Women Are Disproportionately Hurting Our Country

“Just as the male sexual drive and violent impulses can overwhelm their conscience and their ability to think and act rationally, emotions can do the same thing in girls and women: overwhelm their conscience and their ability to think and act rationally.”

Prager is Jewish and a Zionist, but he’s right about women.

The best woman to marry, I’m convinced, is one who has three attributes, she’s wise, she’s virtuous, and she’s beautiful.

Above all else, she must be submissive, or nothing else matters. Men sho think they will tame a woman after marriage are often going to get a nightmare.

Yes, a woman should choose a wise, virtuous, and handsome man to submit to, but if she doesn’t want to obey a man, she shouldn’t be having sex, getting married, or having children.


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