Alexander: College keeps women from bearing children.
Schaper: Single Life, a challenge to overcome, or a blessing to receive.
Showalter: The NY Times gets the truth out about pot.
Ted Cruz introduces a Constitutional Amendment on term limits.
Archibald: Shanahan and China.
Arvay: America is self destructing over hate speech.
Security threat: FBI launches investigation into phony text messages sent to House Republicans.
New Medical warning: Your social media comments could get you killed.
Socialist congresswoman has kindred spirits in freshman class.
Chinese Admiral: Sink U.S Aircraft carriers to end South China Sea tension.
New Muslim Congresswoman: ‘We’re going to impeach the M**** F****er.’
President: ‘Dishonored herself’.
Pelosi: Not in the censorship business!
Democrats: New Bill requires 10 years of tax returns.
Dems lay impeachment trap, but will President step into it?
Ellis: Democrats: All about impeachment, amnesty, and abortion.
‘Mentor’ at Napa Boys and Girls club charged in federal child porn case.
Farah: Congress’ new Sharia Caucus
Crouere: In Congress, the inmates are now running the asylum.
Gensert: Era of the Trumper tantrum.
Hellner: The results of the Obama presidency still don’t matter to journalists.
Meyrat: Abortion at the core of both left and right.
Chadwell: How the left appropriates Christianity.
Moran: Shutdown endangers food stamps and tax refunds if stalemate continues.
Showalter: Democrats have big ideas for scrapping Republican democracy.
Belsky: Trump: Heck maybe I’ll declare a national emergency to fund the wall.
Continetti: The coming Democrat disillusion.
Chuck Norris slams the ‘price of teenage cool’.
Rich Kid of Communism: Fidel Castro’s grandson flashes wealth, love of high life
Disturbing video of Drake fondling and kissing 17 year old girl emerges.
Police: 3 dead 4 wounded at Torrance bowling alley.
Maxine Waters won’t please everyone, even fellow dems.
New video promoting border security features Chuck Schumer.
Judge: State can’t stop engineers from calling themselves engineers.
Watch another CNN star hang onto the microphone.
Ponnuru: Do your job justices.
Sheriff Joe’s Defamation lawsuit against the NY Times took an interesting turn.
Liz Warren picks a fight with Trey Gowdy over lobbying, he had a quick response.
Fontova: Anniversary of a fake news classic by the NY Times.
Hammond: The Gun lobby: Reports of our demise are greatly exaggerated.
Feulner: Democrats out of order on judicial-vacancy crisis.
Kovacs: prodding Trump’s EPA to re investigate Endangerment.
Street: Trump’s Space Force: We win, they lose.
Jackson: Fee for a service: A viable health care alternative