Exactly Which Dystopian Novel Are We Living In? Brave New World, 1984, Fahrenheit 451?

There’s a debate going on among the disaffected/ terrified over which dystopian novel we’re now living in.

As John Rubino remarks, some point to social media addiction and designer drugs to suggest Brave New World.

Others see mass surveillance and pandemic lockdowns as putting us squarely in 1984.

Still others cite online censorship and cancel culture as favoring Fahrenheit 451.

Each of these opinions seems valid, which is confusing.

A prisoner should know the shape of their cell. So it’s a relief to find out that someone (not sure who) has settled the argument by creating the following Venn diagram (Tweeted by our friend David Morgan).

dystopia novel

Turns out we’re not in a single dystopian novel. We’re in all of them simultaneously.

By Tyler Durden, Guest writer


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