The best plandemic Money can buy

The Best Pandemic Money Can Buy

September 2, 2020


Minnesota Senator Dr. Scott Jensen revealed that doctors in the US 
were being instructed by the CDC and National Vital Statistics to write 
cause of death on death certificates as COVID-19, even in some cases 
when no testing had been done. He also said that doctors were paid 
an additional $7000 for diagnosing COVID-19, and a whopping $39,000 
if a ventilator was used, 3X the normal amount without COVID-19. 
Dr. Jensen is no longer under investigation for speaking out.
By Frank B.
At the beginning of this medical psy-op, Dr. Anthony Fauci told the world that millions could die in the US of COVID-19, which of course didn’t happen. Yet, the media worldwide is still reacting like it did.

Over and over again we are told by the CDC and WHO via the controlled media, “More cases are being reported”, “Cases are on the rise” and “There’s been a surge in cases”. The non-stop repeating of these phrases is a form of brainwashing. It is meant to put us in a state of fear and panic where we no longer have the ability to think for ourselves. We become helpless obedient sheep.

We are meant to believe that all cases represent very sick contagious people that are in our community, that can infect us and/or our loved ones. This is not a reality. While someone may be genuinely sick from this virus. Most people didn’t even know they had the virus, many had mild symptomsand near 80% of deaths were elderly people with pre-existing conditions. The recovery rate is over 99%It was recently announced by the CDC that 6% of the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from COVID-19, that’s 9,210 deaths, the other 94% had 2-3 serious health conditions with advanced age.

Keep in mind that the virus peaked (in deaths) in April and morphed several times since, with a death rate on par with a regular flu season. This is why we hear mainly of cases today (August 31st) and not many deaths.


Let’s look at testing. The inventor of the RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel or PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test was a scientist named Kary Mullis. He said the PCR should never be used as a tool in “the diagnosis of infectious diseases.”

Why is that?

The process is very complicated but simply stated, the PCR test does not look for the virus and is non-binary, meaning it actually doesn’t determine a false or positive reading. It looks for tiny strands of foreign non-human DNA, which are then compared with various partial viral DNA, these tiny strands are then cycled or amplified several times, creating possibly a billion or more copies of the original sample. The problem is, the more you cycle, the more you have false positives.

The PCR test cannot determine viral loadso you may have a tiny strand of non-active viral material in you, and depending on the amount of cycling, you could test positive. That’s a problem.

It should be noted that SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 has never been isolated 100% thus no gold standard or passing Koch’s postulates – a series of 4 conditions that must be met to establish an infectious agent as the cause of a particular disease or condition. So what does the PCR test look for, if we don’t know exactly what we are looking at?


A recent Daily Mail article, entitled: ‘Up to 90 percent of people diagnosed with coronavirus may not be carrying enough of it to infect anyone else, study finds as experts say tests are too sensitive’ said this regarding cycling with the PCR test.

“PCR tests analyze genetic matter from the virus in cycles and today’s tests typically take 37 or 40 cycles, but experts say this is too high because it detects very small amounts of the virus that don’t pose a risk.”

“Doctors say fewer cycle thresholds, meaning the number of cycles needed to detect the virus, hone in on those with greater amounts of the virus who do pose risks, according to the New York Times ”

Experts say a reasonable cut off for the virus would be 30 or 35 cycles, according to Juliet Morrison, a virologist at the University of California, Riverside.

New York’s state lab Wadsworth analyzed cycle thresholds values in already processed COVID-19 PCR tests and found in July that 794 positive tests were based on a threshold of 40 cycles.

With a cut off of 35, about half of those tests would no longer qualify as positive. About 70 percent would no longer be judged positive if the cycles were limited to 30.

The CDC said its own calculations suggest its extremely hard to detect a live virus in a sample above a threshold of 33 cycles.

Most tests set the limit at 40 or 37, which means you are positive for COVID-19 if the test requires up to 40 or 37 cycles to detect it.

Celia Farber, in her article ‘, Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus?’, interviewed Canadian researcher David Crowe about the PCR test and cycling:

“I think if a country said, “You know, we need to end this epidemic,” They could quietly send around a memo saying: “We shouldn’t be having the cut off at 37. If we put it at 32, the number of positive tests drops dramatically. If it’s still not enough, well, you know, 30 or 28 or something like that. So, you can control the sensitivity.”

Yes, you read that right. Labs can manipulate how many “cases’ of Covid-19 their country has. Is this how the Chinese made their caseload vanish all of a sudden?

“You have to have a whopping amount of any organism to cause symptoms. Huge amounts of it,” said Dr. Rasnick – a bio-chemist, protease developer, and former founder of an EM lab called Viral Forensics , told me. “You don’t start with testing; you start with listening to the lungs. I’m skeptical that a PRC test is ever true. It’s a great scientific research tool. It’s a horrible tool for clinical medicine. 30% of your infected cells have been killed before you show symptoms. By the time you show symptoms…the dead cells are generating the symptoms.”

I asked Dr. Rasnick what advice he has for people who want to be tested for COVID-19.

“Don’t do it, I say, when people ask me,” he replies. “No healthy person should be tested. It means nothing but it can destroy your life, make you absolutely miserable.”

Is it any wonder the US cases are so high. More testing means more positive cases especially when you factor in higher cycling.

Then there is the problem with Probable and Presumed cases. Even before testing is done, if someone has flu or cold symptoms, they are considered a case. If you have a contact tracing app. You can add an additional 15 cases. All without testing and these figures are reported to the media. If someone died with COVID-19, but not of COVID-19, they are still considered a COVID-19 death in many instances.


Minnesota Senator Dr. Scott Jensen revealed in a series of online videos that doctors in the US were being instructed by the CDC and National Vital Statistics to write cause of death on death certificates as COVID-19, even in some cases when no testing had been done. He also said that doctors were paid an additional 7 grand for diagnosing COVID-19, and a whopping $39,000 if a ventilator was used, 3 times the normal amount without COVID-19. Dr. Jensen is currently under investigation for speaking out.

The newer COVID-19 Rapid test is also problematic with a high rate of false negatives according to researchers.

Antibody testing, quite often, is also added to the case total. The logic is, you had the virus at some point and are positive for antibodies to the virus, but you are considered a case today! Makes no sense, and as one doctor put it “That’s called double-dipping”.

The CDC published a Q and A – What Does It Mean If I Test Positive?

It said that you may have antibodies from an infection with the virus that causes COVID-19, However there is a chance a positive result means that you have antibodies from an infection with a virus from the same family of viruses(called coronaviruses), such as the one that causes the COMMON COLD!

Did you know that retesting once you are considered positive is considered a case, and if you continue to test positive, each time is considered a case.

It has come to the attention of researchers recently, that one of the viral DNA primers has the same genetic sequence as chromosome 8, which is found in every human being. So the PCR test is looking for a piece of DNA that exists in all of us???


Let’s summarize, the death rates have near bottomed out, while cases have increased, mainly due to increased testing with high cycling rates, probable and presumed cases, including flu and cold as cases, and padding the numbers with people dying with rather than of the virus.

Fall season is upon us and now even more cold and flu cases will be considered COVID-19 cases. It should be obvious to all that this is complete insanity. COVID-19 is a means to enslave us and take away our rights and freedoms under the guise of a fake world health crisis. A means to roll out of an experimental vaccine, when one isn’t needed. A means to further the “Great Reset” a.k.a. the New World Order. Wake up world! We’ve been duped!



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The ‘Leftist Revolution’ Was Not Spontaneous, Everything Has Fallen Into Place As Planned With Useful Idiots Used By Unprincipled Tyrants


BLM really means ‘burn, loot and murder’ as leftist terrorists burn American cities to the ground


All principled people want everyone to have an equal opportunity for a good life, a safe life, and a productive life, whatever his or her race, religion, or region. That reasonable, humane, and kind attitude is the reason for a quick acceptance of the proclamation, “black lives matter.”That was the right attitude, even a Christian perspective to have. All good and decent people would agree.

Of course, we all thought black lives mattered, and most of us added, but then all lives matter. What we didn’t know when we first heard those words is that not all those people were concerned about black lives; they wanted to produce rage, resistance, revolution, and reparations.

Those realities are obvious as I write this column. Sane, thoughtful people have said, “Whoa, just minute, I’m for equality and fairness, but I want no connection with BLM since it really means, Burn, Loot, Murder.”

This lethal crusade is not new. It has been in the works for years. Like termites, it has wormed its way into our churches, schools, military, entertainment, and industry. At the core is hatred of authority.

Many people involved with BLM, Antifa, Nation of Islam, and other groups are innocent dupes, guilty of being too lazy or careless or stupid to think for themselves and take a stand for principle, not swallowing grandiose slogans. Maybe too late, they will realize they were regarded as useful idiots to be used by unprincipled tyrants. No doubt, many have realized the truth as they watched New York City, Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Kenosha, and other cities burn.

This revolution is not spontaneous. The nefarious leaders had only been looking for the opportune time. They found it: authorities apparently mistreated a man, even a bad man (although we all know now that he was resisting arrest and had overdosed on fentanyl); the weather was right; it was a chance to attack the man every leftist hates, Donald Trump; and the money was available to fund the whole thing. It didn’t matter that the money was dirty and from a corrupt individual. Everything fell into place like it was planned.

It was.

The on-going Revolution of 2020 is not accidental unless the Rose Bowl Parade could be so identified.

This has happened before.

(ANP Emergency Fundraiser: Following Stefan’s medical emergencies during the month of July and upcoming medical bills for surgeries he’ll need, ANP is holding an emergency fundraiser. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this ‘Info-war’ for America at a time of systematic censorship and corruption).


The dictum of “liberty, equality, and brotherhood” struck a chord in the hearts of the eighteenth-century French, especially the common people who paid most of the taxes, did most of the backbreaking labor, and did most of the fighting and dying during their intermittent wars.

Scott says in Inside the terror of the French Revolution that the French did not understand that there can be equality of opportunity and of the law, but that does not guarantee equality of outcome. After all, true liberty will provide room for differences in abilities and choices. Two equally free people may have a vast difference in personal character, discipline, ability, ambition, and numerous other attributes that will impact results. Forced equality of outcome never works.

What most readers of the infamous French Revolution have missed is that it was not an automatic response by an oppressed, overtaxed, underfed people to an oppressive king. Rather, it was a revolution that had been planned for decades. Humanists such as Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, plus thousands of masons, illuminists, atheists, agnostics, and other God-haters, planned to eradicate all religions, King Louis XVI, and the father-led families in France. Some, like Voltaire, were critical of the Roman Catholic Church but did not want it destroyed since it was the glue that held the nation together. Their goal was to destroy its grip on the nation.

Note that the Revolution was an attack on all authority—the church, the crown, the cottage. Pierre Bayle (died 1706), was a French Calvinist philosopher who had a major influence on the Enlightenment. He was forced into exile by the repressive policies of King Louis XVI. Bayle’s writings demanded freedom of thought, religion, and no despotic rule. Legitimate critics of monarchy and the absolute rule of King Louis XVI had been fueling reproof, resistance, and revolution for decades. However, the radical critics went all the way to the guillotine.

Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes, Jacques Pierre Brissot, Goerges Danton, and Maximilien Robespierre played an essential part in propelling France toward the Revolution. However, the nation had been infected by skeptical, even atheistic termites for decades that destroyed the nation’s foundations.

The framers of the Revolution were all influential journalists or aristocrats in powdered wigs and silk knee-breeches, carrying expensive snuff boxes. The common people who did the work, paid most of the taxes, and fought the wars wore long pants called pantaloons. They were work clothes.

The march to the guillotine started in 1717 with Voltaire when he was imprisoned in the Bastille for almost a year for mocking authorities. He was a courageous crusader against tyranny, bigotry, and cruelty; but he was also a skeptic, believing in a god and the afterlife, but not much else. His wit influenced future writers and philosophers to attack authority, and some went much further than Voltaire wanted to go, but that usually happens when men are separated from the authoritative Bible. He and other philosophers were interested in public morality and virtue even though most of them lived like barnyard animals. That was true of Voltaire, who was sexually involved and lived with his “fat and rosy-cheeked niece” until his death.

Maximillian de Robespierre was one of the most influential figures of the French Revolution, which brought about the fall of King Louis XVI in 1792, and was the main cheerleader for the on-rushing and bloody revolution. He did not give the French people a Republic of Virtue where everyone was equal, free, and exercised brotherly love but a reign of terror where thousands of innocent people were killed.

A reviewer of Inside the terror of the French Revolution described the revolution as “a bloody reign of terror with mob rule, despotism, and the descent into barbarism with the mass killings of men, women, and children by their own government, not because of their deeds or misdeeds or real crimes, but because of their birth, opinions, and associations – or simply, for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”


The Bolshevik’s Revolution in 1917 had the same killing philosophy. Orders were given that the soldiers were not to look for evidence of crimes against people or ask what they believe. They were simply to kill every person who was a leader: educators, pastors, physicians, and others. Guilt was not necessary. That was true in the French Revolution of the late 1700s, and it is true of the American Second Revolution of 2020.

The revolutionists led in part by Marat, Danton, Saint-Just, Hébert, Robespierre unleashed a horrible monster, a monster that, in the end, they could not control, for as Pierre Vergniaud said, “The revolution, like Saturn, is devouring its’ own children.”


We have already seen that take place with BLM and other tyrants.


The much voiced and beloved “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity” that sounded so desirable turned into “you accept us, or we will beat you into a bloody mess—or worse.” Later, the words or death were added to their three-word motto.

Religious monuments were destroyed in the large cities; Public and private worship and education were outlawed; Priests and ministers, along with those who harbored them, were executed on sight.

The French Revolution began with a Reign of Terror as over 40,000 people were beheaded in Paris. It was an intentional campaign to de-Christianize French society and replace it with a civic religion of state worship.

Robespierre, on February 5, 1794, in a speech titled “The Terror Justified,” declared, “Lead … the enemies of the people by terror. …Terror is nothing else than swift, severe, indomitable justice.” Then he began denouncing, detaining, and decapitating first the royalty then the wealthy then the farmers and businessmen then those hoarding food then the clergy. Then the former revolutionaries. Then, Robespierre himself was walked up the steps to be guillotined.

Robespierre put a prostitute in Notre Dame Cathedral and called her the goddess of reason to be worshiped. The new secular government proceeded to forbid crosses as being offensive and took control of the Roman Catholic Church and took control of the bleeding nation.

I don’t believe in reincarnation, but some leaders of BLM and Antifa appear to be wearing silk stockings and carrying French snuff boxes. And for sure, they all seek to justify their violence, and no one is wearing work clothes.