Here are snippets from an article by Dale Partridge. I encourage you to read the entire article. It is sorely needed today. Instead of supporting a lukewarm church, find a solid, biblical church to attend faithfully and support.

As for the pastoral dress, the suit has gone to the garbage and has been replaced with skinny jeans, a necklace, and a swoop-cut shirt that looks like a repurposed woman’s blouse. But it doesn’t stop there, we have pastors using phrases like “Do life together” and “love on each other” and “let go and let God” and “Share what’s on your heart.” In addition, more churches are ordaining women as pastors which is a direct attempt to flip the biblical order of feminine submission to husbands, fathers, and biblical elders upside down. In short, we have, in a very real way, emasculated the local church.

The gender-role distortion and infatuation with egalitarianism have contributed to great confusion in the church of what it means to be a biblical man or woman. It has left women fighting for leadership and left men without direction in their role in marriage, church, and family. In fact, I strongly believe this has been the enemy’s central strategy for this generation. He has influenced the church to such a place of feminine emotion that when the time comes for masculine boldness, fearlessness, sacrifice, and resolve, the church (and culture) will be grossly unprepared.

The feminism movement of the 21st century is not about noble female valuation, it’s about male domination. Furthermore, by now we must see that their movement does not have borders. Like the LGBTQ community, they seek to saturate every facet of public, personal, and spiritual life. This should, at the very least, cause alarm to the current local church and at the very most prepare us to fight strongly against it. Ultimately, we need both biblical shepherds and faithful women to see through the societal smoke and guard against this dangerous infiltration of effeminate culture.

Without reservation, we must be able to agree that the narrative of Christianity is not predominantly feminine. It includes women. It elevates women. It adores women. It honors women. But from the patriarchs and the prophets to the Messiah and the Apostles, biblical Christianity is predominantly masculine. It is robust and rugged. It has heart and it has hope. What it does not have is a sense of effeminate character. For this reason, we must examine why the church does. We must see the gap between the intense and costly Christianity seen in the Scriptures and our modern age’s frail and costless Christianity. We must find a way to restore alignment, to honor the masculinity of Christ and His men in the local church. For when men and women fall into their proper place the glory of God shines with heat. In a world that’s grown cold, finding the kindling to spark this flame will permit the church and her Gospel to burn brightly.

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.
1 Corinthians 6:9

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