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Monday, June 18th, 2018

Trump administration taking in 250 kids per day in border battle!

Google training machines to predict when humans will die.

Fifty media mistakes in the Trump era: A definitive list.

Liberalism is a mental illness.  5/6 states filled with most psychopath’s are liberal. 

Simpson: Why people in California aren’t happy.

The value of Big Government: Wait times at CA DMV exceed five hours!

Criticize child abuse on Facebook, get banned for “hate speech”.

Farah: Fake news vs. Real bible.

Americans grapple with recognizing facts in news story. is one of the best news sources in America.  Please spread to family and friends, and thank you very much to those who currently read it daily.  Three months of reading this will make you better informed, for free, than 90% of today’s college graduates.

40% have deleted social media account in past year.    Note to reader.  Google is predominantly left wing.  They spy, sell data, and rig search results to give you leftist responses.  It’s recommended to use DuckDuckGo as a search engine, or Brave.  Neither of those two spy on you, and the rigging of search results is minimal.  Thank you!

Lowry: the truth about separating kids. 

Federer: the forgotten carnage of the Revolutionary War.

Benham Brothers: Tips for Fatherhood you may never have considered.

Chuck Norris: The key to truly making America great again.

Schlichter: The IG report was a white wash and devastating all at once.

Schaper: Enough with the faux outrage over illegal alien family separation.

Dempsey: Leftists, stop pretending to like Christianity.

Airey: Six lies that Christians believe.

Wauck: A guide to Spygate.

They are calling you stupid.  That’s right.

Archibald: China’s next war.

Pew research: Politics now determining “facts”.

Comey under investigation for leaking Trump memos.

Trump and the invasion of the West.

Compulsive video game playing could be mental health issue.

Fatty and sweet foods hijack the brain. 

Pollak: Trump-Hating Beltway Pundits Insult Jews by Invoking Holocaust to Criticize Border Enforcement

Laura Bush compares border enforcement to Japanese American internment camps.

CBS’s Gayle King: Statue of Liberty is weeping right now.  Wat about the 60 million babies aborted since 1973, Gayle? 

Ben Sasse condemns Trump border policy. 

Trump: Criminals using children to enter America.

Urges Dems to help fix world’s worst immigration laws.

Judge rules Twitter can be sued for falsely advertising free speech.

Kathy Griffin comes unhinged.  Profanity laced tirade at Melania.

Fund: Trump the bulldozer

Family separation at border set to dominate weeks news. 

Madison and Hamilton: Founders and Enemies

The IG report and the legacy of Obama.

Domenech: The migrant crisis is about more than just kids.

Davidson: Ideological purity runs rampant at Texas GOP convention.

Left In Denial Blames Evergreen’s Bat-Wielding Student Mobs On Professor Who Opposed Racism

The anti profiling movement is killing black pedestrians. 

Sobieski: Open borders are not pro  life.

Dem senator up for re-election busted for using taxpayer money to fund campaign travel

Et tu, Laura?

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