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WHO’s Own Database — 2.2 Million Adverse Reactions, 11,536 Deaths


World Health Organization Database

  • Go to
  • Accept the agreement
  • On the next screen type: COVID-19 Vaccine
  • Click Search

Go through the data yourself.Holy fucking shit

Government and business are making a dangerous gene therapy with 2.2 million adverse reactions the condition for employment, education, travel and access to many hospitals and public spaces. 

Makow Comment- The first step is to stop calling them “vaccines.” They don’t prevent or cure the flu. (Ivermectin does that.) 
There is a sinister hidden agenda, which may include depopulation, trans humanism, social control, implanted digital ids and operating systems. 

by CR(

VigiAccess ( is the World Health Organization’s databaseof reported adverse drug reactions from around the world.  

Searching “covid-19 vaccine” gives a list of different categories of reactions, with each further broken down into more specific types of side effects.
While the true number of adverse reactions is likely much higher as there are many doctors speaking out about their reports of adverse reactions being dismissed, the quantity and variety of officially recorded adverse reactions is more than enough to make you think twice about complying with vaccine mandates.

Some of the highlights from the list of adverse reactions:
-952,822 reports of nervous system disorders such as tremors, seizures, loss of sensation, Bell’s palsy, and cerebrovascular “accidents”.
-119,464 reports of vascular disorders including hypertension, hypotension, thrombosis (the infamous blood clots), and circulatory collapse.
-108,468 reports of cardiac disorders such as palpitations, tachycardia, myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiac arrest, and cardiac failure.
-647,069 reports of musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders, which include muscle spasms, decreased mobility, and spinal pain.
-303,701 reports of skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders including rashes, itching, excessive sweating, cold sweats, blisters, and hair loss.
-85,797 reports of reproductive system disorders, mostly related to menstrual issues but also including erectile dysfunction as well as 92 cases of infertility so far.
-104,221 reports of psychiatric disorders including confusional states, hallucinations, delirium, psychotic disorders, and suicidal ideation.
-30,921 reports of immune system disorders such as anaphylactic shock, allergic reactions, and hypersensitivity
-73,537 reports of ear and labyrinth disorders including vertigo, tinnitus, ear pain, and deafness.
-Buried deep under “General disorders and administration site conditions” are 11,536 deaths.
Despite the vaccines being recommended for pregnant women there are a few thousand reports of spontaneous abortions as well as fetal deaths, stillbirths, and premature deaths.  These incidents are likely to be grossly underreported as there where dozens of pregnant women posting on social media about getting vaccinated only to soon after announce that they had miscarried.

In total, over 2.2 million adverse reactions have been reported to VigiAccess.  69% are females are 30% are males, which could be explained by the fact that women are more likely to see a doctor when feeling ill or perhaps there are yet unknown reasons which put women at higher risk for side effects.

Also, 39% of adverse reactions occurred in people 18-44 years of age, despite this age group being at very low risk for severe illness or death from the covid virus itself.  It would be difficult to make the argument that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks for this age group.

I have several family members whose jobs are at risk due to vaccine mandates.  

They are being forced to choose between unemployment – without unemployment benefits – or submitting to a vaccine which is proven not to be safe and also is not fulfilling its intended purpose of preventing covid-19.
This is a game of medical Russian roulette.  Sure, most people have no serious reactions but then we have stories like the Denver police officer who can no longer walk after receiving the mandatory vaccine (Denver Police Officer Can’t Walk After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine) or the mother of two children who died from blood clots (Mother of 2 dies from blood clots after getting COVID-19 vaccine).

These people and others were forced to choose between unemployment and vaccination, and it was not a good deal.  
There are also numerous reports of university athletes dying suddenly in recent weeks.  (University of Ottawa football player dies after game on the weekend

Most universities and colleges in North America have mandated vaccines for students and staff, yet there is no official investigation into the correlation between the vaccine and these mysterious deaths.  Since when was it normal for people 18-25 years of age to drop dead from unknown causes?

In conclusion, mandated and coerced vaccinations are not only a potential health risk but also a gross violation of civil rights. If we allow governments and employers to force medical procedures on us then we are opening the door to further abuses.
With the mainstream media and politicians fearmongering over population increases which will supposedly affect climate change, the next set of mandates could easily extend to abortion, sterilization, or euthanasia. Continued compliance with these draconian edicts will not get us back to normal. On the contrary, this will only normalize authoritarianism.———-Related – Mercola- Practical reasons Vaccine Injuries Go Unreported
—The Killer in the Bloodstream: the “Spike Protein”
Has there ever been a greater threat to humanity than the Covid vaccine?, a deep state think tank projects the US population will be reduced by 2025.
6.43 Billion Shots Given

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