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BREAKING! Covid-19 Deaths 3,000% Higher Than This Time Last Year And 80% Of The Dead Had The Vaccine

Authorities claim that the Covid-19 vaccines reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death, and they claim that the vaccines have so far been successful in doing so. But if this is the case, then why are Covid-19 deaths across the UK over 3,000 higher than this time last year? And why are 80% of those dying people who have had the Covid-19 vaccine?

covid 19 deaths 3,000% higher than this time last year and 80% of the dead had the vaccine

The mainstream media, Public Health sources, and the Government are doing their best to convince you that it is the unvaccinated who make up the majority of those deaths.

One headline published by the Independent newspaper this week even claimed the country would be heading back into lockdown this winter if the unvaccinated cannot be persuaded to get the Covid-19 vaccine:

Independent - vaccinated vs unvaccinated

But you only need to take a look at the latest data available from Public Health Englandto realise that we will be heading into lockdown either way, because it isn’t the unvaccinated that are dying. The latest report reveals that 72% of Covid-19 deaths in England have been among the vaccinated since February 1st 2021 up to September 12th 2021, with the vast majority among the fully vaccinated.

deaths vaccine


The latest data from Public Health Scotland also confirms the same.

Official data shows that between the 14th August 2020 and the 12th September 2020 just 7 Covid-19 deaths were recorded in the whole of Scotland. But fast forward to the present day and official data shows 222 deaths were recorded across Scotland between the 14th August 2021 and the 12th September 2021.

uk covid vaccine deaths

This means Covid-19 deaths across Scotland are currently 3,071.4% higher than they were this time last year, despite the majority of the population of being vaccinated and summer being on their side.

The latest Covid-19 statistical reportreleased by Public Health Scotland on the 22nd September also reveals that from August 21st through to September 17th 2021, 69,639 positive cases were recorded among the unvaccinated population, whilst 79,613 cases were recorded among the vaccinated population; 60,923 of which were among the fully vaccinated.

positive cases fully vaccinated

As you can see the number of cases is very similar between the unvaccinated population and fully vaccination population so you would expect to see a similar number of deaths among the unvaccinated and fully vaccinated population.

But table 17 of the latest reportshows that this isn’t the case, as the fully vaccinated have accounted for the vast majority of Covid-19 deaths every week since the 14th August through to the 10th September, and our previous analysis of PHS reports also shows that the fully vaccinated have been accounting for the majority of Covid-19 deaths for a much longer period (see here).

From 14th August through to September 10th there were 208 Covid-19 deaths registered in Scotland. Of these the unvaccinated accounted for 41 deaths, the partly vaccinated (who may have actually had two doses but not have been counted as such due to receiving the second dose being less than 14 days prior to their death) accounted for 9 deaths, and the fully vaccinated accounted for 158 deaths.

This means that the unvaccinated account for just 19.7% of all Covid-19 deaths since August 14th 2021, whilst the vaccinated population account for 80.3% of all deaths since the same date, with the fully vaccinated accounting for 76% of the deaths.

Explosive! Public Health Data:80% Of Covid-19 Deaths In August Were Vaccinated People.

Public Health Scotland attempt to show that this is expected and that the vaccines are actually saving lives by presenting an age-standardised mortality rate per 100,000 people by vaccination status. However, the flaw in this is that people are not born with Covid-19 because it is an infectious disease, therefore the real mortality-rate should be based on the outcome of the number of confirmed infections.

By taking the number of infections to have occurred in the week beginning 21st August, and compare them against the number of deaths occurring the week beginning 4th September, allowing two weeks between infection and death, we can estimate the actual mortality-rate.

There were 15,639 infections among the unvaccinated the week beginning 21st August, and 13 deaths among the unvaccinated the week beginning 4th September. Therefore, the case-fatality rate among the unvaccinated is 0.08%.

Whilst there were 14,527 infections among the fully vaccinated the week beginning 21st August, and 56 deaths among the fully vaccinated the week beginning 4th September. Therefore, the case-fatality rate among the fully vaccinated is 0.4%.

This suggests that the Covid-19 vaccines increase the risk of death by 400%, rather than reduce the risk of death by the 95% claimed.

These numbers suggest that the Covid-19 vaccines do not work, make the recipient worse, and that the United Kingdom has once very turbulent, dark winter ahead.

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