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PROOF The Gov’t Faked COVID-19 Death Statistics: Lisbon Court Rules Only 0.9% Of ‘Verified Cases’ Died Of COVID, Numbering 152, Not 17,000 As Claimed

As per a ruling by the Lisbon court, only 0.9% of ‘verified cases’ died of COVID, numbering 152, and not 17,000 as claimed by the government. The ruling has proved that the government faked COVID-19 death statistics.

proof the gov't faked covid 19 death statistics lisbon court rules only 0.9% of ‘verified cases’ died of covid, numbering 152, not 17,000 as claimed

Following a citizen’s petition, a Lisbon court was forced to provide verified COVID-19 mortality data.

According to the ruling (read full judgment below), the number of verified COVID-19 deaths from January 2020 to April 2021 is only 152, not about 17,000 as claimed by government ministries.

All the “others” died for various reasons, although their PCR test was positive.

The data are from the Sistema de Informação dos Certificados de Óbito (Death Certificate Information System – SICO), the only such system in Portugal.

The reference to 152 death certificated issued ‘under Justice Ministry supervision’ is spurious, as all death certificates are issued under Justice Ministry auspices, being the only institution that issues them.

Last year, a Portuguese appeals court has ruled that PCR tests are unreliable and that it is unlawful to quarantine people based solely on a PCR test.

The court stated, the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used and the viral load present. Citing Jaafar et al. 2020, the court concludes that:

“if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is infected is less than 3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.”

In Germany, it was revealed according to extensive email exchanges obtained by a group of lawyers in a legal dispute, that the German Interior Ministry hired scientists to develop fake coronavirus model in order to justify strict lockdown.

Read the judgement here.

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