The Gaslighting of the American People

Josh Hammer | Nov 13, 2020 12:01 AM

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Gaslighting of the American People

Source: AP Photo/Paul Sancya

Members of the Electoral College do not formally congregate to elect the next president of the United States until Dec. 14, but as far as the media, Hollywood and the Fortune 500 are concerned, former Vice President Joe Biden is already president-elect. This, notwithstanding the fact that President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, having alleged various abnormalities and irregularities in this unusual midpandemic voting process, is currently pursuing legal recourse across myriad closely contested battleground states.

The Constitution, of course, does not specify the media, Hollywood and the Fortune 500 as the determiners of our presidential election. We have a rule of law, and we have specific legally prescribed mechanisms and deadlines in place. But supporters of Trump are nonetheless being told to sit down, shut up and not ask any questions. Just submit to your new ruler, we are told by supercilious elites.

But Trump supporters might be readily forgiven for not submitting to their prospective new rulers with alacrity. In fact, the pansocietal effort we are now watching unfold before our eyes is the culmination of four years of a sustained, systemic gaslighting of the American people.

It is no small irony that those now united in bellowing from the hilltops about the dangers of not accepting election outcomes and delegitimizing election results are the same people who never accepted the legitimacy of Trump’s presidency to begin with. Who can forget how, on the day after Inauguration Day 2017, leftists followed the lead of Jew-haters such as Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory in planning a rival event, intended to overshadow the inauguration, which was the first Women’s March? Who can forget how leftists have invariably clamored about how Trump is a nefarious Russian agent, a Manchurian candidate and a Vladimir Putin stooge, who was only “elected” due to a biased FBI director’s “October surprise” announcement (laughable) and Russian bots manipulating voters on social media (even more laughable)?

For the past four years, leftist activists and the Democratic Party have tried their very best to out Trump in any way possible, including hallucinogenic dreams of a 25th Amendment invocation and a totally unhinged, baseless and petty impeachment push. They have stymied the administration’s attempts to effectuate substantive good governance initiatives through a veritable hodgepodge of obstructive probes, investigations and manufactured scandals. The most prominent of these, the Russiagate collusion hoax, cast a media frenzy-driven pall over the first two years of the administration and ended up as a complete bust. Democrats’ risible impeachment push, based on a brief phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian premier, was so quickly discredited that it became a total nonissue — if anything, an affirmative hindrance for Democrats — in the 2020 election.

Meanwhile, the media at every turn has sought to portray Trump as a racist white supremacist reprobate, notwithstanding the fact he has an Orthodox Jewish daughter and Jewish grandchildren. The media and Democrats have repeatedly lied about what Trump did and did not say after the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017, and have routinely lumped together all Trump supporters as a bunch of backwoods yahoos — “deplorables,” to borrow Hillary Clinton’s infamous phrasing — who pine for those ostensible halcyon days of (actual) systemic racism pervading the nation. The media has often railed against the alleged violent tendencies of gun-toting Trump supporters, but as the anarchy of Portland, Oregon, helped make clear a few months ago, the most conspicuous threat in this nation is that posed to conservatives by the Democratic Party’s rabid, vindictive antifa-Black Lives Matter wing.

But it gets even worse. In this unprecedented of elections, many states illegally changed their basic election/voting-related laws midstream — and invariably had those illicit attempts to deprive state legislatures of their plenary power over election regulation bestowed legitimacy by state and federal courts alike. Democrats and Never-Trump Republicans hosted war game exercises where they mused longingly about a military coup. The Democratic attorney general in a key swing state, Pennsylvania, boasted before Election Day about how Biden would surely prevail.

The political polling industry, which apparently failed to correct any of its errors from the 2016 election, was so catastrophically off that one must seriously wonder whether any pollsters may have deliberately misled prospective voters in a psychological attempt to artificially depress GOP turnout. In Wisconsin, which Biden ultimately carried by less than 1%, the ABC/Washington Post poll less than a week before election day had Biden up a whopping 17 points. It is difficult to contemplate how a pollster can be that off the mark.

And now, after four years of relentlessly fighting a president they never accepted, engaging in the most sordid of unsubstantiated character assassination campaigns against that president’s second Supreme Court nominee, and peculiarly low rejection rates for mail-in ballots after much higher rejection rates in the primaries, while the president pursues the remedial legal actions to which he is entitled, they have the temerity to tell us all to pipe down and get on board with calling Biden “president-elect.”

In a word: No.

Free republics do not long survive in a state like this — not when the entire country’s ruling class, and all its sundry leading institutions, are in a de facto state of war with half of the citizenry. Stop gaslighting us — and do it now.

Who Owns the Future? Dems or GOP?

Pat Buchanan | Nov 13, 2020 12:01 AM

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Owns the Future? Dems or GOP?

Source: AP Photo/Matt Slocum

For Republicans, the returns were mixed on Nov. 3.

Though he carried burdens unrivaled by a president since Herbert Hoover — a plague that has killed 230,000 Americans in eight months and crashed the economy to depths not seen since the ’30s – Donald J. Trump amassed 72 million votes, the largest total in Republican Party history.

And while he lost the popular vote, Trump held off the predicted “blue wave.” He added seats in the House, a feat rivaling that of Richard Nixon, who added 22 GOP House seats while losing to JFK in 1960. And with Trump at the top of the GOP ticket, the Senate remained Republican.

Even Joe Biden’s 5 million vote margin was a tribute to Trump, who brought out friends and foes in astounding numbers, while Biden sheltered in place in his Wilmington basement reading cliches from his teleprompter.

Democrats, however, had great successes as well, reconstructing their “blue wall,” by winning all 18 states they had won in each of the presidential elections from 1992 through 2012.

Of what does the blue wall consist? All six New England states, save New Hampshire; New York, New Jersey and the mid-Atlantic states of Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland; the Middle America quadrant of Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and Minnesota; and the Pacific Coast states of California, Oregon and Washington.

Not only did Biden rebuild that blue wall, he also added New Hampshire and Virginia, thereby carrying every state that touches the Atlantic from Maine to North Carolina.

Democrats gained ground in the Republican heartland as well.

Where Nixon in 1972 and Reagan in 1984 swept all 11 states of the Old Confederacy — as did Woodrow Wilson and FDR in the days of Dixiecrat segregation — the GOP mega-states of Florida and Texas became visibly competitive. North Carolina and Georgia are becoming toss-ups. And Virginia, capital of the Confederacy, where they now tear down statues of Robert E. Lee, is closer to blue.

The existential GOP problem? The party has lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections. Consistent and growing popular vote majorities for Democrats must one day translate into consistent and permanent electoral vote majorities.

Democrats remain today the minorities’ party and Republicans the party of America’s white majority. White folks are roughly 60% of the U.S. population, though closer to 70% of the electorate. Both those figures, however, are slowly and steadily falling.

Demography is still destiny.

Republicans are going to have to grow their share of the white vote and their share of the Hispanic, Black and Asian vote or their future will begin to look like California today, where the Grand Old Party does not hold a single statewide office.

There are other presently insoluble problems for the GOP.

Democrats are the party of government and Republicans the party of the private sector. But the number of Americans who depend on federal programs — Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, student loans, housing subsidies, Earned Income Tax Credits, affirmative action — is growing, while the share of the population that contributes most to the programs is shrinking.

The top 1% of the population in income pays more taxes than the bottom 90%. The top 50% of the population pays 97% of the income taxes, while the bottom 50% pays only 3%.

If people who receive a cornucopia of benefits pay no income taxes, then why would they vote against a party that promises them still more benefits, to be paid for by raising the income taxes of someone else?

As John C. Calhoun declaimed on the roots of democratic class warfare,

“The necessary result… of the unequal fiscal action of the government is, to divide the community into two great classes; one consisting of those who… pay the taxes, and… bear exclusively the burthen of supporting the government; and the other, of those who are the recipients of their proceeds, through disbursements, and who are… supported by the government; or, in fewer words, to divide it into tax-payers and tax-consumers.”

Who owns the future?

If Democrats can kill the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court, if they can add four new senators from Puerto Rico and D.C., and if they can pack the electorate by turning millions of migrants, legal and illegal, into U.S. citizens and regular voters, then you don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing.

Yet, as seen in California, conservatism is not dead:

On Nov. 3, Californians came out to crush Proposition 16, an attempt by leftists to cut out of the state constitution a provision that forbids racial or gender discrimination in public employment, education and contracting. The margin of defeat for Prop 16 was 56% to 44%.

The left’s appeal to diversity, and affirmative action to achieve it, was rejected by a majority of voters who put first their belief in the idea of race neutrality.

Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of “Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever.”

Researchers Retract Study Touting Efficacy of Mask Mandates

Bronson Stocking | Nov 12, 2020 4:00 PMResearchers Retract Study Touting Efficacy of Mask Mandates

Source: AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

A study touting the effectiveness of face mask mandates in slowing the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus has been retracted by its authors. An update to the study notes that cases of the virus have continued to rise in areas the researchers analyzed.

Joe Biden has called for mask mandates nationwide under the guise of saving lives. 

“This is not about Democrat, Republican or Independent,” Biden said back in August. “This is about saving American lives, so let’s institute a mask mandate nationwide, starting immediately.”

Biden’s supporters were sharing champagne bottles and gathering by the thousands after media outlets declared Joe Biden the president-elect. 

The former vice president unveiled a plan earlier this week on how he hopes to tackle the virus if he should become president. While the plan doesn’t institute nationwide masking, it does outline a policy of working with local governments to enact mandates on the local level. 

Biden has billed himself as a leader in lockstep with public health experts. But that’s not particularly reassuring when so much of what the experts have said has turned out to be wrong. 

The U.S. surgeon general, the World Health Organization and Dr. Anthony Fauci have all said face masks are not effective when it comes to COVID-19. But then the experts told Americans the coronavirus could be controlled in just a few weeks if mask mandates were implemented. Some places tried that, and the virus only seemed to spread faster. 

And sure, it’s just one study being retracted. But it’s good to know science can still prevail when so much about the Wuhan coronavirus has been honed as a political weapon by Democrats and the liberal media.

The Democrats’ Guide to Losing Gracefully

Ann Coulter | Nov 11, 2020 2:15 PM

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Democrats' Guide to Losing Gracefully

Source: AP Photo/Richard Drew

Here are the times Democrats have conceded a presidential election with grace and dignity:

OK, now on to my column.

I hope someone is recording the media’s demands that Trump supporters ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION!inasmuch as the Democrats refuse to accept the results of any presidential election they lose, unless it’s a landslide, and sometimes even then.

After George W. Bush won the 2000 election — despite the media depressing Bush turnout in Florida by calling the state for Gore when polls were still open in the conservative panhandle — Gore contested the election until Dec. 13, the day after the Supreme Court called off the endless recounts (in only certain Florida counties) demanded by Gore.

The night of the court’s ruling, Laurence Tribe, the Harvard law professor who’d argued one of Gore’s cases before the court, and Ed Rendell, general chairman of the Democratic National Committee, went on TV and said it was time for Gore to concede.

Both were immediately attacked by their fellow Democrats and forced to retract their statements. Gore’s deputy campaign manager, Mark Fabiani, for example, told The New York Times that Rendell “seems to be more interested in getting his mug on TV than in loyalty.”

The next day, Gore conceded, telling his supporters he had “congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the United States,” adding, “while I strongly disagree with the court’s decision, I accept it.”

But that still wasn’t the end of it! Weeks later, the Congressional Black Caucus tried to prevent congressional certification of the Electoral College for Bush, raising objection after objection on the House floor.

Over the course of the next year, the Florida ballots were painstakingly recounted by an independent investigative firm at a cost of nearly a million dollars, paid for by the same media outlets currently telling you to shut up and accept the results — including The New York Times, CNN, The Washington Post and the Associated Press, along with several others.

The year-long, million-dollar recount led to this shocking conclusion: Bush still won. As the Times put it, contrary to the claims of Gore partisans, “the United States Supreme Court did not award an election to Mr. Bush that otherwise would have been won by Mr. Gore.”

And yet, to this day, Democrats claim Bush was “selected, not elected,” as so wittily put by Hillary Clinton.

Hillary was still harping on Bush’s stolen election when she ran for president in the 2008 cycle. At a 2007 primary presidential debate, she delighted the Democratic audience by remarking, “Well, I think it is a problem that Bush was elected in 2000. (APPLAUSE) I actually thought somebody else was elected in that election, but … (APPLAUSE).”

At a subsequent primary debate in 2008, Hillary said that she and President Clinton had been making great progress “until, unfortunately, the Supreme Court handedthe presidency to George Bush.”

In 2006, Michael Kinsley claimed in The New York Times that the 2000 election was “actually stolen.”

And so on.

When Bush was reelected in 2004, Democrats again refused to accept the results of the election, and again attempted to block Congress’ counting of electoral votes, this time with the connivance of Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Their smoking gun? The election results in Ohio didn’t match the exit polls! If that’s not enough proof for you, and I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t be, the voting machines were manufactured by Diebold, and Diebold’s CEO was a Bush supporter. Yes, apparently, the voting machines in Ohio were rigged to flip votes for Kerry to Bush.

This crackpot theory was pushed assiduously by Vanity Fair (Michael Shnayerson in the April 2004 issue, and Christopher Hitchens in the March 2005 issue), Rolling Stone magazine (Robert F. Kennedy Jr., June 15, 2006), and in books: John Conyers’ “What Went Wrong in Ohio” — introduction by Gore Vidal — and “Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen?” by Steven F. Freeman and Joel Bleifuss. (You’ll have to read it to find out!)

I haven’t even mentioned the craziest of the Democrat media complex’s attacks on the results of an election: Reagan’s 489-49 electoral landslide against Jimmy Carter in 1980. (Stay tuned!)

Election results, according to Democrats:

— 1960: Kennedy wins a razor-thin victory after a surprisingly high turnout of dead voters in Texas and Illinois — FAIR ELECTION, CLEAN AS A WHISTLE!!

— 1964: Landslide election for Lyndon Johnson — FAIR ELECTION, CLEAN AS A WHISTLE!!

— 1968: Nixon won with his racist (and mythical) “Southern strategy.”

— 1972: Nixon landslide — no provable cheating.

— 1976: Carter won — FAIR ELECTION, CLEAN AS A WHISTLE!!

— 1980: Reagan won by traitorously colluding with Iran to prevent the release of American hostages before the election!

— 1984: Reagan landslide — no provable cheating.

— 1988: Bush 41 won in a landslide because of his racist Willie Horton ads.

— 1992: Clinton won with 43% of the vote — FAIR ELECTION, CLEAN AS A WHISTLE!!

— 1996: Clinton won with 49% of the vote — FAIR ELECTION, CLEAN AS A WHISTLE!!

— 2000: Bush 43 was “selected, not elected” after the Supreme Court stole it for him.

— 2004: Bush won because of Diebold hacking the voting machines in Ohio.



— 2016: Trump won after colluding with Russia to persuade them to purchase $200,000 in Facebook ads.

If that’s how we’re supposed to “accept the results of the election,” then WOW — game on!

Vaccines – The Oldest Scam

November 12, 2020 


In 1988, Eustace Mullins blew the whistle on the vaccine scam.Pfizer and BioNTech Announce Extremely Positive Phase 3 COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Data; Production of 1.3 Billion Doses in 2021 Planned
Pfizer CEO sold $5.6 million in stock on the day of Vaccine Announcement 
Not only do drugmakers make huge profits 
from vaccines, but they continue to profitfrom the illnesses they cause.If vaccines weren’t harmful to health,why would pharmaceutical companies be exempt from liability? This goose has been laying a golden eggfor more than a century, at an indescribable toll in human suffering.Now they want to make vaccinations – not one but regular shots —a condition for participation in society and freedom.“The practice of medicine may not be the world’s oldest profession, but it is often seen to be operating on much the same principles.” Eustace Mullins

Excerpts from Murder by Injection (1988)by Eustace Mullins(

Despite the great power of the hidden rulers, I found that only one group has the power to issue life or death sentences to any American — our nation’s physicians.

I discovered that these physicians, despite their great power, were themselves subjected to very strict controls over every aspect of their professional lives. These controls, surprisingly enough, were not wielded by any state or federal agency, although almost every other aspect of American life is now under the absolute control of the bureaucracy. The physicians have their own autocracy, a private trade association, the American Medical Association. This group, which is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, had gradually built up its power until it assumed total control over medical schools and the accreditation of physicians.
From its earliest inception [in 1847], the American Medical Association has had one principal objective, attaining and defending a total monopoly of the practice of medicine in the United States. From its outset, the AMA made allopathy the basis of its practice. Allopathy was a type of medicine whose practitioners had received training in a recognized academic school of medicine, and who relied heavily on surgical procedures and the use of medications.

(Eustace Mullins 1923-1910)
The practice of immunization goes directly against the discovery of modem holistic medical experts that the body has a natural immune defense against illness. The Church of Modem Medicine claims that we can only be absolved from the peril of infection by the Holy Water of vaccination, injecting into the system a foreign body of infection, which will then perform a Medical Miracle, and will confer life-long immunity, hence the term, “immunization.” The greatest heresy any physician can commit is to voice publicly any doubt of any one of the Four Holy Waters, but the most deeply entrenched in modern medical practice is undoubtedly the numerous vaccination programs. They are also the most consistently profitable operations of the Medical Monopoly. Yet one physician, Dr. Henry R. Bybee, of Norfolk, Virginia, has publicly stated, “My honest opinion is that vaccine is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name. I believe that such diseases as cancer, syphilis, cold sores and many other disease conditions are the direct results of vaccination. Yet, in the state of Virginia, and in many other states, parents are compelled to submit their children to this procedure while the medical profession not only receives its pay for this service, but also makes splendid and prospective patients for the future.”  (p.79) —
Another practitioner, Dr. W. B. Clarke of Indiana finds that “Cancer was practically unknown until compulsory vaccination with cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. I have had to deal with a least two hundred cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.” (p.81)

Another well-known medical practitioner, Dr. J. M. Peebles of San Francisco, has written a book on vaccine, in which he says,
“The vaccination practice, pushed to the front on all occasions by the medical profession through political connivance made compulsory by the state, has not only become the chief menace and the greatest danger to the health of the rising generation, but likewise the crowning outrage upon the personal liberties of the American citizen; compulsory vaccination, poisoning the crimson currents of the human system with brute-extracted lymph under the strange infatuation that it would prevent smallpox, was one of the darkest blots that disfigured the last century.”
Dr. Peebles refers to the fact that the cowpox vaccine was one of the more peculiar “inventions or discoveries of the Age of Enlightenment.” However, as I have pointed out in “The Curse of
Canaan,” the Age of Enlightenment was merely the latest program of the Cult of Baal and its rituals of child sacrifice, which, in one guise or another, has now been with us for some five thousand years. Because of this goal, the Medical Monopoly is also known as “The Society for Crippling Children.”  (p.81-82)
(COVID scam perpetrated by the medical profession) 
However, the peril of even one state legislature foiling their criminal conspiracy caused the Rockefeller Syndicate to concentrate on perfecting an instrument for controlling each and every state legislature in these United States. This was achieved by setting up the Council of State Governments in Chicago. Its ukases are routinely issued to every state legislator, and such is its totalitarian control that not one legislature has ever failed to follow its dictates.
Edward Jenner (1796-1839) “discovered” that cowpox vaccine would supposedly inoculate persons against the eighteenth-century scourge of smallpox. In fact, smallpox was already on the wane, and some authorities believe it would have vanished by the end of the century, due to a number of contributing factors. After the use of the cowpox vaccine became widespread in England, a smallpox epidemic broke out which killed 22,081 people. The smallpox epidemics became worse each year that the vaccine was used. In 1872, 44,480 people were killed by it. England finally banned the vaccine in 1948, despite the fact that it was one of the most widely heralded “contributions” which that country had made to modem medicine. This action came after many years of compulsory vaccination, during which period those who refused to submit to its dangers were hurried off to jail. (p. 83) —-Polio has increased 700% in states which have compulsory vaccination. The much-quoted writer on medical problems, Morris Beale, who for years edited his informative publication, Capsule News Digest, from Capitol Hill, offered a standing reward during the years from 1954 to 1960 of $30,000, which he would pay to anyone who could prove that the polio vaccine was not a killer and a fraud. There were no takers.


Medical historians have finally come to the reluctant conclusion that the great flu “epidemic” of 1918 was solely attributable to the widespread use of vaccines. It was the first war in which vaccination was compulsory for all servicemen. The Boston Herald reported that forty-seven soldiers had been killed by vaccination in one month. As a result, the military hospitals were filled, not with wounded combat casualties, but with casualties of the vaccine. The epidemic was called “the Spanish Influenza,” a deliberately misleading appellation, which was intended to conceal its origin. This flu epidemic claimed twenty million victims; those who survived it were the ones who had refused the vaccine. In recent years, annual recurring epidemics of flu are called “the Russian Flu.” For some reason, the Russians never protest, perhaps because the Rockefellers make regular trips to Moscow to lay down the party line.
The perils of vaccination were already known. Plain Talk magazine notes that “during the Franco-Prussian War, every German soldier was vaccinated. The result was that 53,288 otherwise healthy men developed smallpox. The death rate was high.”
In what is now known as “the Great Swine Flu Massacre,” the President of the United States, Gerald Ford, was enlisted to persuade the public to undergo a national vaccination campaign. The moving force behind the scheme was a $135 million windfall profit for the major drug manufacturers. They had a “swine flu” vaccine which suspicious pig raisers had refused to touch, fearful it might wipe out their crop. The manufacturers had only tried to get $80 million from the swine breeders; balked in this sale, they turned to the other market, humans. The impetus for the national swine flu vaccine came directly from the Disease Control Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Perhaps coincidentally, Jimmy Carter, a member of the Trilateral Commission, was then planning his presidential campaign in Georgia. The incumbent President, Gerald Ford, had all the advantages of a massive bureaucracy to aid him in his election campaign, while the ineffectual and little known Jimmy Carter offered no serious threat in the election.
(In your face)
Suddenly, out of Atlanta, came the Center of Disease Control plan for a national immunization campaign against “swine flu.” The fact that there was not a single known case of this flu in the United States did not deter the Medical Monopoly from their scheme. The swine breeders had been shocked by the demonstrations of the vaccine on a few pigs, which had collapsed and died. One can imagine the anxious conferences in the headquarters of the great drug firms, until one bright young man remarked, “Well if the swine breeders won’t inject it into their animals, our only other market is to inject it into people.”
The Ford sponsored swine flu campaign almost died an early death, when a conscientious public servant, Dr. Anthony Morris, formerly of HEW and then active as director of the Virus Bureau at the Food and Ding Administration, declared that there could be no authentic swine flu vaccine, because there had never been any cases of swine flu on which they could test it. Dr. Morris then went public with his statement that “at no point were the swine flu vaccines effective.” He was promptly fired, but the damage had been done. (84-85)

With Most Democrat Politicians And The Mainstream Media Devious, Dishonest And Dangerous, Tens Of Millions Of Americans Will Never Accept Their Word About The 2020 Election

– Democrats Ringing Bells For A Biden ‘Win’ Will Soon Be Wringing Their Hands In Dismay

By Don Boys, Ph.D.for All News Pipeline

On Oct. 19, 1739, Great Britain declared war against Spain in what is known as the War of Jenkins’ Ear! This war drove Spain into an alliance with France, an alliance that was a threat to England for ninety years. At the announcement, bells rang out from London churches, and the crowds thronged the streets, shouting their approval. The Prime Minister looked down upon the jubilant English mob from a window at 10 Downing Street and remarked, “They are ringing their bells now, but soon they will be wringing their hands.” 

He called it right. 

Following the Tuesday election on Friday evening and Saturday morning, the media announced Biden’s election, which had no basis in fact, is nothing legal or official, and will not be until all the charges of voter fraud are settled. Frankly, Trump or any such politician would be a fool to cave to the crowd before adjudication of the charges. After the media’s peremptory announcement, the city streets across America were filled by excited, energized, and almost euphoric people, car horns blared, and church bells began ringing. 

But, recalling the British Prime Minister’s statement, I contend in a few months those same Americans will be wringing their hands and crying, “What have we done?” What they have done is loose two irresponsible people upon a careless populace. Joe Biden and what’s-her-name Harris, if they keep their word, will destroy America. They promised to change America. In fact, Senator Chuck Schumer promised, “Now we take Georgia, then we change the world.” 

Hey, no sane person says the Senate has a mandate to “change the world.” That is an out-of-control egomaniac spouting hogwash, balderdash, and a generous portion of hokum to hear the sound of his voice. But, if they try, what in the world would they do? Most Democrats are wearisome gasbags with delusions of grandeur, but they can be dangerous when they are awake. For sure, they are woke, and they are dangerous, devious, and dishonest people. 

Biden and Harris will be more faithful to their promises than they were to their professed principles. Both, in their youth, used sex to get what they wanted. But I’m not supposed to write that. Biden tells a romantic tale of his marriage to Jill when he actually took her away from her husband, whom he made a cuckold while she worked in his first senate campaign. Harris is known for climbing to the top by spending an unusual amount of time on her back as the mistress of the California House’s former speaker, Willie Brown. But what does that have to do with politics? Nothing, other than to show the kind of people bell-ringers, not me, put into the most important offices in the world. 

Of course, no one in the national media has mentioned their immorality, calling them to account. One reason, no doubt, is because many of the media are also fornicators and adulterers. While, as far as we know, that is all history, it is galling to hear Biden and Harris talk about “truth,” “decency,” “character,” and “principles.” They are both gasbag hypocrites, in my humble opinion. And to hear Meghan McCain say Joe is “Truly decent and moral” would gag a buzzard. 

Of course, the careless, thoughtless, and narrow-minded Yellow Dog Democrats (people who would vote for a yellow dog before voting for a Republican), RINOs, Never Trumpers, and Trump Haters have foisted political terror upon the remainder of sane Americans (if the announced win stands). They are people who don’t forget and keep grudges forever and are determined to get even. They will metaphorically hang every Trumper from the maples on the White House lawn with ropes supplied by the feckless, fickle, and feather-brained RINOs. 

When Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. are added to the fifty states, the Democrats will have four more senators and will be able to do anything they choose. 

If Georgians are foolish enough to send two Democrats to the Senate as Stacey Abrams (who thinks she is Governor of Georgia) says is a sure thing, there will be no stopping the overwhelming surge of Socialism. 

When our taxes are raised to the confiscatory level, blame the Democrats and cowardly RINOs. 

Blame the Democrats and RINOs when our First Amendment rights are gone. Print media and radio/television talk shows will be eliminated or controlled by government, and church people will be forced to keep worship within their four walls. It will be illegal and dangerous to call a man pretending to be a woman, an idiot. And other such speech control. 

When the mass media and social media are in the pockets of leftists and crank out false news daily, you can blame—wait a minute: that has already happened. 

When the nation is shut down again, jobs are lost, businesses close, and church leaders are jailed for refusing to obey government orders to close, blame Democrats and RINOs. 

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISERDue to unexpected medical and emergency repair billsplease consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this ‘Info-war’ for America at this most critical time in US history, during a time of systematic ‘big tech’ censorship and widespread Democrat corruption.)

When military troops require ordinary citizens to receive vaccinations, detain unmasked patriots, and patrol the streets to regulate truly peaceful marchers, blame Democrats and RINOs. 

When you must always wear a mask to have a job, travel on any public transportation, or walk in any public park, blame Democrats and RINOs. 

When Biden mandates a national lockdown and then climbs into bed (again) with the Chinese Communist with all that involves, blame Democrats and RINOs. 

When guns are removed from your home, leaving you helpless against marchers, marauders, muggers, and murderers, you will blame Democrats and RINOs. 

When gatecrashers from third world nations take your job, blame Democrats and RINOs. 

When people who never owned slaves must pay reparations to people who were never slaves, and people who have no college education are forced to pay the debts of partying, protesting college students for their worthless degrees, then blame Democrats and RINOs. 

When your kids’ classroom is double its current size and taught by a teacher who is English-deficient, blame Democrats and RINOs. 

When you can’t walk through your city parks without stumbling over druggies and perverts, blame Democrats and RINOs. 

The bell-ringing will have long stopped, and Democrats and RINOs will be wringing their hands as America reverts to a wasteland. 

But don’t stick your head in the gas oven or jump out your second-floor window because Trump will not permit the election to be stolen from him and us without legal protestations in the courts. The dishonest, devious, and designing political thugs will be exposed as a sudden light reveals roaches on a food-strewn kitchen floor. 

Let me remind you that Al Gore was recognized by the media and others as “President-Elect” for about thirty-five days in 2000 until it was official—George Bush was the winner. None of the medias’ authority is official; it is all presumptive. 

Moreover, you may remember that Amy Coney Barrett was asked in her hearings about her work in the Gore-Bush controversy, and she admitted she was part of the Bush team. What was not mentioned is that two other members of the Supreme Court were part of Bush’s legal team: Chief Justice John Roberts and Brett Kavanagh! 

Now, isn’t that interesting! The Court and College have yet to speak. I want to remind you of the famous words of my sixth-grade educated philosopher-father who said, “It ain’t over ‘till the fat lady sings.” 

And, less crudely, as Dr. Tom Barrett said on Conservative Truth, “It ain’t over ‘till the electoral college sings.” 

With truth on our side and dedicated lawyers before the Supreme Court, we might be ringing church bells and rejoicing in the streets this time. 

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

Veteran’s Day: Like the Scamdemic, All Wars are Psyops

November 11, 2020
Today is Veteran’s Day. Living in America, the upheaval of war was always something that happened far away. COVID has brought this war home to our cities and neighborhoods. It’s the same war that Satanists have waged against man and God for centuries. All wars are psyops. COVID is not their largest psyop. It’s small potatoes compared to World War One, World War Two, the Cold War, Korea, and Vietnam. All of these were staged by Illuminati bankers to degrade and destroy Christian civilization and to sacrifice millions of humans to Satan. If we consider the war dead as “heroes” rather than victims of a diabolical conspiracy, we are not honoring them. Rather, as with the #scamdemic, we are complicit in our own destruction. I urge you to watch this interview with Professor Anthony Sutton. In it, he explains that Wall Street financed Hitler and the Nazi war machine providing indispensable technology. Wall Street also funded the Bolshevik revolution, helped the Communists win, and literally built the USSR and supplied it with nuclear bomb technology. “Capitalism and Communism are identical,” Sutton says, a truth we are discovering today, to our consternation. Far from being free, we are mice in a laboratory run by psychopaths.  A world Communist state has always been their goal. 

See also  Sutton – Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution 
—————- Understanding History 

My annual Veteran’s Day article — War is a tragic hoax. The covid hoax is but another example of the long-term Cabalist war on humanity.
Wars are the closest thing to hell on earth. What do you expect? They are devised by Satanists. Why do we accept them as natural and inevitable? Why do we perpetuate the myth that soldiers were “defending our freedom” when in fact wars are designed to sacrifice them to Satan and deprive us of our freedom? In the Red Symphony,Illuminati Jewish insider Christian Rakovsky stated “Wars are revolutionary”
“Revolution” really means, “overturning” Western civilization. Replacing God with Lucifer. “Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the bourgeois states are only its consequences,” Rakovsky, says. 
Peace is “counter-revolutionary” since it is war that paves the way for revolution. Revolution really means, overturning Western civilization. Thus, war is a self-destructive enterprise contrived by folks who want to degrade and enslave us.

(Updated from last year)


By Henry Makow Ph.D.

When the United States and England loaned Mexico money in 1903 using its customs revenue as collateral, Illuminati banker Jacob Schiff cabled his English counterpart, Ernest Cassel: “If they don’t pay, who will collect the customs?”

(For nitpickers, yes he actually said this.)


Cassel replied:  “Your marines and ours.”   (The Life of Otto Kahn, p. 22)

Marine General Smedley Butler (1881-1940) confirmed that he was “a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers.” 

In War is a Racket (1935) he wrote: “I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China, I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.”

Flash forward to 2011 when NATO fomented and led a mission in Libya one of only four countries that didn’t have a Rothschild central bank. Now Libya does. They don’t call it imperialism anymore. They call it “Our mission in Libya.” Soldiers aren’t mercenaries; they are “missionaries.”  Now they’re after Syria, North Korea, and Iran, three of the four remaining countries without a Rothschild central bank


All wars are organized by the Illuminati bankers to collect or incur debt, kill goyim, plunder or profit, and to advance their program for Masonic Jewish “world government” tyranny. They appeal to our patriotism to sucker us in. We are told we are fighting to “preserve freedom” when the opposite is actually the case. 

So how should we regard the war dead? 

I regard their lives as cut short tragically in a bogus cause. They are human sacrifices, dupes and mercenaries. We have all been duped for a very long time. That gives Memorial Day a taint of pathos and cynicism.


While we were losing fathers and sons, Allied and Nazi central bankers were sitting shoulder to shoulder in Basel at the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) mainly financing the Nazis. 

The BIS handed the Nazis the national treasure of Czechoslovakia, Holland, and Belgium to ensure the war could go on. This gold, worth $378 million at the time, was the basis of loans to the Nazis and was never returned. 

The BIS accepted and stored Nazi plunder — art, diamonds and precious metals including dental gold and wedding ring from concentration camp inmates.  

The US Federal Reserve, the Banks of England, France, Italy, Japan and the Reichsbank were all members of the BIS. The Nazi Reichsbank had most seats but the BIS President was a Rockefeller factotum Thomas H. McKittrick (1889-1970). (Significantly he has no Wikipedia entry.)


(Thomas McKittrick, left)

Questioned by a US Treasury Dept official in March 1945, McKittrick said that the war had been a charade all along, with Germany taking the fall. 

Asked why the BIS worked with the Nazis, he replied, “In the complicated German financial setup, certain men who have their central bankers’ point of view, are in very strategic positions and can influence the conduct of the German government…” 

Then he spelled it out, albeit in a euphemism. The war’s purpose was to reposition Germany in the banker New World Order: 

“McKittrick went on to say that there was a little group of financiers who had felt from the beginning that Germany would lose the war; that after defeat they might emerge to shape Germany’s destiny. That they would “maintain their contacts and trust with other important banking elements so that they would be in a stronger position in the postwar world to negotiate loans for the reconstruction of Germany.” 

This quotation is from Charles Higham’s mind-blowing book,Trading With the Enemy, 1983, p. 37. (See excerpts here) 

These bankers controlled a Who’s Who of corporations that had factories in occupied Europe that underpinned the Nazi war effort and profited handsomely.  

Ford, General Motors, Standard Oil and ITT provided the Nazis with essential trucks, airplane engines, materiel, and technology, often giving the Nazis preference during shortages.  In a telling example, the Allies bombed a ball bearing plant in Germany only to have the stock replaced by a factory in Pennsylvania (via Sweden.)

Higham refers to these bankers as “the fraternity.” They are the Illuminati.

An earlier set of bankers masterminded World War One and kept it going. But you get the picture. All wars are really waged by the Luciferian central bankers against humanity, i.e “the goyim.”  

In 1916, almost 1.2 million British, French and German soldiers died or were maimed in the Battle of the Somme alone. They were the cream of their generation. The British national debt multiplied tenfold.

By participating in any war, we are accomplices in our own destruction.  They are sacrificing us to their God Satan. 

The military is catching on too. A recent poll found that only 34 percent of U.S. veterans of the post-9/11 military believed that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were worth fighting. US soldiers now generally say they are fighting “for their buddies” not for their country.  


We cannot honor the war dead without recognizing that, like us, they have been duped. Otherwise, we perpetuate the sinister power which holds us prisoner.

Ultimately, the New World Order is about replacing the rule of God with the rule of Lucifer. That’s why “God” has become a dirty word. War is the principal means by which Lucifer’s disciples, the Cabalist (satanist) central bankers, “change the world.” 

They have erected a police state behind the facade of freedom. We don’t know this because our leaders in government, education, and media are witting or unwitting participants. Treason to God and country is a prerequisite for success in many fields.

If honoring the war dead means perpetuating a cycle of endless war, we must stop. Better to honor the dead by abolishing wars. We can do this by nationalizing private central banks and making the bankers answer for their crimes.

Related –Remembrance Day Exposed 
———-War is Big Business- N Korea and Ukraine, and Syria Keep the Dollars Rolling InMakow – Freemasons Slaughtered Christians in WW1———–Pat Tillman – Hero or Dupe? 
——— World War Two in the Paciifc- Totally Avoidable ————–World War One -First Christian Holocaust
————- How Bankers Extended World War One for Three Years 
——— Illuminati Betrayed British Agents

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler  by Antony Sutton

Air Force Dumped Remains of US Soldiers in Landfill

You Tube “Dreams of Liberty”
Note: Cabalist (Masonic) central bankers follow a long-term plan to degrade and enslave humanity. This is what Communism is really about. They finance both sides of every war to make human sacrifices to their God Satan, to make money and extend their tyranny. Illuminati insider Ronald Bernard said that wars are designed to sacrifice humans. (Starting at 18 min) Are we complicit in satanic human sacrifice by pretending they died in a noble cause?

Does anyone care about the truth anymore?

By David Solway

Ferreting out political and historical truth from the welter of partisan voices and official disinformation, so far as this is possible, is no easy task. Not many of us are capable or desirous of doing so. This is perhaps the major debit in a prosperous democratic polity, many of whose citizens, like pampered children, have grown spoiled and lazy. 

Common sense is needed, along with moral fortitude and the willingness to dig for documentary sources and artifacts that are not easily falsified. One cannot allow the media to do one’s homework for one but must instead subject what one is told to believe to hard scrutiny and diligent research. This process is not only an epistemic necessity but also a moral demand. As C2C editor Patrick Keeney writes, “we can only arrive at what we ought to do by appeals to moral reasoning.” We might say that thoughtfulness is an aspect of moral character.

In the political world especially, one must be skeptical of the left and its popular sobriquet, socialism. For socialism is all about radical egalitarianism, the expansion of welfare dependency, the destruction of the nuclear family and the establishment of single-party rule. The study of history and the current geopolitical theater is dispositive in this regard.

Opponents of the Left are regularly denounced as belonging to the “far right.” But what is called the “far right” in the current political environment is a will o’ the wisp, a false construct serving the interests of the demagogic impulse associated with the left, for there is no temporizing with the left’s totalitarian basis no matter how moderate it may appear in some of its presumably acceptable forms. 

What is condemned as the “far right” is actually responsible conservatism struggling to preserve the philosophy and tradition of “classical liberalism” associated with resonant names like John Locke, Edmund Burke, Matthew Arnold, John Stuart Mill and Benjamin Disraeli, and today with Richard Weaver, James Burnham, Robert Bork, Russell Kirk and Roger Scruton.

For those on the “soft left,” desire is the nub of the issue — the appetite for outcomes in the absence of reasoned analysis and knowledge of history, justified by a faulty reading of the world. One recalls the philosophical debate that raged for centuries between Duns Scotus and his followers on the one side and the school of Saint Thomas Aquinas on the other. (The word “dunce” derives from “Duns.”) Scotus postulated that the will conditions the reason, in other words, desire seeks its goal first and the mind subsequently proceeds to vindicate its decision. Aquinas contended that reason commands the will, that is, the faculty of purified intellect posits the good, and desire afterwards strives to achieve it. The general run of leftists and liberals are, on this interpretation, earnest neo-Scotists, wanting something very badly — feminist hegemony, climate purity, socialist equity, sexual license, abortion on demand — and then abusing their mental powers to defend their error.

For the “hard left,” however, affective attitudes are somewhat different. Desire is not a function of the will to believe — since many inhabitants of that malignant political universe are fully aware of their corruption and duplicity, and like criminal psychopaths glorify it — but, quite bluntly, of the will to power, as we have seen in the fraudulent election of 2020. 

The Democrat party is by any honest assessment no longer a political party but a criminal organization intent on dominating, suppressing and extorting an entire nation. It has accepted a Marxist philosophy and enforced it by fascist means, deriving theory and practice from the Communists and the Nazis, becoming, in effect, the NaziCom Party of the United States. And in collaboration with the nation’s “elites” — academics, media, the technocrats, the Hollywood syndrome, corporate shills, and affluent outriders — the NaziComs seem poised to succeed in imposing their destructive agenda.

One thinks of Abraham’s argument with God in Genesis 18. Must the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah be utterly destroyed for their wickedness? “Wilt thou destroy the righteous with the wicked?” Abraham asks the Lord, who agrees to spare the “twin cities” if only ten righteous men could be found. Not even ten could be found and the cities were consumed in fire and brimstone. Though the analogy does not hold point for point, it is nevertheless instructive. In America there are millions upon millions of good and decent people — people who have not grown slack and indolent and ungrateful — and it seems a mortifying shame that the they should be politically, socially and economically destroyed by some of the most contemptible people on the face of the planet. 

Obama boasted that he would “radically transform” the United States, and the left is determined to execute his mandate, transforming the country into a modern iteration of Sodom and Gomorrah. Any fair and reasonable analysis of the November 3 debacle tells us without the slightest doubt that the electoral process was a sordid and unscrupulous affair carried out by the Democrats and their myrmidons — that is, by the institutional (or “hard”) left with the complicity of revolutionary youth and a “soft” electorate. 

The cadres of billionaire plutocrats and the petty tyrants of the political left can count on the approval of the decadent and feminized moieties, which is why these must be resisted by the “righteous” — ordinary men and women who do honest labor and cherish their friends and families as they do their freedom — with all the means at their disposal. And they must resolutely support President Trump, who in his battle to ensure electoral legitimacy and preserve the integrity of the nation, has come to resemble a tragic hero fighting inestimable odds.

Graphic credit: Daveblog  (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

David Solway’s most recent book is Notes from a Derelict Culture, Black House, London, 2019.

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Why Scott Adams of Dilbert Fame And I Say Trump Wins This Thing – Bigly

Jay Valentine

Ok, sit back from your sleepless nights and fury every time you turn on Fox News and put down the Chardonnay and take a long, deep breath.  Please!

On Monday, Scott Adams of Dilbert fame, who is one of the finest critical minds in the podcast world quoted’s article that said Trump was probably going to win this thing.  Scott Adams agreed!

Scott Adams says Trump is right now a 60% favorite to win this thing.

YouTube screengrab

Scott and I are probably the only two people on the planet, other than DJ himself thinking this right now.  Let’s go there for a moment.  Calm down!  Again.  Calm down!

Biden is at 290 Electoral votes; awarded by the mainstream media.  Nothing is truly awarded until the state legislatures do so in mid-December, so chill.  However, the mainstream media is screwing with your heads by calling this election because they hate the guy who called them FAKE NEWS.

And you are letting them do it.  Stop!  

Let’s do some arithmetic.  

Biden needs 270 Electoral votes or more to come out of the basement and become the first chief executive of the most powerful force on the planet with early stage dementia.  It is a civil rights thing so deal with it.  If you think that is wrong, you are a racist.

The 290 Electoral vote total includes 20 from Pennsylvania.  There is a ton of fraud in that state and you are seeing all kinds of reports of ballots coming in at 4:00 AM and all that.  Skip it.  That does not matter.

Focus people on the Justice Alito Supreme Court Order.  Justice Alito, not a man with whom to trifle, is in charge of day-to-day activities for a group of states and Pennsylvania is one of them.  The Justice told Pennsylvania to “segregate” any vote that came in after 8:00 PM on election night.  You will recall, DJ was winning bigly (a Scott Adams word) at that point.

Around midnight, Texas time, the Pennsylvania vote counters stopped counting.  Then the truckloads of new ballots came in, reportedly voting for Biden and no other candidate for any lower office.

The Supreme Court ruled, sort of, in this case already.  They said, with 4 Justices led by Justice Alito that ONLY the Pennsylvania legislature can make or modify voting rules.  Read the opinions – this thing is NOT going to go to Biden.

It is black and white, in the United States Constitution, a dusty document tourists see in the National Archives in DC.

The Pennsylvania legislature did not allow such voting changes, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, a quite partisan body, did.  And the grown-ups at the U.S. Supreme Court said that was judicial overreach.  That is not a good thing for Biden.

This week, Justice Alito again said all votes coming in after 8:00 PM on election night need to be segregated.  That is what is called a Federal Court Order.  That’s no parking ticket.

The leftists will say this is a racist thing because of the word “segregated.”  Maybe separated would be more politically correct.

Anyway, it is pretty clear with Justice Amy Barrett on the Supreme Court, those votes in Pennsylvania are getting backed out right after Rudy Giuliani makes his case.  The mainstream media know that; thus, they are screwing with your heads and you are up all night eating popcorn looking for any shred of information.  Go to sleep!  

Biden is at 270, the bare minimum to get out of the basement!  And you are in a frenzy, getting no sleep, ignoring the dog, worrying all night long.

Let’s start at 270.  I really hate the cliché “how many paths to winning” but I have to go there.  Ugh!

There are two paths for Trump, there is one for Biden, and Biden’s options slowly evaporate every time a new affidavit gets signed testifying about voter fraud.

Let’s do the DJ paths.  Both of them.

First, Biden is at 270 after the Supreme Court tosses Pennsylvania.  There are credible vote counts in 5 – 6 states where Biden’s lead shrinks by the hour.  If even one state falls, it’s over for Joe and instead of a Presidential Inauguration Committee there is a senior citizen, assisted living solution.  That is path 1, if you forgot to count.

Another, independent path that I really like, is DJ saying, in effect, screw it, I am going to the state legislatures in each of these states, all of which are Republican, and I am taking my message to the people.

Trump uses all his negatives for a positive outcome.  Brash, punches down, cannot control his unseemly attacks on Big Media, Fox News, Big Tech and rallies in every state in contention.  He tweets.  Thousands, perhaps tens of thousands show up.  You know it will be rallies beyond imagination!

When you calm down, and put down the Chardonnay, let me ask you:  is there a state senator, state rep in a Republican chamber who will be the one to say “well, Fox News called this election, I think Trump should concede, and I vote to certify the fake election results?”  

Before you answer, remember that neither Mitt Romney nor Ben Sasse live in any of these states.

So, Trump goes above these geeky fraud statistics, taking out one vote at a time and he makes a bigger pitch.  Trump’s pitch is that the fraudulent ballots are just a distraction.  The real fraud was the collusion of Facebook, Twitter, Google altering search results so nobody ever heard about the Hunter laptop, The Big Guy Joe getting paid off from China.

The real fraud was a Hillary Clinton fawning supporter named Anthony Fauci who kept giving contradictory advice on a pandemic, and then blamed Trump for following his earlier advice.

The ugliest fraud was the college of pollsters who issued fake polls, day after day showing Trump could not win – and they used these as active voter suppression techniques.  Against you!

Trump’s pitch is that America needs to stand up to a different kind of fraud – the fraud of mass media manipulation.  We are in George Orwell territory.

You have seen it.  The MAGA-nation hats.  The wild crowds.  The automobile lines for 90 miles in Arizona, with stickers, signs, flags created organically just to show DJ support.

Going to the people’s elected representatives to stop them from certifying a fraud of unimaginable proportions, from the media and tech – that’s the story!

Only one state legislature, only one, and only one chamber of any of them chokes, says “…ya know, we aren’t going to certify this fraud thing” and Biden does not get to 270 and it goes to the House of Representatives.  Trump wins there 26 – 24.  

So right now, if Joe Biden were conscious, he would be sweating that trip to an assisted living facility.  Donald Trump is now playing to his strength – going to the people.

This has never failed him, and it will not fail him now.

The tide is already turning for President Trump

Ed Timperlake

Attorney General Barr just mobilized the Department of Justice to engage as appropriate to investigate election fraud throughout America.  He is on solid legal ground.  It is a very simple means of addressing the greatest attempted political theft in American history, and I would rather be we, Trump Nation, than they, the Democrat party’s illegal operatives.

This is because President Trump and his team laid the legal ground work for identifying and prosecuting such criminal behavior in 2017:

Federal Prosecution of Election Offensives

Eight Edition 2017

Our constitutional system of representative government only works when the worth of honest ballots is not diluted by invalid ballots procured by corruption.

The actual fact that the A.G. late last night triggered the use of the DOJ legal handbook bodes ill for those who are involved in electoral cheating.

For them, when the men and women in suits arrive on their doorstep to politely inquire “can you explain this,” with “this” being one of the many felonies listed above, the campaign operative is likely to immediately have a life-altering moment.  As often is said: You can go easy, or you can go hard, but make no mistake: you are going to address your behavior.  And as the joke goes, never steal anything small, and the Democrat team certainly took that to heart.

At the moment of an investigation asking a low-level operative “what role did you play” in this grand theft election, the massive conspiracy will begin to crumble.  After all, what young campaign worker wants to go to jail for Joe Biden? So far, it looks like Biden will have trouble even keeping his own son out of entanglement with potential legal felony charges.

Notice I said men and women in suits.  This is because of my direct personal experience working officially with honorable FBI special agents.  I’m not talking about the Deep State operatives at the top.  I have much faith in the dedicated honor and respect for the rule of law enforced by special agents of the FBI in the field.  Adding to that phalanx of the FBI in the field, there is also the absolutely no-nonsense U.S. Marshals Service.  And, as the evidence may present itself, there’s also our world-class diligent Secret Service agents.

The majesty and mission dedication that all Americans expect of our federal protectors is well placed.  Please do not let the horrific aberration of people like Jim Comey, and those like him in D.C. paint in your minds FBI field agents as Deep State swamp creatures.

Federal prosecutors also have solid legal guidelines because the Supreme Court has already established precedent for nationwide election fraud cases. 

See Anderson v. United States, 417 U.S 211, 227 (1974) cited in the Department of Justice criminal file cited above.

Now for the big and scary surprise for election-stealing criminals: There is a new federal team on the field of battle at the Department of Homeland Security.  Note this:


Fair and free elections are a hallmark of American democracy. The American people’s confidence in the value of their vote is principally reliant on their confidence in the security and resilience of the infrastructure that makes the Nation’s elections possible. Accordingly, an electoral process that is both secure and resilient is a vital national interest and one of CISA’s highest priorities.

CISA is committed to working collaboratively with those on the front lines of elections — state and local governments, election officials, federal partners, and vendors — to manage risks to the Nation’s election infrastructure. CISA will remain transparent and agile in its vigorous efforts to secure America’s election infrastructure from new and evolving threats.

The practical result of these teams fighting in the 2020 election campaign can already be seen.

As interviews are conducted in the field and hard evidence accumulated with federal prosecutors building cases and the need for a “Rocket Docket” directly to the Supreme Court, I suspect that the conspiracy will crumble as the minions and mid-level political miscreants scurry for legal safe haven.  It is simple: as the DHS team chases illegal computer voting “trons,” many of those in criminal legal trouble may see an opportunity to get out of jail free by singing to the feds.

Essentially, “the computer ate my homework” defense, with the press calling it a “computer glitch,” will collapse, and then significant votes may swing back to the correct column.

Sadly, if it takes walking a few conspirators to identify and correct many machine-directed mis-votes, so be it.

President Trump will eventually win.  Just look at this early headline at a very local level in the key battleground state of Michigan.

Fixed computer glitch turns losing Republican into a winner in Oakland County

A computer error led election officials in Oakland County to hand an upset victory Wednesday to a Democrat, only to switch the win back to an incumbent Republican a day later.

Soon many “computer errors,” I suspect, will be corrected.

However, those election-thief conspirators that took the analog route by corrupting hard-copy ballots, by either throwing away Trump votes and/or adding illegal Biden votes, well, they can become cooperating witnesses. Or else too bad for them because I hope they enjoy their stay at a “Club Fed” and living with a lifelong felony conviction in the thereafter.

Ed Timperlake is a former congressional staffer, a former Marine, and the author of several books on the Washington swamp.

Image credit: Official seal, via Pixabay, public domain.

Attorney General Barr just mobilized the Department of Justice to engage as appropriate to investigate election fraud throughout America.  He is on solid legal ground.  It is a very simple means of addressing the greatest attempted political theft in American history, and I would rather be we, Trump Nation, than they, the Democrat party’s illegal operatives.

This is because President Trump and his team laid the legal ground work for identifying and prosecuting such criminal behavior in 2017:

Federal Prosecution of Election Offensives

Eight Edition 2017

Our constitutional system of representative government only works when the worth of honest ballots is not diluted by invalid ballots procured by corruption.

The actual fact that the A.G. late last night triggered the use of the DOJ legal handbook bodes ill for those who are involved in electoral cheating.

For them, when the men and women in suits arrive on their doorstep to politely inquire “can you explain this,” with “this” being one of the many felonies listed above, the campaign operative is likely to immediately have a life-altering moment.  As often is said: You can go easy, or you can go hard, but make no mistake: you are going to address your behavior.  And as the joke goes, never steal anything small, and the Democrat team certainly took that to heart.

At the moment of an investigation asking a low-level operative “what role did you play” in this grand theft election, the massive conspiracy will begin to crumble.  After all, what young campaign worker wants to go to jail for Joe Biden? So far, it looks like Biden will have trouble even keeping his own son out of entanglement with potential legal felony charges.

Notice I said men and women in suits.  This is because of my direct personal experience working officially with honorable FBI special agents.  I’m not talking about the Deep State operatives at the top.  I have much faith in the dedicated honor and respect for the rule of law enforced by special agents of the FBI in the field.  Adding to that phalanx of the FBI in the field, there is also the absolutely no-nonsense U.S. Marshals Service.  And, as the evidence may present itself, there’s also our world-class diligent Secret Service agents.

The majesty and mission dedication that all Americans expect of our federal protectors is well placed.  Please do not let the horrific aberration of people like Jim Comey, and those like him in D.C. paint in your minds FBI field agents as Deep State swamp creatures.

Federal prosecutors also have solid legal guidelines because the Supreme Court has already established precedent for nationwide election fraud cases. 

See Anderson v. United States, 417 U.S 211, 227 (1974) cited in the Department of Justice criminal file cited above.

Now for the big and scary surprise for election-stealing criminals: There is a new federal team on the field of battle at the Department of Homeland Security.  Note this:


Fair and free elections are a hallmark of American democracy. The American people’s confidence in the value of their vote is principally reliant on their confidence in the security and resilience of the infrastructure that makes the Nation’s elections possible. Accordingly, an electoral process that is both secure and resilient is a vital national interest and one of CISA’s highest priorities.

CISA is committed to working collaboratively with those on the front lines of elections — state and local governments, election officials, federal partners, and vendors — to manage risks to the Nation’s election infrastructure. CISA will remain transparent and agile in its vigorous efforts to secure America’s election infrastructure from new and evolving threats.

The practical result of these teams fighting in the 2020 election campaign can already be seen.

As interviews are conducted in the field and hard evidence accumulated with federal prosecutors building cases and the need for a “Rocket Docket” directly to the Supreme Court, I suspect that the conspiracy will crumble as the minions and mid-level political miscreants scurry for legal safe haven.  It is simple: as the DHS team chases illegal computer voting “trons,” many of those in criminal legal trouble may see an opportunity to get out of jail free by singing to the feds.

Essentially, “the computer ate my homework” defense, with the press calling it a “computer glitch,” will collapse, and then significant votes may swing back to the correct column.

Sadly, if it takes walking a few conspirators to identify and correct many machine-directed mis-votes, so be it.

President Trump will eventually win.  Just look at this early headline at a very local level in the key battleground state of Michigan.

Fixed computer glitch turns losing Republican into a winner in Oakland County

A computer error led election officials in Oakland County to hand an upset victory Wednesday to a Democrat, only to switch the win back to an incumbent Republican a day later.

Soon many “computer errors,” I suspect, will be corrected.

However, those election-thief conspirators that took the analog route by corrupting hard-copy ballots, by either throwing away Trump votes and/or adding illegal Biden votes, well, they can become cooperating witnesses. Or else too bad for them because I hope they enjoy their stay at a “Club Fed” and living with a lifelong felony conviction in the thereafter.

Ed Timperlake is a former congressional staffer, a former Marine, and the author of several books on the Washington swamp.

Image credit: Official seal, via Pixabay, public domain.

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