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Comcast Censors TV Ad By Family Claiming 12yo Daughter Was Paralyzed By Pfizer Jab

As reported last week, the Biden administration revealed its plan to “quickly” vaccinate roughly 28 million children, ages 5-11, before the vaccine was even approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This push to vaccinate children is in spite of the fact that children face a near-zero threat from the virus.

comcast censors tv ad by family claiming 12yo daughter was paralyzed by pfizer jab

What’s more, as Americans are quickly learning, the vaccine loses efficacy over time leading to a large number of breakthrough cases which the Centers for Disease Control can no longer sweep under the rug.

On top of breakthrough cases, there has been a record number of adverse reactions reported to the CDC, many of them include children. One of those children is Maddie de Garay, who received the Pfizer vaccine when she was 12. She is now is in a wheelchair.

The now 13-year-old was one of the 2,260 voluntary participants in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial for adolescents that began in July last year and she was left with a slew of debilitating symptoms immediately following her second shot.

“Why is she not back to normal? She was totally fine before this. She did the right in trying to help everyone else and they’re not helping her,” said Stephanie de Garay, Maddie’s mother.

“All we want is for Maddie to be seen, heard, and believed because she has not been. And we want her to get the care that she desperately needs, so she can go back to normal,” she said.

For the last 8 months, Maddie’s family has been trying to get Pfizer to acknowledge the damage they claim the vaccine caused their daughter. After being ignored for months, the family decided to run an ad on television and the Comcast network accepted it last Thursday.

The ad was slated to run multiple times before the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee met to discuss COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 5-11. If you would like to submit a comment before that meeting, you can do so at this link.

The de Garay family finally had some hope that Maddie’s story could be told so other parents know the potential risks. Unfortunately, however, just as they thought it was going to air, Comcast attorneys reportedly pulled the ad and it will not run.

The ad — which is directed toward President Biden — is hard to watch as it shows Maddie’s transformation after receiving both Pfizer jabs. Below is the script of the ad:

President Biden, this is Maddie. She’s 13 and wants to be a pediatric nurse.

When the COVID vaccine became available she volunteered to test it. She said she wanted to help other kids.

This is her now.

There are others across the country like her. They are ignored by the FDA, by the media. She believed it when they said it was safe.

Maddie stepped up to help America. Who’s going to step up for Maddie?

“She wanted to help others, to help the world get back to normal,” Stephanie said. “She now has lost the ability to walk and relies on an NG tube for all of her nutrition.”

She received her vaccine on January 20 and came into our room in the middle of the night, she said she didn’t feel right and couldn’t sleep. She has been waiting 8 months to be acknowledged by Pfizer, the FDA, and CDC and has not even received acknowledgment from any of them, not an email, a phone call, or a text. Nothing. At least with this ad, we know that Maddie will be in the room with the decision-makers and if that can help innocent children in the future not become victims injured by the Pfizer covid vaccine then that is a win in our minds.”

“I’ve waited 7 months for Pfizer or the FDA to acknowledge what happened to my daughter and they haven’t. They tried to ignore her injuries. With these ads, she will finally have the chance to be in the room with them, to be seen by them, and for her voice to be heard,” Stephanie said when the ad was made.

Analysis of VAERS Data: 5,427% Increase in Deaths Following COVID Shots Compared to ALL Vaccines the Past 10 Years.

Sadly, the ad will not air on television. If you would like to make sure people know Maddie’s story, please share this article. The ad is below:$/embed/maddieaddenied/31965b8b9d19c40a17049b63a2e6f282842d3cb4?r=83Bktj3BC4qvBeNojpXKqsLsLjFXPBSb

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