The ‘New’ Fad Corrupting Our Schoolchildren Is Not So New

As they learn more about social and emotional learning (SEL) with its data-mining, parents are in an uproar.  They’re demanding an opt-out and deletion of all stored data.  Some believe that if we can stop the leftward lurch of America, we can “turn our schools around” and use SEL as it was “initially intended.”

But was the initial purpose of SEL really to teach appropriate social behavior and support “mental wellness” and “management of emotions,” or is there a sinister underside?

SEL’s Occult Connections

The term “social and emotional learning” was coined in 1994 at a meeting hosted by the Fetzer Institute, founded by New Age guru John Fetzer. Fetzer was obsessed with Alice Bailey, the controversial occultist and organizer of the Lucis Trust.  Robert Muller, former assistant secretary-general of the U.N., authored the World Core Curriculum that introduces students worldwide to occult thought.  A member of the Lucis Trust, his underlying philosophy was based on the teachings of Alice Bailey.

The Origins of SELTop Articles By American Thinker

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Vaccine Mandates – What’s the End Game?null

The public assumes that SEL is just the latest education fad.  However, psychologists in the early twentieth century were tinkering around with children’s minds, trying to figure out how to condition them for specific behaviors.  Colleges of education are especially fond of teaching about Pavlov’s dogs to show how children can be “trained” like animals to obey commands.

John Dewey, dean of American progressive education, believed that the classroom should be used for social and political change at the expense of academic learning.  A fan of Soviet education, Dewey introduced similar techniques in American education to train students for the workforce instead of providing a broad academic foundation.

SEL was key in Marc Tucker‘s German-based plan to centralize education and change it from academic to workforce training for a nationally managed economy.  His master plan, laid out in the 1992 infamous “Dear Hillary letter,” was implemented by Goals 2000, the School-to-Work Act, and the Workforce Investment Act.

After decades of this socialist-style education and psychological conditioning, the American workforce has gone from being the best educated in the industrialized world to the worst.

SEL / Mental Health in Federal and State Programs 

SEL first gained a foothold in federal law with Clinton’s Goals 2000, designed to change student attitudes, values, and beliefs.  States had to adopt the statute’s National Education Goals to get federal funding through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).  The ESEA’s reauthorization as Goals 2000 mandated state curriculum standards and standardized tests, circumventing local control.

This led to more federalized control with No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top/Common Core, and the Every Student Succeeds Act. SEL was key in all of these.Goals 2000 was reauthorized under Bush as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) with heavy-handed federal intrusion and mental health grants for young children. The Obama administrationallocated more than $150 million in mental health grants to test and collect personal data of K–12 students. Under Texas’s Governor Abbott, mental health clinics have been added to public school campuses. Now we’re seeing the government taking more control with vaccination clinics on campuses. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which replaced No Child Left Behind, provides many opportunities for SEL funding through Titles I, II, IV, VI, and VIII.State pre-K standards are frequently aligned to Head Start and the National Association for the Education of Young Children that use Critical Race Theory terminology. Through these, SEL with Critical Race Theory is key in most American early childhood programs.The National Assessment of Educational Progress(NAEP) is now testing for social-emotional characteristics, a violation of federal law, and the Fourth Amendment right to privacy.Common Core Déjà VuDespite a public firestorm when student academic performance spiraled downward with Common Core, the curriculum standards were not abolished at the local or state level. Instead, they were codified at the federal level in ESSA. Instead of ending NCLB and returning educational control to the states, ESSA actually cemented federal control.Not only did ESSA codify Common Core, but it changed the primary purpose of education from academic to social and emotional learning (SEL).Vehicle for CRTVarious provisions of ESSA either encourage or even require the inclusion of SEL in schools. All SEL programs include sexuality, gender, race, racism, class, and the nuclear family.The teacher union’s NEA Global Learning Fellow and teacher, Wendy Turner, is quoted saying, “SEL is the foundation, the heartbeat of the classroom.” Does this indicate that CRT is the “foundation, the heartbeat of the classroom”?The federal government is pushing SEL and Critical Race Theory into public schools through the American Rescue Plan 2021. To receive federal grants, the school is required to spend at least 20% on SEL and “free, antiracist therapy for White educators” to get the grant.The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL), a leading SEL provider, lists several Critical Race Theory terms in its five core “Competencies with Equity Focus,” including cultural competency, diversity, inequity, equity, racial equity, and inclusive. Psychological manipulation is found in the “Self Awareness” core competency — “awareness of beliefs, mindsets, and biases” and “how they influence one’s behavior.”More Billions for BillionairesCASEL is funded by the usual left-wing billionaires: Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Robert Wood Johnson. For vendors, CRT programs mean new sales. At the district and school levels, these programs are supported by a top-heavy staff earning six-figure salaries. For investors, SEL is a golden goose.Can Parents Opt Out of SEL Assignments?Opting one’s child out of SEL assignments sounds simple enough. In reality, it’s virtually impossible. The U.S. Education Department’s handbook, “Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs,” states that not only is SEL taught explicitly, but “social and emotional skills, habits, and mindsets” are “integrated” broadly within the learning process.With the vast entanglement of SEL at all levels, how can parents access, much less get deleted, all of the data collected in numerous settings over the years?ConclusionSchool boards and educators — even parents — have naïvely bought the Marxist bill of goods that SEL is vital to deal with student mental problems. The fact is that public education has created the mental health crisis through its radical sex curriculum. Youths have become violent, murderers, sociopaths, sex predators, and God-haters.SEL is doing what it was initially intended to do: instill a new value system including socialism, population control, radical environmentalism, and LBGT. With socialist workforce training and radical sex instead of academic learning, America now has a crazed youth and the dumbest workforce in the industrialized world. This is a catastrophic threat to our national economy.Unless SEL is abolished entirely, it will continue as has Common Core and create irreversible damage. Since the purpose of public education is to educate youths for a Marxist society, abolishing SEL is merely a pipe dream. The only solution is a mass exodus from public education before it’s too late.Carole Hornsby Haynes is an education policy analyst/curriculum specialist, historian, and publisher of the Haynes Report.,

The Vaccine Is Killing More People than Covid

The Vaccine Is Killing More People than Covid

Paul Craig Roberts

Dear Readers: We know that NIH funded gain-of-function research at the University of North Carolina and then in the Wuhan China lab. We know the vaccine does not protect. We know it injects a pathogen into the body. We know the vaccine causes death and illnesses. There are known facts. Yet the campaign to coerce universal “vaccination” with a “vaccine” that is far more dangerous than Covid continues. This implies the complete total dishonesty or stupidity of the medical establishment and political leaders, or it points to the implementation of a campaign decades in the making to reduce and limit the human population.

South African Doctor Explains how an Engineered Vector (called a virus) and an Engineered Substance (called a vaccine) Were Created in order to Reduce the World Population

Listen carefully. The doctor says that once you realize the game plan, the counterproductive from the standpoint of human health Covid protocol makes sense. They do intend to kill most of us. That is the purpose of the spike protein in the “vaccine.”

Note that it is health care workers who have seen the effects of the “vaccine” on people who prefer to lose their job to being “vaccinated.” Notice that the public health authorities in the Western world do not care if the result of the mandate is a dramatic shrinkage in medical personnel. This is an indication that the South African doctor is correct that the intent is to kill us off.

Top NIH Unvaxxed Scientist Willing to Lose Job and License, Will Argue Against Vaccine Mandates in Livestreamed Ethics Review

Remember: The “Covid Pandemic” was the creation of the PCR test run at high cycles designed to produce high rates of false positives. This allowed the medical establishment to designate almost all deaths from cancer, heart attack, etc. as “Covid deaths” if the patients were given the orchestrated PCR test run at cycles known to produce false positives. A person who died with a false positive was counted as a Covid death.

Remember: Italian medical authorities have corrected Italy’s Covid death count to include only people who died from Covid. The Covid death count fell from 130,000 to 3,783. In other words, in Italy the “pandemic” was created by overstating the Covid deaths by 32.5 times!

Californi Gov. Newsom Injured by Moderna Booster Shot, Source Tells The Defender

The source, who asked not to be identified, said Newsom’s symptoms were similar to those associated with Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), a known side effect of many vaccines.

Athletes Suffer Cardiac Arrest, Myocarditis, Blood Clots, Hospitalized after COVID Injections

Recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics reveals people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated

The CDC rushes to cover up the facts with two fake studies

Marine Corps Commandant General David Berger Agrees with Pfizer CEO that the Truth established by known facts that the Covid “vaccine” is dangerous constitutes Disinformation. Only Big Pharma’s lies are true.

Shouting down known facts and renowned experts is the pastime of Big Pharma and its shills such as Tony Fauci and the presstitutes. It now includes the Marine Corps Commandant who blames Marines far more intelligent than him for refusing the death shot because of “disinformation” by renowned scientists and experts. So a Marine general knows more than scientists and experts. 

How does a person as stupid, or is it corrupt, like General David Berger get to the top? 

The Covid Pandemic is a Proven Hoax. What is its purpose?

Vaccinated People Are Dying of All Causes 6-1 Over Unvaccinated

Vaccinated People Are Dying of All Causes 6-1 Over Unvaccinated

The last 7 Public Health England / UK Health Security Agency ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ report figures on Covid-19 cases show that double vaccinated 40-79 year-olds have now lost 50% of their immune system capability and are consistently losing a further 5% every week (between 3.9% and 8.8%).

Projections, therefore, suggest that 40-79 year-olds will have zero Covid / Viral defense at best, or a form of vaccine-mediated acquired immunodeficiency syndrome at worst, by Christmas and all double vaccinated people over 30 will have completely lost that part of their immune system which deals with Covid-19 within the next 13 weeks.

Then we have this chart which shows the comparison of cases of vaccinated and unvaccinated. Look at the last two columns for the 30 and over. It appears that the vaccinated are catching Delta at a greater rate than the unvaccinated by week 41.

The UK Government’s own data does not support the claims made for Covid-19 Vaccine Safety & Effectiveness

Double Jabbed die rate is Six Times higher than Unvaccinated, new data finds

Herland Report: Double Jabbed die rate Six Times higher: Recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics reveals people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated.

In the U.S., meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is propping up the official narrative with two manipulated studies — one suggesting the jab reduces all-cause mortality, and another claiming the shot is five times more protective than natural immunity.

Public Health Data: 89% Of Covid-19 Deaths In The Past MONTH Were Among The Fully Vaccinated

The latest official Public Health data shows that the fully vaccinated accounted for 89% of Covid-19 deaths in the past four weeks, whilst also accounting for 77% of Covid-19 hospitalisations and 65% of alleged Covid-19 cases from October 9th through to November 5th.

The Covid-19 Statistical Report is a weekly report on Covid-19 data published by Public Health Scotland, and the latest update published November 10th confirms that things are getting worse for the fully vaccinated population by the month whilst things improve for the not-vaccinated population.

Table 18 of the report confirms that the majority of Covid-19 cases were among the fully vaccinated population in the week beginning October 30th 2021, accounting for 10,693 cases. Whilst the not-vaccinated population recorded 6,854 cases.

public health data 89% of covid 19 deaths in the past month were among the fully vaccinated

The totals number of cases by vaccination status as confirmed by the above table between October 9th and November 5th were as follows:

  • Not-vaccinated population = 24,992 cases (- 438 on last weeks data)
  • Partly vaccinated population = 4,125 cases (+ 368 on last weeks data)
  • Fully-vaccinated population = 43,253 cases (+ 2,045 on last weeks data)

This means the vaccinated population accounted for 65% of Covid-19 cases between October 9th and November 5th , whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for 36%.

However, the difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated gets much worse when it comes to hospitalisations, with the fully vaccinated now accounting for the majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations since at least July 2021.

Table 19 of the report confirms that the majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations were among the fully vaccinated population in the week beginning October 29th 2021, accounting for 356 hospitalisations. Whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for 142 hospitalisations.

majority of covid 19 hospitalisations were among the fully vaccinated population

The totals number of hospitalisations by vaccination status for all age groups between October 9th and November 5th as confirmed by table 19 of the PHS report were as follows:

  • Not-vaccinated population = 536 (- 16 on last weeks report)
  • Partly vaccinated population = 76 (+ 1 on last weeks report)
  • Fully vaccinated population = 1673 (- 58 on last weeks report)

This means the vaccinated population accounted for 77% of Covid-19 hospitalisations between October 9th and November 5th 2021, whilst the not-vaccinated accounted for just 23%.

But yet again the difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated gets much worse when it comes to deaths allegedly related to Covid-19.

Table 20 of the report confirms that the majority of Covid-19 deaths were among the fully vaccinated population in the week beginning October 23rd 2021, accounting for 108 deaths. Whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for just 14 Covid-19 deaths, nearly 8 times less.

covid 19 deaths were among the fully vaccinated

The totals number of alleged Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status between October 2nd and October 29th 2021 as confirmed by table 20 of the PHS report were as follows:

  • Not-vaccinated population = 56 deaths (- 8 deaths on last weeks report)
  • Partly vaccinated population = 12 deaths (+ 0 deaths on last weeks report)
  • Fully vaccinated population = 449 deaths (- 5 deaths on last weeks report)

This means the vaccinated population accounted for 89% of Covid-19 deaths between October 2nd and October 29th 2021, whilst the not-vaccinated accounted for just 11%.

The fact that the fully vaccinated now account for the majority of Covid-19 cases is extremely concerning in regards to the effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections, because up until recently, children; who are not eligibe for vaccination, have accounted for the vast majority of cases.

Further questions on the effectiveness of the jabs also need to be asked due to the fact Covid-19 hospitalisations and deaths are rising among the fully vaccinated population by the month whilst hospitalisations and deaths among the not-vaccinated population continue to decline.


Brazilian President Confronts WHO Chief: ‘People Are Dying After The Second Dose’

A new clip has emerged of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaroconfronting WHO head Tedros Adhanom about COVID-19 restrictions and asking why people are still dying of COVID after the second dose of the vaccine.

brazilian president confronts who chief ‘people are dying after the second dose’

Image Credit: Andressa Anholete via Getty Images

The discussion took place during the recent G20 summit of global leaders in Rome.

Challenging Adhanom on vaccine passports, Bolsonaro asserted that, “All over the world, there are people who need to work to feed themselves.”

He added that lockdown measures have destabilized the global economy, warning that if it continues, “the economy will collapse.”

Adhanom said he didn’t want more lockdowns and agreed that the vaccine passport scheme was “discrimination,” but only while vaccine rates in some countries were still low.

“In Brazil, many who get the second dose are getting COVID,”said Bolsonaro, to which the WHO head responded by saying the vaccine doesn’t stop the spread of COVID but reduces the risk of serious illness and death.

“In Brazil, many who got the second dose are dying,”Bolsonaro clarified, to which Adhanom responded by saying underlying diseases were to blame.

Also read: DOZENS of Pro Athletes Around the World Dropped Like Flies With Heart Problems.

Bolsonaro then decried his inability to stop mandatory vaccinations for children, to which Adhanom responded by saying the WHO doesn’t support giving the vaccine to children.

The Brazilian President then lamented how whenever he asks questions about the vaccine, he is accused of putting out “fake news.”

“Our hands are tied, the lives of our children are at stake,” said Bolsonaro.

When he asked Adhanom about the origin of COVID-19, Adhanom laughed and said, “We are still studying it.”

Bolsonaro has long been skeptical of the vaccine and COVID-19 lockdown measures.

After arriving for the UN General Assembly in September, he was forced to eat pizza on the sidewalk because he is not vaccinated and therefore banned from indoor dining in New York.

Bolsonaro has repeatedly championed the drug hydroxychloroquine, asserting that, “If hydroxychloroquine hadn’t been politicized, a lot more lives could have been saved.”

The Brazilian President caught coronavirus himself in July 2020, but said he was able to recover quickly thanks to his past as an “athlete” in the army.

He also pointed to hydroxychloroquine as having aided his swift recovery.

Bill Gates Finally Admits To Failure Of COVID Vaccines

In an interview last week with Policy Exchange, creepy Bill Gatesfinally admitted the dangerous COVID vaccines were not working as advertised.

Gates is one of the leading cheerleaders for the COVID vaccines and was one of the first globalists to call for numerous and continual coronavirus shots.

bill gates finally admits to failure of covid vaccines

Twitter / Bill Gates

But despite the fact that the vaccines don’t work as advertised and thousands are reportedly getting sick and dying from the vaccines, the globalist elites continue to push for multiple shots.

Bill Gates: “The economic damage, the deaths. It’s been completely horrific and I would expect that will lead the R&D projects to focus on things we didn’t have today. We didn’t have vaccines that block transmission. We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission. We need a new way of doing the vaccines.”

Despite being one of the largest proponents of presently-available COVID-19 vaccines, Gates admits to the failure of the vaccine industry that he has worked tirelessly to prop up.


The Banking System is Responsible for Our Enslavement

(It’s all black magic. Money is just digits on a ledger kept by the Rothschilds. Occasionally they will produce coupons, i.e. currency, to make it seem real.) 
The covid scam and deadly vaccinations have awakened the public to the fact that politicians and cops whose salaries we pay don’t work for us, but for the central banking cartel that wishes to lock down humanity permanently. The same applies to the mass media and most professions. Everyone dances to the money tune, and Rothschild is the Pied Piper. 

We suffer from blood poisoning.“Money” is the blood supply of society. This “medium of exchange” circulates like blood in a human body. With it, everyone is sanguine; without it, you have a corpse.   Unfortunately, our feckless ancestors gave control over money creation to Cabalist Jews and Freemasons who find excuses (wars, scamdemics) to produce it endlessly in the form of a debt to themselves
Their goal is to expand their monopoly over money creation into a monopoly over literally everything(e.g. thought, “wokeness”) inducting humanity into their satanist sex cult. They have weaponized the common cold as a pretext to decimate and enslave humanity. This is the essence of Communism and the New World Order.
Mankind is doomed unless the central bank is nationalized, “debt” disowned and money is created debt-and-interest free. 
This is not likely to happen as long as its minions control everything. 

dees-cb (2).jpg

Money is a Mind Game
“…They created credit money with a view to making its volume close to infinite. …it is an abstraction, a being of thought, a figure, number, credit, faith….” 
Illuminati Insider Chaim Rakovsky  

Updated from 28-7-18
by Henry Makow Ph.D. 
In the last few years, banks have become increasingly active in pushing the globalist agenda. For example, my bank is all for “diversity” –homosexuality and im-migration. (It is rare to find a male white teller at a Canadian bank who is not a homosexual.) Similarly, most corporations sing from the same globalist songbook.   For example, Citibank just announced they will not do business with clients who do not meet progressive gun-control requirements.  
Banks are all franchises of the Rothschild world central banking system, much like some MacDonald’s stores are independently owned. But banks all depend on the central bank for “money.” That’s why banks and the corporations dependent on them promote bizarre agendas like gender dysfunction, family breakdown, gun control, miscegenation and minority status for Caucasians.  
WHAT DOES ‘MONEY? LOOK LIKE? (When it’s not currency)
What follows is my best guess but I could be wrong. I welcome correction from better-informed people. 

When I write a cheque to the gas company, an armored car does not pull up to my bank, collect the cash from my account and deliver it to the gas company’s bank. All that REALLY happens is some digits change at the two banks. 
My bank account is not a little letterbox with cash sitting in it. My account is just a number in their books signifying what they owe me should, God forbid, I decide to withdraw the cash. 
When we use our credit cards or when we buy a stock, the only thing that happens is that accounts are adjusted. 
We are really banking with the Rothschilds. Our little nest egg is actually their magical “credit”, a slice of the national “debt” owed to them, “money” which they created from nothing and “loaned” to the government. It is a reflection of the government’s ability to repay, although it never will. 
The banking system is a vast system of accounts. Money doesn’t actually exist except for a small amount in paper coupons (currency). “Money” is an imaginary concept denoting value.Our currency is a medium of exchange. Think of it as electrical current instead of currency. It is basically a virtual credit system that is the lifeblood of every economy. Who owns this franchise? This system of accounts? Who adds or subtracts credit? Who decides who gets to play? 
A syndicate of mostly cabalist (Masonic) Jewish banking families led by the Rothschilds. 
Unfortunately, these Cabalists are Satanists. They are determined to protect and extend this banking monopoly to a monopoly over everything — real wealth, political power, knowledge, media, education, culture, religion, law etc. They want to own us and our children as well. (We are collateral on the national debt.)  This isthe essence of Communism and New World Order which is largely in place. The goal is to gradually enslave humanity. When they finally get rid of cash, they can cut off our “credit” at a moment’s notice. 
How do they maintain control? They control the corporate cartels who are all dependent on banks. These corporations fund the politicians who follow bankers’ orders. 
Many of these politicians are Freemasons. Organized Jewry and Freemasonry are accomplices in the banking racket. In general, complicity in the banking fraud is the price of success today. 
Why is it a fraud? Because sovereign governments could “generate their own electricity”   interest and debt-free. We wouldn’t need to sell our soul and our children’s birthright.
In the future, it is conceivable that human life will be no better than that of the animals we breed for food. 
The “Deep State” is the secret network dedicated to protecting the fraudulent banking system and advancing its satanic agenda. Most of the players belong to Freemasonry or Organized Jewry. Intelligence agencies like the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6, the police and the army are the bankers’ enforcers. Mass surveillance (the NSA etc.) ensures that nobody gets any ideas.

Everyone — MDs, cops, politicians, journalists — is controlled by money. Our feckless ancestors gave our national credit cards to people who want to destroy us, This, in a nutshell, is the key to understanding the covid hoax.

Related– Money as Occult Spell ———  Satanism Explained 

Related Central Banks —————– What is Communism?

Makow — They are Following a Script


(Wearing their ceremonial Mesoamerican prayer shawls, Pelosi & Co take the knee for Count Floyd)

Reality itself is under assault. 
If the world resembles 
a bad sci-fi movie,that’s because it is one.
Cabalists (Satanists) “create their own reality”and IMPOSE IT ON US. 

We are extras in a moviewritten, directed and produced by psychopaths.Movies like The Hunger Games 
are not predictive programming. 
They are blueprints. 

Cabalists imagine a futurecorresponding to their interests, perversionsand occult insanity.Then, they make it happen.

Satanism is based on inverting morality,
upending reason, and indulging  
their mostdepraved fantasies. 

This is how they worship Satan. We are being inducted into their satanic sex cult.

They think their depravity will be the norm. (They control and exploit by corrupting us.)

Humanity is a white stallion bloodied and besieged by rabid wolves. 

“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.”  Karl Rove – Senior Advisor to G.W Bush 2000-2007; Deputy Chief of Staff 2004-2007 

“Rovism posits that there is no objective, verifiable reality at all. Reality is what you say it is … “ Karl Rove— Neal Gabler, Los Angeles Times; October 25, 2004 

Updated from Sept. 3, 2021
By Henry Makow PhD

“There is no objective, verifiable reality at all. Reality is what you say it is.” 

This is the essence of Jewish Satanism, or Cabala, which is also the basis of Freemasonry. Rove undoubtedly was a Freemason like most of the political class.
Thus Joe Biden asked the Afghan President to “change the perception” of the Taliban threat. He called America’s ignominious withdrawal from Afghanistan an “extraordinary success.” 

The point is that current events are invented in the same way as a movie script is written. They are imagined.These “scenarios” become “simulations” which become “reality.”  Scripting is also called “modelling.”


(left, “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, re imagine, and reset our world.” Darth Swab – Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum) 

We are extras in a film written by psychopaths who want us gone. The scamdemic is a fraud designed to trick people into taking a vaccine that will sicken or brand them or both. They imagined this dystopian farce and are carrying it out step-by-step. 

Here are a few examples:
1. Rockefeller Foundation Scripted Current “Pandemic” in 2009. 


In their own words: “In 2009, The Rockefeller Foundation conducted an exercise to explore the future of technology in development and identify ways to better respond to emerging challenges. The results were captured in a report that includes several plausible scenarios that could impact millions of people around the world. One such scenario, “Lockstep,” described a fictional pandemic that would infect 20% of the world in 2012, killing eight million people in just seven months.

“Now that we’re well into a real pandemic, we see some chilling similarities between our current Zoom-centered world and Lockstep. The report predicted that telepresence technologies would “respond to the demand for less-expensive, lower bandwidth, sophisticated communications systems for populations whose travel is restricted.” Other predictions were off, including the emergence of MRI technologies to detect abnormal behavior with anti-social intent.

(Towering Inferno, 9/11)

“While baseless posts have circulated recently calling the exercise part of a “diabolical plan for world domination,” we see it as further evidence of the importance of scenario planning in helping governments, institutions and others navigate near-term decisions that can have long-term impact. Our hope then – as it is now – was to focus on what we don’t know so we could make better plans to address a real pandemic, such as the one we’re facing today.”   (“Real pandemic” cough cough)
2. UK scriptwriters like Neil Ferguson plot “scenarios” for British enslavement and go-fers like Boris Johnson carry them out. 

3. CDC and FDA Admit Their Policies are Based on a “Contrived” Model, not a Virus

4. 2017 Simulation Implies Covid Vaccines are Toxic

“The phoney pandemic is the pretext for a marketing campaign for a vaccine that will cause widespread sickness and death.”  


5. Liberal Insider Leaks Canadian Lockdown Scenario (left).  They are behind schedule.

6. Coronavirus is another Live Drill. 

Hospital spokesman is a simulation Expert. Mike Pompeo said it was “live exercise” and refused to deny it was a hoax.


“Reality is what you say it is.”
It would not surprise me if human history is shaped by “scenarios” or “scripts” which become mission statements and self-fulfilling prophesies. The Old Testament, for example, is a scenario for Jewish supremacism. 

The Book of Revelations is not God’s plan but rather a Cabalist Jewish “End Times” scenario to trick people into embracing their genocide, thinking it is a Biblical prophecy. Books like Brave New World and 1984 were not prophecies but blueprints. They are coming true.

I would not be surprised if the world wars, the Great Depression, the Cold War were all scripted to advance the New World Order. (“Are World Wars Orchestrated?”)

Scripts are not confined to historical events. Romantic love has been pounded into our heads by movies and popular music as a surrogate satanic religion. Sexual intercourse is the supreme sacrament. We are all chasing this chimera while our freedom is taken away. 


(left, Drag Queen Story Time)

Another “scenario” is money. Money ultimately is a mind game.  Between sex and money, who has time to care about freedom and if our children are being vaccinated or groomed for pedophiles?


There is no doubt that thought is powerful. Our minds are like film projectors. Thought is like film. We immediately identify with whatever film we see. For example, everyone is familiar with a sexual fantasy or porn. Our bodily responses are very much like the real thing. 

This is how wars are sold. “Weapons of mass destruction.” 

The Cabalists made a point of controlling information, thought and discourse so they can bend the world to their wll. 

They have tried to convince us that “reality” is unknowable, that it is all happening in our heads, everything is a point of view, preferably theirs. 

Satanism is all about inverting reality: lies are truth, injustice is justice, ugly is beautiful, unnatural is natural, sick is healthy etc. 

They have taught us to hate the word “God” because He is the competition. He is Reality, i.e. the spiritual ideals that they are upending. 

We need to expose the Cabalists for charlatans, and promote a counter-narrative. 

I like Jesus’ teachings in the New Testament. They are the basis of Western Civilization. 

Mankind is one family. God is Love. “Do unto others..”


We were made in God’s image which means we each have a spark of Divinity, our souls. Human life therefore is sacred.

We are on a scale between ape and angel.  

God is Consciousness. We need to climb the grease pole of consciousness. 

“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5-48)

We are unconscious (asleep) i.e. satanically possessed.
God’s Plan must replace the delusions of psychopaths. Our focus should be on celebrating the Creator and discerning His intentions. That is the essence of religion. 

No matter how much they lie, Truth cannot be denied.

RelatedHere is the Agenda 21/2130 Script