Defy International Law? Kill Millions Of People? So What?

According to the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989:7

“Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both. There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section committed by or against a national of the United States.”

So what?

depopulation china

“Acts”, laws, regulations, restrictions all come with penalties. But without enforcement mechanisms and the willpower/authority to use them, any “Act” is just an arrangement of words on paper to make politicians look righteous.

Consider: If the government – and the public – knew for undeniable, irrefutable fact the dreaded ‘COVID virus’ was developed and released in Wuhan with the explicit intention of devastating the United States and the rest of the free world, what precisely would any entity effectively *do* about it? …

Impose severe financial sanctions? Condemn China on the world stage with a sternly worded State Department press release? Demand reparations? Express outrage? The political status of America indicates the answer is none of the above.

Consider: According to the act“Whoever knowingly develops… or knowingly assists… shall be fined or imprisoned for life…”.

So what?

Does any sentient being capable of walking upright believe China’s Chairman Xi Jinping would willingly surrender to such an indictment? That China would pay a fine of any amount? Or be forced to admit its guilt on the world stage for violating the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, being responsible for the death of millions’? Only the recently lobotomized would check the “Yes” box.

In a recent scribbling, I posed two challenges:

  • Name the 2 things you come in contact with every day that are not taxed, regulated, embargoed, licensed, restricted, or prohibited by the Government;
  • Name the 2 issues impacting your life on a daily basis that have not originated from Government.

Answers: None and All.

With such an unambiguous universal indictment of government, how are we to understand – and accept – its continued existence? What “government service” could not be more economically, more effectively performed by private citizens working in voluntary cooperation to thei mutual benefit and, subsequently, the benefit of others?

Aside from national defense, what human endeavors would be hobbled by the elimination of government taxation, confiscation, regulation, economic restrictions, personal as well as commercial prohibitions, and the agencies that enforce them?

The 535 ‘elected officials” – and thousands of unelected bureaucrats – in Washington, in addition to the several thousand who comprise the elected, appointed, and assumed state leaders, total a tiny fraction of the 330 million people whose lives they presume to run without authority or mutual agreement; the ‘social contract’ is a dirty joke.

Which begs the question: Why? With such an overwhelming number of acts, laws, orders, regulations negatively impacting the lives of literally every person, why is government even permitted to exist? Anyone can write a declaration, a Constitution, an act or law, and with enough guns, command compliance. That’s not freedom; that’s not liberty.

By any logic, reason, or objective analysis, Government is a criminal operation of intimidation, the immoral imposition of force yielding tyranny camouflaged by the fiction of tradition, the designed ineptitude of public education and the principled failure of the press acting as the citizen’s “Watchdog at the Gate”, guarding against the overreach of government intrusion.

Consider: what was the last act of government that advanced greedom, protected liberty; that secured your unalienable rights? When did you give your consent to be governed by sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists, pedophiles, liars, thieves, and incompetents? Where is your signed copy of the “social contract”?

So what?

Until a cure for the true pandemic of aggressive ignorance and its variants – contagious apathy, instant gratification, and technologically induced narcissism – the continued erosion of the remainder of freedom and liberty will continue, leaving “so what?” unanswered.

By Brian Wilson, Guest writer

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