What I have learned about love and hatred in the last three months at Sacramento City Council meetings.

I have learned a lot about love and hate in the last two months I have been attending Sacramento, City, Council, meetings, and my next time up there speaking, I’m going to share it.

I have learned that telling the truth is hateful.

I have learned that criticizing Jewish wrongdoing is very hateful and is not allowed.

I have learned that. It is very loving to threaten people in city council meetings.

I have learned that love is expressed by coming up to people and telling them “want to go outside, Nazi“?

I have learned that it is very loving to interrupt people when it is their turn to talk.

I have learned that it is a great expression of love to push people who are sitting in the back of the city council chambers, and minding their own business.

I have learned that it is very loving to come up and claim that you’re a victim and that black and brown people are always being oppressed.

I am so appreciative of the mayor and the city Council constantly teaching me that love is interrupting citizens when it is their turn to talk.

I have learned that love is expressed by the mayor telling a man that he is vile and no one wants to hear his s*** when he tells the truth.

I have learned it is very loving when Councilman Loloee disagrees with a speaker and gets up and says “who is this M****r f****r?

I have learned that it is very loving for Jewish paid non-governmental organization activists to come to City Hall and create chaos.

I have learned that it is very loving for the city Council to violate its own decorum rules they just established in March of this year, and to coordinate with activists to interrupt speakers.

I have learned it is very loving for a young man who is supposed to be over seeing the police to get up in the middle of a meeting and interrupt other speakers.

I have learned love is when M, Samuel, and LV, the three brawling‘s women, who have the historical comprehension of a gnat, come up to city council meetings for five months, and hammer other people with their gross ignorance.

And I have learned that love is when someone who cannot figure out their own gender, who believes God was wrong when they created them the gender he did, that it is love when they come and force their fake identity on Sacramento.

I have learned that it is love when someone identifies themselves as they/them, which is only used in the Bible to refer to people with lots of devils.

I have learned that the Sacramento Bee is so full of love that they slander and libel those they disagree with. I have learned from the Sacramento Bee that love is distorting the truth terribly every single day.

I have learned from councilwoman Kaplan, that it is very loving to shut down a city Council meeting, because five people who disagree with you come and sit quietly in the back, and then, go on television, and let the entire city of Sacramento know that you were afraid. So hysterically Hyper ventilating is part of being a loving person.

I am grateful for all that I have loved about, hate and love, and I look forward to learning even more. Thank you very much!

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One Reply to “What I have learned about love and hatred in the last three months at Sacramento City Council meetings.”

  1. Use profanity again, moral midget, and you’re blocked.

    You thugs, hooligans, and hoodlums are irrelevant.

    You have only threats, intimidation, and violence.

    Lay one finger on me or any other law abiding citizen, and you will be prosecuted under the full extent of the law. You violent savages don’t belong in America. You belong in totalitarian China.

    Go read a book, intellectual dwarf.

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