Truth is only hateful to those who hate the truth.
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Written By a Young Wife and Mother

I loved reading this post. The love and appreciation Ken showed for his wife is lovely to read, especially after seeing Lori constantly attacked by feminists and worldly men and women on social media simply because she sticks to biblical truth and boldly proclaims it. I love seeing Ken’s love and approval of her. 🙂

Anyways, I’m so thankful for TTW blog, and God truly has used Lori to change my life. (Obviously, I mean Lori’s teaching of God’s Word has transformed me.) I’m a young wife, 23, and began reading her blog earlier last year. At the time, I was pursing a bachelor’s degree and working full time. I always had the desire to be a mother but was sucked into the idea of getting a career first, a house, etc. and I was also on birth control.

One by one God began revealing to me His truth on these matters and used Lori to shed light on what God says about a godly woman, wife, and lifestyle. I quit college, stopped taking birth control, and with my husband, began focusing on paying off our debt so I could be a stay at home wife ASAP. I got pregnant the second month I was off birth control, and we quickly bought a house. Because of my desire to be a SAHM, we bought a house much cheaper than we originally thought about. It’s perfect, and I love it.

Our goal is to have the least amount of bills possible. We have paid off one large loan we had and almost have paid off the second loan as well. Lori taught me that you truly don’t need two incomes if you live frugally and budget, prioritizing correctly and being content with less. Fast forward to now. My precious baby was born two weeks ago, I am a stay at home mom, and my husband is fully supportive and excited that he can provide for us while I raise and eventually homeschool our child(ren).

All of this to say, thank you Lori (and Ken) for this ministry, for your biblical womanhood study guide, and your faithfulness to teach young women God’s Word. My old church sure wasn’t teaching me these things. As Ken mentioned, you truly are changing lives and mine is one of them! I am so joyful, happy, and at peace finally knowing that I’m where God designed me to be— at home, caring for my husband and child, and our household. Raising the next generation to know and hopefully love the Lord. Serving my family, rather than a big company or boss. I love every minute and don’t take for granted the way God so graciously brought me to this position in a year or less. Thank you Lori! I just wanted to share to hopefully encourage you to keep on fighting. Much love and blessings 🙂

-A Young Mom & Wife

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:1,2

***I shared this comment from this young wife and mom to encourage all of you who are teaching young women biblical womanhood. I receive private messages and emails similar to this one daily. God’s Word never comes back void! Yes, you’ll receive a lot of hate from teaching these things that are so foreign to women today, even Christian women, but it’s worth it! Truth always brings forth good fruit.

Conforming to God’s Word Rather than to the World

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