Makow — Politically Incorrect Advice for Young Men (Updated)

What I wish I knew when I was 21. (I am 72 now.)

This repost is needed now more than ever when the Satanists are messing with our perception of reality.

” Avoid women who exhibit any of the four-C’s: compete, control, criticize or complain.  Avoid women who are overachievers or neurotic. Don’t get hung up on unavailable women.  They’re not as special as they think. Choose a wife who complements you and is a good companion. 

Choose one who will be a good mother.”

Revised From Feb 27, 2015

by Henry Makow PhD 

My life was dysfunctional until the age of 50 partly because I accepted the feminist assumptions purveyed by the mass media. 

I never imagined the Communist central banking cartel is destabilizing society by trashing heterosexual roles. This hate attack on the traditional family continues unabated today. The purpose is undermine resistance to a totalitarian New World Order disguised as a permanent pandemic. 

Like millions of men, I was let “off the hook” by sexual liberation and feminism. Instead of becoming a husband and father, I was free to have sex and search for my “identity.” 

Often sex and identity were confused. I didn’t understand that men mature and find purpose by assuming the responsibility of marriage and family. 

As a result, I suffered from arrested development (immaturity) and missed my opportunity to have a family. 

What follows is an antidote to Communist feminist propaganda. I don’t want young men to make the same mistakes i did.

1. The creation of a strong and loving family is perhaps the highest goal to which a man can aspire. This is the natural process by which men (and women) grow over a lifetime. This is how we find love and intimacy. It isn’t for everyone but for most, it is the path to happiness.

2. Stop listening to the media, your peer group or parents. 

“Trust thy self,” Emerson says in Self Reliance (1841) “Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist.” What are your instincts telling you? For example, I always knew I wanted to rule my own roost but feminism prohibited this. Obey your instinctsBelieve in yourself. No one believes in someone who does not believe in himself.

3. Make work (not women) your passion. Work is the backbone of a man. Men gain self-confidence from performing a task well, and receiving reward and recognition. Women may try to come between a man and his work but don’t let them. Don’t let anyone or anything thwart your gift. Women do not respect men who make them their first priority. Your work will keep you on course and help you to avoid temptation.

4. Don’t mistake sexual attraction for love. Our society makes female beauty and sex into a phoney religion in order to distract us. Sex and beauty soon become tedious. The magic ends. Do not marry someone based on sexual infatuation. Real love develops over a long period of time and is based on mutual dependence, trust and caring. 

5. Do not put beautiful women on a pedestal. They is no relationship between a woman’s appearance and her character. Beautiful women are flawed like everyone else. They’re much more trouble because of their sense of entitlement. 

6. Never show weakness. In courtship, don’t appear eager. Women interpret this as weakness. Keep your dignity. Nothing earns her respect quicker than rejection. Men think they’ll be loved for their sterling qualities. This is not so. Women are focused on themselves. They’re looking for men who make them feel secure. They want men who exude confidence. If you’re insecure, find a woman who has lower self esteem than you. The best way to impress a woman is don’t try. They are flawed human beings. Get to know them as such.

7. The best way to fight sex addiction is to get married. Sex without love is degrading and dehumanizing. Sexual liberation isnot wanting sex (because you have it.) Sex is used to manipulate us. People wouldn’t be sexually frustrated if they got married at a young age as they did in the 1950’s and started families. Women should marry and have kids before going to university; men after beginning their careers.   

8. Do not marry a woman who doesn’t make you and her family her first priority. Do you want to share your wife with her boss? 

If you have an aim in life, why marry someone who doesn’t support it? Or has a competingagenda? In the marketplace of love, men have the power. Our fertility lasts three times as long as theirs. We’re the buyers. There are plenty of fine women, especially if we look abroad.

9. Real women are self-effacing. They put their husbands and their children before themselves. This is how women show love: by self-surrender. Avoid the four-C’s: Women who compete, control, criticize or complain. Avoid women who are overachievers or neurotic. Don’t get hung up on unavailable women. They’re aren’t as special as they think. Choose a wife who complements you and is a good companion. Don’t look for your “female counterpart.” (You’re looking for yourself.) Choose one who has qualities you lack and will be a good mother. 

10. Being possessive is natural.A man wants to possess a woman. Women want to be possessed. In the act of love, a man “possesses” a woman. Total love equals total possession. This is not the same as domination. It is a partnership based on mutual trust and respect. My wife does not share my political views or read my website.

11. Your seed (semen) is your unique spirit and essence.Would you entrust it to a vulgar or mediocre woman just because she’s attractive? Ideally we would only have sex with a woman we would want to mother our children. This is why sex was reserved for marriage.

12. Children represent your organic growth. They are an extension of yourself. The media is doing a number on us. How often do we see children portrayed in a positive light? As the angels they often are? We are rich in proportion to the things we love. The highest love is between husband and wife, and parents and children. 

13. Don’t waste your time “looking for God.” We find God by serving and obeying Him. God speaks through our sense of right and wrong, and ideals of absolute truth, justice and love. We are not men if we refuse to sacrifice our “selves” to God ( i.e. obey) . Truth is liberating even if the truth is about our present bondage.

14. You are not the voice in your head. We cohabit with a monkey. Don’t be deceived or upset by how mean and vulgar his thoughts often are. They’re not you. You are a spark of Divine consciousness housed in the body of an evolved ape. Your job is to train the ape by training the shared mind. 

Some of this was common knowledge when I was a child in the 1950’s. Over the years, the Illuminati have gradually undermined the natural order by promoting homosexuality which includes sexual liberation and lesbianism in the guise of feminism. 

An establishment that sows fear and confusion between the sexes, and promotes promiscuity and family breakdown does not have your best interest at heart. 

Many of our feminist political, cultural and economic “leaders” are moral whores, dupes, traitors and often worse. We resist them by building strong healthy families and giving our children wholesome values.


See also my “Managing the Male Sex Drive”AND “Men, Seek Helpmates, not Soulmates”


From my careful study of Scripture, I strongly believe that women are to be keepers at home and that they are to be silent in the churches. The only area they have been given any authority to teach is the “aged women” (Titus 2:3) teaching the young women biblical womanhood (Titus 2:4,5). Many think I’m crazy, I know. These seem extreme views even in most churches. But wait a minute! Look at what these two commentaries of old had to say about the verse in 1 Timothy 2:12:

“But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.—The whole purpose of these weighty admonitions of the great founder of the Gentile Churches relegates Christian women to their own legitimate sphere of action and influence—the quiet of their own homes…St. Paul shows what is the only proper sphere in which woman should work, and in which she should exercise her influence and power; while man’s work and duties lay in the busy world without, woman’s work was exclusively confined to the quiet stillness of home.” (Ellicot’s Commentary)

“But I suffer not a woman to teach, They may teach in private, in their own houses and families; they are to be teachers of good things, Titus 2:3. They are to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; nor is the law or doctrine of a mother to be forsaken, any more than the instruction of a father; see Proverbs 1:8…. but then women are not to teach in the church; for that is an act of power and authority, and supposes the persons that teach to be of a superior degree, and in a superior office, and to have superior abilities to those who are taught by them.” (Gill’s Exposition)

Many have been asking me if Mrs. So-and-So is a good Bible teacher. If Mrs. So-and-So calls herself a Christian Bible teacher, is her focus upon biblical womanhood? There are many women these days who write Bible studies yet fail to teach anything about biblical womanhood such as Kay Arthur of Precepts Ministries, the woman who wrote all of the BSF studies, plus the hoards of other female Bible preachers and teachers. What qualifies them to do this? God sure didn’t. God was careful to only have men chosen with strict qualifications who would be the ones in authority in the churches and do the Bible teaching.

Did you know that there are 16 biblical qualifications a man must meet in order to be a pastor or elder in a church? There are 13 biblical qualifications a man must meet to be a deacon. And there are four biblical qualifications that an “aged woman” must meet to teach young women biblical womanhood. There are NO qualification for women like Kay Arthur and the many others who are teaching Scripture yet fail to teach biblical womanhood. Women don’t need female Bible teachers. There are many solid, biblical male pastors and preachers to learn the Bible from!

I know this offends the feminist mindset of most Christian women. “What, I am only supposed to work in the quiet of my home? You mean I can’t speak in the church?” These questions show that they have no intention of searching Scripture and obeying God. They want to continue on the path that they are on with no regard for God’s clear commands. Don’t you be one of them, women!

“And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression” (1 Timothy 2:12). This is one of the reasons women can’t teach in the churches; women are more easily deceived. The other one is that men are the ones God put in authority. So if these are the reasons why women are not to teach in the churches, what qualifies them to teach other women in the churches? Nothing. The only ones qualified to teach are the “aged women” (Titus 2:3) and God tells them exactly what to teach (Titus 2:4,5).

This isn’t complicated. Feminism complicates everything by watering down and twisting God’s Word to give women authority that God hasn’t given them.

There are many great older women who teach biblical womanhood you can learn from. They are on my Instagram account under “favorite books” with authors Virginia Ruth Fugate, Elizabeth Baker, Teri Maxwell, Linda Dillow, Martha Peace, Rebekah Curtis, Carolyn Mahoney, Anna Mary Byler, Laura Doyle, Marilee Horton, Denise Renner, Mary Pride, Debi Pearl, Dorcas Stutzman, Nancy Wilson, Rebekah Merkle, and Nancy Campbell. These women teach biblical womanhood as commanded by God. I am thankful for them.

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
1 Corinthians 14:33-35

Makow — Politically Incorrect Advice for Young Men (Updated)


What I wish I knew when I was 21. (I am 72 now.)

This repost is needed now more than ever when the Satanists are messing with our perception of reality.

” Avoid women who exhibit any of the four-C’s: compete, control, criticize or complain.  Avoid women who are overachievers or neurotic. Don’t get hung up on unavailable women.  They’re not as special as they think. Choose a wife who complements you and is a good companion. 

Choose one who will be a good mother.”

Revised From Feb 27, 2015

by Henry Makow PhD 

My life was dysfunctional until the age of 50 partly because I accepted the feminist assumptions purveyed by the mass media. 

I never imagined the Communist central banking cartel is destabilizing society by trashing heterosexual roles. This hate attack on the traditional family continues unabated today. The purpose is undermine resistance to a totalitarian New World Order disguised as a permanent pandemic. 

Like millions of men, I was let “off the hook” by sexual liberation and feminism. Instead of becoming a husband and father, I was free to have sex and search for my “identity.” 

Often sex and identity were confused. I didn’t understand that men mature and find purpose by assuming the responsibility of marriage and family. 

As a result, I suffered from arrested development (immaturity) and missed my opportunity to have a family. 

What follows is an antidote to Communist feminist propaganda. I don’t want young men to make the same mistakes i did.

1. The creation of a strong and loving family is perhaps the highest goal to which a man can aspire. This is the natural process by which men (and women) grow over a lifetime. This is how we find love and intimacy. It isn’t for everyone but for most, it is the path to happiness.

2. Stop listening to the media, your peer group or parents. 

“Trust thy self,” Emerson says in Self Reliance (1841) “Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist.” What are your instincts telling you? For example, I always knew I wanted to rule my own roost but feminism prohibited this. Obey your instinctsBelieve in yourself. No one believes in someone who does not believe in himself.

3. Make work (not women) your passion. Work is the backbone of a man. Men gain self-confidence from performing a task well, and receiving reward and recognition. Women may try to come between a man and his work but don’t let them. Don’t let anyone or anything thwart your gift. Women do not respect men who make them their first priority. Your work will keep you on course and help you to avoid temptation.

4. Don’t mistake sexual attraction for love. Our society makes female beauty and sex into a phoney religion in order to distract us. Sex and beauty soon become tedious. The magic ends. Do not marry someone based on sexual infatuation. Real love develops over a long period of time and is based on mutual dependence, trust and caring. 

5. Do not put beautiful women on a pedestal. They is no relationship between a woman’s appearance and her character. Beautiful women are flawed like everyone else. They’re much more trouble because of their sense of entitlement. 

6. Never show weakness. In courtship, don’t appear eager. Women interpret this as weakness. Keep your dignity. Nothing earns her respect quicker than rejection. Men think they’ll be loved for their sterling qualities. This is not so. Women are focused on themselves. They’re looking for men who make them feel secure. They want men who exude confidence. If you’re insecure, find a woman who has lower self esteem than you. The best way to impress a woman is don’t try. They are flawed human beings. Get to know them as such.

7. The best way to fight sex addiction is to get married. Sex without love is degrading and dehumanizing. Sexual liberation isnot wanting sex (because you have it.) Sex is used to manipulate us. People wouldn’t be sexually frustrated if they got married at a young age as they did in the 1950’s and started families. Women should marry and have kids before going to university; men after beginning their careers.   

8. Do not marry a woman who doesn’t make you and her family her first priority. Do you want to share your wife with her boss? 

If you have an aim in life, why marry someone who doesn’t support it? Or has a competingagenda? In the marketplace of love, men have the power. Our fertility lasts three times as long as theirs. We’re the buyers. There are plenty of fine women, especially if we look abroad.

9. Real women are self-effacing. They put their husbands and their children before themselves. This is how women show love: by self-surrender. Avoid the four-C’s: Women who compete, control, criticize or complain. Avoid women who are overachievers or neurotic. Don’t get hung up on unavailable women. They’re aren’t as special as they think. Choose a wife who complements you and is a good companion. Don’t look for your “female counterpart.” (You’re looking for yourself.) Choose one who has qualities you lack and will be a good mother. 

10. Being possessive is natural.A man wants to possess a woman. Women want to be possessed. In the act of love, a man “possesses” a woman. Total love equals total possession. This is not the same as domination. It is a partnership based on mutual trust and respect. My wife does not share my political views or read my website.

11. Your seed (semen) is your unique spirit and essence.Would you entrust it to a vulgar or mediocre woman just because she’s attractive? Ideally we would only have sex with a woman we would want to mother our children. This is why sex was reserved for marriage.

12. Children represent your organic growth. They are an extension of yourself. The media is doing a number on us. How often do we see children portrayed in a positive light? As the angels they often are? We are rich in proportion to the things we love. The highest love is between husband and wife, and parents and children. 

13. Don’t waste your time “looking for God.” We find God by serving and obeying Him. God speaks through our sense of right and wrong, and ideals of absolute truth, justice and love. We are not men if we refuse to sacrifice our “selves” to God ( i.e. obey) . Truth is liberating even if the truth is about our present bondage.

14. You are not the voice in your head. We cohabit with a monkey. Don’t be deceived or upset by how mean and vulgar his thoughts often are. They’re not you. You are a spark of Divine consciousness housed in the body of an evolved ape. Your job is to train the ape by training the shared mind. 

Some of this was common knowledge when I was a child in the 1950’s. Over the years, the Illuminati have gradually undermined the natural order by promoting homosexuality which includes sexual liberation and lesbianism in the guise of feminism. 

An establishment that sows fear and confusion between the sexes, and promotes promiscuity and family breakdown does not have your best interest at heart. 

Many of our feminist political, cultural and economic “leaders” are moral whores, dupes, traitors and often worse. We resist them by building strong healthy families and giving our children wholesome values.


See also my “Managing the Male Sex Drive”AND “Men, Seek Helpmates, not Soulmates”