Wow! I can’t believe how often women talk about *needing* a voice. God doesn’t seem to think women need a voice.

He warns men about quarreling and contentious women.

He commands women to be silent in the churches.

He commands young women to marry, bear children, and guide the home so they don’t become tattlers and busybodies.

He commands women to have meek and quiet spirits.

He commands wives to win their disobedient husbands “without a word” by their godly behavior.

He knows women’s tendency to think they *need* a voice. He didn’t put them in authority in the homes, churches, or nations for many good reasons.

Women’s voices have caused far more destruction than anything good. Check out the Women’s Marches and women in politics.

God commands our obedience. He doesn’t want women having a voice to demand their rights and air out their grievances for others to hear.

Older women, use your voice to teach young women biblical womanhood. Young mothers, use your voice to raise up godly offspring and teach them Truth. All of you share the Gospel with those who will listen. Speak the truth in love. This is how God wants us to use our voice.

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
Ephesians 4:29

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