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Our culture mocks marriage. The Church hasn’t helped any in the upholding the sanctity of marriage. In a large church near us, the couple who ran the premarital counseling for over 35 years told us that when they began this ministry, none of the young couples in the church that they mentored were fornicating (living) together. Now, almost all of them are. The few who aren’t are a breath of fresh air.

Living together is nothing like marriage. It’s not “test driving” to see if the couple is compatible. I have a secret for these couples. No couple is compatible. We’re all far from perfect. One is male and the other one is female. This alone shows how different we are contrary to popular opinion.

The foundation of marriage is commitment. Without commitment, marriages fail. Before we married, we made the commitment to never use the word divorce. We never have, and we’re going on 41 years together. We both knew that marriage was until death do us part. We didn’t take our marriage vows lightly. It was a scary day for me because I knew this. It wasn’t easy to commit my life to another until death! Most couples probably now go into marriage thinking they can get out if they want. We never thought this. We knew marriage and love were about commitment.

Making a Mockery of Marriage

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