Talmudic Jews control 7 of the eight Ivy League colleges, and Talmudic Jewish children are vastly over represented in the nations colleges

Talmudic Jewish children have access to elite colleges that the rest of the population does not have access to. No surprise because their parents control the money supply of the entire world.

As American academia finishes transitioning into an even more intellectually repressive nightmare, talented professors are quitting and the value of a college education has plummeted.

Ivy League schools naturally set the tempo for less prestigious colleges. Gender ideology and critical race theory begins to metastasize once the factories churning out tomorrow’s elites institutionally embrace such rubbish.

The broader social ramifications of corrupting higher learning means future FBI agents, law partners, bankers, politicians and media makers learn to hate and discriminate against white people in their professional lives.

Bari Weiss, who quit the New York Timesbecause it wasn’t Jewish enough, released an article earlier in the month that has enjoyed heavy circulation. The piece, titled “The Miseducation of America’s Elites,” details the anti-white racial abuse wealthy parents subject their children to at exclusive private schools in an ends-justify-the-means attempt to get them into Harvard and Yale.

When the choice is the dignity of their children versus promises of money, power and prestige, the bourgeoisie opts for the latter.

But Weiss, who is promoted as a warrior against the Woke, spends a lot of time describing the trappings of the problem without giving satisfying answers as to its origins and standard bearers.

Institutional ideologies are not virus’ that emerge from nature. They are ideas, created and imposed by men, who have agendas and motives.

We know, thanks to Weiss, what America’s rich are willing to do to reach the carrot, but whose wielding the stick?

Cursory research done by National Justicefinds a crisis of nepotism at our Ivy League schools. Seven out of eight presidents of these universities are Jewish, despite being a miniscule 2% of the national population.

They are as follows,

Even Dartmouth’s Philip J. Hanlon, who does not appear to be a Jew, was inaugurated as president by a invocationled by the school’s Hillel Rabbi. No other religious figures participated in the event.

The concentration of Jews as gatekeepers means that Jewish values and prejudices end up trickling down into every facet of our lives.

At Harvard, Lawrence Bacow (among others) has led an expensive legal war to resist the Trump administration’s demand that it stop racially discriminating against white and Asian students.

Bacow, who in 2018 became the second Jew named Lawrence to lead Harvard in recent years, claims that racially excluding qualified white students is important for fostering a diverse learning environment. The quotas don’t seem to impact his own group. 53% of Harvard’s Grad students are Jewish.

Peter Salovey of Yale has joined the fray and turned what was one of the best research universities on the planet into a hyper politicized anti-white base of society wrecking conspiracies.

In an announcement last October, Salovey announced that he would put his school’s limitless resources and influence behind things like “The Center For Law and Racial Justice,” which trains students to use the law as an instrument to oppress white people, and a “new program to encourage diversity in Yale’s senior leadership” that apparently excludes the prospect of him resigning and giving his position to a non-white.

At Columbia, Lee Bollinger proclaimed the riots over the summer a “new Civil Rights movement” and announced radical reforms to curriculum and campus life intended to increase pressure on non-Jewish white students. Bollinger has also vowed to decrease and weaken the presence of campus police, even though students attending his university are regularly assaulted, robbed and even murdered by blacks that live in surrounding areas.

All the other presidents have overseen similar changes, revealing the lack of diversity not only of race, but also of thought and educational philosophy in institutes of higher learning.

While some will try to argue that Jews control the Ivy Leagues because of merit, as if merit is even part of our national vocabulary anymore, the actual selection process for presidents is decided by a board of trustees. Trustees are often inactive people who donate a lot of money to influence the schools or have high level political connections.

These trustees are disproportionately Jewish. Discounting ethnocentrism and shared ethnic interests as playing a role in their decisions when a clear pattern is present would be irrational and unscientific.

Conservatives will often excuse the behavior of these administrators by claiming they are “cowards” being “bullied” by leftist student groups, but this is not true. In response to a referendum where 69% of students voted to stop Brown from funding the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, the Jew Christina Paxson wrote an indignant refusal letter, asserting that “Brown’s endowment is not a political instrument!

While all of these schools fought tooth and nail to fight the government’s lawsuit to prevent race discrimination against white students, none of the schools have challenged Trump’s executive order essentially outlawing criticism of Israel on campus. The order is unconstitutional and students have complained that it silences Palestinian advocates, but administrators appear to agree with Trump on this issue.

If America’s power dispensaries are so concerned with diversity and racism, perhaps they should select somebody who isn’t Jewish to lead their operations for a change.

The problem isn’t radical students or liberal self-hatred. The rot corroding our institutions of higher learning, like many other failing American institutions, is Jewish racial dominance.(Republished from National Justice by permission of author or representative)


Henry Blodget : “Why do People Hate Jews?”


(left. Scene from 1998 movie “Pleasantville” made by Red Diaper baby Gary Ross. Learn the shocking reason David’s mom is in color but his dad is in black & white.) 

The reason they want to sever our connection to God is they intend to take His place.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Last week, the editor of Business Digest.com, Henry Blodget stimulated discussion by asking the question, “Why do people hate Jews?”

He noticed that Goldman Sachs’ activity had created anti-Semitism; Blodget wanted to give the subject an airing.

But the largely negative reaction made Blodget amend the question to “some” people and then to “What are the sources of anti-Semitism?” 

Finally he issued a retraction:   

“Some people I like and respect told me they felt insulted by and uncomfortable with the post…I am very sorry to anyone I offended. I sincerely apologize.” 

In an article, “Does Henry Blodget Hate Jews?” Jewish writer Foster Kamer commented: 


(Henry Blodget, left)

“The only possible motivation for writing a headline like that is to attract attention, and page views, and it … will only inflame parties on all sides (be they Jews, Jew Haters, Self-Loathing Jews, and so on). You can rest assured that whatever genuine intellectual curiosity Blodget has about this issue–and compassion towards marginalized and/or persecuted peoples, …was made a moot point by that headline. And as a Jew, I can tell Blodget, this does not necessarily help our cause.”

Stereotypically, Kamer thinks this discussion is about “helping the Jewish cause.” His reply reflects the Jewish delusion that they are “marginalized and/or persecuted” rather than dominant and exclusive. He thinks any Jew who is self-critical must be “self loathing” – an attitude indicative of a closed, authoritarian society.  


The reason for anti-Semitism is that Illuminati Jews and their Masonic minions usurp control of society. They tend to monopolize business, politics, media and culture. (For example, are there any significant anti-Zionist politicians or media? Why are 4 of nine US Supreme Court judges Illuminati Jews? Why do Illuminati Jews run the IMF and US Treasury? ) 

They deliberately subvert European Christian nations by promoting pornography, promiscuity, immigration, multiculturalism, feminism and homosexuality under the rubric of Communism, liberalism and socialism.   (See also “Liberal Jews Carry Luciferian Banner”

The harsh truth is that Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion and most Jews are dupes. 

Members of a satanic cult are never told the real agenda; they are manipulated instead. Now, by extension, most of humanity is in this position. i.e. unwitting inductees in a satanic cult.  

Judaism has two sets of books. 

Ordinary Jews and the general public see the Old Testament. (Even there the depiction of God is not credible because it is tribal and not universal.)

Only the initiates see the real agenda: the Talmud & the Cabala. The Cabalists (i.e. Illuminati) are dedicated to creating a “New World Order” through the destruction of everything that is decent and good. The Talmud envisages Jews as a master race and preaches hate against non-Jews. 

In contrast, true religion is dedicated to revealing the inherent design of Creation and following it. This is called, obeying God

A satanic cult denies the inherent Design (God); it turns Reality on its head. Evil is good. Lies are truth. Through their control of government credit, the Illuminati cult controls pretty much everything. Mankind is satanically possessed by them and their minions. 

God is Ultimate Reality. Reality consists of moral absolutes: truth, goodness, love, peace, beauty, justice. 

The Illuminati replace this with a solipsism, i.e. whatever they say is true or good. This is why always their first priority is securing a monopoly of the mass media and education.  

Modern culture is a solipsism.  It denies the soul and spiritual ideals. It denies God, ( i.e. perfection) the principle of our development. The reason they want to sever our connection to God is they want to take His place

Modern culture eschews what is universal and true. Instead, it purveys what is personal, subjective and often sick. It makes a god of man, and defines him in terms of self-interest and bodily appetites.


The 1998 movie “Pleasantville” illustrates that secular humanism is occultism. Writer and director Gary Ross illustrates the harm Jewish liberal crusaders do while imagining they are our benefactors.  His father, the screenwriter Arthur Ross, was a Communist blacklisted during the 1940s and 1950s.  

Gary Ross recently co-wrote and directed the Illuminati film, “The Hunger Games.” (Communism is an Illuminati creation.) 

Pleasantville is Luciferian propaganda in the form of science fiction.  David and his sister Jennifer are transplanted from 1998 into an 1950’s American idyll like “Father’s Knows Best” or “Ozzie and Harriet.”  


(left. sheltered White conservative robotniks waiting to be liberated by Illuminati Jews)

The tagline of the movie is “Nothing is as Simple as Black and White.” In other words, there are no moral absolutes. This is Satanism (secular humanism.) 

The two streetwise teenagers introduce promiscuous sex, modern art, jazz  and literature to the sheltered robotic denizens of Pleasantville, who resemble Christian Conservatives.

As these innocent White robots are exposed to the wonders of modern CULT – ure, they change from black and white into color. This is especially true when they partake in sex


David’s “mom” changes into color after she is taught to masturbate BY HER CHILDREN. We see mom masturbating in the bathtub; it is portrayed like the Second Coming.  This film was rated “Parental Guidance.”

Remember when “as American as mom’s apple pie” denoted goodness and innocence?  

Mom immediately rejects her role as housewife and enters into an illicit relationship with the soda fountain owner who takes up impressionist art.
Needless to say all these black and white people are now seen in living color.

Meanwhile dad is like the Exercizer bunny in black and white repeating “Where’s my dinner?”  

There is a conservative “authoritarian” reaction but David soon quells it with breathless talk of “kids making out in the streets” and“women working and men staying home to cook.”


(left. Illuminism is a sex cult. Sexual promiscuity is fatal for women. Men will not bond with them.)

Can you see how these Illuminati Jews are Luciferians, and reverse good and evil? Metaphysical misfits, they wage relentless war on what is innocent, natural and healthy. Can you see how they preach rebellion?  How they spread their dysfunction? (See also, “Hollywood Hypes Lesbian Jewish Parable” 

The irony is Gary Ross yearned for a “normal life” like the ones he witnessed on TV.

“My ’50s were different than other people’s ’50s,” Ross says. “The myth didn’t permeate our world, ‘Donna Reed’ and all that. I longed for that, I wanted to be like other normal families on TV.”

Yet the first thing he does is destroy that vision.


Mankind is the target of an ongoing satanic multi-generational attack designed to enslave it.  

Jews are “hated” because for centuries Illuminati (Masonic) Jewry  has served as agents of this central banker agenda. They and their Freemason proxies have been at the forefront of this war against Christian nations. But like all Luciferians, they are adept at making darkness appear to be light, attacker appear as victim, hater appeared to be wrongly hated.  

If the world descends into chaos, I expect Illuminati Jews will shift the blame onto Jews in general. They have fomented anti Semitism throughout history and are largely responsible for instigating the holocaust to justify Israel.  

Ordinary Jews are as duped and manipulated as ordinary Americans whose taxes fund Illuminati wars. Both are controlled by the Illuminati bankers and their Masonic minions.  

Ordinary Jews can do two things. 

1) Recognize that Anti-Semitism is not “irrational hate.” It is largely justified by the role Illuminati (Cabalist) and Pharisee Jews have played throughout history. Organized Jewry is not on the side of the angels. 

2. Jews must stop serving as a Trojan Horse for Illuminati Jews and taking the blame for them. Illuminati Jews aren’t even real Jews. They intermarry with other generational Satanists (Freemasons) who reach into every  organization.  

Instead of human shields, Jews should join with their non-Jewish neighbors in opposing this diabolical conspiracy that has engulfed mankind. 


Adorno’s Bastards and the Frankfurt School   by Kevin Beary 

Related by Makow – 

Do Jews Suffer from a False Identity?

Our Illuminati Reality Bubble

Jewish Conspiracy – Last Moment of Lucidity

The Riddle of Anti-Semitism

Film Exposes Anti-Semitism Racket

Zionism’s Historic Partnership with Anti-Semites

Nazis Funded Nacent Israeli Army


Betty Friedan: How Jewish Dysfunction Became Universal

The truth stares us in the face but we are blinded by mental conditioning.

Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cultwhich subverts its members by 

promoting promiscuity and gender confusion. First, it made some Jews sick 

and through them (and Freemasons) it has subverted the planet. 

They “corrupt in order to rule.” They control us by making us sick, physically or psychologically. This is satanic possession. Sin is their MO.  Illuminati Jews and top Freemasons (Hollywood, etc.) are Satan’s missionaries. The goyim have been trained like Pavlov’s Dogs to eschew anything that smacks of “anti Semitism.” But to identify a pernicious influence is not the same as condemning all Jews. 

Related- How American Communism Created Feminism 

———Lena Dunham – Another example of How Illuminati Jews Normalize Dysfunction

———– Hollywood’s Home Movies Portray Jewish Nightmare 

———– Hollywood Jews Preach Sex and Degeneration to Goyim

———– Liberal Jews,Sex & the New Satanic Order 

By Henry Makow Ph.D. 
(Slightly revised from April 21, 2007) 


In the 1950’s, the founder of modern feminism had a serious inferiority complex. At parties she would introduce herself: “I’m Betty Friedan — and I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Smith.” 

Friedan’s mother had made her feel inadequate as a female. In her candid autobiography, “My Life So Far” (2000) Friedan (born, Betty Naomi Goldstein) says that no matter what she did, her mother made her feel “messy, clumsy, inadequate, bad, naughty, ugly.” (26) 

Friedan spent years in psychoanalysis “talking endlessly about how I hated my mother and how she had killed my father.” (121) 

“All mothers should be drowned at birth,” she used to say in her 20’s. (131) 


Isn’t this a precursor of feminism? 

Her mother, Miriam Horowitz Goldstein was the spoiled daughter of a doctor who at 20 made a loveless marriage to “an older Jewish businessman” a jeweller almost twice her age. She was ashamed he had “no formal American education and a heavy Jewish accent.” He could do nothing right either. (17) 

But instead of seeing that her parent’s marriage was the problem, Betty Friedan attributed her mother’s unloving behavior to her lack of a satisfying career. She compensated for a weak father figure by becoming masculine herself and pursuing male glory. 

Ostracized by her classmates for being inept and ugly, Friedan vowed that “they may not like me” but one day “they are going to have to look up to me.” (25) 

In other words, Friedan was a classic Jewish social misfit, the kind that the elite use to undermine society. 

Fame and fortune came her way with her book “The Feminine Mystique,” (1963) which devalued the traditional feminine role and stripped femininity of its “mystique.” 

Husband and children need the love of a gracious young wife or mother. This nurturing feminine charm was a woman’s “mystique.” In her book, Friedan said family-oriented women were parasites  who had no identity of their own. She compared a housewife to an inmate in “a comfortable concentration camp.” A psychological stormtroopers, She devalued the countless priceless things a real woman does for her children and husband. 

With the help of the elite media, Friedan convinced women to deny their natural identity as wife and mother and seek it from jobs and employers. 
Rather than recognize that she was bent, Friedan made other women conform to her, at incalculable cost to society. 


In her autobiography, Friedan portrays herself as a devoted housewife who wanted to avoid her own mother’s mistakes. But in fact she emulated her mother and threatened to castrate her husband.

When she claimed to be “a battered wife,” her ex, Carl Friedan, started a web site (now discontinued) to give his side of the story. He was convinced to take it down. 


He said Friedan was unstable and often attacked him. Her bruises were due to his self-defense. His injuries were worse. He even cites a police report as proof. In another case, he writes: [WARNING FOUL LANGUAGE] 

” Quite vivid in my mind is a midnight in about 1967 – a year or so 
before Betty and I separated for good. We were living at our Dakota 
apartment then – Betty disagreed with something I said (that’s all it 
took), went into one of her raging uncontrollable fits, screaming, her 
face twisted in hate and insane anger, “You fucking no good prick you, 
you no-good bastard, you fucking bastard, ” meanwhile sprinting into the 
kitchen. Back she came straight at me brandishing two large kitchen 
knives. “You fucking Goddamn sonuvabitch, I’m going to cut your fucking 
cock off – your big cock it doesn’t mean a thing to me.” At this, I 
calmly picked up a kitchen chair, nailed her to the wall like a 


lion-tamer and took the knives away. And that was just a minor incident during that period when her explosive personality was further inflamed  by amphetamines she was taking for weight loss, reinforced by alcohol.” 

Carl Friedan, who had an advertising agency told a newspaper that Betty’s image as a typical housewife was a ruse: 

“She didn’t know what I was doing,” he claimed. “I won prizes and had full-page ads in all the New York papers. She didn’t care.” 

According to Carl, Betty was no stay-at-home mom. 

(left, Carl, Betty and oldest son)

“We had a full-time maid during our entire [19-year] marriage. That’s who took care of the [three] kids, cooked – everything,” he said. “I would say as a housewife, on a scale of 0 to 10, she was a 2.” 

Carl Friedan’s memories are not motivated by politics. He is proud of his ex-wife’s accomplishments: “She changed the course of history almost single-handedly. It took a driven, super-aggressive, egocentric, almost lunatic dynamo to rock the world the way she did. Unfortunately, she was that same person at home, where that kind of conduct doesn’t work. She simply never understood this.” 


When Betty was preparing for her “Bat Mitzvah” (like a Confirmation) at age 13, she confessed to her Reform rabbi that she did not believe in God. 

Instead of giving his young ward a sense of what God is, this impostor said: “All right, but keep it to yourself until after confirmation.” (22) 

Friedan’s Judaism amounts to a sense that “I have to use my life to make the world better, have to protest, step off the sidewalk and march against injustice.” 

Because she was rejected as a Jew by the rich country club set in her hometown of Peoria, she “now identified with the working class, also oppressed by the masters of the universe…”(71) 

People like Friedan prefer to “change the world” than heal themselves. Do they realize that “change the world” is code for Luciferian world government tyranny? 

They tend to do very well by “doing good.” While writing this book, she received a one-million-dollar grant from the Illuminati Ford Foundation. Aren’t they the “masters of the universe?” The Friedans of this world are members of this club. 

Doesn’t it occur to these socialists, feminists and communists that if they were really a threat to the establishment, they wouldn’t be hauling in $150,000 salaries as full professors? Don’t they realize they are brainwashing the young, destabilizing society and setting the stage for a totalitarian state? 

Friedan was a lifelong Communist. In the book, she tries to distance herself from Communism, describing it in terms of youthful idealism. In fact she was a conscious agent.  She knew Kurt Lewinwho had been in charge of social engineering at Tavistock. (45)  

Friedan became famous because the Lucifer-loving bankers wanted women to have jobs instead of families. Jewish misfits become role models in a satanic dispensation. Friedan destroyed for everyone what she didn’t have, the “Feminine Mystique.” She poisoned the well of femininity and sent the family into a death spiral. . 

In an occult-controlled society, perverts, failures and crazies become prophets. 


See also “Betty Friedan: Mommie was a Commie”

————– Lena Dunham – Another example of How Illuminati Jews Normalize Dysfunction



Written By Michael Foster on Twitter

In 1963 Betty Friedan wrote the The Feminine Mystique. It described a widespread discontent among women. She concludes her first chapter with: “We can no longer ignore that voice within women that says: ‘I want something more than my husband and my children and my home.’”

What was the “something more?” Friedan claimed it was a career. “The problem that has no name” stemmed for a woman’s single path of fulfillment namely being a wife, mother, and a keeper of the home. This, argued Friedan, didn’t allow women to grown full humanity.

For a woman to become, she must liberate herself from the “conventional picture of femininity.” Only then will she “finally [begin] to enjoy being a woman.” They must pursue the “creativity” that allows them to find their potential or they’ll remain “less than fully human.”

This was a lie. Friedan wasn’t your average housewife. She was leftist radical involved in union activities in 40s-50s. Even during her marriage, she had a part-time career as a traveling freelance journalist. She wasn’t some chained-down housemother. That was a marketing ploy.

Also, this “widespread discontent” could be better be described as the discontent present among some college-educated, white, middle-to-upper class who found conventional femininity boring. Friedan was trying to mainstream her discontent. Misery loves company.

Much of Friedan’s argument relies on other discredited intellectuals of her time. For example, she pulls much from Margaret Mead’s “Coming of Age in Samoa” to argue for a nascent version of sexual fluidity (aka sex is nurture, not nature). But, much like Friedan, Mead lied.

Friedan’s vision has largely come to past. All career paths are open to women. Work force integration is a reality. It isn’t the “career woman” that is looked down upon. It’s the “poor” housewife and mother. All that discontent should be declining, right?

It shouldn’t surprise us that alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and mental illness is exploding disproportionately among women.

Women are unhappy. The easy way to manage this unhappiness is to medicate and deny.

Reality is “hurtful.”
The pain is too much.

Friedan lied. Feminism lied. Feminism failed. It didn’t lead to freedom but a prison. Anyone seeking to wake women up and help them to face the reality of their situation will be resisted and demonized.

God’s design is the surest path to happiness. Marriage and motherhood are good. Men aren’t the competition. The sexes exist as a complement to each other. Don’t kick the can down the road. Embrace the goodness of femininity now. You can miss out and you don’t want that.

Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
1 Timothy 2:15

The High Cost of Feminism

Illuminati Vowed in 1969: “Travel Will Be More Difficult”


Wake up, folks. The coronavirus is a hoax, a pretext for the radical undemocratic reorganization of society. 1969:
” Travel … would become very restricted. People would need permission to travel and they would need a good reason to travel. If you didn’t have a good reason for your travel you would not be allowed to travel, and everyone would need ID… later on, some sort of device would be developed to be implanted under the skin that would be coded specifically to identify the individual.” 

Updated from Nov 12, 2010 & August 15, 2020
By Henry Makow Ph.D.

Like sheep, humanity had better adjust to constant harassment as long as it tolerates Illuminati control of all important government and social institutions. 

On March 20, 1969, Rockefeller Insider Dr. Richard Day (1905-1989) gave a speech to the Pittsburgh division of the American Medical Association in which he predicted:
” Travel … would become very restricted. People would need permission to travel and they would need a good reason to travel. If you didn’t have a good reason for your travel you would not be allowed to travel, and everyone would need ID… later on some sort of device would be developed to be implanted under the skin that would be coded specifically to identify the individual.”  (Tape two)
Although prohibited, Dr. Lawrence Dunegan made notes and related the contents of the speech to Randy Engel who made them available on tape. 
Dr. Dunegan reveals not just “WHAT” is intended for America and all people in the world, but “HOW” the controllers intend to carry out their plan. 


Dr. Day, left, said — “Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now . . .”
“Some of you will think I’m talking about Communism. Well, what I’m talking about is much bigger than Communism!” “Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people; and second, is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system and having it.”NEW DIFFICULT-TO-DIAGNOSE AND UNTREATABLE DISEASES Next heading to talk about is HEALTH & DISEASE. He said there would be new diseases to appear which had not ever been seen before. Would be very difficult to diagnose and be untreatable — at least for a long time.”
 No elaboration was made on this, but I remember, not long after hearing this presentation, when I had a puzzling diagnosis to make, I would be wondering, 
“Is this … was what he was talking about? Is this a case of what he was talking about?”. Some years later, as AIDS ultimately developed, I think AIDS was at least one example of what he was talking about. I now think that AIDS probably was a manufactured disease.”

Day also covered topics such as:
People will have to get used to change – everything will change, constantlyThe REAL and the “STATED” goalsPopulation ControlPermission to have babiesRedirecting the purpose of sex – sex without reproduction and reproduction without sexSex education as a tool of World GovernmentEncouraging homosexuality… Sex, anything goesEuthanasia and the “Demise Pill”Limiting access to affordable medical care makes eliminating the elderly easierPlanning the control over medicineElimination of private doctorsSuppressing cancer cures as a means of population control.
Inducing heart attacks as a form of assassinationEducation as a tool for accelerating the onset of puberty and pushing evolution and MUCH, MUCH MORE
The complete transcript of these tapes are available here.  


As long as the masses refuse to acknowledge the Illuminati conspiracy, they will continue to be complicit in their own destruction. 

For the last six months (in 2010), we have been bombarded with propaganda about the Swine Flu. Millions have been vaccinated. Billions of profits have been made. These vaccines might have been harmless. Who knows about the next? What we do know is that, generally speaking, Swine Flu proved to be less dangerous than seasonal flu. 

Then, recently for over a week, we were bombarded with hysteria about weather change (aka “climate change.”)  The Club of Rome concocted this bogeyman back in the 1980s. 

We must regard official society as a brainwashing chamber where we are being subjected to trauma-based mind control. Other traumatic events from the last decade include 9-11, the Tsunami, Hurricane Katerina, the great Northeastern power black-outs, the financial meltdown, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

It’s been a good decade for the Illuminati. Society is far more fearful and pessimistic, far more willing to accept totalitarian control. 


In the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the author writes that their goal is: “To wear everyone out by dissensions, animosities, feuds, famine, inoculation of diseases, want, until the Gentiles sees no other way of escape except by appeal to our money and our power.” (Protocol 10) 

“We will so wear out and exhaust the Gentiles by all this that they will be compelled to offer us an international authority, which by its position will enable us to absorb without disturbance all the governmental forces of the world and thus form a super-government.” (Protocol 5) 

Harold Rosenthal who was a member of this cabal boasted that they even implanted a “guilt complex” over the holocaust and anti-Semitism that prevents society from addressing the threat. 

Through control of banking, they acquired a total monopoly of “the movie industry, the radio networks and the newly developing television media…we took over the publication of all school materials… Even your music! We censor the songs released for publication long before they reach the publishers…we will have complete control of your thinking.”

We “have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we promote both sides of the issue as confusion reigns. With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is behind every scene. We, Jews, toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse.”

It would be great if the problem could be confined to “Jews” but literally everyone who advances the New World Order agenda wittingly or unwittingly is implicated, and that is, millions of people, i.e. the “Establishment.”


The Illuminati central banking cartel controls government credit, media, banking, corporations, education, professional associations, justice, military ..you name it. They use Freemasonry as their instrument. Recently, I posted an article about how they control the US Black community using the Masonic “Boule.” The same principle applies everywhere.  

Society operates on two rails. The formal–the image of a democracy ruled by law that dupes the masses and ensures their cooperation. The informal– the Illuminati club, which actually makes the decisions regardless of what’s happening on the formal level. The informal infiltrates the formal until the latter is merely a mask for the former.

Want to succeed? Join the club of secret Satan worshipers. That’s what Barack Obama did.
In a post May 29, 2009, Emily Gyde, an Illuminati defector who claims to be the real author of the Harry Potter series, says Obama told her this:

“I remember PRESIDENT OBAMA talking to me about how he had joined the ILL CULT – he didn’t want to – but he described himself as just an ordinary guy who wanted to take a wage packet home…that is how it was…he didn’t want to end up on the streets…at the end of the day, it was all about money…you had to have it to live…if he hadn’t joined the ILL CULT…he would have been disbarred…he wouldn’t have got a job…wouldn’t have been able to live…that’s how a lot of people get conned into joining the ILL. You are young, you want to prove yourself in life – you are told that you will ‘never get a job’ if you don’t…the ILL prove how powerful they are.” 


When I was a sixties radical, we used to think people who worked for the Establishment had sold their souls to the devil. I didn’t imagine it was literally true, as the Illuminati are Satan worshippers, so you’re unwittingly working for his disciples. 

The world has been colonized by this Satanic cult. What we are experiencing, while trying to maintain some civilized traditions over Christmas, is their relentless attempt to induct us into their cult as mind-controlled servants. 


Thanks to JP for the reminder!Related Conspirator’s Hierarchy Pdf – John Coleman (Main points below)
Dr. John Coleman, November 1991 From the Book … … What are the goals of the secret elite group, the inheritors of Illuminism (Moriah Conquering Wind), the Cult of Dionysius, the Cult of Isis, Catharism, Bogomilism? This elite group that also calls itself the OLYMPIANS (they truly believe they are equal in power and stature to the legendary gods of Olympus, who have, like Lucifer their god, set themselves above our true God) absolutely believe they have been charged with implementing the following by divine right:
(1) A-One World Government-New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. Not many people are aware that the One World Government began setting up its “church” in the 1920’s/1930s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind to have an outlet and, therefore, set up a “church” body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.
(2) The utter destruction of all national identity and national pride.
(3) The destruction of religion and more especially the Christian religion, with the one exception, their own creation mentioned above.
(4) Control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Brzezinski call “Technotronic” which would create human-like robots and a system of terror beside which Felix Dzerzinski’s Red Terror will look like children at play.
(5) An end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear-generated electric power in what they call “the post-industrial zero-growth society.” Exempted are the computer and service industries. United States industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available. Unemployables in the wake of industrial destruction will either become opium-heroin and or cocaine addicts or become statistics in the elimination process we know today as Global 2000.
(6) Legalization of drugs and pornography.
(7) Depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot’s genocidal plans were drawn up here in the United States by one of the Club of Rome’s research foundations. It is also interesting that the Committee is presently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.
(8) Suppression of all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Committee. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments presently being scorned and ridiculed by the Committee and its jackals of the press. The development of the fusion torch would blow the Committee’s conception of “limited natural resources” right out of the window. A fusion torch properly used could create unlimited untapped natural resources from the most ordinary substances. Fusion torch uses are legion and would benefit mankind in a manner that is as yet not even remotely comprehended by the public.
(9) Cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people by the year 2000, people they call “useless eaters.” The Committee of 300 commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how best to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title the “Global 2000 Report” and was accepted and approved for action by President Carter, for and on behalf of the U.S. Government, and accepted by Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of State. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the United States is to be reduced by 100 million by the year 2050.
(10)To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post-industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, demoralized and discouraged workers will resort to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard The Committee of 300 commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as “The Aquarian Conspiracy.”
(11)To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then “managing” such crises. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the United States, an agency for crisis management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first disclosed in 1980. There will be more on FEMA as we proceed.
(12)To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which includes rock “music” gangsters such as the filthy, degenerate Mick Jagger’s “Rolling Stones” (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility) and all of the Tavistock-created “rock” groups which began with “The Beatles.” To continue to build up the cult of Christian fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company’s servant, Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist state of Israel through identifying with the Jews through the myth of “God’s Chosen People” and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.
(14)To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out experiments of the Jim Jones and “Son of Sam” type of murders. It is worth noting that the late Ayatollah Khomeini was a creation of British Intelligence Military Intelligence Division 6, commonly known as M16, as I reported in my 1985 work, “What Really Happened In Iran.”
(15)To export “religious liberation” ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions but more especially the Christian religion. This began with “Jesuit Liberation Theology” which brought about the downfall of the Somoza family rule in Nicaragua and which is today destroying EI Salvador, now 25 years into a “civil war,” Costa Rica and Honduras. One very active entity engaged in so-called liberation theology is the Communist oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll’s so-called nuns in EI Salvador a few years ago. The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the government of EI Salvador. The United States press and news media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation in possession of the Salvadorian government, documentation which proves what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries and played a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Mozambique, Angola and South Africa.
(16)To cause a total collapse of the world’s economies and engender total political chaos.
(17)To take control of all Foreign and domestic policies of the United States.
(18)To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions of lesser effect by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the United Nations.
(19)Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations represented by them.
(20)Organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi who persuaded the Italian and U.S. governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier. As an aside, General Dozier is under orders not to talk about what happened to him. Should he break that silence, he will no doubt be made “a horrible example of” in the manner in which Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq.
(21)Take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it. Much of these goals, which I first enumerated in 1969, have since been achieved or are well on their way to being achieved. Of special interest in the Committee of 300 program is the core of their economic policy, which is largely based on the teachings of Malthus, the son of an English country parson who was pushed to prominence by the British East India Company upon which the Committee of 300 is modeled.



Preached By Justin Peters at Grace Community Church

Hearing from Heaven. Hearing from Heaven. How does God speak to us today? Undoubtedly, you have heard people say this: “Well, God has spoken to me and He’s told me that you are to do such and such. Pastor, God has spoken to me and He’s told me to tell you that our church needs to go this direction.” And it is just ubiquitous out there in the evangelical world – whatever evangelical means nowadays – that God speaks to people in still, small voices, maybe audible voices, dreams, visions, hunches, all of these things; and you hear this so commonly.

Has it ever made you stop and wonder, “What’s wrong with me? Why don’t I hear God speak to me that way? Is there something wrong with me? Is there something wrong with my relationship with the Lord? Do these people have a closer walk with God than I do? What’s wrong with me?” And if you have ever had those thoughts, I hope that this session will be an encouragement to you as we look at how God does and does not speak to us today.

Now as we begin, I want to define a couple of terms, because these are widely misunderstood. Revelation. Revelation refers to God revealing new information that has been previously hidden. So God revealing new information that up until this point has previously been hidden.

Revelation is not happening anymore today. You hear people say this all the time: “Well, God gave me revelation on this.” Well, no He didn’t, because God is not revealing anything new that has not already been revealed in Scripture. Now what may have happened to you is illumination. Illumination refers to the enabling work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers in order to understand and appropriate the truths of Scripture. Revelation is not happening anymore today; illumination, however, is. Illumination should be a regular part, in fact, of the Christian’s life, as the Holy Spirit helps us to understand and appropriate the written Word of God.

This notion of God speaking today outside of the confines of Scripture can be traced back to a movement known as pietism – and there’s a lot that could be said about this. But pietism was a reaction to what was at least perceived to be a highly intellectualized, almost cold orthodoxy coming out of the Protestant Reformation. It was anything but. But some people perceived it to be rather too intellectualized. And so in the late 1600s, early to mid 1700s, this movement became known as pietism. Philip Spener was the father of pietism, and he was no heretic, but he began to deviate just a little bit from the sufficiency of God’s Word. And as pietism grew, as is the case, error always begets more error. And then you get to men like Count Nikolaus von Zinzendorf who we could say was a heretic. But this kind of goes back to the movement known as pietism.

In a more modern version, divine revelation knowledge – you’ve probably heard of this term. The term was first coined by Essek W. Kenyon. Kenyon is the grandfather of what we call today the Word of Faith movement, New Apostolic Reformation. He’s the one that first coined this term. Kenyon believed in two different types knowledge. The first of these is sensory knowledge, that which we get through our five senses: sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch. The other kind of knowledge is revelation knowledge, and this is supernatural knowledge that comes only from God.

Now according to Kenyon, the catch to this is that these two spheres of knowledge are mutually exclusive, and what that means is is that reasoning or logical thought is of no value. So if you really want to go deep with God, if you want to get to the deep, secret, hidden things of God, you’ve got to disengage your mind, put the old noodle in park. I’m going to show you some more modern expressions of this.

You may have heard of the practice known as Lectio Divina. This is a practice that was endorsed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005. This is a Catholic discipline – highly, highly mystical, very unbiblical. Lectio Divina’s been practiced by some modern evangelical names. We’ll talk about these, one of which is Beth Moore.

Now let me say in the onset, in this presentation I’m going to show you a lot of clips from a lot of different people, very wide spectrum of modern evangelical preachers. Some of the clips are from rank charlatans and heretics. Some of the clips are from people that we would not put in that basket. And I’m doing this not to lump everybody in this presentation in the same basket, I purposefully have a wide range here to show you how you ubiquitous this belief is that God speaks today outside of Scripture.

Beth Moore: very, very troublesome teacher. Unfortunately, a lot could be said of her. But Beth Moore, I want to read this quote to you from her book Praying God’s Word. She says, “What little I know I want others to know. Before God tells me a secret,” – now if He’s telling you a secret – and she says – “He knows up front I’m going to tell it,” so I’m not sure how secretive that is. But she says, “By and large, that’s our deal.” So Beth Moore has this secret deal with God. This is Gnosticism. This is a modern-day version of the ancient heresy of Gnosticism.

Also from Beth Moore in her book entitled When Godly People Do Ungodly Things, and this is rather ironically subtitled, Arming Yourself in an Age of Seduction. But Beth Moore says this. She says, “I heard the voice of God speak to my heart, ‘Come and play.’ I love that He said, ‘Come,’ not go, ‘Come.’ That meant He was already there. I also love how I could tell by the sweet tone of His silent voice,” – I’m not sure how a silent voice has a tone. But she said, “I could tell by the sweet tone of His silent voice that He was smiling. I could have outlined His expression with my finger.”

Now other than that just being a little bit weird, she goes on and she says, “I built a snowman. I laughed with God, He laughed with me. I am so in love with Him. I am so in love with Him.” Beth Moore wants you to believe that she has such an intimate relationship with Jesus that she not only hears Him, but can even see the expression that is apparently on His face; and Jesus wanted her to go and play with Him, so they built snowmen together. You see, Beth Moore has such a deep relationship with Christ, far deeper, of course, than what you have. This is a modern-day version of the ancient heresy known as Gnosticism.

Now a few clips. Watch this from Rick Warren. [Video starts] “Last week we began a new miniseries on “Understanding How to Hear the Voice of God.” Very few things are more important than this because you can’t have a relationship to God if you can’t hear God. If all you do is ever talk to Him in prayer and you never hear God speak to you, that’s a one-way relationship, that isn’t much of a relationship.” [Video ends]

So if you never hear God speak to you, then you really don’t have much of a relationship with God. This from Priscilla Shirer. [Video starts] “Hi, I’m Priscilla Shirer, and I’m hoping that you’ll join me for a six-week journey as we talk about how we can hear and discern the voice of God in our lives. Do you really expect and anticipate that the divine voice of God can be heard by you? Do you really think that He loved you enough to die for you but doesn’t love you enough to then talk to you?” [Video ends]

“Do you really think that He loves you enough to die for you but does not love you enough to talk to you?” What an insult. What a slight to the Word of God. God speaks to us today all the time through the Scriptures. Now she may not have meant it that way. And I want to say that the sincerity of these individuals is not what I’m calling into question. Sincerity is not what matters, truth matters.

Now this from Charles Stanley. [Video starts] “So are you asking if God speaks specifically, and the answer is yes, He does. Let me give you two or three examples. Speaking about buying groceries. On a particular day I had a very short period of time, and so I wanted to buy a turkey for Thanksgiving. My time was really running out and I thought, ‘Well, I shouldn’t do this now.’ I said, ‘God, just show me what to do.’ It’s like God said, ‘Go to this store, buy the turkey now.’ Against sort of my will, I went. I walked right in, straight to the right place, the right pound of turkey, walked right out, paid and got back in the car in less than about 25 minutes. Did God tell me to go? Yes, He did.” [Video ends] So close is Charles Stanley’s relationship with God that God even tells him where to go to buy his Thanksgiving Day turkey.

Now I’m guessing that probably most of us in here God’s never told us where to buy our turkeys. But you see, this is how close he is with the Lord. And they buttress themselves, they use these claims to lift themselves up. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, they do it to lift themselves up to let you know just how close of a relationship with God they have. And if you don’t have that kind of relationship, if you don’t have that kind of intimacy with God, then there’s something wrong in your relationship with Him.

Now Sam Storms is someone who would share our view of soteriology, a more reformed view of soteriology. But Sam Storms is also a continuous charismatic. I want to read you this out of his book Practicing the Power. Sam Storm says this: “To be the recipient of prophetic revelation from God whether in dreams, impressions, trances, visions, or words of knowledge and words of wisdom can be nothing short of euphoric. The experience brings feelings of nearness to God and a heightened sense of spiritual intimacy that isn’t often the case with the other of the charismata. This is an unfortunate denigration of the non-apostolic gifts: the gifts of teaching, mercy, administration, exhortation, hospitality, the gift of giving. All of these gifts as card-carrying cessationists, all of us would affirm those gifts. But those gifts are somehow lesser. And if you don’t experience the apostolic gifts, the sign gifts, if you don’t experience those gifts, then you just don’t have the same nearness with God as you’re supposed to.”

This is a very unfortunate degradation of the more normative gifts, the non-apostolic gifts. And this goes against Scripture of course. This goes against what Paul says, teaches in 1 Corinthians chapter 12. Again, this is a modern-day version of Gnosticism. So if you are someone who gets dreams and visions and you hear still, small voices, and God speaks to you maybe even audibly, you’re a have. But if you’re one of these poor souls and all you have is the Bible and you’re indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God, well, then you’re just a have not. You’re just not as spiritual. You just don’t have the same nearness with God as the haves do. This is Gnosticism.

I would submit to you that the resource, the book that is singularly most responsible for introducing charismatic theology into at least theoretically non-charismatic churches is Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby that came out in 1991. If you go back before 1991, at least in non-charismatic churches, almost everyone would have understood that God speaks to us through the Bible, we speak to Him in prayer. Today hardly anybody understands that; and I believe experiencing God is singularly most responsible for introducing these notions into non-charismatic churches.

Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby says this: “If you have troubling hearing God speak, you are in trouble at the very heart of your Christian experience.” So this is very, very important, “You should be hearing God speak to you regularly, and if you don’t then you’re in trouble at the very heart of your Christian experience.”

Now I’m going to show you a videoclip of a man named Sid Roth, and I want to offer you a disclaimer before I do. I just want you to brace yourself, because what you’re about to see is one of the most disturbing, one of the most shocking videos that I’ve ever come across – and that’s saying a lot given what I spend a lot of time in study. But this is shocking. But I want to show you just how far this can go. Okay, watch this from Sid Roth. His television show entitled It’s Supernatural that appears on TBN. Watch this.

[Video starts] “Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. I have read of the great men and women of faith. One in particular intrigues me so much. His name: Smith Wigglesworth. He had some of the most outrageous miracles I ever heard of in my life. Let me give you one example.

“Some parents had a two-month-old baby dying in the hospital. The parents kidnapped the child, took the child to a Smith Wigglesworth meeting; and Smith looks at the child, looks at the parents, and said, ‘Can I do what God tells me to do?’ Well, what would you do if you were the parent? The child’s dying anyway, right? He takes the baby, two-month-old, throws the baby against a wall – the baby. Then the baby’s on the floor. Have you ever seen someone play soccer? Have you ever seen them kick a soccer ball? He does that with the baby. The baby falls into the congregation. No crying. Is it dead? One hundred percent healed, no crying.” [Video ends]

Is that not shocking? Friends, this went out on worldwide television. And lest you think that, “Oh, nobody would believe that,” the very fact that they put it on worldwide television is self-evident proof that people do believe this. And let’s keep in mind that one of the charismatic mantras is this: “Well, what God does for one, He’ll do for you.” And people are sitting at home and they’re watching this, and these people, they claim to hear from God. And a person’s sitting at home and he’s thinking, “Wow, well God told Smith Wigglesworth to throw a sick baby against a wall. My kid’s sick. My neighbor’s kid is sick. What God does for one, He’ll do for you.”

The very fact that they aired this on worldwide television is self-evident proof that people are dumb enough to believe this. It’s a very dangerous thing to say, “Go told me to do such and such.” You see how extreme this can get.

How do you know God told you to do that? Well, Henry Blackaby says, “I sensed God’s call. I prayed and sensed God wanted me to. I began to sense a great urgency. We began to sense God leading us. Our church sensed God wanted us to do such and such. One of our members felt led to do this.” Same verbiage that the charismatic movement uses.

Well, how do you know this? When God speaks, what does that sense feel like? Well, we’re never really told. This from Bill Hybels. Bill Hybels, up until about a year or so ago was a pastor, wrote this book The Power of a Whisper, and he says this in his book. He says, “Without a hint of exaggeration, I can boldly declare that God’s low-volume whispers have saved me from a life of sure boredom and self-destruction.”

It’s a very ironic statement for him to make, given what has happened with Bill Hybels. God says in Jeremiah, “Is not My word like a fire,” declares the Lord, “and like a hammer which shatters a rock?” Doesn’t sound very boring to me. You see, this is a denigration of the authority and the sufficiency of God’s Word. Now they would not say that in so many words, but that is exactly what it is.

This from Robert Morris. Robert Morris tells us that prayer is a two-way street. So when we pray, we are to pray to God, and then we are to listen for Him to talk back to us. Watch this from Robert Morris.

[Video starts] “You know, if we said we’re going to have a class on prayer, you’d say, ‘I need that.’ And even the disciples said, ‘Teach us to pray.’ But let me remind you that hearing God is the second half of prayer, because if you can’t hear God, why would you pray? Now one reason is to make our requests and petitions be known to God. But God never intended prayer to be a giving of our to-do list to Him every morning. He intended prayer to be communication between a Father and His children. And if you’ll just take some time and start to listen, you’ll be amazed that He’ll speak.” [Video ends]

This is ubiquitous. We hear this all the time that prayer is a two-way street. “We are to pray to God and then we are to listen for Him to talk back to us.” And maybe you have done this before; and I don’t mean to mock here. I know a lot of people are very sincere when they do this – very misguided, but very sincere. But we hear this.

And so, you hear this and you’ve got something going on in your life. You’ve got some crisis situation, you’ve got a decision to make, and you’re not real sure what to do. You really feel like you need some direction from the Lord, and so you go to the Lord. You’re very sincere. The TV – you turn the TV off, the kids are in bed, and you sit down at your kitchen table or your study or wherever you do your praying, and you sit down and you pray and you go to the Lord and you tell the Lord what’s going on in your life.

You say, “Lord, this is what I’m facing; I’m not sure what to do. Lord, speak to me, I’m listening,” and you get real still and you listen real hard. And then after just a few seconds, what happens? A thought, right, just kind of flashes through our minds, and we think, “Oh, was that You, Lord, or was that me? Was that God or was that the pizza I ate tonight? How do you know when it’s God speaking to you? How do you know that that still small voice is really of God if God is supposed to be speaking back to us when we pray?”

You remember what the disciples asked Jesus in Luke chapter 11? “Lord, teach us to pray.” The ball is sitting on the proverbial tee waiting for Jesus to knock it out of the park and affirm what Robert Morris and the vast majority of evangelicals believe today, that prayer is a two-way street.

“Lord, teach us to pray.” What did Jesus say? “Okay, here’s how you do it. You talk to God, and then you get real quiet and you listen for that still small voice.” Is that what He said? No, He didn’t say that at all. He said, “When you pray, say this: ‘Lord, hallowed by Thy name,’” nothing about listening for some still small voice, nothing about listening for God to speak back to you. So this whole notion of prayer being a two-way street, that is foreign to the Word of God. There’s nothing in the Bible about that at all.

So what of this still small voice? We hear this all the time: “God speaks to us in quiet whispers and still small voices.” One example of this: this is a tweet from Beth Moore. Beth Moore says, “There’s a time to give up and a time to keep trying. Sometimes the time to keep trying feels a whole lot like the time to give up. The only difference is the still small voice of the Holy Spirit within you saying, ‘Try again.’ It’s not the same old Monday if they’re brand new mercies.”

So you’ve got to listen for this little still small voice. And where does this still small voice come from? It comes from 1 Kings chapter 19, let’s look at it, 1 Kings 19; this is the King James Version. “And He said, ‘Go forth and stand upon the mount before the Lord.’ And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind which rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: and after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.” Literally in the Hebrew, “The sound of a quiet whisper.”

“And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, ‘What doest thou here, Elijah?’” This is where the still small voice comes from. Dear friends, the still small voice was not some inner impression inside Elijah’s head. It was not internal to him, it was external to him. Notice it says that he went out of the cave to the entrance, and there he clearly heard the voice of God.

So it’s not something internal, it’s not some notion inside of his head; it was an external voice. So can we please do away with this whole still small voice thing? It was never intended to be some inside impression; it was external, not internal. But this is something that has worked its way into our evangelical lingo, and few people understand what this really is. It’s a terrible misuse of it.

Speaking of terrible misuses, “My sheep hear My voice.” Watch this from Robert Morris. [Video starts] “So John chapter 10, look at verse 1. We’re talking about we’re sheep and we can hear God. ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the doorkeeper opens,’ – now watch this carefully – ‘and the sheep’ – watch – ‘hear his voice.’ Can you just say those three words? ‘Hear his voice.’”

“So John 10:27 to me is the most concise and comprehensive verse in Scripture about hearing God. It is when Jesus says, ‘My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me.’”

Practically every single book, every sermon that is out there about how to hear the voice of God cites John 10:27. This is the go-to text for God speaking to you somehow inside your head in some inner impression, “My sheep hear My voice.” Well, let’s look at this.

John 10:27, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” This is universally used as the proof text that God speaks to us today outside of the confines of Scripture: “My sheep hear My voice.” But let’s look at it in context, beginning in verse 26.

Jesus says, “But you do not believe,” – why? – “because you’re not of My sheep. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” We see right there that the voice of the shepherd is connected to believing in the shepherd. And look at verse 28: “And I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.”

Dear friends, this is not talking about God telling you where to go to have lunch one day or where to go buy your Thanksgiving Day turkey. This is salvation; this is regeneration; this is the effectual call. “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give eternal life to them.”

Before you and I came to Christ, we were lost sheep, lost sheep wandering around out in the pasture of life, grazing, minding in our own business. But all of a sudden we hear a voice, and we lift our heads up, and we see the shepherd, and we go to Him. What a terrible trivialization of such a majestic, beautiful passage of Scripture of the Good Shepherd giving life to His sheep, not telling them where to go have lunch one day. This is a terrible trivialization of such a beautiful, deep, majestic passage of Scripture.

“I give eternal life to them; they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of My hand.” The Shepherd holds His sheep in His hand. If you’ve ever wondered about eternal security, dear friends, if you are His sheep, He is holding you in His hand, and you’re not getting out of that.

And as if that were not enough – and it is – but as if it were not enough, look at what Jesus says in verse 29. He says, “My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.” As if His hand was not enough – and it is – but as if it wasn’t, He wraps, as it were, the Father’s hand around that of His own. What a beautiful passage, and what a terrible trivialization to reduce this text to something like God telling you where to go to get your Thanksgiving Day turkey.

Uh-oh. Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young. Jesus Calling is the hottest-selling devotional book on the market anywhere, and it has been for seven years now. It is lightyears ahead of everything else out there, lightyears ahead of it. This is no ordinary devotional book. Now I’m going to show you excerpts from Jesus Calling. I’ve copied and pasted word-for-word, no edits on my part here, straight out of Jesus Calling, straight out of the introduction of Jesus Calling.

Sarah Young says this. She says, “During the same year in ‘92 I began reading God Calling, a devotional book by two anonymous listeners. These women practiced waiting quietly in God’s presence, pencils and papers in hand, recording the messages they receive from Him. God Calling is indeed a book. I have one on my shelf. It was written back in the 1930s by two anonymous female mystics. We don’t know who these ladies were, but two anonymous ladies. But these ladies claimed to practice waiting in the presence of God, practicing hearing God’s voice; and with more practice, it’s like they tuned in to just the right frequency; and when they hit just the right frequency, God started calling them, and they began to write down what He said.

This was Sarah Young’s inspiration for Jesus Calling. Sarah Young says this: “I knew that God communicated with me through the Bible, but I yearned for more.” You see, the Bible just was not enough for Sarah Young. And you know what? That is the mindset of the vast majority of professing Christians today. The Bible just is not enough for most people, we’ve got to have something more. “I yearned for more.”

Anytime I hear somebody say, “Well, yeah, I know God speaks in the Bible and I know that’s His Word, but I need something more,” here’s my question, here’s my question: “Have you mastered this Book? From Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, you have completely mastered it; there is nothing else that you can glean from this Book, no more drops of truth you could possibly squeeze out of its pages; you have mastered it from cover to cover?” If the answer to that question is no – and it is – then please don’t tell me the Bible’s not enough. You don’t even understand what you have in black and white right in front of you. Please don’t tell me the Bible’s not enough.

But it wasn’t enough for Sarah Young, and sadly, it is not enough for the vast majority of professing believers today. Sarah Young says this: “I decided to listen to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever I believed He was saying.” Houston, we have a problem. Just like the ladies who wrote God Calling, and they wrote down what He said, Sarah Young tuned into just the right frequency; and when she hit just the right frequency, Jesus started calling her and she began to write down what He said.

And if you have a copy of this book, I should say – well, I started to say read it. Don’t read it. But if you happen to have one, you might notice that all of the devotionals in there, 365 of them, all of them are written in the first person for Jesus Christ: “I Jesus am such and such. I will do this, I will do that.” They’re all written in the first person for Jesus. If Jesus really is calling Sarah Young and she is writing down what He is saying, you know what she’s doing? She’s writing Scripture. That’s what she’s doing, she’s writing Scripture, because God cannot speak less authoritatively on one occasion than He does on another. Friends, if God is speaking, God is speaking, and whatever He says carries the exact same authority as does John 3:16 or Romans 10:9 and 10.

And it’s not just Jesus Calling, but every time someone says, “God spoke to me and said, quote, ‘Da-da-da-da-da,’” then whatever’s inside those quotation marks, that has just as much authority theoretically as any verse in Scripture. And so, you know what we ought to do? We ought to add that to this Book, because it should have the same authority. We should add it to this Book. There’s just one problem with that: this Book says, “Do not add to this Book.”

This from Beth Moore. [Video starts] “What God began to say to me about five years ago – and I’m telling you, it sent me on such a trek with Him, that my head is still whirling over it. He began to say to me, ‘I’m going to tell you something right now, Beth. And boy, you write this one down, and you say it as often as I give you utterance to say it: My bride is paralyzed by unbelief. My bride is paralyzed by unbelief.’” [Video ends]

“My bride is paralyzed by unbelief.” Did you know that? I didn’t know that. But apparently it must be. The bride of Christ, the church, is paralyzed by unbelief. Never mind that the Bible itself says, “The gates of hell will not prevail against it.” But apparently, the church is paralyzed by unbelief. This is new information, new information, because it is not recorded anywhere Scripture. But it must be true because God told her to tell us that. Not only did He tell Beth Moore to tell us that, but He actually told her to write it down.

This is not an isolated statement, by the way, from Beth Moore. It’s not an isolated statement. Her book When Godly People Do Ungodly Things, Beth Moore says this. She says, “I am being as honest as I know how to be when I say that I did not write these pages by simple preference. I wrote them, because had I not, the rocks in my yard would have cried out. What God does with what He has promised is His business. I entrust this message entirely to the One who delivered it while I sat bug-eyed.”

So if we are to believe Beth Moore, then she was just this passive recipient. She emptied her mind, and God began to speak to her, and God delivered this message to her while she sat bug-eyed. And had she not done it, the rocks in her yard would have cried out. Nothing like applying that text to yourself. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. This is very common. This is, as I’ve said, ubiquitous in the evangelical world.

Now watch this clip from Matt Chandler. [Video starts] “So let’s talk about what prophecy is and what prophecy isn’t. The ‘thus sayeth the Lord’ – look right at me – is over. Look at me. When this text is talking about prophecy, it’s not talking about the way Jeremiah prophesied or Isaiah prophesied. No, no, no. That’s closed, that’s canonized, so you will never prophesy in a way that’s on par, equal to, anywhere near the inerrant, infallible Word of God. That’s closed, shut. And so the best you’ve got, the best you’ve got is the humility to say, ‘I think the Lord would have me lay this before you.’” [Video ends]

A couple points to be made in this passage. Now I will say, this sermon, this particular sermon as I watched it, Matt Chandler, to his credit, did begin by saying, “I don’t want you to rely on me for your church. If you’d don’t go to this church,” he said, “I want you to go to your local church, and that’s important. And basically, don’t just rely on TV preachers for your church.” And that is commendable in and of itself. But this is full of error.

He says that when God – he affirms that God speaks to us today, but he says, “It’s not as inspired as Scripture is. It’s not like what God said to Jeremiah. It’s not like what God said to Isaiah. That’s canonized, that’s closed. But God still speaks to us today.” That is a false dichotomy. That makes no sense. As I said, dear friends, if God is speaking, God is speaking; and whatever He says should be just as authoritative as any verse in the Book. God cannot speak less authoritatively on one occasion than He does another. God cannot speak in the Bible and really, really, really mean it. But when He speaks to us today outside of the Bible, He still means it, but He doesn’t mean it quite as much as He meant it here. How does that work? If God is speaking, God is speaking. This is a degradation of the authority, and especially the sufficiency of Scripture.

Sam Storms, his book entitled Practicing the Power, the foreword, interesting, was written by Matt Chandler. But notice how Matt Chandler says, “The best we can do today is say, ‘I feel like the Lord is saying such and such.’” Sam Storms picks up on this. He says, “Dramatic pronouncement aren’t helpful. Avoid saying things like, ‘Thus sayeth the Lord,’ or, ‘This is the word of the Lord for your life.’” He says, “Avoid those things; they aren’t helpful. We have found that it is better to introduce prophetic utterances with statements such as, ‘I have a strong inner impression that I believe is from the Lord. I had a sense from the Holy Spirit,’ or, I had a dream which involved several of you.’ So we shouldn’t say things like, ‘Thus sayeth the Lord, we should say instead, ‘Well, I feel like the Lord is saying such and such.’”

This whole premise rests on a fatally flawed assumption that somehow prophecy in the New Testament is a degraded version of prophecy in the Old Testament. They all have to affirm that Old Testament prophets were held to a standard of 100 percent perfection in what they spoke. And if any prophet, so-called prophet spoke something that was not from the Lord, well, we all know what was called upon to do to that so-called prophet; he was to be put to death. And so, they’ve got to somehow degrade New Testament prophecy, and they say, “It’s just not the same. We’re not held to the same standard.” But there’s nothing in Scripture to indicate that that is the case. New Testament prophets were held to the same standard as Old Testament prophets. There’s no degration in the gift of prophecy from Old Testament to New Testament.

But what of this whole notion that, “I feel like the Lord said to me, I feel like the Lord said this to me”? Well, let’s look in Scripture. “The word of the Lord came to Abram. The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah. The word of the Lord came to Ezekiel. The word of the Lord came to Elijah.” Even in the New Testament, when the Holy Spirit spoke, He spoke very clearly, very precisely: “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”

“I feel like the Lord might have said to me to tell you,” said nobody in the Bible ever. That is not something that you’ll find anywhere in the Scriptures. Dear friends, if you have to wonder whether or not God spoke to you, He didn’t. If you have to wonder whether or not God spoke to you, He didn’t. When God spoke in the Bible – and it wasn’t nearly as often as what a lot of people think. Some people had this idea that God was just speaking all the time, everywhere, and all throughout the Bible to everyone. He really wasn’t. There were major characters in the Bible who went their entire lives, never heard God say anything. Nehemiah never heard God say anything. But when God did speak, it was crystal clear.

There was no ambiguity about what God said. There was none of this, “Was that You, Lord, or was that me?” You won’t find that modeled anywhere in Scripture. Whenever God spoke, people knew exactly what He said, and they knew exactly who was who said it. The only exception to that was the boy Samuel when he heard God calling him by name three times. But even at that, Samuel still knew exactly what God said, he just was a little unclear first who it was who said it. But he knew exactly what he said. But he was just a boy. Nowhere in the Bible will you find anyone saying something like, “I think the Lord might be trying to tell us such and such.” That is a concept that is absolutely foreign to the Word of God.

Now, have you ever thought about this? All of these books on how to hear the voice of God – The Power of a Whisper, Robert Morris’ book Frequency, Priscilla Shirer’s book Knowing the Voice of God – all of these books, I mean, bookshelves in Christian bookstores practically sag under the weight of books telling you seven easy steps to know the voice of God. Have you ever wondered if hearing the voice of God was so vitally important for us as New Testament believers, why are there absolutely no instructions anywhere in the New Testament about how to actually hear the voice of God? You ever wondered that?

In the four Gospels, we have the record of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. In the book of Acts, we have a record of the early church in the spread of the gospel. In the pastoral epistles, we have loads of instructions about doctrine, about theology, about church polity, about the qualifications for elders, about how to resolve conflict amongst believers. We have loads of instructions about this. We have lots of information about eschatology in the future events in the end times, all these things. But there is nothing in the New Testament about how to hear the voice of God, nothing. If this was such a vitally important part of the life of the believer, don’t you think there would be something in the New Testament telling us how to actually hear the voice of God?

It’s not in there. Why isn’t it in there? Because it’s not necessary. It’s not necessary. Number one, God is only speaking to us today in the Bible. Number two, when God did speak in the biblical days, everybody knew exactly what He said; no need for instructions on how to hear the voice of God.

There are warnings about adding to or taking away from Scripture, Old and New Testaments. Take your pick. “Oh, yeah, but that instruction in Revelation 22, that warning there about adding to the word of this book, that’s just talking about the book of Revelation. We can add to other books, that’s okay.” No, we believe in what is called the verbal plenary inspiration of Scripture: if you add to one book, you have added to them all.

We are not to add to nor take away anything from the Word of God; and yet this whole notion of, “God spoke to me and He said, quote, ‘Da-da-da-da-da,’” then what you are doing, you are adding to the Word of God. You may not admit that that’s what you’re doing; but theoretically, that is exactly what you’re doing; and the Bible warns us not to do that.

Watch this clip from Matt Chandler. This clip really made the rounds about a year or so ago. Watch this.

[Video starts] “What I’m asking you to do is be brave. Ask, hear, step out, approach, and just say, ‘Hey, while I was praying, the Lord brought you to my mind, and even if it sounds crazy to you, just trust Him.’ Just going, ‘Okay, Danny, let’s do it. Lord, what would you want me to encourage Danny with?’ And then I’m quiet again, trying to listen. And then automatically in my head there’s a picture of a ship, a pirate ship. And then there’s like cannons on the pirate ship, and there’s a shark chasing the pirate ship. Now at that point you’re like, ‘Nope. No, not gonna happen!’ Right?

“And here’s what I want you to do. I want you just to step out, and you can even admit, like we’re growing together and we’re going to fail, and this is going to get weird. It’s going to be awesome. Like I’m just going to go to Danny and I’m going to be like, ‘Hey, brother, you heard my sermon. I was praying. Danny, it was a pirate ship, it’s a shark chasing it with cannons.’

“I’m not going to interpret that for him. I’m not going to be like, ‘What I think that means is that maybe you’re stealing some stuff from people, and Jesus is the shark, and you need to repent.’ I’m not going to interpret that for him. I’m just going to go in a great deal of humility. I’m just going to be, ‘Does that makes any sense to you?’” [Video ends] No, it doesn’t make any sense at all, on any level does that make any sense.

You know, every time we have a dream, every time we see something that may be a little bit off, you know, we think, “Oh, that’s – ooh, I wonder if God’s trying to tell me something here.” Bill Hybels writes in his book The Power of a Whisper how he was seeking a word from the Lord, and how God wasn’t speaking to him. But he was out fishing one day, and there was a Bud Light beer can that literally floated by his boat, and he says in his book, he said, “I sat there staring at the can.” He said, “I wondered, is this a message from God? If so, what does it mean? Am I supposed to drink Bud Light?” He says, “Am I supposed to tell my people not to drink Bud Light?” And then he says, “Is there a message inside the can?”

This was a pastor, and he thinks God’s trying to give him messages through Bud Light beer cans floating past his boat. How are we supposed to make sense out of any of this? No, it doesn’t make any sense.

This from Lou Engle, sitting on the stage of Bill Johnson and Benny Hinn. [Video starts] “You know, the last day’s language of the Holy Spirit is dreams. We say, ‘Well, it was just a dream.’ What do you mean just a dream? Who knows what angels had to fight through to break into your world to give you their thoughts, and you just say, ‘It’s just a dream.’ I think the church needs to stop saying, ‘It’s just a dream.’” [Video ends]

But dear friends, that is exactly what it is: it’s just a dream. There are no significance to your dreams, they’re just dreams. I dreamed one time that I was being chased around a Kentucky Fried Chicken by four tornados. My doctor may tell me not to go to KFC, but I don’t think that was God trying to tell me not to go to KFC.

So how does God speak to us today? Let’s go to the text. Hebrews 1:1 and 2, “God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days He has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.” The writer of Hebrews says that in the old days, in the days of the prophets, in the Old Testament, God spoke in a lot of different ways. Indeed, He did. God spoke to Moses up on the mountain through a storm and thunder. God spoke to Elijah through that still small voice, which was an external voice – audible, external voice. In Numbers chapter 22, God even made a donkey talk. So God did indeed speak in many different portions and in many different ways.

“But in these last days,” – says the writer of Hebrews – “He has spoken to us in His Son.” Friends, Jesus is the final speaking of God, the final speaking of God. Everything that God has to say He has said to us in His Son Jesus Christ; and we have a perfect, inerrant, infallible, all-sufficient record of that in His Word. Jesus is the final speaking of God.

Now I don’t want you to misunderstand. I don’t want you to think, “Oh, well Justin says that God doesn’t speak to us anymore today.” Yes, He does. God speaks to us right here. This is how God speaks to us.

“Well, Justin, I’ve had these dreams. I’ve had these dreams and they came true. What do you make of that? I’ve had these experiences, Justin. I was driving, and I always turn left on this particular road, every day I always turn left. But something just told me, no, to take a right. And I turned right and ran into someone who needed my help. How do you make sense of that?” I can’t exegete your experiences, all I can do is exegete Scripture.

But speaking of experiences, let’s look at one such experience; Peter writes about it. Second Peter chapter 1, Peter says, “For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. But we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.” This is the transfiguration, Matthew 17. “For when He received honor and glory from God the Father, such an utterance as this was made to Him by the Majestic Glory, ‘This is My beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased’ – and we ourselves heard this utterance made from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain.”

This was the transfiguration. This was Peter, James and John, and they were there; and Jesus, before their very eyes, was transfigured with Moses and Elijah. The veil of His flesh was peeled back and they saw the majestic glory, Jesus transfigured in His full glory. What an experience. What did Peter say about this? He said, “But we have the prophetic word made more sure,” made more certain. What’s the prophetic word? This is the prophetic word: “The written Word of God was more certain than that.”

And I don’t doubt that many of you here or are watching have had some experiences, I don’t doubt that. But whatever you think your experience may or may not have been, no matter if God woke you up at 3:00 in the morning to pray for someone; turns out that person needed prayer at 3:00 in the morning; you know, whatever your experience was – and I’m not doubting God’s providence in all of our experiences – but whatever your experience was, I guarantee you one thing: your experience didn’t approach what Peter experienced. God waking you up at 3:00 in the morning to pray for someone, that doesn’t begin to approach what Peter, James and John experienced. And if they could say of the written Word of God that the written Word of God is more certain than that, I can promise you it’s more certain than anything you think you may or may not have experienced. The Word of God is more certain than anything that we could experience. We cannot exegete experiences, we can only exegete the Word of God.

And dear friends, no matter how real experiences may seem to us, if that experience does not plumb with the Word of God, then we have done exactly what Paul told us not to do in 1 Corinthians 4:6. He says, “Do not exceed what is written.” When we exceed what is written, when we exceed biblical parameters, we are actually opening ourselves up to demonic influence and demonic suggestion. We cannot interpret the Bible by what we experience, we must interpret our experiences by the Bible, by the prophetic word made more sure.

Well, the Bible doesn’t tell me where to go to college. The Bible doesn’t tell me who to marry. It tells you to marry a believer, but it doesn’t really tell me who to marry. The Bible doesn’t tell me what job to take or what house to buy or which car I should by. The Bible doesn’t tell me, “Should I be an engineer or a dentist?”

How do I know God’s will for my life? How do I know God’s will for my life? Here’s how you know God’s will for your life. Read, study, and obey God’s Word. Read, study, and obey God’s Word. If you’re not doing that, then nothing else matters anyway. Read, study, and obey God’s Word.

And then if you’ve got some situation in your life, you’ve got some decision to make and you’re not real sure what it is to do, some crisis and you’re not sure the right thing to do, or you want to know God’s will for a particular thing that’s going on in your life or in your church or whatever, read, studying God’s Word, obey God’s Word. Pray for wisdom. James tell us that: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God.”

Now if you’re not reading and studying and obeying God’s Word, then don’t bother praying for wisdom, He’s not going to give it to you. But if you are, pray for wisdom. And then, seek godly counsel. The Bible says there is wisdom, there’s safety in a multitude of counselors. And if I’ve got something going on in my life or my ministry and I’m not sure what to do, you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to seek godly counsel. The first person I’m going to go to is my wife Kathy and talk about it with her first. And if both of us together decide, you know, we need some other voices on this, I’ve got some men in my life that I go to from time to time; and I’ll say, “Brothers, this is what’s going on in my life, this is what’s going on in the ministry. Give me your counsel. What do you think?” There’s wisdom in doing that.

So read, study, and obey God’s Word; pray for wisdom, seek godly counsel; and then Proverbs 3:5 and 6 it: “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, lean not unto your own understanding. But in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and” – He might direct your paths; He’ll direct your paths if He’s got nothing better to do – “He will direct your paths.” How does God do that? I don’t have the slightest idea, I just know He does.

Friends, He spoke the universe into existence; I think He can direct our paths. You don’t have to worry, “Oh, well if I choose this when I really should have chosen this, everything’s just going to fall apart and unravel like a row of dominoes.” Relax. Relax. He spoke the universe into existence; He can certainly direct your paths.

Read, study, and obey God’s Word. Pray for wisdom. Seek godly counsel. And then, make a wise informed decision; trust the providence of God and do whatever you want to do. You don’t have to seek a special word of knowledge or will for your particular life or your situation. In fact, we don’t even see anyone in the New Testament doing this. We see the apostles just doing things.

Look as a couple of examples. Paul writes in Titus. Paul says, “I have decided to spend the winter at Nicopolis.” Paul didn’t say, “I prayed and asked the Lord to give me a word of knowledge of where I should spend the winter.” “I decided to spend the winter in Nicopolis.” Paul stayed in Athens by himself and he sent Timothy because, “We thought it best. We thought it best to do it.”

You just see the apostles doing things. And on occasion, like in Acts chapter 16, you see God’s providence hindering them from doing things that they had planned on doing. Like Paul wanted to go into Asia, and the Spirit of Christ hindered him, closed that door. So Paul went to Europe and Turkey, modern-day Turkey, and the gospel leaped from one continent to the next, and Lydia was converted. So you see God occasionally just providentially altering their paths, but you don’t see the apostles, “Lord, show me Your will for my life”; they just did things. They went out and they preached the gospel. They did things.

And dear friends, Paul makes a beautiful statement to the Colossians. He says this in Colossians chapter 3. He says, “Let the word of Christ dwell richly within you. Let the word of Christ dwell richly within you.” The more the word of Christ, this Book, dwells richly within us, the more that our thinking, the more that our decision-making will just be naturally conformed into what God would have us to do. So let the word of Christ dwell richly within you. Read, study, and obey God’s Word, and you will be making wise, God-honoring decisions.

In closing, these things cannot coexist. These things cannot coexist: a belief that God still speaks today outside of Scripture and a belief, an affirmation of a closed Canon of Scripture. Those two things cannot exist. If God is still speaking today outside of Scripture, then whatever He says is just as authoritative as any verse in this Book, and so we should add it to this Book; and so we have an open Canon of Scripture. If God is still speaking outside of Scripture, then this is not closed, this is still an open Canon. You cannot have your canonical cake and eat it too.

This cannot coexist: a continuest position on the apostolic gifts and the sufficiency of Scripture. You cannot hold to a continuest position on the apostolic gifts: the gifts of prophecy in the sense of foretelling the future, the gift of miracles and healing, the gift of tongues, interpretation of tongues – those apostolic gifts. If you believe that all of those apostolic gifts, sign gifts continue today, those sign gifts are by nature revelatory. They are revelatory in their nature. So if those gifts continue, then you cannot also affirm the sufficiency of Scripture; they are mutually exclusive positions. And even the most careful, quote-unquote, of “charismatics” cannot with a clear conscience in the logical consistency hold to the sufficiency of Scripture. They are mutually exclusive positions. Once you take a continuous position on the apostolic gifts, then the sufficiency of Scripture’s out the window, it’s gone, it’s gone. They’re mutually exclusive.

Does God speak to us? Or, you know, you hear people say, “Well, God gave me a burden for so and so. God laid you on my heart.” We hear that kind of lingo. Can God do these things? It’s not a matter of whether or not He can do anything. God could do it, of course. God can do whatever He wants to do. God could put a leprechaun in my refrigerator if He wanted to, but I’ve got no reason to think that He will, and an awful lot of reasons to think that He won’t. It’s not a matter of God’s ability, okay.

And I hear, “Oh, well you’re putting God in a box. You’re saying God can’t speak.” I’m not saying He can’t. It’s not that He lacks the ability. The question is whether or not He is. In Hebrews 1:1 and 2, Romans 10, all these things, very clear that God speaks to us in His Word, not outside of Scripture. It’s not a matter of His ability. “But God laid you on my heart.”

To give you an example: I grew up in Mississippi, and one of my good childhood friends, a man named Chad. And Chad still lives in Mississippi, Kathy and I live in Montana; I hardly ever see Chad anymore. But from time to time, you know, I’ll be doing whatever during the day, and I might think about Chad; and you know, maybe I’ll pray for Chad. Did God bring Chad in my remembrance? I don’t know; maybe I just thought about Chad.

We don’t have any mechanism to know when God may or may not be laying someone on our heart – to use that lingo. We have no mechanism to know that, so it’s really a moot point, it doesn’t matter. Just do like the apostles and just do things. Read, study, and obey God’s Word.

This from Spurgeon. Spurgeon says, “I have little confidence in those persons who speak of having direct revelations from the Lord as though He appeared otherwise than by and through the gospel. His Word is so full, so perfect that for God to make any fresh revelation to you or to me is quite needless. To do so would be to put a dishonor upon the perfection of that Word indeed.”

Dear friends, if you want to hear God speak to you, there’s one way I guarantee you you will hear God speak: read your Bible. If you want to hear God speak to you audibly, read it out loud. One hundred percent guaranteed, He will speak; you will hear Him speak.

“How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in – what? – in His excellent Word. What more can He say than to you He hath said, to you who for refuge to Jesus have fled.” What more can He say to us, dear ones, than what He has already said in His Word? God’s Word is sufficient. Let’s close in a word of prayer.

Father, what a – just an unspeakable comfort it is to us to know that You are sovereign, that You have provided for us Your Word that is not only inerrant and that is not only infallible; it is also sufficient, that it is everything that we need to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s everything that we need pertaining to life and godliness. Father, restore in us a confidence in the sufficiency of Your Word, for the glory of Christ our King. It’s in His name we pray. Amen.

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

Talmudic Jewish pedophilia


Jeffrey Epstein is Jewish, Ghislaine Maxwell is Jewish, and the judge presiding over Maxwells case is a Jewish sodomite. Of course the judge is hiding tons of evidence.


You really can’t make this up. Just today another homosexual JEWISH judge who is over drag queen reading hour, 38 years old, arrested for child porn.

Notice how the stories ignore their Jewish heritage. As soon as I saw the name, I knew what to look for.

Milwaukee Children’s Court Judge and LGBTQ Activist Charged With Seven Counts of Possession of Child Porn

Meet the Jewish billionaires who fund drag queen story hour and illegal immigration.

Covid Deep Background: Victor Rothschild Was a “Soviet” Agent


(Victor Rothschild, 1910-1980,  the famous “Fifth Man” of the Cambridge Five Spy Ring, gave all the West’s secrets to the USSR.) 

The Rothschild-controlled world central banking cartel is behind the covid hoax, Communism, war and world government tyranny. 
As the New World Order (“globalism”) reveals its ugly face (the lockdowns, censorship,gender dysphoria, migration,) most politicians, corporations and media are controlled by the people who finagled our national credit cards and create money out of nothing. We are Stockholm syndrome prisoners of psychopaths.


“Treason is the template for contemporary politics. The central banking cartel is erecting its “world governance” dictatorship and anyone who wants to succeed must be loyal to the sick new paradigm and a traitor to the genuine old.”

slightly revised from Dec 15, 2018
By Henry Makow Ph.D.

In 1942, Sir Mark Oliphant, a leading British physicist was shocked when a messenger delivered a part from his new radar technology with a warning from MI-5 Security Inspector Victor Rothschild to “tighten up your security.”

A few days earlier Rothschild had visited Oliphant’s Birmingham University lab, quizzed him on his research, and pocketed the three-inch diameter magnetron. 

But talk about chutzpah! 

Baron Rothschild was himself a Soviet agent! Before returning the magnetron, he had transmitted detailed drawings to Moscow, a fact later confirmed by his KGB handlers. 


Oliphant related this story in 1994 to Roland Perry, the Australian author of The Fifth Man (1994, Sedgwick and Jackson, 475 pp). 

Between 1935 and 1963, the Soviet Union knew all of Britain’s military and scientific secrets thanks  to “The Cambridge Five” a spy ring that operated in M1-5, MI-6 and the Foreign Office. Western intelligence agencies were rendered ineffective and Allied secrets, including the design of the atomic bomb, were stolen. 

The traitors were Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt. But there is a natural reluctance to admit that “the Fifth Man” was Nathaniel Meyer Victor Rothschild (1910-1990), the Third Baron Rothschild, the British head of the world’s richest banking dynasty, which controls the Bank of England. 

In 1993, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, six retired KGB Colonels in Moscow confirmed Rothschild’s identity to Roland Perry. Col. Yuri Modin, the spy ring’s handler, went on the record. 

Perry writes: “According to …Modin, Rothschild was the key to most of the Cambridge ring’s penetration of British intelligence. ‘He had the contacts,’ Modin noted. ‘He was able to introduce Burgess, Blunt and others to important figures in Intelligence such as Stewart Menzies, Dick White and Robert Vansittart in the Foreign Office…who controlled Mi-6.”  (p.89)

You can understand the reluctance. The Rothschilds are undoubtedly the largest shareholders in the world’s central banking system. Victor Rothschild’s career as Soviet agent confirms that these London-based bankers plan to translate their monopoly on credit into a monopoly on everything using government as their instrument, ultimately a “world government” dictatorship akin to Communism. 

It adds credence to the claim theRothschilds were behind the Bolshevik Revolution, and used the Cold War and more recently the 9-11 hoax, the bogus “War on Terror” and the Covid Hoax, to advance their world hegemony.  

Which is more plausible? One of the richest men in the world, Victor Rothschild espoused Communist ideals so that his own fabulous wealth and position could be taken away?  

Or that Communism in fact was a deception designed to take away our wealth and freedom in the name of “equality” and “brotherhood”?  

(Evil and Rich) 


According to “The Fifth Man”, Victor Rothschild had an IQ of 184. He was a gifted jazz pianist with an intuitive understanding of many scientific disciplines. He saw banking as a dreary affair and preferred the exciting example of his great grandfather Lionel Rothschild (1808-1879) who Benjamin Disraeli immortalized as “Sidonia” in the novel Coningsby(1844). 

“No minister of state had such communication with secret agents and political spies as Sidonia. He held relations with all the clever outcasts of the world. The catalog of his acquaintances in the shape of Greeks, Armenians, Moors, secret Jews, Tartars, Gypsies, wandering Poles and Carbonari, would throw a curious light on those subterranean agencies of which the world in general knows so little, but which exercise so great an influence on public events. The secret history of the world was his pastime. His great pleasure was to contrast the hidden motive, with the public pretext, of transactions.”(Coningsby pp. 218-219) 

Rothschild studied Zoology at Cambridge where Anthony Blunt recruited him for the KGB about 1936. (Blunt later said it was Rothschild who recruited him, which makes more sense.) Rothschild later joined MI-5 and was in charge of counter sabotage. He instructed the military on how to recognize and defuse bombs. Rothschild was a personal friend of Winston Churchill. Perry writes:

“The two socialized often during the war years. Rothschild used his wealth and position to invite the prime minister to private parties. His entree to the wartime leader, plus access to all the key intelligence information, every major weapons development and his command of counter-sabotage operations in Britain, made Rothschild a secretly powerful figure during the war years…The result was that Stalin knew as much as Churchill about vital information, often before the British High Command was informed.” (xxviii-xxix)  

(left, only a society with a death wish would idealize traitors and dupes.) 


Rothschild helped neutralize enemies of the Soviet Union who came to the British for support. For example, he was involved in the cover-up of the assassination of Polish war leader and British ally Wladyslaw Sikorski, whose plane was blown up in July 1944. Sikorski had become burdensome to Stalin after he discovered the KGB had massacred 16,000 Polish officers in the Katyn Woods and elsewhere in 1940.   

In 1944, Blunt, Burgess and Philby all stayed with Victor at the Rothschild mansion in Paris.  Rothschild was briefly in charge of Allied intelligence in Paris and interrogated many prisoners.  

After the war Rothschild spent time in the US overseeing attempts to learn the atom bomb secrets. Due in part to the Cambridge Five, Perry says “the Russians knew about every major intelligence operation run against them in the years 1945 to 1963.”  (xxxi) 


Victor Rothschild held many jobs that served to disguise his true role which I suspect was that of a member of the Illuminati Grand Council. (The Illuminati represent the highest rank of Freemasonry.)  He was not a lowly agent. He probably gave orders to people like Winston Churchill, FDR and Stalin. 

For example, he ensured that the USSR supported the establishment of the State of Israel.  “He knew the proper back-channels to reach decision-makers in Moscow,” a KGB Colonel told Perry. “Let us just say, he got things done. You only did that if you reached the top. He was very persuasive.” (176) 

T Stokes wrote: ” In the Russian Intel archives Lord and Lady Rothschild are codenamed; “David and Rosa.” Rothschild and Churchill were inseparable during W.W.II. The bankers bought Churchill’s services in W.W.II for a recorded £50,000 to lobby for total war with Germany, and in W.W.1. Churchill had a bank account in the name of ‘Colonel Arden,’ to accept these secret donations.”

(Rothschild making a Satanist hand sign)
The fact that Rothschild was protected until his death suggests this is a ruling class conspiracy.According to Greg Hallett, Anthony Blunt, a fellow spy, was an illegitimate son of George V, half-brother and look-alike to Edward VIII, the Duke of Windsor. Until his exposure in 1964, Blunt was knighted and was Curator of the Queen’s art collection. He received immunity from prosecution in exchange for his confession.

Many believe this conspiracy is “Jewish.” Yes, but “generational Satanist” would be more accurate. These  Sabbatean Jews intermarry with Gentiles. The current Lord Jacob Rothschild, the Fourth Baron Rothschild is Victor’s son by his first wife Barbara Hutchinson, pictured above, a non-Jew who converted. In Jewish law, Jacob Rothschild is not a Jew. He married Serena Dunn. By the way, Meyer Amschel,  Victor’s only son by his second marriage, also to a non-Jew, ‘committed suicide’ in 1996.  

While Victor Rothschild pretended to “socialist ideals,” this was just a ruse to entrap misguided idealists. The banker was a conscious traitor. Treason is the template for contemporary politics. The central banking cartel is erecting its “world governance” dictatorship and anyone who wants to succeed must be loyal to the sick new paradigm and a traitor to the genuine old.
While distracting us with sex and sports, our political and cultural “leaders” attack our national, religious, racial and family foundations using  war, homosexuality, pornography, feminism, migration and “diversity.” 

Clearly, we need new leaders who will stand up to the owners of the world monetary system. The destiny of humanity is at stake.



In 2001 and 2002, Michael Patrick Murrayand five other people, all of whom had brain tumors located beneath where they had held their cell phones, sued the telecommunications industry for damages. In 2010 and 2011, seven more brain cancer victims joined the case as additional plaintiffs.

The defendants represent most of the American telecommunications industry: Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile, Bell South, Bell Atlantic, Motorola, Qualcomm, Samsung, SONY, Sanyo, Nokia, the CTIA, the FCC, and dozens of other telecom companies.

Through extensive maneuvering and delaying tactics by the defendants, this important case has bounced back and forth from court to court for twenty years like a ping pong ball. It went from D.C. Superior Court, to U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, to U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, back to D.C. Superior Court, up to the D.C. Court of Appeals, back to D.C. Superior Court, back up to the D.C. Court of Appeals, and back to D.C. Superior Court.

This summer, despite the fact that many of the plaintiffs are no longer alive, Murray v. Motorolawill finally go to trial. Expert witness are scheduled to testify before Judge Alfred S. Irving from July 12-23, 2021. If the judge rules that the witnesses are qualified, then they will later testify before a jury.

The witnesses for the plaintiffs include: 

  • Dr. Igor Belyaev, Head Research Scientist at the Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of Science
  • Dr. Michael Kundi, professor at the Medical University of Vienna and former head of its Institute of Environmental Health
  • Dr. Abraham Liboff, professor emeritus of physics at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan
  • Dr. Wilhelm Mosgoeller, associate professor at the Medical University of Vienna’s Institute of Cancer Research
  • Dr. Dimitris Panagopoulos, founder of the Radiation Biophysics Laboratory at the University of Athens
  • Dr. Laura Plunkett, toxicologist and principal consultant at Integrative Biostrategies in Houston, Texas
  • Dr. Christopher Portier, Senior Advisor to the World Health Organization’s Environmental Program and former Director of the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control

Dr. Portier’s report was submitted to the court on March 1, 2021. BEGINNING THE HEALING
  The Murray case, which has been simmering on the back burner, is confronting us with a question that all the judges, and the courts, and the telecommunications companies, and the public, have managed to avoid for two decades. But the testimony we will hear in July from the world’s most prominent experts will focus directly on it: what are the cell phones in our hands doing to our bodies and to the world around us?

Has our attention on cell towers diverted attention away from where it needs to be?

There are about 14 billion mobile devicesin the world, each emitting up to 2 watts of microwave radiation, for a combined emitting power of about 28 billion watts.

Outside of China, there are about 3 million 4G cell towers in the world, each emitting up to a few hundred watts of microwave radiation, for a combined emitting power of perhaps 1 billion watts. Within China, there are 6 million more 4G towers, for an additional 1 to 2 billion watts.

Where is most of the radiation coming from, cell phones or cell towers? Which are more responsible for killing birds and bees, cell phones or cell towers? When you measure the radiation levels where you live, what are you mostly measuring, the many phones around you or the fewer towers? It depends on where you live.

The biggest difference between phones and towers is that phones radiate equally in all directions, whereas towers focus most of their radiation along the ground. This can multiply the effective power of a cell tower on the ground by a factor of 30 or more. But even that is not enough to raise the average radiation levels on most of the earth from all the cell towers beyond the average radiation levels from all the cell phones. And high in the air, above the main beams of cell towers, birds and insects can receive more radiation from phones than from towers.

Cell phones, as we will hear in July, damage DNA, alter the structure of proteins, affect cell growth, damage sperm, cause spontaneous abortions, interfere with memory and learning, damage the blood-brain barrier, alter brain waves, disturb sleep, affect the immune system, alter metabolism, interfere with development, damage tissues and organs, and cause cancer. What, then, are all the cell phones doing to our world?

But the antennas on towers are so much bigger than phones, you may say. Size has nothing to do with it. The extra size mostly allows the tower to focus its beam along the ground instead of up in the air.

But towers are always on, you may say, and phones aren’t. Untrue. If all the phones were ever off, a tower would only emit enough power to let the phones know that it is there. And even when you think your phone is turned completely off, the resonant circuits within it are still connected to the battery and are still affecting the space around them.

But your phone only emits one frequency, you may say, while the tower emits hundreds. Yes, but the tower only emits hundreds of frequencies when hundreds of phones are communicating with it. The combined radiation and combined number of frequencies are still about the same from all the phones as from all the towers.

What is making people more sick, and doing more damage to the earth? The phones? Or the towers?

We have all had the experience that the higher in elevation we are, the more radiation we feel. This is partially because there are cell towers on the tops of hills and mountains. But it is also due to radio towers and radar stations, which do not focus their energy along the ground. Weather radars. Air traffic control radars. Civil defense radars. They are all proliferating and increasing in power and sophistication, and they are all helping to destroy the Earth. Cell towers are contributing too, but it is a mistake to blame the cell towers while you are holding a cell phone in your hand, or are keeping one in your home.

Just 25 years ago, the average human being did no harm to other species, or other humans, when taking a walk. Today, every human being is a source of radiation wherever he or she goes.

I have confined this discussion to 4G, because 5G is changing the picture. But it is not changing the picture as much as you may think. With 5G, both towers and phones will aim narrow beams at each other. This will further increase the effective power of both towers and phones more than tenfold, if you happen to be standing in the beam. But what this also means is that a person using a cell phone will be even more hazardous than before to any person or animal in their immediate vicinity, and to any bird or insect that flies between the phone and the tower. And since there are billions of phones on earth, woe be to any creature that still wants to fly through the air at all. Not because the towers will be emitting radiation at all times, but because there are so many cell phones to aim their beams at.

The late Pelda Levey, a co-founder of the Cellular Phone Task Force, told this joke about cell phones: “I have both good news and bad news about cell phones. The bad news is that a cell phone can give you a brain tumor. The good news is that if you feel one coming on, you can always call 911.”

Calling 911 will not save the Earth. Throwing away your cell phone just might. It might begin the healing. Arthur FirstenbergAuthor, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and LifeP.O. Box 6216Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129arthur@cellphonetaskforce.org
March 17, 2020

“Anti-Jewish” Dresden Manifesto (1882) Conceded Defeat

(Left, Adolf Stoecker (1835 -1909) was the court chaplain to Kaiser Wilhelm II, a politician, and a German Lutheran theologian who founded the Christian Social Party and attempted to roll back Jewish control. He helped organize the 1882 “Anti Jewish Conference.”) 
Is this why Dresden was so maliciously destroyed in 1944? 
The current COVID ruse to bring in (((Communism))) is thethe outcome of realities identified in this manifesto.  

A Dresden conference shows how Jewish hegemony was a fait accompli 139 years ago and explains why the West’s racial cohesion and Christian heritage are under vicious satanist attack. Read this and ask yourself, “Could Hitler have come to power without Masonic Jewish complicity?” 

(Note – This is a key article I repost every year as I have many new readers.) 

The Secret Masonry is setting up “our own, to all appearance, off position which in at least one of its organs [Nazis] will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards.” (Protocols of Zion, 12.11)
But no man said anything about him [Jesus] openly for fear of the Jews. (John 7:13)
 “A new war in defense of democracy and of alleged law is being prepared in all haste. An alliance of all the Jewish groups is already complete; it bears the official title of the alliance of the three great democracies, the English, the American, and the French. . . . Israel requires world war and soon!… Israel is positively of the opinion that time is getting short. To their mind, their world war is a necessity in order that, in the name of indivisible peace, all that portion of mankind who wish to cast off the Jewish yoke, may be laid low.”    — Revue Internationale des sociétés secrétes, April 1937  


(Slightly revised from Jan 6, 2016 ) 
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

The last significant effort to defend Christian national values was the “First International Anti-Jewish Conference” held in Dresden in September 1882. 

The conference attracted 300 prominent businessmen, aristocrats, politicians, clergy, lawyers, physicians, farmers and intellectuals from Germany, Austria, Hungry and Russia. They produced a manifesto addressed to “the Governments and Peoples of Christian Nations Threatened by Judaism” which shows how Jewish hegemony was a fait accompli 138 years ago, and explains why the West’s racial cohesion and Christian heritage are in serious disarray. 


The Manifesto begins by saying Europe has been invaded by a foreign race more dangerous and insidious than Arabs, Tartars or Turks in the past because of “its means and objectives.” 

Jewish “emancipation” following the French Revolution (“Equality, Fraternity, Liberty”) removed protections against “a race whose first and foremost thoughts and energies are everywhere aimed at putting other nations in the moral and material shackles of slaves…” 

“According to the Jews’ religious and national traditions, all of these peoples were created merely to serve them. The principle of equality was also applied to a race that does not wish to be equal with us, that considers itself a people privileged by God and [regards] the rest of mankind as lower beings, impure animals. The principle of fraternity was also applied to a race that does not even acknowledge non-Jews as neighbors and fellow human beings and according to whose Talmud non-Jews are enemies destined for eradication.”

Left. Merkel receives an award from her masters.
“Moreover, cheating, stealing from them, bleeding them dry, bringing ruin upon them, perjuring against them, dishonoring, and even killing them constitutes an activity pleasing to their God. Small wonder, therefore, if modern liberalism, identifying more and more with the ascendant Jews, has taken the shape of pseudo-liberalism. In the Jews’ hands, it has turned into a convenient tool for realizing their plans for world domination and putting irons on the European peoples.”

As a result of Jewish monopoly on government and finance, “the farmer, the big landowner, the industrialist, the artisan, the merchant, etc. , have all gotten caught up in material dependency upon Jews…they were forced to turn into their obedient servants, their train bearers. What’s more, the Jews hire influential men who are active in public life to fill well-paid positions at banks, railways, insurance companies, etc. These individuals are thus virtually kept as Jewish vassals and are the most zealous and influential supporters of Jewish power in the legislatures and governments. “

As a result of Illuminati Jewish instigated wars, “the governments of some indebted countries have become nothing more than Jewish institutions, Jewish collection agencies. This explains the complete inactivity of these governments with respect to the Jewish question and also their hostile behavior against their own populations in favor of Jewry.” 


Due to media ownership, “until recently no newspaper in Central Europe would have dared to speak the truth vis – à – vis Jewry. Thus the Jews have become absolute masters, fabricators of public opinion. Any complaint raised against them, however, justified it may be, is suppressed. Any article that addresses the subject of Jewish dominance to the slightest extent is done away with.” 

Political advancement “is dependent upon the favorable position of the Jewish press…As a result, intellectual slavery and moral cowardice vis – à – vis Jewry is one of the most characteristic features of our age.” 


Ambitious Christians  “become train bearers of Jewish power; they turn into traitors to their own nation and race and thus to their own blood relations. In many countries, the Jews have adulterated the system of [Freemason] lodges, stripped it of its essence, and degraded it into one of the most dangerous and effective instruments of Jewish power.” 

“Mainly by means of the press, Jewry increasingly undermines the Christian religion, which … during Roman times,… saved the European Aryan race from moral bankruptcy, on the one hand, and semi-civilized barbarity, on the other, and also regenerated it. It did so by setting the civilization and culture of the European Aryan race on firm religious, moral, and social foundations.” 

“Christian religion is the most powerful reaction against Jewish tendencies to achieve world domination. It is an insurmountable protest against the elevation of the Semitic above the Aryan race, and so it is only natural that the Jewish clan is a sworn mortal enemy of both the founder of this religion and the Christian religion itself. 

Accordingly, Jewry can only firmly establish the superiority and rule of the Semitic race when it has managed to defeat the natural reaction opposing it and to destroy the institution of Christianity.” 


The 1882 Manifesto deftly describes the impotence of Christian leadership which is just as obvious today. There was no “Second International Anti Jewish Conference.” The participants recognized they were fighting a lost cause. They did not propose measures because “this nation of parasites has become much too deeply ingrained in the body of our societal and state life for this first congress to operate under the delusion that its potentially detailed propositions could be carried out today.” 

This was in spite of the fact that Eugen Duhring, left, laid out a detailed program the previous year (1881) in his book “On the Jews.” Ironically, it required the Illuminati Jewish-sponsored Nazis to enact many of Duhring’s proposals, which were similar to racial policies in effect in Israel today. 

The rise of the Nazis led to the genocide of about six millionGerman antiSemites (i.e. Nazis) in WW2 and some 50 million other non-Jews. Given the 1882 assessment, do you think the Nazis could have achieved power without Illuminati Jewish sponsorship? As in chess, often you sacrifice a player (i.e. non-Zionist Jews) to win the game.  

Generally, the tone of the Manifesto gets more petty and racist, tarring all Jews with the same brush, saying all Jews are cosmopolitans with no loyalty to country or attachment to land, incapable of honesty, hard work or scientific and creative originality, driving farmers to destitution with their usury. 
While I agree with the Manifesto’s description of Organized Jewry, & its goals, many if not most Jews were patriotic, hard-working and wanted to assimilate. An estimated 100,000 Jews served in the German army in WW1, and 18,000 won the Iron Cross. 12,000 died in action. In the 1930’s, 60% of all German Jewish marriages were interracial. The Illuminati had to create Hitler to force them to go to Israel. 

Christian leaders should have encouraged the process of Jewish assimilation already underway. Instead, the 1882 Conference concluded that the only solution was expulsion. 
“Europe belongs to the Christian peoples and therefore should not be the testing ground for the hunger for power of any hostile, domineering, non-Christian national element. The history of past centuries amply proves that legal decrees restricting the Jewish race – no matter how strict they are – do not achieve the desired result.”

Whatever we think of this Manifesto, it does provide a unique historical perspective on our world today. We are living in the twilight of Christian civilization which has suffered a series of colossal failures and defeats which have been disguised as just wars, civil rights, diversity, sexual liberation, feminism, gay rights, migration, etc. But this perspective can strengthen our resolve to oppose the further degradation of society by the satanist Illuminati. 

RELATED – German Jews Would Have Backed Hitler 
————- 25% of Germans, 42% of children are from Migrant Backgrounds
Makow –  Anti Semitism has Respectable Pedigree 
———    World War One- First Christian Holocaust ———Hitler was a Godsend to IsraelDetails of Zionist-Nazi Collaboration

MacDonald – Anti Semite Conceded Jewish Hegemony in 1879
