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Today I turn 63. I love celebrating my birthdays and growing older. I am thankful to have lived for another birthday. I almost died at 45 years old from a brain tumor that causes sodium wasting disease. I almost died from it a few times since then, but God wasn’t finished with me yet.

I am thankful I was able to finish raising my precious children. I am thankful I was able to dance with my sons at their weddings and watch my husband walk our daughters down the aisle for their weddings. I am thankful I have been able to spend a lot of time with my many grandchildren and get to know them personally.

I am thankful I was able to watch my oldest daughter whip out sonogram pictures of her unborn baby that we had earnestly prayed for for over seven years. Now, this precious miracle baby loves to climb into my lap and cuddle with me. My thirteenth and fourteenth grandbabies are on the way, Lord willing, and my oldest wants to adopt a baby which would bring the count to fifteen! I am surely blessed.

Living with a brain tumor and living through so much pain and suffering in my life have taught me many important truths. The only things that truly matter in life are our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and with the people we love. All the stuff in life is temporary and meaningless on our deathbed.

Every day is a blessing. We are all fragile human beings. We have no idea when the Lord will call us home, but let’s live to glorify Him in all that we do. Speak the truth in love to whomever will listen. Love others fervently, as the Lord loves you. Pour grace and kindness upon others. In this way, you are storing your treasures in heaven where they belong. And if you are blessed to grow old, be thankful.

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
Psalm 90:12

Today is My 63rd Birthday!

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