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Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

HUGE!!!  Anthony Kennedy retiring!!

Liberals respond to Kennedy’s retirement with moans, curses, and hysterical predictions.

28 year old Democrat Socialist ousts a powerful 10 term congressman in New York.

Great news: Disastrous Catch and Release is back!

31% think U.S. Civil War likely soon.

59% afraid of violence from the haters.

Federer: Blind and Deaf, she saw God’s world, not man’s.

Walter Williams: Diversity and Inclusion, Harm II

SCOTUS rules that workers can’t be forced to pay dues to political causes they don’t agree with.  4 liberal justices, Kagan, Sotomayor, Breyer, and Ginsberg dissent.

SCOTUS deals back breaking blow to public labor unions. 

Compilation: Democrat leaders/ media figures glorify violence against Trump supporters.

Meet the ahistorical millennial socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Full of enthusiasm, empty of historical  and moral wisdom.

Historically illiterate 28 year old NY socialist congressional phenom supports impeaching Trump.

Poll: 72% of Americans believe media deliberately report fake news.

Walsh: There can be no unity in America.

In defense of free speech, Justice Kennedy brought the hammer.

SCOTUS gets the travel ban right.

In Public sector Union Fees case, SCOTUS strikes a blow for freedom.

Warning: Google forming Alliance with Deep State.

Star Parker: the End of reasoned discourse in America. 

Washington Compost: Harassing White House women is the right thing to do.

Shapiro: The rise of the Mob.

Portland ICE protesters gear up for confrontation with police, after eviction notices served.

Contempt, Impeachment in play for Rod Rosenstein as Congress- Justice Department showdown heats up.

Bruce: Maxine Waters advances a liberal strategy with her call for mob action.

Scrubbing Laura Ingalls Wilder is a dangerous step toward ignorance.

Leftwingers on SCOTUS are ready to destroy First Amendment.

House considers largest amnesty bill in history. 

Retirement speculation mars courts final day. 

As Merkel teeters, Austria’s Kurz shines as “new Rock Star of new Right.”

CNN’s ratings take another dive.

Ann Coulter to Trump: Authorize the U.S. military to build border wall.

Bill Clinton: Trump has poured poison down America’s throat.

A Tale of two business owners.

Goldberg: Politics can’t fill the holes in our souls.

CNN, MSNBC cast Trump voters as Nazi’s, rapists.

Four dissenting votes in travel ruling ban are a dangerous sign.

Harsanyi: Was Gorsuch worth a Trump presidency?  It’s starting to look that way.

Marcus: Leftist hypocrisy just keeps coming. 



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