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There’s much controversy whether or not masturbation is wrong. My question to you is can you glorify God while masturbating since we are told to glorify the Lord in all that we do? Can you masturbate and not have sexual images dancing in your mind? I doubt you can do either. Can you masturbate without lusting since lusting is sin? Do you want to live for the Lord completely, be set apart, and holy while walking in the Spirit, or do you want to compromise with the flesh and its pleasures? Let’s explore this a bit since I have heard that masturbating and watching porn is becoming more common among women now.

In Romans 1, we are told these things about the progression of sin: “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature” (Romans 1:26). Women’s natural use of their body is to have sex with a man (her husband by God’s design), then bear and nurse children. Wanting to fornicate with another woman and not wanting children is against the natural use of one’s body.

When I have written about the problems with pornography, I refer to men’s problem with it since I hear from a lot of women whose husbands are addicted to it. Yet, I have had a few women tell me about their addictions and with the popularity of “Fifty Shades of Gray,” we can see that this is a sin issue with women too. Women are given up to vile, depraved, and inordinate affections if they don’t have the self-discipline to say “no” to their flesh and “yes” to righteousness.

We live in a highly sexualized culture. Innocence is stolen from most children at early ages through TV, movies, music, the Internet, sexual abuse, school, and so on. Now, they’re being asked in elementary school if they want to be a boy or girl and before long, pedophilia will be accepted as normal. (You don’t believe me? Just a few years ago, the state of California voted against same sex marriage!) Children are even being taught how to masturbate from a young age in some country’s schools and taught that pornography is good.

I just finished reading a book recently called “Unseduced and Unshaken” by Rosalie de Rosset. It had some great truths in it. There are some things I very much disagree with the author, such as women having a voice in church leadership and things of this nature so I wouldn’t recommend it but, in a few areas, great truths are taught.

Here are a few great excerpts on the issues of pornography and masturbation:

“The lust of the eyes that feeds on Internet pornography does not inflame but rather freezes the souls and heart in a cold indifference to the human dignity of others and of oneself.” Porn is short term pleasure for long term pain. Don’t awaken sexual desire before marriage, young women! Don’t read popular, explicit romance novels or watch shows like “The Bachelor.” Don’t look at the popular teen magazines. Dwell on the lovely and the good instead. Be holy in both body and spirit as God has commanded you to be. The less regrets you make in your youth, the better your future will be. God commands that you flee from youthful lusts since He knows how much they will come back to haunt you later. He wants you free from sin and the bondage and entanglement that it brings.

“While perspectives vary, masturbation is not a healthy practice as it teaches that immediate gratification is part of sex and removes sex from the context of relationship rendering it an immature and lonely engagement…Chastity again would call us to total abstinence.” Sex was created for marriage. Period. Young women are called to be chaste. This will bring glory to God, and it’s His perfect will for you.

“Honesty and discipline are required of us in order to live healthy and holy Christian lives, disciplines best practiced in community with accountability.”

God tells us to be wise unto that which is good, and innocent unto that which is evil. Parents must be guardians of their children’s souls. This is why I am such a big advocate of mothers being home full time and homeschooling their children. Satan prowls about like a roaring lion looking whom he may devour. Children needs parents who stand against the evil tide of our culture and protect their children while teaching them all about the Lord and His ways.

As you train and discipline your children when they are young, you are teaching them to grow up to have self-control and be disciplined. It is a gift you give your children. We watched too many parents not discipline their children properly and their children and the parents have paid terrible consequences for their failure. It’s not worth it to lack diligence in this important time in your children’s lives. Teaching your children to be disciplined will benefit them their entire lives.

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Can You Glorify God When You Masturbate and/or Watch Porn?

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