.C.
Jonathan Dayton, N.J.
William Churchill Houston, N.J.
James Madison, Va.
Alexander Martin, N.C.
Luther Martin, Md.
William Paterson, N.J.


Yale was founded in 1699 by ten ministers whose goal was:

“[T]o plant, and under Divine blessing, to propagate in this wilderness the blessed reformed Protestant religion.”

Requirements at Yale college included:

“[T]he Scriptures… morning and evening [are] to be read by the students at the times of prayer in the school… studiously endeavoring in the education of said students to promote the power and purity of religion.”

“All the scholars are required to live a religious and blameless life according to the rules of God’s Word, diligently reading the holy Scriptures, that fountain of Divine light and truth, and constantly attending all the duties of religion…. All the scholars are obliged to attend Divine worship in the College Chapel on the Lord’s Day and on Days of Fasting and Thanksgiving appointed by public authority.”

Among the many founding fathers who graduated from Yale were these Declaration of Independence signers: Oliver Wolcott, William Livingston, Lyman Hall, Lewis Morris, Jared Ingersoll, Philip Livingston and William Samuel Johnson.



Dartmouth was founded in 1754 by the Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, and the school’s charter very specifically spelled out its purpose:

“Whereas… the Reverand Eleazar Wheelock… educated a number of the children of the Indian natives with a view to their carrying the Gospel in their own language and spreading the knowledge of the great Redeemer among their savage tribes. And… the design became reputable among the Indians insomuch that a larger number desired the education of their children in said school…. [T]herefore Dartmouth-College [is established] for the education and instruction of youths… in reading, writing and all parts of learning which shall appear necessary and expedient for civilizing and Christianizing the children.”

The college became quite famous in 1819 when alumnus Daniel Webster defended this charter before the U.S. Supreme Court.


Columbia College:

Originally named “King’s College” in 1754, following the American Revolution its name was changed to Columbia College. The admission requirements stated:

“No candidate shall be admitted into the College… unless he shall be able to render into English… the Gospels from the Greek…. It is also expected that all students attend public worship on Sunday.”

At the age of fourteen, John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, passed Columbia’s admission requirements, including translating from Greek the first ten chapters of the Gospel of John.

In 1787, Constitution signer William Samuel Johnson was appointed Columbia’s first president. His commencement speech to the graduates emphasizes the importance placed on religion in public education:

“You this day gentlemen,… have… received a public education, the purpose whereof hath been to qualify you the better to serve your Creator and your country…. Your first great duties, you are sensible, are those you owe to Heaven, to your Creator and Redeemer. Let these be ever present to your minds and exemplified in your lives and conduct. Imprint deep upon your minds the principles of piety towards God and a reverence and fear of His holy name. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom…. Remember, too, that you are the redeemed of the Lord, that you are bought with a price, even the inestimable price of the precious blood of the Son of God…. Love, fear, and serve Him as your Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier. Acquaint yourselves with Him in His Word and holy ordinances. Make Him your friend and protector and your felicity is secured both here and hereafter.”


Brown University:


Brown University was founded in Providence, Rhode Island, under the name Rhode Island College. The seventh oldest college in America, it was renamed after the generous benefactors, Nicholas and Moses Brown. Successful manufacturers, they forged cannon in their furnaces and imported ammunition, greatly aiding the Revolutionary Army.

The Charter of Rhode Island College, 1763, stated:

“And that the number of the trustees shall, and may be thirty-six; of which twenty-two shall forever be elected of the denomination called Baptists, or Antipedobaptists; five shall forever be elected of the denomination called Friends, or Quakers; four shall forever be elected of the denomination called Congregationalists; and five shall forever be elected of the denomination called Episcopalians.”

Rutgers University:


Rutgers University was founded in New Jersey as “Queen’s College” by the efforts of the Dutch minister, Rev. Theodore Jacobus Frelinghuysen (1692-1747). Initially a Pietist minister in Germany, he was schooled in Holland, and later emigrated to New Jersey.

In 1825, Queen’s College was changed to Rutgers University, in honor of Henry Rutgers. He had served as a captain in the 1st Regiment of the New York Militia, was a member of the New York Assembly, and gave land for the 2nd Free School for the city’s poor. Henry Rutgers was the president of the board of the Dutch Reformed Church, and gave the land for the Rutgers Street Presbyterian Church.

In 1776, inspired by the motto of the University of Utrecht, Netherlands, which was “Son of Righteousness, Shine upon Us”, Rutgers University chose for its official motto:
“Son of Righteousness, Shine upon the West Also.”

Today, Donald Trump tweeted the following:


‘Numerous states introducing Bible Literacy classes, giving students the option of studying the Bible. Starting to make a turn back? Great!’


It seems America is turning back to the book, the religion, and the virtue that made her great.


2 Chronicles 7:14


If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

A Godly Woman, in memoriam: Eva Warren

Last Monday, a dear figure from my childhood passed away suddenly from stage 4 Breast cancer.  She had quite an impact on all those who knew her, and she not only deserved every last word of praise and admiration that were spoken at her funeral, but she deserved a lot more too.  In a day and an age where we worship celebrities, and those whose personal lives aren’t deserving of emulation or admiration at all, her funeral stands as a stark contrast.  While billions know who Michael Jackson is, he is a man who molested and raped young children; in contrast, at Eva’s funeral, scarcely 10,000 in the world knew her or of her passing, yet the life she lived is far more worthy of being emulated than Michael Jackson or anyone else you will see on hellivision.

Eva Warren was the mother of 6 children, all of whom she raised with Godly, Christian values.   She was the epitome of a Proverbs 31, virtuous woman.  When her first marriage ended, due to her husband’s irreconcilable faults, she patiently endured being a single mother.  She raised her first 3 children.  I remember being raised in the church, and I never saw her feel sorry for herself, or publicly bemoan her situation.  She always appeared to be cheerful, she had a beautiful singing voice, when we sang church hymns, and it seems every single young boy in our church thought of her as a remarkably pretty woman, which she was, both inside and outside.  We didn’t hear cross words from her.  In public, I never saw her angry, I never saw her demean her husband who had left her, and she faithfully took care of her 3 children.

After a span of over a decade, Eva stayed single and celibate, and remarried, a devoted man named Joe Warren.  She went on to have 3 more children.  I attended the marriage ceremony, and while the marriage was in a home, it brought forth children who were given the values that Kings and Queens would do well to learn as Princes and Princesses.

In an age when women are encouraged to go to college, and to get jobs, Eva Warren stands as a beacon of inspiration about what women in America used to be.  She was a marvelous wife, a splendid mother, and a good Christian woman.  There can be no higher compliments than those three.  Her children all praise her, and those who knew her spoke well of her.  She chose what people would say about her at her funeral, with the Godly life she lived.  Over 300 people showed up, to pay tribute to the remarkable life she lived.  You probably didn’t read about it in the media, because our media is focused on unimportant things, and is ceaselessly lying to us and amusing us to death.   To the media, the death of it’s heroes, like Michael Jackson, is big news, we all should know about, but the death of a truly good person is meaningless.  To the media, money and power matter, but a good life lived well is not important.   God disagrees and his verdict will be the final one for all of us.

She shared in one Bible class that most of the time, people told others the good things about themselves at their funerals, when they were not alive to hear it anymore. She asked that people give her a rose today, instead of waiting for her funeral to say nice things about her.  The room laughed, but it is a lesson that many would do well to pay attention to today.  Too often the praise that the Godly get is after they perish.  That said, the praise of God is all that really matters.  The one friend we all need when we die is that of our conscience.  The opinions of millions don’t really matter in the general scheme of things.

The lesson that is indelibly inscribed upon my mind from her life is faith.   She relied upon God when it didn’t make sense to do that, and ultimately, she found the promises that he gives to all who follow Him.  It didn’t make sense to leave a husband who was trying to stop her from attending Bible classes, to become a single mother.  But she did it.  It didn’t make sense to be patient, and not chase a man, while raising 3 young children alone.  But she did it.  It didn’t make sense to re-marry in her late 30’s, early 40’s, and to have 3 more children, when you are in a single income family.  But she did it.  It didn’t make sense to leave a home she had in Vallejo, to sell it, and move to Sacramento to help a church there.  But she did it.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1

May her life be remembered, may her memory always be cherished, and may the women of America take note.  It is the path she followed that leads to peace, joy, and happiness in this life and the next. When we go to our graves, all we will leave behind is the love we gave, and if we do not understand the love God has for us, we cannot give any away, for it is impossible to give what one first does not have.  Eva lived a life full of love, and America and the world need more of that.   Love is not a feeling, it is self-denial, it is self-sacrifice, and it is dedication, devotion, and consecration to ideals higher than our own desires or feelings.

Why I’m convinced Trump colluded with Russia.

Originally, as the greatest scandal in American political history began, Trump was in a heated GOP primary race with Marco Rubio.  Paul Singer, a GOP financier, had a son who was a homosexual, and became favorable to homosexual causes.  He was a big Marco Rubio supporter, and he was the owner of a media company, the Washington Free Beacon.  He was the person who first purchased the Fusion GPS Dossier.  This Dossier has been proven to be bogus by Republicans and Democrats alike.


Yet, who purchased this Dossier?  Well, none other than the honest and honorable Hillary Clinton for the cheap price of $12 million.  Of course, she has unimpeachable (no pun intended for Billy Jeff) integrity, and the best motives.  Now, as American citizens, we cannot be spied upon by our intelligence agencies, unless a FISA court consents to it, and the evidence for the spying has to be pretty serious.  Well, Democrat insiders in the intelligence agencies, presented this bogus GPS Dossier, which was fed by the DNC to the media and FBI, to the FISA court, thereby weaponizing our nation’s intelligence agencies against the opposing parties presidential candidate.  When Tricky Dick Nixon was in Watergate, he merely was the President when operatives burgled the DNC, though no evidence he had direct knowledge existed.  That got him impeached.  Here, Hillary and Obama and others were fully aware of bogus information being fed to OUR INTELLIGENCE agencies to weaponize them against Trump, a crime far worse than Watergate.


Based on the credible information fed to the intelligence agencies:), they tried to ‘protect’ Americans by ensuring that Robert Mueller was appointed to ‘investigate’ Trump, for Russian Collusion.  The investigation has gone on for 2 years, and the media, Democrats, tech titans, and foreign nations, probably China, are betting the American people are too stupid to figure it out.  Not a shred of Trump colluding with Russia has been found, although crimes of his associates that happened long before he ran for President, have been found, apparently as revenge against Trump for winning.  If these were so interesting to law enforcement, why weren’t they found before Trump ran for president?   But we see, the Democrat game is they will use law enforcement and the courts to strike out against anyone who threatens their power.  They will hide their media and law enforcement when their own people commit crimes, like Bill Clinton raping Juanita Broaddrick, or Obama getting into crack smoking, homosexual relationships according to 3 witnesses.


So, while Mueller sees nothing wrong, along with his good bud James Comey, with Hillary destroying 30,000 subpoenaed e-mails, he is terribly alarmed at possible Russian collusion, though no one has found the slightest scrap of evidence supporting it.   The whiny Democrats would prefer to destroy America with fake investigations and weaponize our intelligence agencies against Republicans rather than cede power to the people, per an election. And this has caused all kinds of chaos in America, and will cause more.  We still have half the nation that honestly believes that Trump colluded with the Russians.


And so, my friends, this is why I am convinced and persuaded beyond a shadow of a doubt that the NY Times, Washington Post, and CNN are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.  Donald Trump clearly colluded with the Russians!  Make sure you share this bombshell information with your friends and family, about how dishonest and crooked, and Racissss, Donald Trump is.


China has a very long and storied  history, one that is full of all the vicissitudes of the human experience.  Pearl Buck’s ‘The Good Earth’ has a marvelous look into what the life of an average person in China was like, prior to the entrance of Opium and Communism, and the dark shadows those events and ideas cast upon the Celestial Empire. Today, on PJ Media, Richard Fernandez did a very interesting article on China.  In this article, it talked about a new age of unrestricted warfare.


This details how two Chinese Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui laid out how China could defeat America without conventional warfare.  A neat thesis follows:


‘In 1999, two Chinese colonels wrote a book called Unrestricted Warfare, about warfare in the age of globalization. Their main argument: Warfare in the modern world will no longer be primarily a struggle defined by military means — or even involve the military at all….


Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui argued that war was no longer about “using armed forces to compel the enemy to submit to one’s will” in the classic Clausewitzian sense. Rather, they asserted that war had evolved to “using all means, including armed force or non-armed force, military and non-military, and lethal and non-lethal means to compel the enemy to accept one’s interests.” The barrier between soldiers and civilians would fundamentally be erased, because the battle would be everywhere.

The number of new battlefields would be “virtually infinite,” and could include environmental warfare, financial warfare, trade warfare, cultural warfare, and legal warfare, to name just a few. They wrote of assassinating financial speculators to safeguard a nation’s financial security, setting up slush funds to influence opponents’ legislatures and governments, and buying controlling shares of stocks to convert an adversary’s major television and newspapers outlets into tools of media warfare. According to the editor’s note, Qiao argued in a subsequent interview that “the first rule of unrestricted warfare is that there are no rules, with nothing forbidden.” That vision clearly transcends any traditional notions of war.’

I would like to focus on the highlighted text and ask the reader if China isn’t already doing this?  Isn’t China paying for a documentary on the Notorious RBG?  Don’t they heavily invest in America already?  What interest in Hollyweird does China have?  And do we even comprehend the totality of Chinese influence on our media?  Couldn’t China use companies it invests in surreptitiously to buy and control American media companies?  With the nonstop media attacks on Trump, who is one of the most hostile Presidents to China that we have ever had, does anyone doubt possible links between the media attacks and the financial clout of China?  Also, with the Mueller investigation, who doubts that China would love the division that pinning Russian collusion on America would bring?  What a genius master stroke, to have Americans fighting over a fake Russian Collusion charge, while the Chinese Dragon continues flexing it’s muscles for an eventual face off with a declining Russia and America?  Who poses a threat to America, Russia or China?  China has 1.5 billion people, Russia has 140 million, and we are worried about Russia and her aging Nuclear Weapons?  That is silly.  Also, Russia is Orthodox Christian which is much closer to America’s Christian Heritage. China is the world’s biggest atheist nation.  Do we forget that secular atheist nations murdered 100 million in the last years?  Are we going to be fooled by the leftist malicious lies about how Christianity killed so many people, when anyone who knows the Bible halfway decently knows the New Testament forbids murder, and Christ not only didn’t kill anyone ever, but he forbade his followers from murdering anyone as well?   Does anyone not know that the leftists are simply projecting their own murderous ways onto Christianity, which was the entity responsible for ending and/or containing the leftist holocausts of Hitler, Mao, and Stalin?

China is currently developing hypersonic missiles that can take out an aircraft carrier, is consolidating her ownership of the rare earth minerals, is building islands in the South China Sea, and is flexing her muscles in regards to Taiwan, who she regards as her own.  We ought to pay attention to real threats, and not be distracted by the, possibly Chinese induced, smokescreen of Russian Collusion.

And yet, there is a threat even greater than China, and it is right here in America.

The Church

When America was in her inception, a noted preacher, Whitefield, preached often throughout the colonies.  He could draw crowds of 50,000 in the days before we had megaphones.  People would come from miles around to hear the Gospel.  Today, we aren’t this fortunate.  The Gospel is sold by unscrupulous charlatans.  Preachers take on the profession as if it’s a job, and are lavishly paid. The wealthy of society and the church have neglected their duties to help the poor and sick, and instead of reaping the peace  and joy, that Scrooge did when he helped the needy and grateful Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim, they are miserable, constantly pursuing more power, pleasure, and money.  Contrast the 2nd wealthiest man in American history, Andrew Carnegie, who gave away vast sums to benefit Americans with today’s stingy liberal billionaires who give away practically nothing, have no idea how to lead Americans to better themselves, and constantly lecture us we need to raise our taxes.


What happened to the church?   We have churches who are too severe, where a sinner cannot hope to be healed.  Churches where a sinner can’t hope to confess of their sins without severe censure and a lifetime of stigma.  Churches who can’t dream of becoming the Father of the prodigal son.  Then we have churches on the other side, who are merciful and forgiving, but who won’t correct, won’t call sin out, and let it defile their church with impunity.

The church used to meet all day Sunday, and used to be a welcome haven from the cares and worries of life.  Not anymore.  You are likely to meet for 3 hours on Sunday, and the Bible classes are barely ever attended.  What can be  more important than studying the Bible, praying, and devoting one’s time to one’s Creator?  The Founders of America couldn’t see anything more important, and that’s why they created America.  Today, many see lots of things more important, and that’s why they are destroying America.

Biblical knowledge is at all time lows. The average American wastes 9 years watching television, porn use among church men is at all time highs, marriages are under steady attack, 70 million Americans are on psychotropic drugs, 110 million have an STD, we pay $700 billion a year for drug, tobacco, and alcohol abuse, and the way out is to turn back to God.

When will we have Biblical pastors again?  When will the church stop paying preachers, as they did not used to be paid unless they traveled?  Only an evangelist, or a traveling preacher deserves a dime of church money.  The other preachers need to find a job and support themselves.  Paul worked as  tentmaker, Christ was a carpenter, and every man needs to find an honest calling.  Too many preachers are sponging off the people.  T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyers, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, and every last televangelist are not teaching Biblical gospels.  They are perverting the scripture and profiting off of it, and John 10 severely censures the hireling, which is all these people are.

‘Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’

Matthew 11:28

Basic information to restore America.

At the bottom of this page is a library of PDFs and other titles, such as classics for children and adults. It is slowly expanding daily and has the literature that has significantly improved mankind and children throughout history.

Guest posts are welcome. Email and it will be reviewed for posting. It would be nice to have news correspondents from around America to get the real news out instead of relying on the corrupt media.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”

Jesus Christ

“To Write is to wage War.”


The Drug And Medical System cannot bear examination. To explain it would be to destroy it, and to defend it even is to damage it.”—R.T. Trall M.D.

“No matter how paranoid you are, what they are actually doing is far worse than you can imagine.”

Ralph Gleason

“A single lie destroys a whole reputation for integrity.”

Baltasar Gracian

“We will know our disinformation program is complete When everything the American public believes is false.”

William Casey

”Knowledge makes a man unfit to be enslaved.”

Frederick Douglas

“Fear always works to influence the population when the population is uneducated.”

“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny lies in keeping them ignorant.”


All quotes from the brilliant website.

Lovethetruth is another excellent website.

There is a PDF library of 300+ books which are going to be posted at the bottom of this page. It will detail the massive and overwhelming, incontrovertible, and indisputable evidence of who is behind the race tensions, the Federal Reserve, Communism, and the virus hoax.

This Coronavirus is a massive hoax, designed to create panic and pandemonium and to give wealth and power to the elite.

I have learned that both sides are compromised. Globalist bankers have controlled the Democrat party since 1912, when they funded Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt for President, with Wilson winning the White House with 40% of the vote, while Taft and Teddy Roosevelt split the remaining 60%.

The Council on Foreign Relations has controlled both sides presidential candidates since Wilson, including Reagan (who was a pedophile) and Trump! Both are hardly staunch Christians and are the first two American Presidents who have been divorced. Of course, Obama is the first to have been credibly accused of homosexuality.

America must wake up. We must leave these political parties, as both are controlled by globalist bankers, who also control our media, schools, tech companies, nearly all big corporations, CDC, WHO, China, and the U.N.

The globalist bankers have engineered America’s entry into every war since and including World War 1. Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, The Gulf of Tonkin, and 9/11 were all planned by globalist bankers, with their fake media spreading disinformation and propaganda to deceive naive and gullible Americans. Of course, one will be called a conspiracy theorist for saying this, or the globalist banker’s media favorite defense terms to end conversations and permanently stigmatize opposition: “Fascist,” “Nazi,” “Anti-Semite,” “racist,” “white supremacist,” “bigot,” “sexist,” “homophobe,” “islamophobe,” “hater,” etc.

Where did the term “conspiracy theory” originate from?

A declassified 1967 CIA memo issued during the Kennedy assassination Warren Commission investigation showed that the CIA engaged in a PsyOp to discredit and ridicule critics of the Warren report. They weaponized the term “conspiracy theorists” to shut down all inquiries and legitimate questions about dubious official narratives. It was a coordinated propaganda campaign to discredit and ridicule critics that continues to this day.

The memo (document number 1035-960) was titled: Countering Criticism of the Warren Report

Its Classification: PSYCH for Psychological Operation and CS for Clandestine Services

It contained the special Note: “Destroy When No Longer Needed.”

It detailed instructions to use “friendly” elite politicians and people embedded in major news outlets by attacking the conspiracy theorists themselves, as opposed to their actual claims, and explaining that “large-scale conspiracies” are impossible. In the 1960s, the CIA owned over 250 media outlets. It directed its members to “ employ propaganda assets to [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose.”

Since then, the label “conspiracy theorist” has become a disciplinary device that has effectively ensured that certain events are always off limits to inquiry or debate. Any (honest) law enforcement officer will tell you that conspiracies can and do happen every day, all day long.

If they are calling you a conspiracy theorist, then chances are you are over or near the target.

Republicans and Democrats are two wings of the same bird. They are both nearly entirely controlled by the owners of the Federal Reserve.

I visited Cheyenne, Wyoming, in September, 2020, a lovely city. Wyoming has a population of 577,000, with 13 total murders in 2019. Contrast that with my Democrat rathole city of Vallejo, with a population of 120,000 and 22 total murders this year, with the year not even over!! It’s on pace for a record-setting 30+ murders. Why? Three significant reasons, among many, appear. Wyoming has open carry; California and Democrat states don’t. They are run by tyrants terrified of an armed population rising and throwing off their tyranny. Wyoming has no state income tax, and California is one of the most taxed and regulated states in America. These taxes and regulations are not for the common man; they are to keep the elite tyrants in power. Lastly, Wyoming severely bans pot, while California stupidly legalized it in the last decade.

Please read for yourself the testimony of the American-raised, well-educated widow of a Russian military officer (He was brutally murdered in the Bolshevik Revolution) detailing the unmistakable proof that the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” is not a fake or anti-Semitic at all. Still, instead, it’s the exact blueprint the Bolsheviks used, and the blueprint being brought to America right now, to enslave us completely.

It’s in the book: “Waters flowing Eastward.”

The Talmudic Jewish bankers completely control Trump. When he appointed Richard Grenell as the head of the 17 intelligence agencies, an open homosexual, he sent a clear signal that America’s Christians are not his first priority, and neither is God. We already know that every single president since Woodrow Wilson was controlled by these globalist bankers, with the possible exceptions of Reagan and Trump, and it’s now 99.9% certain that Reagan and Trump were controlled too. Trump’s administration is full of CFR members, who are a front for the globalist bankers. Ivanka Trump dated a Rothschild, and Trump’s Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, is a Rothschild agent. His Secretary of Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, was also a Rothschild pawn.

However, the best websites for news I’ve come across are as follows. Remember, monitor the conservative websites for a heavy globalist banker influence. There is a lot wrong with globalist bankers, Freemasons, and the Illuminati controlling the liberal and conservative media with their puppets and gaming the people of America for their power and profits. There is a massive infiltration of the conservative press by globalist bankers. And, when it comes to standing on the Constitution and the Bible, these bankers are nowhere to be found, AND these conservative banker controlled media types will viciously decry any condemnation of the wealthy bankers behind this scam.

Most of us Christians studying the Old Testament love Jews. Nothing wrong with that. However, we are to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Don’t think Talmud obeying Jews share the same love for Christians because few do. The term anti-Semite used to mean those who hate Jews; now, it means one who the Jewish globalist bankers hate. 90% of today’s Jews are Ashkenazis from the ancient kingdom of Khazar and are no relation to the original twelve tribes. They are the synagogue of Satan that Christ talked about twice in Revelation, who say they are Jews but are not. The Talmudic Jewish leaders of the present day, including Zuckerberg, Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, Bob Dylan, Barbra Streisand, and nearly every famous Jewish celebrity, would all have been severely punished by Moses, as roughly none of them obey the Torah at all. They are the Thirteenth Tribe.

Revelation 2:9 “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan.”

Revelation 3:9 “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”

A great book is Eustace Mullins’s “The Curse of Canaan”.

The globalist bankers, who control the Federal Reserve, are the biggest thieves, murderers, and liars in human history, violating the Commandment “Thou shalt not steal” every day for the past 107 years. They all deserve the death penalty.

Never in human history have so few stolen from so many, which is why they are so intent on spying on us.

The globalist bankers behind the Federal Reserve are the enemies of mankind.

The following are recommended news websites. Two critical indicators of whether conservative websites are controlled opposition are if they constantly state the Democrats are the problem (the Democrats aren’t the problem, the problem is the international bankers who control both parties, the media, schools, tech companies, victim groups, China, and much more) and if the conservative website solidly supports Donald Trump, who is the biggest fraud and is controlled opposition. Another indicator is to follow the money. Who is paying for the conservative website? If it’s well-funded, and you cannot identify where the money is coming from, there is a good chance you’ve stumbled on one of the thousands of international banker-funded media. They fund from the shadows in a bid to control all information.

From the trenches World Report

The Unz Review

Henry Makow (occasionally posts links known to be run by Talmudic Jews)

Humans are Free

Organic Prepper

The Burning Platform

Liberty Nation

So, the reader can go to these sites and find the links I post daily. However, there is a method I use and a stance that determines what articles I publish. Please read and share ASAP! 90% of Democrat voters have never read seven conservative news websites for just two months of their entire lives. They have never honestly examined both sides. Conservative websites support the fraudulent nation-state of Israel, and most support the root of nearly all our evil, The Federal Reserve, whose owners control nearly all the media on both sides.

Additionally, among the leftist news sites to avoid, as they are continuously lying to the public, either lying by omission or commission, are as follows, and this list is certainly not comprehensive (Unless you enjoy being deceived and hoodwinked daily, avoid these sites, television channels, and newspapers like the plague, and, since sharing is caring, warn your friends and family as well):

American Thinker (Pro-Trump, and pro-Israel, controlled opposition)

Epoch Times (Does not understand China is controlled by globalist bankers)

National Review (controlled opposition)

TownHall (controlled opposition)

Conservative Review (Controlled opposition)

Allnewspipeline (censors criticism of homosexuality)

Washington Times (controlled opposition)

Washington Examiner (Controlled opposition)

American Greatness (pro-Israel, censors comments)

PJMedia (strongly pro-Trump, pro-Israel, controlled opposition)

Newsmax (Controlled opposition)

X22 Report (controlled opposition)

Whatfinger (controlled opposition)

NaturalNews: Censors criticism of Talmudic Jews and Israel (Strong Pro Israel content) its appearing increasingly likely to me that Zionism and Communism/Bolshevism had the same forces behind them. ( Just blocked for life on WND for criticizing Talmudic bankers who are behind Communism and who own the Federal Reserve on 9/17/2020)

Breitbart (censors comments critical of moral issues and of the globallst bankers and Talmud). I was banned for life on Breitbart, 6/1/20. They pretend they are conservative, but they are only controlled opposition.

Daily Mail

Daily Wire. Ben Shapiro goes to universities nationwide to preach about free speech but censors comments on his site.

The Guardian

Front Page Mag (Censors conservatives)

USA Today (Conservative, but risque, and has no virtue standards)


Vallejo Times Herald

San Jose Mercury News

East Bay Times

San Francisco Chronicle

Sacramento Bee

Los Angeles Times

City Journal (Censors Christian Constitutionalists)



New York Times

Washington Post (Conservative, but has no idea about virtue and wisdom) (Has many salacious links, favors morally reprehensible ideas, viciously attacks anyone who opposes the abomination of homosexuality). Sure enough, Drudge turned into a Democrat. No principles at all.

The New


The Gateway Pundit (purports to be conservative but bans commenters critical of homosexuality)

NY Daily News.

Christian Science Monitor

Rolling Stone

Lastly, nearly every local newspaper in America is compromised by the left, and if you watch television for your news, you are deceived, uninformed, and/or under-informed. The radio is nearly as bad. Conservative radio commentators are like Don Quixote, they have no idea what they are fighting, but they have a lot of listeners.

California is run by corrupt Democrats, including Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris!! Until California gets rid of Democrat politicians, we will never recover from being the poorest state in America, with 20% of our population living below the poverty level, and having 12% of the nation’s population, 36% of the nation’s welfare recipients, and nearly 50% of the nation’s homeless. Los Angeles has almost 19% of all people experiencing homelessness in America.

Please join Natural Family Foundation led by Jim Harrison, which advocates a return to the family structure. Since it was marriage and the church that were the two sacred backbones of America, this organization is extremely important, and Jim Harrison is a tireless supporter of liberty, virtue, and a fantastic networker

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are not a racist Forgery, all of it occurred in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

World War 2 was a massive hoax.

There are two fantastic books on America and on the threat from Marxism that I highly recommend.

Skousen: The 5,000 year Leap.

Skousen: The Naked Communist.

Another great book details how the Federal Reserve has pillaged America of trillions of dollars.

The Creature from Jekyll Island

Another great book details how the Council on Foreign Relations has been sabotaging America for over a century.

The Killing of Uncle Sam

Another great overview of how the Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations has been trying to destroy America, for over two centuries, is here by Myron Fagan.

There is a fabulous video by a woman who wrote a book on the Dumbing down of America in our schools, Charlotte Iserbyt. The book is nearly $200 used, so watching the video is better. It is in Part 1and Part 2.

Another excellent overview of how schools have been sabotaged in the past 150 years and how they are responsible is a 12-part series from Alex Newman, author of ‘Crimes of the Educators‘, in the Epoch Times.

1)The Genesis of Public Schools: Collectivism and Failure

2)How Horace Mann Worked to Destroy Traditional Education—and America

3) How John Dewey Used Public ‘Education’ to Subvert Liberty

4) Dewey’s Public Schools Replaced Christianity With Collectivist Humanism

5) Socialists Used Public Schools to Destroy Literacy in America

6) Frankfurt School Weaponized US Education Against Civilization

7) Big Foundations Unleashed Collectivist ‘Revolution’ via US Schools

8) How Socialists Used Teachers Unions Such as the NEA to Destroy Education

9) UNESCO: Indoctrinating Humanity With Collectivist ‘Education’

10) The Rise of ‘Fed Ed’ Sped Up the Demise of Real Education

11) Common Core, Still in Place, Nationalized Educational Quackery

12) Big Brother Schools Using Big Data to Manipulate and Spy on Kids

There is a fabulous website by Lori Alexander on what Godly womanhood looks like.

The Transformed Wife

Another great website details the terrible effects of our society’s attacks on men.

Real Sexism

To understand how corrupt both political parties in America are, read the 1903 book, “Confessions of a Monopolist” by Frederick Howe. Enlightening.

Also, every last Founder of America knew the KJV Bible very well, and it’s a sad testament that few Americans do. 90% of Christians know their hellivisions more than their Bibles. This means most Americans have no idea about the dangers of Islam (also Here and Here), the dangers of porn, the dangers of weed, or the dangers of television.

Virtue is a must in a nation that has freedom and liberty, and if we do not uphold virtue in private when no one is watching, we will soon be slaves in public when everyone is watching. One cannot be a slave to self in private and long remain free in public. It is a violation of the laws of nature.

Four free habits that will transform your life for the better in 3 years, and which, if every American does, will transform America in 3 years.

1) Get rid of television, and do not watch it at all. No longer watch movies. This will give you plenty of time for worthy pursuits.

2) Avoid ALL psychotropic drugs. The mind is a paradise. If you don’t have mental peace, hang around people who do or read books by people who did.

3) Avoid pornography like the plague. Avoid ALL sex outside of marriage.

4) Read widely about the Classics, the Bible, and history. If you don’t already have a personal library at home, start one. Having at least 20 history books in your home should be something every American does.

Very truly yours,


“[V]irtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government.”
George Washington

“Can it be that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a nation with its virtue? ”
George Washington

“[T]here is no truth more thoroughly established, than that there exists . . . an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness.”
George Washington

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim tribute to patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness — these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. . . . reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles.”
George Washington

“The aggregate happiness of the society, which is best promoted by the practice of a virtuous policy, is, or ought to be, the end of all government . . . .”
George Washington

“Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people. The general government . . . can never be in danger of degenerating into a monarchy, an oligarchy, an aristocracy, or any despotic or oppresive form so long as there is any virtue in the body of the people.”
George Washington

“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”
Benjamin Franklin

“Laws without morals are in vain.”
Benjamin Franklin (Motto of the University of Pennsylvania)

“Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.”
Benjamin Franklin

“A nation as a society forms a moral person, and every member of it is personally responsible for his society.”
Thomas Jefferson

“No government can continue good but under the control of the people; and . . . . their minds are to be informed by education what is right and what wrong; to be encouraged in habits of virtue and to be deterred from those of vice . . . . These are the inculcations necessary to render the people a sure basis for the structure and order of government.”
Thomas Jefferson

“It is in the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigour. . . . degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats into the heart of its laws and constitution.”
Thomas Jefferson

“[In a republic, according to Montesquieu in Spirit of the Laws, IV,ch.5,] ‘virtue may be defined as the love of the laws and of our country. As such love requires a constant preference of public to private interest, it is the source of all private virtue; for they are nothing more than this very preference itself… Now a government is like everything else: to preserve it we must love it . . . Everything, therefore, depends on establishing this love in a republic; and to inspire it ought to be the principal business of education; but the surest way of instilling it into children is for parents to set them an example.'”
Thomas Jefferson: copied into his Commonplace Book.

“When virtue is banished, ambition invades the minds of those who are disposed to receive it, and avarice possesses the whole community.”
Montesquieu (written by Thomas Jefferson in his Common Place Book).

“Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.”
Thomas Jefferson

“Liberty . . . is the great parent of science and of virtue; and . . . a nation will be great in both always in proportion as it is free.”
Thomas Jefferson

“The order of nature [is] that individual happiness shall be inseparable from the practice of virtue.”
Thomas Jefferson

“Without virtue, happiness cannot be.”
Thomas Jefferson

“The institution of delegated power implies that there is a portion of virtue and honor among mankind which may be a reasonable foundation of confidence.”
Alexander Hamilton

“To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea.”
James Madison

“The aim of every political Constitution, is or ought to be first to obtain for rulers men who possess most wisdom to discern, and most virtue to pursue, the common good of society; and in the next place, to take the most effectual precautions for keeping them virtuous whilst they continue to hold their public trust.”
James Madison

“. . . Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed . . . so long as our manners and principles remain sound, there is no danger.”
Patrick Henry

“Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom. No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue; and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.”
Patrick Henry

“The only foundation of a free Constitution, is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People, in a great Measure, than they have it now. They may change their Rulers, and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty.
John Adams

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our constitution as a whale goes through a net.”
John Adams

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
John Adams

“Liberty can no more exist without virtue and independence than the body can live and move without a soul.”
John Adams

“Public virtue cannot exist in a nation without private, and public virtue is the only foundation of republics.”
John Adams

“[I]t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.”
John Adams

“The laws of man may bind him in chains or may put him to death, but they never can make him wise, virtuous, or happy.”
John Adams

“Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People in a greater Measure than they have it now, they may change their rulers and the forms of government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty.”
John Adams

“Honor is truly sacred, but holds a lower rank in the scale of moral excellence than virtue. Indeed the former is part of the latter, and consequently has not equal pretensions to support a frame of government productive of human happiness.”
John Adams

“Human nature itself is evermore an advocate for liberty. There is also in human nature a resentment of injury, and indignation against wrong. A love of truth and a veneration of virtue. These amiable passions, are the “latent spark”… If the people are capable of understanding, seeing and feeling the differences between true and false, right and wrong, virtue and vice, to what better principle can the friends of mankind apply than to the sense of this difference?”
John Adams

“Our liberty depends on our education, our laws, and habits . . . it is founded on morals and religion, whose authority reigns in the heart, and on the influence all these produce on public opinion before that opinion governs rulers.”
Fisher Ames

“It is certainly true that a popular government cannot flourish without virtue in the people.”
Richard Henry Lee

“Whenever we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary.”
Thomas Paine

“[N]either the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt. He therefore is the truest friend of the liberty of his country who tries most to promote its virtue, and who, so far as his power and influence extend, will not suffer a man to be chosen onto any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man.”
Samuel Adams

“The diminution of public virtue is usually attended with that of public happiness, and the public liberty will not long survive the total extinction of morals.”
Samuel Adams

“[M]en will be free no longer then while they remain virtuous.”
Samuel Adams

“If virtue & knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslav’d. This will be their great security.”
Samuel Adams

“No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”
Samuel Adams

“A general dissolution of the principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy…. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but once they lose their virtue, they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader…. If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security.”
Samuel Adams

“No people can be great who have ceased to be virtuous.”
Samuel Johnson

“No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people, but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality and virtue, and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.”
George Mason

“[A] free government . . . cannot be supported without Virtue.”
Samuel Williams

“In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate — look at his character. It is alleged by men of loose principles, or defective views of the subject, that religion and morality are not necessary or important qualifications for political stations. But the scriptures teach a different doctrine. They direct that rulers should be men who rule in the fear of God, men of truth, hating covetousness. It is to the neglect of this rule that we must ascribe the multiplied frauds, breaches of trust, speculations and embezzlements of public property which astonish even ourselves; which tarnish the character of our country and which disgrace our government. When a citizen gives his vote to a man of known immorality, he abuses his civic responsibility; he not only sacrifices his own responsibility; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor; he betrays the interest of his country.”
Noah Webster

“…if the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded.”
Noah Webster

“Let a man’s zeal, profession, or even principles as to political measures be what they will, if he is without personal integrity and private virtue, as a man he is not to be trusted.”
John Witherspoon

“… the manners of the people in general are of the utmost moment to the stability of any civil society. When the body of a people are altogether corrupt in their manners, the government is ripe for dissolution.”
John Witherspoon

“So true is this, that civil liberty cannot be long preserved without virtue.”
John Witherspoon

“… but a republic once equally poised, must either preserve its virtue or lose its liberty, and by some tumultuous revolution, either return to its first principles, or assume a more unhappy form.”
John Witherspoon

“A country cannot subsist well without liberty, nor liberty without virtue.”
Jean Jacques Rousseau

“Machiavel, discoursing on these matters, finds virtue to be so essentially necessary to the establishment and preservation of liberty, that he thinks it impossible for a corrupted people to set up a good government, or for a tyranny to be introduced if they be virtuous; and makes this conclusion, ‘That where the matter (that is, the body of the people) is not corrupted, tumults and disorders do not hurt; and where it is corrupted, good laws do no good:’ which being confirmed by reason and experience, I think no wise man has ever contradicted him.”
Algernon Sidney

“[L]iberty cannot be preserved, if the manners of the people are corrupted . . .”
Algernon Sidney

“[A]ll popular and well-mixed governments [republics] . . . are ever established by wise and good men, and can never be upheld otherwise than by virtue: The worst men always conspiring against them, they must fall, if the best have not power to preserve them. . . . [and] unless they be preserved in a great measure free from vices . . . .”
Algernon Sidney

“Fruits are always of the same nature with the seeds and roots from which they come, and trees are known by the fruits they bear: as a man begets a man, and a beast a beast, that society of men which constitutes a government upon the foundation of justice, virtue, and the common good, will always have men to promote those ends; and that which intends the advancement of one man’s desire and vanity, will abound in those that will foment them.”
Algernon Sidney

“[I]f vice and corruption prevail, liberty cannot subsist; but if virtue have the advantage, arbitrary power cannot be established.”
Algernon Sidney

“If the public safety be provided, liberty and propriety secured, justice administered, virtue encouraged, vice suppressed, and the true interest of the nation advanced, the ends of government are accomplished . . .”
Algernon Sidney

“[L]iberty without virtue would be no blessing to us.”
Benjamin Rush

“Without virtue there can be no liberty.”
Benjamin Rush

“The only foundation for… a republic is to be laid in Religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.”
Benjamin Rush

“No free government can stand without virtue in the people, and a lofty spirit of partiotism.”
Andrew Jackson

“Lastly, our ancestors established their system of government on morality and religious sentiment. Moral habits, they believed, cannot safely be on any other foundation than religious principle, nor any government be secure which is not supported by moral habits.”
Daniel Webster

“[I]f we and our posterity reject religious instruction and authority, violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality, and recklessly destroy the political constitution which holds us together, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us, that shall bury all our glory in profound obscurity.”
Daniel Webster

“Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.”
Horace Greeley

“What is liberty without wisdom and without virtue? It is the greatest of all possible evils; for it is folly, vice, and madness, without tuition or restraint.”
Edmund Burke

“Among a people generally corrupt liberty cannot long exist.”
Edmund Burke

“Manners are of more importance than laws. Upon them in great measure the laws depend. The law touches us but here and there, and now and then. Manners are what vex and smooth, corrupt or purify, exalt or debase, barbarize or refine us, by a constant, steady, uniform, insensible operation, like that of the air we breathe in. They give their whole form and color to our lives. According to their quality, they aid morals, they support them, or they totally destroy them.”
Edmund Burke

“It is better to cherish virtue and humanity, by leaving much to free will, even with some loss of the object , than to attempt to make men mere machines and instruments of political benevolence. The world on the whole will gain by a liberty, without which virtue cannot exist.”
Edmund Burke

“Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their appetites; in proportion as their love of justice is above their rapacity; in proportion as their soundness and sobriety of understanding is above their vanity and presumption; in proportion as they are more disposed to listen to the counsel of the wise and good, in preference to the flattery of knaves. Society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere, and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.”
Edmund Burke

“Among a people generally corrupt liberty cannot long exist.”
Edmund Burke

“[T]he very best forms of government are vain without public virtue . . . .”
William A. Cocke

“No polity can be devised which shall perpetuate freedom among a people that are dead to honor and integrity. Liberty and virtue are twin sisters, and the best fabric in the world . . . .”
James H. Thornwell

“[P]erfect freedom consists in obeying the dictates of right reason, and submitting to natural law. When a man goes beyond or contrary to the law of nature and reason, he . . . introduces confusion and disorder into society . . . [thus] where licentiousness begins, liberty ends.”
Samuel West

“When was public virtue to be found when private was not?”
William Cowper

“The laws by which the Divine Ruler of the universe has decreed an indissoluble connection between public happiness and private virtue, whatever apparent exceptions may delude our short-sighted judgments, never fail to vindicate their supremacy and immutability.”
William Cabell Rives

“Unless virtue guide us our choice must be wrong.”
William Penn

“If men be good, government cannot be bad.”
William Penn

“Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.”
Joseph Story

“The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful and virtuous.”
Frederick Douglas

“[R]eligion, morality and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged.”
Northwest Ordinance of 1787

“I consider the domestic virtue of the Americans as the principle source of all their other qualities. It acts as a promoter of industry, as a stimulus to enterprise and as the most powerful restraint of public vice. . . . No government could be established on the same principle as that of the United States with a different code of morals.”
Francis Grund

“The American Constitution is remarkable for its simplicity; but it can only suffice a people habitually correct in their actions, and would be utterly inadequate to the wants of a different nation. Change the domestic habits of the Americans, their religious devotion, and their high respect for morality, and it will not be necessary to change a single letter in the Constitution in order to vary the whole form of their government.”
Francis Grund

“History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.”
Douglas MacArthur

“[Liberty] considers religion as the safeguard of morality, and morality as the best security of law and the surest pledge of the duration of freedom.”
Alexis de Tocqueville

“I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her comodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there; in her fertile fields and boundless prairies; and it was not there; in her rich mines and her vast commerce, and it was not there. Not until I visited the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”
An old adage attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville

“Somehow strangely the vice of men gets well represented and protected but their virtue has none to plead its cause — nor any charter of immunities and rights.”
Henry David Thoreau

“To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.”
Theodore Roosevelt

“We have never stopped sin by passing laws; and in the same way, we are not going to take a great moral ideal and achieve it merely by law.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower

“No government at any level, or at any price, can afford, on the crime side, the police necessary to assure our safety unless the overwhelming majority of us are guided by an inner, personal code of morality. And you will not get that inner, personal code of morality unless children are brought up in a family — a family that gives them the affection they seek, that makes them feel they belong, that guides them to the future, and that will build continuity in future generations. . . . the greatest inequality today is not inequality of wealth or income. It is the inequality between the child brought up in a loving, supportive family and one who has been denied that birthright.”
Lady Margaret Thatcher

“A state is nothing more than a reflection of its citizens; the more decent the citizens, the more decent the state.”
Ronald Reagan

“Today it would be progress if everyone would stop talking about values. Instead, let us talk, as the Founders did, about virtues.”
George Will

“The ultimate success of this government and the stability of its institutions, its progress in all that can make a nation honored, depend upon its adherence to the principles of truth and righteousness.”
John Lord

“Righteousness exalteth a nation.”
Proverbs 14:34

Liberty and Virtue website

Library every American should read. Must read, and teach others.  The highest form of learning is to teach others.  Of course, the best selling book in all of history, and the one which has done the most good for mankind is the Bible.  Second Best selling book in world history is a John Bunyan’s “Pilgrims Progress”.

Books on politics, current events, Recent World History.

Abbazia, Patrick: Roosevelt’s Navy

Allen, Gary: The Rockefeller Files

Amneus, Daniel: The Garbage Generation

Arrigo, Sue: Secrets of the CIA’s Global Sex Traffic Slavery

Articles of Confederation

Atzmon, Gilad: The Wandering Who

Barruel, Augustin: Memoirs illustrating the history of Jacobinism.

Beaty, John: Iron Curtain over America.

Bell, J. Bowyer: Terror out of Zion.  The fight for Israeli Independence

Belloc, Hillaire: The Jews

Black, Christopher: This Outlaw Power

Bowart, Walter: Operation Mind Control

Bowers, Claude: The Tragic Era, the Revolution after Lincoln 

Brafmann, Jacob: The Book of the Kahal

Browne, Lewis: How Odd the God, An Introduction to Jews

Bryant, Arthur: Unfinished Victory

Burton, Richard: The Jew, the Gypsy, and El Islam

Butz, Arthur: Hoax of the Twentieth Century

Cincinnatus, Roman: A Discussion of Israel, Jews, and Zionists.

Clews, Henry: Fifty Years on Wall Street Passage on Civil War

Complete List of Jewish Expulsions

Conspiracy of Silence: Franklin Cover Up

Constitution of the United States

Constitution of the Confederate States 1861

Coogan, Gertrude: Money Creators

Cooke, Alistair: The Vintage Menken

Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richard: From War to Peace

Coudenhove-Kalergi: Practical Idealism

Croker, John: Essays on the French Revolution

Dach Bern, Major H Von: Total Resistance Swiss Army Guide to Guerilla Warfare and underground tactics

Dall, Curtis: My Exploited Father in Law.

Dalton, Thomas: Goebbels on the Jews

Dalton, Thomas: The Jewish Hand in the World Wars

De Jaegher: The Enemy Within.  The Communist Subversion of China.

Dean, Henry Clay: Crimes of  the Civil War and the curse of the Funding System

Declaration of Independence

Degrelle, Leon: Campaign in Russia

DeGrelle, Leon: The enigma of Hitler

DeWitt, Robert: Life, Trial, and Execution of Captain John Brown.

Dilling, Elizabeth: The Jewish Religion


Disraeli, Benjamin: Lord George Bettinck.

Dodd, Bella: School of Darkness

Dodge, David: Missing 13th Amendment

Edwards, Claire: The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised to Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet the 4G “Zombie Apocalypse”

Eisenschiml, Otto: The Hidden Face of the Civil War.

Edmondson, Robert: I testify against the Jews

Edwards, Claire: The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised to Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet the 4G “Zombie Apocalypse”

Ehret, Matthew: MLK’s assassins trying to kill him again.

Evolution: The False Religion

Fagan, Myron: Civil Rights Conspiracy

Fahey, Dennis: Rulers of Russia

Face of Battle

Findley, Paul: They Dare to Speak Out

Finklestein, Louis: The Pharisees

Finklestein, Norman: The Holocaust Industry

Flynn, Jack and Margy: Citizens of the American Constitution

Flynn, John T.: As we go marching.

Flynn, John T.: The Roosevelt Myth

Foote, Ana: Explorers and Founders of America.

Foote, Anna: Makers and Defenders of America.

Ford, Henry: The International Jew

Fuess, Claude: Life of Caleb Cushing

Gaebelein, Arno Duncan: Conflict of the ages.

Glubb, Sir John: The Fate of Empires and search for survival

Goldman, Nahum: The Jewish Paradox

Goodrich, Thomas: Scalp Dance

Gordon, William: History of the Independence of America

Griffin, G. Edward: The Creature from Jekyll Island.

Hallett, Greg: Hitler was a British Agent

Hansen, L Taylor: He Walked the Americas

Henry, Patrick: The Anti-Federalist Papers

Herbert, Amy: History of the Early Church

Herndon, William: Herndon’s Lincoln 

Higgins, Chas.: Horrors of Vaccination

History of Pasadena: 

Hitchcock, Andrew: History of the House of Rothschild

Hitchcock, Andrew: Synagogue of Satan

Hinton, Richard: John Brown and his men.

Hitler, Adolph: Hitler’s Table Talk

Hitler Defied the Bankers

House, Tamzy: Weather control

Howard-Browne, Rodney: The Killing of Uncle Sam

Illiminati: History of

Independent Investigation of 9/11 and War on Terrorism

Irving, David: Books

Jacobs, Sam: America’s Sovereign States: The obscure history of how 10 Independent states joined America.

Jewish Question in Europe

Jews run the World

Jones, E. Michael: Libido Dominandi

Jordan, David Starr: Unseen Empire

Jordan, George Racey: From Major Jordan’s Diaries

Kaczynski, Ted: Unabomber Manifesto

Kaminski, John: Human Destiny Hijacked.

Karstein, Rick: History of Chemtrails

Kellogg, John Harvey: Plain facts for old and young. (The Founder of Kellogg’s was dead wrong about eugenics and sex in marriage for procreation alone, but he was spot on about everything else)

Kellogg, John Harvey: Ladies Guide on Health and Disease 

Kennedy, John F: Prelude to Leadership Diaries:

Kern, Andrew: The Standing Army: A threat to peace.

Kissinger, Henry: Diplomacy

Klein, Henry: My Last Fifty Years

Kollerstrom, Nicholas: Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth & Reality

Kubizek, August: The Young Hitler I knew

Lane, Rose Wilder: The Discovery of Freedom

Lazare, Bernard: Social Conception of Judaism and the Jewish people.

Leese, Arnold: Disraeli the Destroyer

Levy, Bert: Guerilla Warfare

Lina, Juri: Architects of Deception

Logos, Asha: A Call to Return to the Land (video) 

Ludovici, Anthony: Jews, and the Jews in England

Makow, Henry: The Jewish Plot to destroy Christian Civilization.

Mark, Jeffrey: The Modern Idolatry

Marrs, Jim: The Rise of the Fourth Reich

Marshall, John: American Bastille

Martin, Tony: The Jewish Onslaught

Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Engels: The Woman Question

Mathis, Miles: Kabbalah, Hermeticism and the Occult

Mathis, Miles: Salem Witch Trials

Maultsby, Chuck: On the Jews

Messano, Ryan: Sacramento City Council Meeting 4/18/2023

Mikovits, Dr. Judy: The Case against Masks

Martin, Tony: Jewish Onslaught

Menuhin, Gerard: Tell  the Truth and Shame the Devil

Moldea, Dan: Ronald Reagan, MCA, and the Mob

Moore, Carol: Massacre of the Branch Davidians

Moore, William: Overlord: The Unnecessary Invasion

Morse, Samuel: Foreign Conspiracy against the liberties of the United States

Mullins, Eustace: The $5 trillion Cold War Hoax

Mullins, Eustace: Boycott, the Jewish Weapon

Mullins, Eustace: Murder by Injection

Mullins, Eustace: The Biological Jew

Mullins, Eustace: The Gentle Art of Thought Control

Mullins, Eustace: The Secret History of the Atom Bomb

Mullins, Eustace: The World Order

Natelson, Robert: Paper money and the original understanding of the coinage clause.

Neilson, Frances: How Diplomats make War

Neilson, Frances: The Makers of War

Oliver, Revilo: Christianity and the Survival of the West.’

Oliver, Revilo: America’s Decline, the Education of a Conservative

Paine, Thomas, Writings: Part 1

Paine, Thomas, Writings: Part 2

Paine, Thomas, Writings: Part 3

Paine, Thomas, Writings: Part 4

Parenti, Michael: Democracy for the few.

Paterson, Isabel: God of the Machine

Pearson, R.B., The Dream and Lie of Louis Pasteur

Perkins, John: Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Phagan, Mary: The Murder of Little Mary Phagan

Phillips, Wendell: A Review of Lysander Spooners Essay on Slavery

Poncins, Vicomte Leon De: Freemasonry and Judaism, the Secret Powers behind Revolution

Pound, Ezra: Predicting Pearl Harbor

Preston, Howard: American Historical Documents.

Prinz, Joachim: The Secret Jews

Rakovsky, Christian: Red Symphony

Ramsay, Archibald: The Nameless War

Ramsay, David: History of the American Revolution Volume 1

Ramsay, David: History of the American Revolution Volume 2

Raphael, Sam: CIA Torture unredacted

Ravage, Marcus Eli: Five men of Frankfort, the Story of the Rothschilds

Reeves, John: Rothschilds, Financial Rulers of Nations.

Report of the Joint Select Committee to inquire into the condition of affairs in the late Insurrectionary States.

Rittenhouse, Stan: For fear of the Jews.

Robertson, Wilmot: Ventilations

Robison, John: Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions and governments of Europe.

Rodkinson, Rabbi Michael: The history of the Talmud

 Rodriguez, Jose Maria Cardenal Caro y (Cardinal of Chile): Freemasonry Unveiled

Rosenberg, Alfred: The Track of the Jew through the Ages

Ross, Malcolm: Spectre Of Power

Roth, Cecil: A History of the Marranos

Ryder, Jon Christian: The 13th Amendments

Sand, Shlomo: The Invention of the Jewish People.

Schacht, Hjalmar: The Magic of Money

Scott, Sir Walter: Life of Napoleon in 9 volumes, not available in PDF or for purchase

Shadow Government

Shahak, Israel: Jewish History, Jewish Religion

Simpson, William Gayley: Outline of the Jewish Conspiracy

Simpson, William Gayley: Which Way Western Man?

Sledge, Stephanie: Revisiting Sandy Hook

Soddy, Frederick: Wealth, Virtual Wealth, and Debt

Spooner, Lysander: A New Banking System

Spooner, Lysander: A New System of Paper Currency

Spooner, Lysander: An Essay on Trial by Jury

Spooner, Lysander: No Treason

Spooner, Lysander: The Unconstitutionality of Slavery

Stamper, Melvin: Fruit From a Poisonous Tree

Stoddard, Lothrop: Into the Darkness, an Uncensored report from inside the Third Reich at War

Stoddard, Lothrop: Revolt against Civilization

Story, Christopher: The New Underworld Order

Sutherland, John: State Sovereignty

Sutherland, John: The retaking of America.

Sutton, Anthony: America’s Secret Establishment, an introduction to the Order of the Skull and Bones.

Tenney, Senator Jack: The Zionist Network

Thorn, Victor: 9/11, Made in Israel 

Tormay, Cecille: An Outlaws Diary

Treaty of Paris, 1783

Von Brunn, James: Kill the best Gentiles

Wallach, Joel: Dead Doctors Don’t Lie

Warburg, Sidney: Hitlers Secret Backers.

Wardner, James: Unholy Alliances

Washington, George: Farewell Address

Wear, John: Why Germany invaded Poland.

Webster, Nesta: French Revolution, a Study in Democracy

Webster, Nesta: Germany and England

Webster, Nesta: Secret Societies and Subversive Movements.

Werner, Richard: Princes of the Yen

Weston, Warren: Father of Lies

Weigand, Kate: Red Feminism

Williams, Robert: The Ultimate Civil War.

Wilton, Robert: Last Days of the Romanov’s

Young, Leonard: Deadlier than the H-Bomb

Yockey, Francis Parker: Imperium 

Report from Iron Mountain (Detailing how the pandemic was planned for decades ago)

Zinn, Howard: FOIA Requests

Classics every American should read:

Boethius: The Consolation of Philosophy

Defoe, Daniel: Robinson Crusoe

Doyle, Arthur Conan: The Complete Sherlock Holmes

Dumas: The Count of Monte Cristo

Elliott, C. W: The Fifty Volume Harvard Classics

Lewis, Meriwether, and Clark, George Rogers: The Journals of Lewis and Clark

Paterson, James: William Wallace 

Reading for American children, to educate them in manners, virtue, and critical thinking.

Berenstain, Stan and Jan: The Complete Berenstain Bears

Great Illustrated Classics

L. Frank Baum: The Complete Wizard of Oz series   

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News. Monday, January 7th, 2019

Top 20% of American households pay 88% of federal income taxes.

Dems eye 33% corporate tax hike.

Limbaugh: What if 2016 Election Collusion was actually the Democrats?

Ginsburg will not sit for SCOTUS arguments for first time.

Brown: Rejection of God is our biggest issue.

Trump to Border.

Plans Oval Office Address.

Toplansky: Allah over America.

Farah: 3 Reasons why free speech in America is endangered.

Marcus: Transgender theory enables child abuse.

Hornsby Haynes: Harvard study proves risks of early education.

Alexander: The Exodus of women from the home has been a disaster for them – Elizabeth Warren

Logis: The Great Wall of America will break the Democrats.

McCann: The Ruling Class defines character for Donald Trump.

Joondeph: Trump and the character question.

Greendorfer: Anti-semitism, BDS, and the ACLU.

Showalter: Illegals a law unto themselves, in California cop-killing case.

Gavin Newsom vows to fight Trump’s ‘Corruption and Incompetence’.

Braun: Enough is enough, time to secure the Southern border.

Buckle up: Beto solo road trip to meet voters.

‘Untested’ Kamala readies publicity blitz.

Mag: Biden bid most divisive thing for nation.

China flexes political muscle to expand economic power.

Launches cultural extermination campaign against Muslims.

Another black man dies in home of homosexual Dem Donor.

Uber driver admits to murdering six strangers between fares.

Newsom challenges Trump in inauguration.

Henry: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Green New Deal’ is powered by the Unicorn’s.

Jacobs: Inside the Trump Administrations debate over expanding Obamacare.

Weingarten: Isaam Akel, an American brutalized like Khashoggi.

Massie: Why the Mitt Romney Crowd hates Trump.

Buchanan: Tribalism: It’s alive and well in Democratic party.

Cruz raising stakes in fight against terror salaries.

Professor faces discipline for exposing bogus ‘grievance studies’ scholarship.

Homosexual NY Times editor: Only honest way to cover Trump is to be negative.

Coulter: Trump visiting border is ‘beyond moronic’.

News, Saturday, January 5th, 2018.

Alexander: College keeps women from bearing children.

Schaper: Single Life, a challenge to overcome, or a blessing to receive.  

Showalter: The NY Times gets the truth out about pot.

Ted Cruz introduces a Constitutional Amendment on term limits.




Archibald: Shanahan and China.

Arvay: America is self destructing over hate speech.

Security threat: FBI launches investigation into phony text messages sent to House Republicans. 

New Medical warning: Your social media comments could get you killed.

Socialist congresswoman has kindred spirits in freshman class.

Chinese Admiral: Sink U.S Aircraft carriers to end South China Sea tension.

New Muslim Congresswoman: ‘We’re going to impeach the M****  F****er.’

Vulgar Tirade!

‘Trump has met his match’.

President: ‘Dishonored herself’.

Pelosi: Not in the censorship business!

Democrats: New Bill requires 10 years of tax returns.

Dems lay impeachment trap, but will President step into it?

Ellis: Democrats: All about impeachment, amnesty, and abortion.

Record flood at border.

‘Mentor’ at Napa Boys and Girls club charged in federal child porn case.

Farah: Congress’ new Sharia Caucus 

Crouere: In Congress, the inmates are now running the asylum.

Gensert: Era of the Trumper tantrum.

Hellner: The results of the Obama presidency still don’t matter to journalists.

Meyrat: Abortion at the core of both left and right.

Chadwell: How the left appropriates Christianity.

Moran: Shutdown endangers food stamps and tax refunds if stalemate continues.

Showalter: Democrats have big ideas for scrapping Republican democracy.

Belsky: Trump: Heck maybe I’ll declare a national emergency to fund the wall.

Continetti: The coming Democrat disillusion.

Chuck Norris slams the ‘price of teenage cool’.

Rich Kid of Communism: Fidel Castro’s grandson flashes wealth, love of high life

Disturbing video of Drake fondling and kissing 17 year old girl emerges.

Police: 3 dead 4 wounded at Torrance bowling alley.

Maxine Waters won’t please everyone, even fellow dems.

Jolly: Why Sears is dying.

Lewis: Greenwashing Al Gore.

Smith: Of Caravans and walls.

New video promoting border security features Chuck Schumer.

Judge: State can’t stop engineers from calling themselves engineers.

Watch another CNN star hang onto the microphone.

Ponnuru: Do your job justices.

Sheriff Joe’s Defamation lawsuit against the NY Times took an interesting turn.

Liz Warren picks a fight with Trey Gowdy over lobbying, he had a quick response.

Reagan: Son of Flake.

Fontova: Anniversary of a fake news classic by the NY Times.

Hammond: The Gun lobby: Reports of our demise are greatly exaggerated.

Feulner: Democrats out of order on judicial-vacancy crisis.

Kovacs: prodding Trump’s EPA to re investigate Endangerment.

Street: Trump’s Space Force: We win, they lose.

Jackson: Fee for a service: A viable health care alternative

Moran: SCOTUS to hear 2 cases on partisan gerrymandering.

Showalter: An old leftist trick to smear the right from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her adoring press.

Canto Jr.: Mr. President, please sit down with the 31.

News, Friday, January 4th, 2018

College keeps women from bearing Children

Former Porn actress leaves business after finding God.

Muslim Rashida Tlaib calls for impeachment of Trump on first day in office.

‘We’re going to impeach the m****** F******er’!!!

Teacher had young girl pose, planned to sell her in Morocco: Texas cops

Perazzo: The racist, anti-Semitic, black left.


Trump considers declaring a national emergency over wall funding.

Shutdown could last years!

Ocasio-Cortez: Raise tax rates to 70%!

82.7% on richest New Yorkers.

Compares self to Lincoln, FDR.

Xi orders military to ‘enhance combat readiness’ after American travel warning.

Federalist staff highlight our favorite articles by Bre Payton.

Hawkins: Congratulations and questions for our two new Muslim Congresswomen.

Thomas: Wicked Gender deluded mob must be defeated.

Lifson: Dems unprepared for a Federal Shutdown that lasts months and months.

Jobs up big!


Record number working.

Manufacturing best in 20 years.

Hispanic unemployment lowest ever.

Dow: +750!

First openly homosexual/heterosexual Senator sworn in in American history.

Won’t take oath on Bible.

Tyrannical Democrats look to kill Electoral College.

Rough: How America’s scornful elites helped one of the worst media liars ever.

Markovsky: Trump and the Jihadi’s.

Sobieski: Et tu, Mitt?

Watch: Obnoxious CNN reporter gets Mic taken away after shouting at Trump.

Hakim: Hank Johnson brings ‘Trump is Hitler’ to House of Representatives.

Lifson: Dems debut their clownshow strategy for 216th congress.

Blake: America’s Syria controversy is a proxy war over foreign policy.

Russia to deploy strike missiles in Atlantic.

Facebook fed up with Times.

Depression in girls linked to higher use of social media.

Poll: Immigration among top concerns in 2019.

Street: MAGA: First real US household income gain since 2000.

Feinstein: What is it about Massachusetts politicians?

Arvay: Epiphany of a betrayed conservative.

News, Thursday January 3rd, 2019


US issues travel warning to China!!

Farah: Why Trump must bust up big tech in 2019.

Are Dr. Archibald’s child sex abuse photos in Dr. Kinsey’s Indiana University’s secret files?

U.S. Intel hid exculpatory Flynn evidence.

Day 1: Democrats to introduce impeachment articles against Donald Trump!!

Pelosi: Constitution considers me Trump’s equal.

Pelosi again: Trump can expect a ‘different world’.

Freshman class not asking permission.

Muslim Congresswoman to be sworn in on Thomas Jefferson’s Quran.

Flashback: Thomas Jefferson vs. the Muslim Pirates.

Young women need to pursue Godly femininity.

Paul Whelan: Ex-US Marine, charged with spying.

Moran: CNN reporter asks Whelan brother about his anti-CNN posts.

Stepman: Saying goodbye to Bre Payton.

AP slammed for garbage obituary of conservative writer, Bre Payton.

Ledeen: Real World War.

Feder: Explaining the coming DemocRAT infestation.

Tyler: A bad case of anosognosia at Gamestop.

Bokhari: The terrifying rise of financial blacklisting.

‘The new Green Deal’:  A radical mandate for government control of American society.

Democrats taking over house plan massive expansion, free everything for everybody.

Apple stock plunges 10%!

Apple blames China.

Michael Savage, facing death threats heads to secret location. Update: Completely ignored by hometown SF Chronicle!!  

Lifson: Serious Death Threats to Michael Savage a symptom of the left’s politics of hate.


Jackson: No Sharia in America.

Victor Davis Hanson: Actually 2018 was a pretty good year.

Rep Hank Johnson compares Trump to  Hitler, says supporters have short lifespans and are uneducated.

Flashback: Hank Johnson fears Guam will tip over if it has too many troops on it.

Timperlake: Does China’s Admiral Luo Yuen understand we shoot back?

Brown: David Hogg goes to college.

Malkin: Say his name: RIP Cpl. Ronil Singh.

Davis: Dear Senator Romney…

Lawsuit claims SPLC abetted theft, spread lies to destroy lawyer for ‘thought crime’.  

Cleveland: Mitt Romney’s self-serving attack on Trump stains his own character.

Morabito: 30 transgender regretters come out of the closet.

Coulter: Please no more ‘border security’

Williamson: Repressive Cosmopolitanism.

Allott: Republican’s can win minority voters.

McCullough: Most Trump fans aren’t transactional.

Federer: 10 days that changed history.

Haughton: Anti-fracking = Pro-Russia.

Sumereau:  A wall everyone will love.

Gingrich offers brutal response to Romney Op-Ed.

Man who beat house GOP leader now dean at Liberty university.

Severino: The Dogma lives loudly within you.

Hill:  Trump schools Dems on border security as they block government funding.

22,000 illegal minors crossed the border in December: DHS.

Venezuela’s economic collapse has lessons for American socialists.

A national housing crisis is brewing.  What actions can policy makers take to  head it off?

NBC news veteran leaves network: Says media have become ‘prisoners’.

Potts: The end of everything….or not.

Lopez: When do legal immigrants get to ‘speak out’?

Behrouz & Jafari: Prince Reza Pahlavi: Separating myth from reality.

Hunter: Why the attacks on Donald Trump’s character don’t land.

Elder: Government shutdown: Money,  money everywhere, but not a drop for the wall.

Marsolo: Let’s call Mitt Romney, Mitt McCain Flake.

Brown: NY Times mocks evangelicals – again!

Rush: Why Ocasio-Cortez is allowed to carry the ball.

Herland: The New Libya: The return of Gadhafi?

Rasmussen: Keeping the shutdown in perspective.

Breaking: Pelosi re-elected speaker of the house, which Dems voted against her?

Trump invokes Vatican’s ‘Biggest Wall of All’.

Google shifted $23 billion to tax haven Bermuda in 2017.

Zuckerberg halts FB stock sale as share price plummets due to privacy concerns.

Decorated Navy Seal to face court martial for charges including pre-meditated murder in death of 15 year old Isis fighter.

Manhattan home prices fall under $1 million for first time since 2015.

Man assaulted in NY in I-phone robbery.

London airports order military grade anti-drone equipment.

For Bernie Sanders, claims of sexism hang over 2020 campaign from 2016 bid.

McDonald’s clerk brawls with man over a straw.

Update: Hackers threaten to release ‘secret data’ about 9/11 attacks.

NY Police say ‘Muslim Community Patrol’ car not sanctioned by them.

Showalter: ‘She’ll cut your head off’, Nancy Pelosi wants you to know she’s bloodthirsty.

Petrikat: German and the migrants.

Violent unrest sweeps India as first woman in temple forced into hiding.

Man charged with assaulting 99 year old woman in SF China Town New Year festivities.

Schlichter: Top 10 predictions for 2019, a year that will  make 2018 look sane.

McCarthy: Trump must not give up momentum on border wall.

Skurkiss: Poor Max Boot.

Canto: Harry Reid said what about Trump?

Hellner: the reporting on Trump’s tariffs stays the same, no  matter the results.