First President of Stanford University, on the problem in America, and the solution.

From the first president of Stanford University, David Starr Jordan.

“The strength of being morally clean”

Amazingly, this same genius wrote “Unseen Empire” about how Jews run nations with their control of money.

The former book describes the answer to the problem, which is righteous and courageous men, the latter describes the evil problem we face.

Theodore Bingham, New York City police commissioner, reports that Jews make up half the criminals in New York City in 1907, fired in 1909.

In 1907 Mr. Bingham was the Police commissioner of New York, and wrote that Jews made up half the criminals in New York. He was fired in 1909.

Jews are good at getting rid of their critics.

He was telling the truth. You are no longer allowed to study Jewish crime. If you say anything negative about Jewish wrongdoing, you are lambasted as a vicious anti-semite, and slandered and libeled as wanting to murder all Jews in another Holocaust. Your name is mud from then on.

People should have listened, Jewish bankers started communism and murdered 100 million starting in 1917. Biggest death machine in world history, and they still control America.

Time for people to wake up.

Hidden Jewish Power

The following flyers are from the Goyim Defense League. (GDL). While I don’t trust its members and founder, Jon Minedeo, as they nearly all use profanity and racial slurs, the information about subtle Jewish power is irrefutable and impressive.

Wolf of Wall Street

“Wolf of Wall Street” is a movie about a scam artist ripping people off and cheating them on Wall Street. It’s the story of Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. Belfort is a Jew, and you aren’t told that in the movie.