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Top FBI Official In Charge Of Crimes Against Children, Arrested For Sex Crimes Against Children

Tallahassee, FL — Before he was arrested, FBI Supervisory Special Agent David Harris, 51, was tasked with investigating crimes against children, including child sexual abuse material, otherwise known as child pornography.

by Matt Agorist

top fbi official in charge of crimes against children, arrested for sex crimes against children

Now, many are wondering if he possibly sought out this position of power to further exploit children as he was charged with multiple crimes against children, including indecency with a child, crimes against nature and sexual battery.

Davis, who lived in Prairieville, Louisiana, was arrested over the summer on sexual assault and other charges relating to a number of victims dating as far back as 2016. Now, he has been charged with more crimes involving children.

For years, Harris reportedly investigated countless crimes involving the victimization of children and for years, his string of victims stretched the span of three states, Louisiana, Texas and Florida.

Apparently, this predator was so addicted to victimizing children that he couldn’t contain himself while on family vacation. According to Franklin County Sheriff A.J. “Tony” Smith, Harris’ latest victim found herself being abused while on family vacation.

“(FSCO) learned that Harris came to St. George Island on vacation with family and friends in July of 2019 and in this time exposed his genitalia in a lewd and lascivious manner to a then-14-year-old female,” the Sheriff’s Office said in a news release.

According to a report in USA Today, the Louisiana State Police and the Texas Rangers formed a task force to investigate Harris, a West Point graduate and a colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves. A number of federal agencies also were involved in the probe, including the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General.

When executing a search warrant on Harris’ devices and home, authorities found evidence of his crimes and even conversations in which he admitted to crimes and his preference for preying on children.

“Records were obtained from Harris’ issued government electronic devices finding conversation excerpts from Harris claiming his sexual preference to underage females and admitting to his exploits (including the St. George Island incident),” the Sheriff’s Office said.

After a judge in Ascension Parish found Harris to be a “threat to the public,” the court ordered him to be held without bond.

While authorities didn’t speculate on the details of his other charges, Harris likely threatened his victims if they told. On top of the charges of sexual battery, attempted rape, indecent behavior with juveniles, Harris also faces charges of witness intimidation.

As TFTP has reported before, pedophiles often seek out positions of power and authority over children so they are in a position to abuse. Priests, teachers, coaches, police officers, counselors, and others are just some of the fields in which pedophiles will attempt to gain employment.

Unfortunately, it’s not the first time we have reported on police officers using their badge and so-called “authority” to molest children.

As TFTP has reported, a study exposed the startling fact that police officers are arrested about 1,100 times a year, or roughly three officers charged every day. Many of these arrests are over unspeakable sex crimes against children.

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