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Pharmacist’s Tips on Ordering Ivermectin


( exclusive)

1) “Frontline Doctors” and other telemed outfits that make online doctor’s appointments are definitely not the way to go in this case. That method introduces a $90.00 U.S. upfront fee that goes to some “nose-picker” doctor plus a 2-7 day upfront delay plus a significant hassle. 

Yes, that allows one to order regular pill-form “made for humans” ivermectin from online pharmacies. But the “made for humans” pill/tablet format is a supreme rip-off, many times more expensive than veterinary versions. The best way to go is to order from equine (horse tack) or other veterinary-related shops. 

Ivermectin is ivermectin is bloody ivermectin – trust me. [I majored in chemistry, worked for 2 years in a pharmacy and for 2 years doing lab work]. I, for example, just now ordered ivermectin from the online retail shop below which has Promectin and Bimectin in stock (both cheap and more-or-less identical except that the Promectin has a further out expiry date of 04/2024). Ivermectin is still available all over the place out there in various veterinary versions (topical and oral are both OK, fine and no problemo).

2) Note: It is widely believed in “refined circles” that ivermectin is very effective against parasites, viruses and even cancer. [Cancer may be caused ultimately by “viruses” and/or parasites anyway, perhaps in conjunction with excessive radiation and/or environmental toxins. IMO, there definitely is a “cancer virus” e.g. the one (((they))) used on Jack Ruby and Aaron Russo}. We “de-worm” our animals at least once a year but not ourselves? This too is part of the conspiracy to destroy the idiotic,feckless, fatuous, pliable, greedy, slobbering Goyim… and that is not hyperbole.  One tries to use ivermectine (.50 cal), hydroxycloroquine (.30 cal), quercitin (.22 cal), and/or ECGC (.17 cal), in that order, with zinc, Vitamin-C and Vitamin-D. Ivermectin (et al.) is the gun, zinc is the bullet, Vitamin-C is environmental and Vitamin-D is preventative.

3) Hydroxy-chloro-quine is quinine (as in tonic water) with a hydroxyl-unit (OH-) and a chlorine molecule (Cl-) tacked on strategically in place of hydrogen molecules via organic chemistry reactions i.e. an analog manufactured from quinine, which is more effective medicinally than quinine on a molecule by molecule basis but has the same mode of action. 

By far the cheapest/best way to go is to make “Quina” (quinine) tea from Cinchona bark. Get the totally unprocessed bark (bigger pieces) if possible. Make the tea strong – it’s cheap – and it will be every bit as effective as the hydroxy-chloro-quine pill format product because of the high molecular (molar) concentration of the tea. Drinking tonic/quinine water (with zinc) is better than nothing in a pinch but a whole lot of it will have to be consumed (I would try at least a 12-pack of cans per day and pop some zinc tabs with it). Get quinine (cinchona) bark from or
4) Or get quercitin (or ECGC) over the counter and use them per usual with zinc, C and D. It’s not nearly as effective but good enough if you use plenty of it – especially for prevention or the 1st days of a COVID (or flu/cold) infection.

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