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Masonic Anti-Vaxxers Scrub Occult Connection


The Academy of Divine Knowledge appears to be a Masonic organization 
whose teachers and associates  include prominent anti-vaxers David Icke, 
Judy Mikovits, Del Bigtree, Alec Zeck, Dr. Christiane Northrup,  Dr. Carrie Madej, and RFK Jr. 
The Academy has since rebranded itself to hide its occult connection. 

by CR(

Last July, I exposed the Academy of Divine Knowledge, an occult organization whose members include several prominent “anti-vax” activists including RFK Jr., Del Bigtree, and David Icke.
The Academy’s site is now gone.  The domain name ( still exists but redirects to a new site named UNIFYD, which includes most of the same list of “teachers” but all references to the occult have been scrubbed.

Hilariously, their monthly fee of $33 (an obvious Masonic reference) has been reduced to $32.99.

Is this the result of them being called out for their occult practices?  

The original site spoke of “helping humanity through its awakening process in a comfortable manner.”  Perhaps openly espousing occult beliefs and practices resulted in them receiving too much negative attention and the “awakening process” (aka indoctrination into occultism) had to be aborted.

Even the video by Sgt. Michelle Foy which originally exposed these people has been removed from her account.  

Not to point fingers at her, but what is going on?  Maybe she was threatened.

Her video is still available here:

In my original article, I noted that the periods of lock downs and restrictions corresponded to Saturn entering the sign of Aquarius, which the second time happened on the first day of Saturnalia.  


The renowned occultist HP Blavatsky said that the god Saturn is in fact Satan and is “the god of our planet and the only god”, and the Academy’s logo was the hexagram which is the star of Saturn.
Saturn will exit Aquarius on March 7, 2023 and is currently in the “waning” phase, which (aside from the resistance) may explain why the tyranny is beginning to wind down.  

Not only is resistance growing among the general public but the entire covid narrative is now crumbling with the vaccines proven to be useless and dangerous, while the latest studies show that even four doses are ineffective at doing anything but causing adverse reactions. 
 Meanwhile, the “latest variant deadly variant” has turned out to be nothing more than the common cold.   Are these coincidences or was this the plan all along?

Perhaps the time for proselytizing has also passed for the Academy of Divine Knowledge.

Deeply involved in the occult, the globalist elite plan world events to coincide with astrological events and dates with numerological significance.  

They have tyranny and destruction planned like clockwork.  They wait for all the stars to line up before making their next major move.
This is not to say that the covid scam is totally finished or that global tyranny is taking a holiday.  

Things are moving into another phase, which looks like it will be largely driven by fraudulent climate change ideology.  


And thanks to the Academy of Divine Knowledge we can be fairly certain that indoctrinating us into satanism is one of the main objectives as well.
As always, be on the lookout for wolves in sheep’s clothing.  

They will tell you the truth about one thing only to gain your trust, the better to betray you. .——————FIRST COMMENT FROM DS

This article by “CR” seems to be creating something of a stir. the symbolism around the Academy of Divine Knowledge is clearly a red flag and worthy of further investigation of it and any members. RFK jr, as you know, despite his apparently good and open work against vaccines is terrible on the climate agenda, support for Hillary and has a personal history that speaks for itself. 

On the other hand, this part about the position of Saturn and the Saturnalia vis-avis Aquarius is a dry hole. Astrology and numerology are subjects that I have studied intensely since I was very young (e.g. I’ve done the birth charts for a LOT of people). Saturn does its progression through the signs every 29.46 years and trying to match those particular cycles with wider events is an exercise in vagueness and frustration and a waste of time. Elements in the power-that-be definitely dwell on numbers and astrology but I recommend against spending time chasing this particular phenomenon in hopes of finding any useful insight. 

I am wondering on this latest opening up by BorisJ. It is difficult to imagine him doing it solely to save his own political skin although he no doubt wants to do that. Breaking ranks on that basis alone would be rare indeed. Could this be a signal that they are moving to the next phase that could include the next virus roll-out? The simultaneous, on-cue shift in the pushed narrative is, as always, just too perfect. 

The much warned of “mass die-off” has yet to manifest itself and we are into the time period suggested by a number of people. There have been plenty of vaccine related tragedies but so far we could still be looking at a limited experiment/dry run of vaccine effects and social control. Again, possibly setting up something worse on both counts later.

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