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Friday, June 1st, 2018

Kupelian: Why mllions of college kids are mentally disabled. 

Breaking: DOJ Inspector General says investigation into FBI misconduct during the 2016 Presidential election is ongoing.

Crouse: Is sex work “pro woman”?

Toplansky: Does gun control lead to genocide?

May Jobless rate at 3.8%: 18 year low.

Black unemployment hits record low!

Trump has cut federal payroll by 24,000 jobs!!

Number of employed American’s hits 9th straight record under Trump. 

Tommy Robinson drew attention to grooming gangs, Britain persecuted him. 

Keyes: Hamilton and the ongoing crisis of the presidency. 

David Limbaugh: Roseanne, Trump, and the ongoing myth of conservative racism.

Buchanan: Is America’s racial divide permanent?

Why studying the classics is crucial to  understanding the human spirit and western civilization. 

White privilege has become a religion, complete with church ladies. 

Taking down atheists “Treaty of Tripoli” absurd arguments. 

Monopoly in America. 

Kim K: Trump Summit.

Starbucks training: employees forced to watch video after video of white cops attacking blacks. 

Chinese silent killer lasers can eliminate aircraft, as tensions with America soar. 

The Mexican Mafia’s iron grip on California jails.

Illegitimate Mueller investigation wastes $10 million in 6 months. 

Samantha Bee defends calling Ivanka debauched word. 

Trump….Why don’t they fire her?

Shapiro: Many in Hollywood, media defend Bee’s vile comments about Ivanka Trump.

Prosecutor’s grill Comey as U.S. attorney’s “seriously” weigh charging McCabe.

Comedy today: Bash Trump and his family in offensive, crude rants, make $$$$

Walsh: Hey #Metoo, Planned Parenthood has been covering up assaults and child rape for decades.

CNN’s May primetime ratings plunge a whopping 25% compared to 2017 ratings. 

The astonishing folly of CNN.

Enforce the 2nd Amendment.

Why Johnny (and Suzy) can’t write.

SPLC’s sinister plan backfires spectacularly.

Susan Rice’s son chooses Trump over mothers policies. 

Judicial Watch in court over DOJ’s FISA communications

Unhinged: Dem candidates ad compares Trump to Bin Ladin. 

Ex employees reveal Planned Parenthood as an abuse accomplice.

Liberal activist judge’s rulings disrupt inauguration riot trials. 

Mercer: Liberals brains are pickled, take it from liberals.

Trinko: Roseanne Barr and the death of mercy. 

Curtis: Dancing bears and  snowflakes in academia. 

Voshell: The therapeutic courtroom.

Showalter: What we learned from Ben Rhodes: Obama thought he was entitled to rule, and anyone who thought otherwise was a bitter clinger.

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