Month: December 2020
73 posts
How the next Great Depression will be different from the first? About 80% of population will die
(Natural News) As the economic carnage from the coronavirus pandemic continues, a long-forbidden word is starting to creep…
December 31, 2020
James Grundvig – Nine Facts Explode the COVID Hoax
(left) It’s Coming True. They intend to geo-engineer the human race to serve them. Humanity is being rearranged, or…
December 31, 2020
Online hit squad armies target any criticism of the Talmudic Jewish owners of the Federal Reserve, the biggest murderers, liars, and thieves in world history, as “anti-semitism”.
96 blocks of fake accounts on Disqus in the last week. Who knows who these people are, it’s…
December 31, 2020
Is This all Trump Has?
“There is no one coming to save us. It is going to be up to us, the dregs…
December 30, 2020
“Great Reset” is Reheated Communism, Russian Recalls
“Just as the old analog USSR communists, their 2020 digitally enhanced global communist comrades are perfect at lying…
December 29, 2020
Alex Newman–How to Prepare for Turmoil Ahead
Things are likely to get worse before they get better, potentially a lot worse. Alex Newman’s websiteGet his new book Deep StateNewman…
December 28, 2020
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media
birthofanewearthblog They are coming for your minds and the minds of your children. Every time you turn on…
December 27, 2020
Communist Coup is Recipe for Civil War
ecember 27, 2020 A Communist coup d’etat is in progress.Whether Trump hangs on to power, or not, one side…
December 27, 2020
How James Perloff Circumvented Amazon Ban
James Perloff’s book “The Shadows of Power” (1988) was the first book I read to learn about the NWO. Perloff…
December 26, 2020
The Harold Rosenthal Interview. Evidence of hidden tyranny.
Originally Titled: The Hidden Tyranny; The Issue that Dwarfs all Other Issues The following is an interview with Mr. Harold…
December 24, 2020