Feminism 3 truth bombs about the feminist movement. Truth Bombs About The Feminist Agenda Unfortunately, feminism was never about women’s rights. The Rockefeller Foundation sought to achieve multiple… byRyan MessanoDecember 16, 2021
The Media My initial letter to city of Killdeer requesting to speak at December 20th City Council meeting. Their response, and my response. My response: 12/16/21 1420 Great, thank you, Matt.Since the entire nation is affected by the coronavirus, it is… byRyan MessanoDecember 16, 2021
Uncategorized “NOT A SINGLE ANNOUNCEMENT WILL REACH THE PUBLIC WITHOUT OUR CONTROL.”Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion The blueprint for Talmudic Jewish world control. http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/przion4.htm byRyan MessanoDecember 16, 2021
Feminism WORRIED ABOUT BEING BORED AT HOME Many women seem to be worried about being bored at home, so they stay in the workforce. I… byRyan MessanoDecember 16, 2021