Trump didn’t flinch. He chose the good-looking Amy Barrett to replace the departed witch in the Supreme Court. What a difference! A devout Catholic instead of an atheist Jew; a flourishing wife and mother of seven instead of a bossy harridan keen on same-sex marriages and abortions; summer instead of winter. He made this choice even as liberal-feminist America was still bewailing Ruth Bader Ginsburg, sobbing loudly. Her funeral was impressive, nay, unprecedented. In my native Russia, only Stalin was seen off with such pomp. RBG was as ugly as her deeds (beauty and ugliness count, as Oscar Wilde explained); probably nobody in history exceeded her contribution to destroy the family, to profane marriage, to slaughter children. She took feminism to its radical extreme: after her recent visit to Israel (she didn’t like the country) she said that Israeli women are discriminated like blacks under Jim Crow laws. She felt sorry for Israeli judges who are pensioned off at 70, instead of serving for life, till 87 in her case.
Perhaps RBG was the secret Mama of Washington, the answer to the Papa of Rome, the hidden ruler of the US Empire in some Judeo-Masonic hierarchy, the top reptilian, the head of the Deep State, while the President is just a figurehead. For many years she strenuously clung to life and power, enjoying torrents of infant blood baths. She wanted to survive the Trump presidency, to see the last of him, of that he-man; to pass the power to the next reptilian, formally a Biden appointee, but God stopped her and gave mankind a chance. With RBG in SCOTUS, Trump would not have had a snowflake’s chance in hell to win the election. Every judicial decision would have run against him. He would have been declared an illegal occupier of the White House long before the votes were counted. Now he has a chance.
RBG’s entourage called Trump out: “Don’t you dare appoint a new Supreme Court judge in her stead! A new judge will be appointed by the new president, Mr Biden!” This was the first challenge of Trump. The magrepha of mainstream media, this piercing screaming machine (so powerful that a person in Jerusalem could not hear his neighbour speaking on account of the sound of the magrepha, says the Talmud) was turned up to full volume, shouting “Don’t you dare!” and “It is illegal to appoint a judge in an election year!”. This is the mantra of the Transition Integrity Project: “Trump will lose the election and he will fight to retain his power, but eventually he will surrender and establish his own TV channel, MAGA TV”. The aim of this media campaign is to break down Trump’s will to resist and demoralize his supporters.
If Trump had succumbed to these screaming media voices, he would be a lame duck today, all ready for plucking. But he didn’t give in. He decided to choose a new judge ASAP, before the elections.
Why is it important at all? For young people as well as for non-Americans, it is difficult to comprehend why the personality of a SCOTUS judge is so important. Other countries are ruled by a king / president / prime minister moderated by Parliament. On the other hand, Jews are traditionally ruled by judges. In the US, with the Rise of Jews, the Jewish way took ascendency and the Supreme Court usurped the prerogatives of democracy. Supreme Court judges can overrule practically any decision of Congress or the President.
Following the US example, the Israeli Supreme Court has also claimed this role, and last year the recently-established UK Supreme Court interfered in the normal functioning of government and tried to derail Brexit. Thus, in strongly Jewified countries, the traditional Jewish rule by judges has been established.
In the US, the courts have become highly politicised; they take an activist approach, handing down judgements and disregarding the opinion of main street America. Many important decisions, from same-sex “marriage” to immigration, are ruled upon by judges, not by legislative or executive branches. One can agree or disagree with these decisions, but there is no doubt that they are done to circumvent American law; it is rule by judges, not by the people of the United States. As the result, US democracy has been eviscerated. The election of the Deplorables’ President, Donald Trump, has been systematically neutralised by judges. Practically all his important decisions have been stopped and reversed. For his election to have any significance at all, he had to first tame the shrew of the Supreme Court. It is a job that hardly can be done in two terms, and may be impossible in one term, but he is doing his best to restore democracy. If Amy will take her seat in the Supreme Court, the rapid liberal conquest of hegemony can be stopped, and perhaps even reversed.
Trump’s shortlist was down to two – this one, Amy Coney Barrett, or Lagoa, daughter of Cuban immigrants. Take the Cuban, Trump’s advisers told him, and the Cubans of Florida will vote for you. More, the Latinos will vote for you! Care for minorities, and you will win! But Trump chose Amy. He gave a chance to a normal non-hyphenated American, a cis-gender native, not an immigrant, not black, not Latino, not gay, not trans, not Jew and not even Ivy League. For years, such people were the least privileged, always rejected by the smart set who prefer minority identity politics, but Trump put all that aside and picked a traditional American.