Many women ask me what books I recommend since I don’t recommend any that are written by female preachers. They don’t teach biblical womanhood. They don’t teach what God commands they teach. They have no biblical qualifications for teaching what they are teaching. Older women are commanded to teach the young women biblical womanhood as clearly stated in Titus 2:3-5.

I have a saved Instagram story with all of my favorite books. Since many women are not on Instagram, I decided to make a list of my favorite books! I will keep adding more so keep checking back. The book shelf you see in the picture above are all of the books I love!

I have written three books on this topic. The Power of the Transformed Wife is my testimony and what I learned on the way to becoming a transformed wife. Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guidegoes through every aspect of biblical womanhood and takes you through the Bible with the many verses that support it. Daily Wisdom For Biblical Wisdom is an every day read of the many handwritten posts that I made for years. (All of them are on Amazon.)

Created to Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl is the book that began my transformation in becoming the wife that God has called me to be. In my opinion, it is the best book on marriage for women to read. “No man has ever climbed out from underneath his wife’s criticism to become a better man.”

On the Other Side of the Garden by Virginia Ruth Fugate is excellent! “The unbiblical wife is usually unaware that she can mentally and emotionally abuse her husband’s masculinity when she treats him as a child, constantly complains about what a bad husband he is, or admonishes him in public.”

The Happy Housewife by Elizabeth Baker. “Everything we do should be done heartily, giving service to our Lord with a willing and vibrant spirit. The way a home is cared for determines its loveliness much more than its original cost does. A clean home that has a cherished appearance brings honor to the people who live there, especially to the woman.”

My Delight: Loving My Husband by Teri Maxwell. “Does your husband spend his days working so you can stay home with the children? Supplying your husband with meals, clean clothes, and a picked-up house is a way of expressing gratitude for his investment of working that allows you to be a stay-at-home wife. You can also bring disappointment to your husband if you aren’t tackling these basic jobs. It isn’t hard to see how that disappointment could also turn into bitterness.”

Creative Counterpart by Linda Dillow. “Most men have stopped loving a wife who consistently acts like a mother, spiritual advisor, and dietician.”

The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace. “A wife will never be what the Lord wants her to be until she graciously and joyfully comes under the authority of her husband.”

Lady Like: Living Biblically by Rebekah Curtis and Rose Adle. “Lydia received only three verses yet women have extrapolated from her that God wants women in lucrative professions and be leaders in the church!”

Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney. “But what is surprising and distressing is how many Christian woman have been seduced by the feminist doctrine…Not a few Christian wives and mothers have joined the women of our culture in the mass exodus from their homes.”

A Woman By God’s Grace by Anna Mary Byler. “Homemaking is said to be a biblical lifestyle and a joy to the Christian wife and mother. It is within this realm that she finds joy in housecleaning!”

You Can Be the Wife of a Happy Husband by Darien Cooper. “The basis for your discontentment and inability to accept your husband lies in your expectations of him and his failure to meet your goals.”

The Surrendered Wife By Laura Doyle. “Stop telling your husband what to do, what to wear, what to say, and how to do things, even if you think you’re helping.”

Free to Stay at Home by Marilee Horton. “Christian wives are giving up this control of being keepers at home. And yet, women are by droves, abdicating their power, abandoning their hives, to become mere worker bees in another’s hive.”

Who Stole Cinderella by Denise Renner. “If your wounded emotions aren’t dealt with and healed, you may find yourself creating something very toxic, volatile, and unhealthy in the laboratory of your life, and it will adversely effect every relationship you have.”

The Way Home by Mary Pride. “The real reason that couples are so attracted to family planning has nothing to do with the Bible. It has to do with fear.”

The Christian Homemaker’s Handbook by Pat Ennis and Dorothy Patterson. “The home has long been the focus of moral authority, and the women who preside over homes in many ways provide the necessary cohesion for the entire society. A good society and a good home are inextricably intertwined. You cannot have one without the other.”

Trust or Control: Exposing the Root Cause of a Woman’s Inability to Trust by Dorcas Stutzman. “I believe with all my heart that one of the deadliest enemies of that destiny of greatness is the matriarchal spirit. That sprit, sometimes referred to as a Jezebel spirit, is first of all a spirit of rebellion, which uses manipulation and control to gain power by whatever means possible.”

Praise Her in the Gates and The Fruit of Her Hands by Nancy Wilson. “A woman does not commit herself to submit to her husband if he makes no mistakes. She submits to her husband because she know that God does not make mistakes.”

Eve in Exile by Rebekah Merkle. “But a woman raising her children is not only shaping the next generation, she is also shaping little humans who are going to live forever. The souls she gave birth to are immortal. Immortal. And somehow, our culture looks at a woman who treats that as if it might be an important task and says, ‘It’s a shame she’s wasting herself. She could be doing something important – like filing paperwork for insurance claims.’”

Feminism: Women and Her Work by J. W. Porter. ( “In America, where the Bible has been opened widest and most freely circulated, women are most highly honored, of anywhere in the world. And it is a little curious that in this country is where we hear most about women’s wrongs and women’s rights. It may be well to bear in mind how women’s public speaking has been connected with various recent heresies.”

Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliot. “Our goal is not to be comfortable and have everything turn out fine but to be godly and make an impact on our dying world and its values.”

Be Fruitful and Multiply by Nancy Campbell. “One of the biggest threats to the devil is husbands and wives who understand God’s revelation for marriage and who will bring forth godly offspring for His glory.

Beautiful In God’s Eyes: The Treasures of the Proverbs 31 Woman by Elizbeth George. “God uses His Word to transform you into a woman of divine power who more brilliantly reflects His beauty.”

For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
1 Peter 3:5,6

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