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How Obscenity became a virtue in our great Republic

We will begin this article with a quote from a Jew by the name of Al Goldstein, a well known pornographer in the 1970s in his interview with Luke Ford:
“The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t belive in Authoritarianism. Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream, its subversive character becomes more charged.” When asked “What does it mean to be a Jew?”
Al responds: “It doesn’t mean anything. It means that I’m called a kike.” Ford replies “Do you believe in God?” Al snaps back, “I believe in me. I’m God. Screw God. God is your need to believe in some super being. I am the super being. I am your God, admit it.”

This article will circle back to Al a little later, but first let us begin with our topic of focus for this article: the porn industry. Further, we will describe the blatant overrepresentation of Jews in not only leading roles within porn, but additionally in efforts to legalize/normalize obscenity. The largest and most well known “porn award” was the AVN (Adult Video News) award, created by ‘Adult Video News’ founded by the Jews Paul Fishbein, Irv Slifkin, and Barry Rosenblatt. AVN is labeled the “adult version of the Oscars”. AVN’s revenue as of 2005 was $12.6 billion dollars, making it by far the largest porn magazine/award exposition. Another lesser known organization that provides awards for pornographers and other sexual deviants is AASECT (American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists), founded by Patricia Schiller, (Jew born Patricia Silverman to Russian-Jewish immigrants) a lawyer turned sex therapist. A third large organization that hands out awards for pornagraphic films is XROC (X-Rated Critics Organization). One of it’s founding members, Bill Margold (Son of Jewish lawyer, Nathan Ross Margold) recieved backlash when in a 1981 interview he told Rona Barrett he would perform a sex scene with his own daughter. It should now be evident to the reader that the vast majority of “adult entertainment awards” are founded by Jews, further we will analyze actual companies that produce pornography.

The first company we will look at is MindGeek. MindGeek is a privately held company centered in Canada, founded by the German born Jew, Fabian Thylmann. In 2019 Fabian’s wiki page used to describe him as a German born Jew, the term Jew has been removed for obvious reasons. Mindgeek holds a great level of pull in the industry as it is the parent company of Pornhub, Redtube, Brazzers, YouPorn, Reality Kings, MOFOS, WhyNotBi, SeeMyWife, and many more. Fabian, in 2015 was indicted on tax evasion charges, which were dropped when he paid 5 million euros. In 2010, Fabians company (previously named Manwin) enterned a partnership with Wicked Pictures (Founded by the Jew Steve Orenstein) in order to “manage Wicked Pictures’ paysites”. Moving along, the first pornographic company to commercially release and distribute homemade, amateur pornography on videotape is Homegrown Video (Founded in 1982). What started out of the back of a mom and pop shop, became the internet’s go-to source for amateur porn in the year 2000, shortly after the Jew Spike Goldberg took over as CEO, a position he still holds today. Homegrown Video has nearly a dozen AVN awards.

Let’s now take our focus on another company, Sin City. The name alone shows the awareness of it’s subversive nature. Sin City was founded by David Sturman, yet another Jew of Russian descent. For David pornagraphy is a family business, his father, Reuben Sturman (Jew of Russian descent) was given the title “Walt Disney of Porn”. Reuben was the founder of Doc Johnson, a sex toy company founded in 1976 making Reuben yet another “porn revolutionary”. (As displayed in our previous article on Communism in the United States, we are beginning to see a pattern of Jew’s holding a “revolutionary” or rather subversive spirit. This is further described in auther, E. Michael Jones’ book ‘The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History’). Reuben’s interest in dragging our nation down with smut began in the 1960s when he began selling comic books holding sexual content. He was raided by the FBI in 1964 and had many of said magazines confiscated, sadly, due to counter-suits Reuben was able to avoid prosecution. However, Reuben was finally taken down in 1989 on charges of tax evasion, sentenced to 10 years in prison. He recieved another charge for interstate transportation of obscene material, in which he took a plea bargin but was later sentenced to 19 more years in prison when he was caught attempting to bride a juror, via his ex-wife. In 1997 our perpetrator passed away in federal prison, thus is the life of this sad and subversive character, however, our next character has an even more pathetic end to an equally yet more openly, vile life.

We now return to Al Goldstein, our morally depraved deviant from the beginning of this article. Goldstein started up a magazine-style tabloid entilted Screw, the front cover of which varied weekly. Every week Screw had a more degenerate and subversive nature to it, specifically keeping an American theme, mixing it in with sexual innuendos. One cover shows the American flag with the stars and stripes turned into female and male genitalia, another shows Jesus Christ at the Last Supper surrounded by drugs and other sexual deviants as well as a few gamblers, including Al himself. The reader can now understand fully Al’s original quote and his reference to “subversive character”. A third tabloid was titled “J. EDGAR HOOVER’S COCKSUCKING SECRETS” and shows many pictures of Hoover doing vile things, along with the Great Seal of the United States reformed to have oversized genitalia. We can see now the focus of a “porn magazine” was geared toward subverting our nation and what it holds dear, our religion and what it holds dear, and like always with Jewish sentiment, it seeps directly into politics to form the public’s mind on specific topics or people to suit Jews best. Screw magazine is also the first magazine to print the term “homophobia”, which was coined by the Jew, George Weinberg to stifle any genuine debate on the ills homosexuality threatens our republic with. Goldstein was arrested 19 times on obscenity charges, spending millions on “first ammendment law suits”, because in Al’s eyes intentionally subverting our nation is free speech, while any true American would deem it a threat to national security. In one case, Al was found not guilty on obscenity charges, so to prove how clean and decent he is, he flew the jury to New York to attend a party at the swingers club,

Plato’s Retreat (another subversively named establishment, founded by the Jew Larry Levenson). Goldstein’s story can go on much further however we think the point has been made. In one of his last appearances on film Al, speaking to a small crowd propositions “I have cancer, I’m dying and my dream is one of you girls will sit on my face and let me taste pussy and lick clit. It’s the wish of a Jew who is dying, are any of you charitable enough?” Thus ends the story of another subversive Jew who destablized the foundations of our once great nation, sadly our story does not end here.

The next company we will look at is Lucas Entertainment, a gay porn site founded by Michael Lucas (A homosexual, Russian born “American-Israeli” Jew born Andrei Lvovich Trivas). Between this article and last, the reader can see a pattern of Russian Jews and subversive nature. As usual like Marx, and all the other subversive characters, Michael was born into a secular Jewish family. Michael released a film called ‘Men of Israel’ which is the first gay film to have an all Jewish cast, oddly enough even though shot in Tel Aviv with an all Jewish cast it’s countries of production lists the United States before Israel. Lucas was dubbed “Gay Porn’s Neocon Kingpin” although, it is hard to tell what exactly is conservative about a homosexual atheist who creates gay porn. Lucas also wrote articles for the New York Blade (an LGBTQ newspaper) which got him noticed by Harvey Fierstein, a Jewish writer for The Advocate (an LGBTQ magazine which exploded in popularity when the company was bought by David B Goodstein). David Goodstein, another liberal Jew was instrumental in the passage of the ‘Consenting Adult Sex Bill’ (a bill which legalized gay sex in 1975) and helped found the Gay Rights National Lobby. Yet again we can see that “revolutionary spirit” rearing it’s head to change all of the moral structure Christianity was built upon.

Now, we turn our attention to OnlyFans founded in 2016 by Thomas Stokely (non-Jew). The reader may wonder “why point out a company created by a non-Jew when exposing Jewish subversion?” Bear with us, as this will make sense shortly. OnlyFans was started as an innocent platform created for fans of content creators or movie stars to get to better know the actor or see behind the scenes details of certain productions. This was the case until 2018, when the owner of MyFreeCams (an international cam girls website) purchased 75% ownership of the company and decided to rebrand it as a NSFW (Not Safe For Work) platform. This buyer was Leonid Radvinksy (Ukrainian born Jew) who made his initial fortunes in his websites Password Universe, Working Passes, and Ultra Passwords which were sites that provided users with “illegal” and “hacked” passwords to pornsites, Radvinksy earned money on every click. In a roughly two-year period Radvinsky profited a whopping $500 million from his ownership over OnlyFans.

Onlyfans is a particularly special case in it’s ability to subvert our nation. For over 2,500 years our morality was grounded in a family unit in which the woman handled the home and nurtured the family, whilst the man did the brunt of the work to provide said a comfortable enviornment for said family. Now, in 2023 companies like OnlyFans have the ability to destablize that process by enabling women to make a genuine fortune selling off their body online. The primary force of it’s NSFW creators are young women who have just turned legal age to do so, and the primary bulk of it’s viewers are young men who now use their work wage to afford them nude pictures and videos of strangers online. We challenge the reader to really think about this, 2,500 years of the same process now subverted by people like Radvinsky all so he can fill his pockets. Now men are spending their free time looking at strangers rather than looking for a longtime lover to procreate with, meanwhile women instead of settling down with a man to create a family are independently filling their pockets in the most immoral of manners. What impact will something like this have on our society in two generations time? This is brand new not only to our society but to the human race, the consequences weigh heavy and if we do not as a people reject these impusle driven behaviors we will reduce ourselves to mere barbarians cancelling out all the offerings evolution has brought to us. If we would like this republic to remain, we must look to the words of John Adams yet again: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Therefore if we do not refuse these primitive and base ways of life, we do not deserve this great nation.

In case this article did not adequately prove the Jewishness of adult entertainment we will leave you with a quote from Michael Kulich (Jew of Russian Descent who founded Monarchy Distribution) speaking at “Taboo Talks” presented by the San Diego Center for Jewish Culture: Jew’s in the adult industry, there’s a lot of them… The adult industry was pretty much founded by the Jews. Basically, in the early nineteen hundreds, the German Jewish immigrants came in, and when they were trying to get into different industries, there was a lot of antisemitism where they couldn’t get into normalized work… So they gravitated toward the porn industry because it’s kind of the seedier cousin of the Hollywood industry which had already been controlled by Jews. Basically, they pretty much took it over. If you look at the big stars…. The godfather of the modern day porn industry, his name is Reuben Sturman, who was actually an Orthodox Jew who owned over 200 bookstores all around the country. He’s actually my godfather, which is kind of weird. So Reuben Sturman, what the Jews did pretty much was they revolutionized the adult industry and made it their own. So there was no space for antisemitism. And they basically controlled everything.”

As always, thank you for taking the time to read this article. If you found it intriguing please be sure to follow me on GAB to catch any new articles I may release.

  1. I like this very much, it’s so disturbing it makes you want to hurl. I am a victim of porn, as millions of other men are. I literally want to cry. I was addicted very early with Playboy and other garbage. This shit ruined my life. I am porn free now but I don’t think I will ever recover from this sickness completely. The images still creep in, but it gets better every day. Now my whole life’s goal is to stop jewish supremacy even if it kills me.
    I will NOT Stand Down, I will NOT back off.
    I am not a grammar guy, but i think this is a typo.
    “attempting to bride a juror” maybe I’m wrong here, but bribe might be the word here. Or maybe he tried to marry the juror.
    Much love, respect and honor. Thank You!.

    1. It is an insidious evil, and it’s how the Jewish bankers weaken men to be “equal” with women. I think 99% of American men have viewed porn and masturbated and probably 60% plus view it monthly, I’m willing to wager it’s the biggest threat to America, followed by psychotropic drugs, then television.

      Very happy you are free. From the Christian perspective I do believe, “Signifying through Christ we may be restored to all the honors and joys we lost due to sin, yea, to much more”.

      Their goal was to introduce it to us as boys, which is the cruelest evil, and which robbed many of us of the innocence and joy of childhood.

      Job 11:13-17

      [13] If thou prepare thine heart, and stretch out thine hands toward him;
      [14] If iniquity be in thine hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacles.
      [15] For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; yea, thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear:
      [16] Because thou shalt forget thy misery, and remember it as waters that pass away:
      [17] And thine age shall be clearer than the noonday; thou shalt shine forth, thou shalt be as the morning.

      It’s never too late to be what we should have been.

      You are right about the error, will correct, all future posts will be vetted with Grammarly. Thank you!

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