Gary D. Barnett – Mass Murder by Vaccine


The stage is set, the plan is in place, and the people are still asleep. The realization that this state has declared war on the American people is unknown to most, and when the killing reaches high levels, the sheep will be told it is due to a mutated virus variant, and it is their fault for not being injected quickly enough with a poisonous ‘vaccine’ administered by this same criminal state. 

“We live in a society that fails to see what is right before their eyes, and intentionally hides from the truth.”

The Next Phase of This Fake Pandemic Will Be Premeditated Mass Murder by ‘Vaccine’

by Gary D. Barnett


Make no mistake about it; you are the enemy of the state in this war against mankind. This manufactured pandemic began with lies, and was perpetuated by mass propaganda; so much so as to cause extreme fear and panic out of thin air.

This is what real domestic terrorism looks like, and it is being executed by the United States government under the control of its masters in banking, finance, and corporate America; those at the top of the pyramid of power that make up the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and all the major players in science, technology, the mainstream media, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry. 

This long-planned plot to depopulate the earth and take total control over all of us could be considered ingenious but for the fact that it is pure evil.

What has been foretold and what is coming is what I would refer to as crisis management terrorism. There will be (and has already been) one fake crisis after another, all claimed to be so important and deadly as to cause the government to step in to control all aspects of human life through law, mandates, and lockdowns, with enforcement implemented at every level from the executive branch of federal government down to state and local health administrators. 


This will be in essence, a total and saturated form of enforcement with little if any ability of escape. This is by design of course, so that regardless of location or isolation, all will be subject to the propaganda and the long reach of peer pressure and tyranny.

The end game sought by these totalitarian monsters is to inject each and every American with this experimental, mind-altering, body changing, genetic reshaping, and deadly operating system falsely being called a Covid ‘vaccine.’

 It is not a vaccine at all, but a control and depopulation tool purposely designed to cause extreme sickness and death. These adverse responses caused by these toxic injections will not be correctly blamed on the shot, but will instead be used to claim that mutated variant expressions of the non-existent Covid-19 strain are the culprit. This will allow for more fear and panic in order to set up more demand for ‘vaccination.’ These never-ending crises will cause a much higher percentage of Americans to voluntarily seek out and take this virulent injection, and this will of course lead to an unending array of critical dilemmas, just as the state desires.

But it will not end there, as many will still not voluntarily take this toxic poison. The next phase, which is now in the works, will be to require proof of ‘vaccination’ in order to gain access to normal life functions. 

Currently, this is being called immunity or vaccine passports, and in New York it is already required to enter many venues, and is expanding quickly. Eventually, these passports as they are called, will be required for buying food, going into businesses, attending concerts or performances, banking, and other everyday necessities. 

In other words, it could become in the near future impossible to do anything without proof of vaccine. But so-called proof is not the desired outcome, it is only a means to an end, and that end is to vaccinate every single human. Once all are vaccinated, total control will have been achieved, and depopulation by vaccination murder can continue without resistance.


While much of the country is partially opening up, this is only the dangling of a carrot for the very short term before the next planned crisis emerges. Each crisis will bring more closures, lockdowns, stricter rules, and vastly more elevated enforcement. All of this has been telegraphed far in advance, and none of this should be a surprise to anyone, but alas, it seems as if very few have been or are now paying attention. We live in a society that fails to see what is right before their eyes, and intentionally hides from the truth. 

This behavior is indicative of a captured people, in what has now become a population of fools ready for their own enslavement. But this is more than enslavement, as the controllers not only want to lord over all of humanity, but they want to eliminate by vaccination murder a huge percentage of it as well. At this point, the people are making this easy to achieve.


This ‘vaccine’ and all the new ‘vaccines’ coming, due to what will be referred to as mutant variants, are killers. No one knows exactly what all the detrimental side effects will be, no one knows exactly how many deaths will occur due to this poison, but it has now become obvious that many adverse effects, many side effects, and much death seem imminent. Those perpetrating this fraud desire democide and world depopulation, and now they have the perfect weapon to accomplish their mission of death and destruction, and that weapon is called the ‘Covid’ vaccine.

With the elimination of huge numbers of people, and the implementation of mass control, every agenda sought by the powerful can be accomplished, from overpopulation, economic collapse, monetary restructuring, gun control, “climate change,” and with this comes what is being described as the “Great Reset.”

From the standpoint of tyrants, premeditated mass murder has its advantages, especially in this new advanced technological world. The only question was how to accomplish this plan without awakening a sleeping giant. 

The answer of course was to invent a fake killer virus with but one stated cure, that being a ‘vaccine’ that would become the real killer. 

What a diabolical plot, in that the people would actually kill themselves, and voluntarily for the most part, albeit with the help of their own elected government. 

This is now a nation prepared to commit mass suicide by injection, with the ‘hope’ of becoming free, safe, and maskless. Irony at this level is astounding to say the least, but it could only be possible in a society that has become dependent on rule, been fully indoctrinated, intellectually castrated, and gullible beyond recognition. 

Get used to it; this is the new America.

Source links:

The depopulation vaccine

Vaccine passports required in New York

EU certificates on vaccination

Vaccine depopulation-“The Delingpod”

SPARS Pandemic Scenario

World shocked by SPARS document

Death rates skyrocket in Israel after Covid vaccine

Death reports after taking Covid shot


“Russians by and large adhere to relatively strict gender roles: women are expected to dress well and take care of themselves, to want many babies, to act as the center of the household, and to be very ladylike, while men are expected to carry all the financial responsibility, protect the honor of their women, carry heavy loads, and drive the car.” This is from an article called Why Do Most Russian Women Hate Feminism.

“The obvious question here is: how did this intense aversion to feminism develop? The answer begins, as it often does, in the Bolshevik Revolution. In 1917, Russia became one of the first places in the world to give women the right to vote, and egalitarianism was promoted as one of the great ideals of the revolution.”

Most women today believe that women having the right to vote was a GREAT accomplishment that has given them freedom! Did you know that in early America, most women didn’t want to vote? In fact, many women fought against the Women’s Suffrage Movement. They could easily foretell the danger of this movement. They wanted the men to be in charge of the vote and politics, while they cared for their homes and children.

“Like many of those ideals, however, it was somewhat of an illusion. Women were still expected to take care of all the domestic duties, but now they had to take on the burden of labor as well…The overwhelming load that women now had to carry was expressed in the rhyming Russian saying, ‘I’m both a horse and a bull, I’m both a woman and a man,’ which echoes the complaints made by my mother and her friends when they used to tiredly grumble, ‘Before feminism, all you had to do was be a good wife and mother. Now you have to do everything.’”

You’ve been lied to, women. Unfortunately, the churches haven’t corrected the lies for most women, since it would offend them too much. While they should be convicted when they are taught the ways of biblical womanhood, they are offended instead and try to shut down those who teach it. They call biblical womanhood “dangerous” when in reality, it’s feminism that is dangerous and has caused destruction on our culture.

Learn from the Russian women! They are going back to what they were created to do by their loving Creator. They love being wives and mothers at home. Many of you write to me often telling me how thankful you are to be home full time. God’s ways are perfect. At the end of this post, I’m sharing a writing by a young 21 year old wife and mother. She is wise beyond her years.

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Titus 2:4, 5

The Suppression of Women

🥀 “Men can be women. Women can be men. A masculine woman is a woman. A woman is a societal construct. A woman is anyone who feels like a woman.”

🥀 Everywhere we turn, we are force fed the idea that in the western world, women are oppressed; in the media, in the workplace, in organizations, even in the Church!

🥀 I happen to think what we *really* are as women is: suppressed, rather than oppressed.

🥀 Suppression of women comes under the guise of liberation. In order to be liberated, it turns out, women must suppress all that is natural within them. The submissive nature is overpowered by a rebellious spirit. The desire to nurture, love and protect children has turned into the fight to kill babies, the repulsion of children, and the glorification of child-free living.

🥀 Rather than the peaceful life of quiet homemaking, women are encouraged to live the stressful lives of career “boss-babes”. Instead of working hard in the home, they work hard anywhere BUT the home. A successful woman is no longer she who is chaste, kind, pure, loving and respectful of her parents, or husband and children, but rather, she who gives her virginity away to a man who is not her husband, who is brash and angry (under the guise of being strong and empowered), who rebels against her parents or elders due to their seemingly antiquated ideas, and who can make the funniest child-bashing and husband belittling jokes.

🥀 The natural cycle that prepares our bodies to carry life, and detoxes it once a month, is destroyed with the use of contraception and sterilisation. Instead of loving God and others, we are told to love and prioritize ourselves. All that is good and right in this world, we are told, like a husband providing for his family, is actually just oppression, and all that is contrary to God’s design for women, we are told, is liberating. How did we get here?

🥀 This suppression has to do with the suppression of men, first and foremost, because if masculinity is subdued, who is left to lead women? When women are left to their own devices and are not led and corrected by strong, loving, God-fearing and truth-speaking men, chaos ensues (see Adam and Eve).

Written by Solieolie on Instagram

Feminism Has Made Life Harder For Women

Dollar Death Knell: IMF Introduces World Currency


Anthony Migchels: “Henry, something big happened last week: the IMF is going to give out loans in SDR. Special Drawing Rights are their currency. By itself, they’re nothing special, but the IMF has always lent in Dollars.
That they are going to print their own currency on a large scale, $650 billion to begin with, is simply monumental. It means that World Currency is starting.
This is EXACTLY what Mark Carney (BoE chief) announced 18 months ago. That the Petrodollar would end ‘in ten years’, and would be replaced with an IMF World Reserve Currency. I reported on it here. There’s Going to be a Gold Standard & It Will Be Disastrous.”“Make no mistake: if there’s a World Central Bank, and a World Reserve Currency, open World Government is not far away.”see Anthony’s investment advice below article
The Petrodollar Is Dead! Long Live The IMF World Reserve Currency!
By Anthony Migchels(

Eighteen months after Mark Carney officially announced the end of the Petrodollar, and its replacement by an IMF World Reserve Currency, the IMF announces that they will create $650 billion worth of Special Drawing Rights.

It’s an astounding event. The IMF ceases lending in dollars, and starts using its own currency to bail out nations. Ninety have asked for ‘assistance’, their finances savaged by the lockdown.

$650 billion may not sound like much but this is only the beginning. Soon the IMF will be throwing around trillions worth of SDR like the Fed now is doing with USD.

The idea is that the IMF currency can be used as reserve currency. And they will, the Petrodollar is inflating badly, and has lost perhaps as much as half of its value in real terms over the last 18 months or so. The Euro and the Yen are also in bad shape, hiding the true extent of the dollar’s decline. Nobody is going to be happy to see their reserves (or savings) melt away.

This may sound either bizarre, or even hardly relevant, but it is. Everybody is bamboozled by the Lockdown and the ‘virus’, but in the background a huge financial crisis has been ongoing. Let’s recapitulate the key events over the last few years, that led to this crunch moment in World History.

0. The foreplay was the Fed starting tapering in 2017. Presumably trying to take some of the liquidity they had injected during the 2008 Crunch out of the System. And raising rates. This had the entirely predictable, and indeed widely predicted, effect of creating a major liquidity squeeze in the System.


Here’s the trend of M2 growth, a key money supply measure.

As is clearly visible, the Fed’s tapering simply caused a deflationary crash, just as they did in 2008, and 2001. Money growth went to zero; it needs to grow about 10% per year to keep the System sufficiently liquid. 

Basically to keep the Usury on the debt payable, that is what is driving money growth. There is never enough money to pay interest + debt.


1. But the story of the death of the Petrodollar and the rise of the IMF World Reserve Currency starts in earnest in August 23 2019, when Mark Carney, Bank of England chief at the time, in a meeting with colleague central bankers, announced that ‘within ten years’, the Dollar’s role as World Reserve Currency would end, and that it would be replaced not by the Yuan, but an IMF World Reserve Currency. He added that a change of reserve currency is typically associated with ‘dramatic upheavals’.

2. Then, not a month later, on Monday September 16th 2019, problems started mounting on the repo market, where Banks and other ‘institutions’ go for daily short term loans to balance their books. It went as high as 10%. This indicated that players in the shadow banking system didn’t trust each others’ collateral anymore. They effectively stopped lending to each other. One may remember the Libor rate in 2008, which went up, indicating the same problems. This means these ‘institutions’ were technically bankrupt.

3. This then, was the excuse for the Fed to start QE 4. At first, they said they would start a) buying up treasuries, and b) provide ‘short term loans’ on a daily basis to insolvent ‘institutions’.

It started with about $75 billion per day, which nowadays is small beer, but things escalated quickly. On January 3d 2020, the day Soleimani was executed, the Fed reported that they had already doled out $6 Trillion in day to day-loans.

4. Things worsened only from there. When the World Wide Lockdown started, March 16th 2020, the Fed was already providing a cool $1 Trillion per day in loans to the shadow banking system. That fateful day, when 4 billion people were given house arrest, they started a $4 Trillion ‘asset purchasing program’, basically allowing the bankrupt ‘institutions’ (it’s very sad Newspeak to call these plunder operations ‘institutions’) to off load their junk to the Fed, in a bid to ‘solve’ the problems on the repo market.

Yes, we got locked up as they gave $4 Trillion to the Bank, that’s literally what happened. It was all sold as ‘panic due to Corona’, but the real ‘panic’ (in reality, it’s all orchestrated A to Z) was on Wall Street.

5. Several ‘packages have come through Congress since that bailout. Mnuchin gave Wall Street another Trillion. Biden has just signed a $3 Trillion deal, most of which goes directly to the filthy rich too. All in all, the Fed and the US Government have added $12 Trillion in new dollars to the System since September 2019.

6. As a result of this inflation the obvious is happening: rising prices. Especially in commodities. Everything is up 50% or more, lumber 180%. It will take a little time for these prices to translate in rising prices of all goods, but they will.

There’s also massive housing speculation. In Vancouver, Australia. Much of it is driven by China, which has expanded credit with an even greater amount than the Fed over the last few years. Some say as much $30 Trillion.

7. Much of the inflation goes to the Stock Exchange, resulting in the ridiculous ‘boom’ there, which is 100% totally artificial, and would not exist without the Fed.

Between September and December 2019, the S&P went down from 2905 to 2416. This must have been because of the disastrous liquidity squeeze in the shadow banking system that became apparent with that 10% repo market interest rate spike.

Then, because of QE, it started climbing like crazy again, all the way up to 3380. Next, it lost a full 1000 points in the week after the Lockdown started. Presumably because of ‘covid’, but it had nothing to do with that, it was the same problems in the financial system, for which they were providing already a Trillion per day on the repo market, and for which they conjured up that $ 4 Trillion bailout.


Since then, the S&P has risen to 4019 today. Another 600 point rise while the real economy is in shambles due to the Lockdown.

8. The result of all this is obvious: it has killed the Dollar. Just as ‘economist’/bankster agent Kyle Bass said they would do to ‘fix’ America’s finances back in 2011. Both its value, and its status. De-dollarization is ongoing and has been escalating. The already crumbling Petrodollar is not going to recover from this.

The IMF’s move confirms this: the new loans are in their SDRs, not in the usual Dollars. Washington’s dominance in the IMF is officially over. From now on, the IMF itself dominates.


The latest news is that bond markets are now starting to show rising yields. Interest rates are rising. Those holding Treasuries are going to take a huge hit with high inflation, and they’re, belatedly, waking up to that fact. Rising yields are the natural result, but of course higher interest rates are crushing for debtors. That is the unsolvable (within the usurious financial paradigm) crucifix that the People are nailed upon: either inflation, or deflation. Or better, first inflation, then deflation. Classic boom bust creation by the Bankers, they’ve been doing this throughout Modernity.

Just last week, March 31st, the Fed, in a shock announcement, said they would not prolong a ‘short term’ measure they installed last year ‘to calm markets’, which involved looser demands for capital reserves for ‘financial institutions’. De facto this means Banks and hedge funds must hold higher capital reserves. And this definitely has tightening effects on money. In fact: it likely has serious consequences for lots of ‘distressed’ outfits on Wall Street, including the Mega Banks themselves. Remember, they wouldn’t lend each other just months ago, and they’re still all out on a limb, relying on eternal, and ever higher bailouts by the Fed.

It can’t be much of a coincidence, that immediately a major hedge fund, Archegos, collapsed.

It remains to be seen how far the Fed is willing to take this, but all bets are off. They’re capable of anything. They’re clearly on the war path, and destroying what’s left of American Hegemony, so it’s far from unlikely that they could be out for some serious blood.

If we have indeed witnessed the end of the Fed’s expansion, major defaults seem all but unavoidable. They simply can’t bail them all out all the time, even if they would want to.


This is it. What we’ve been discussing for two decades or more in the Alternative Media is now coming to pass.

The Petrodollar is officially over, and the IMF is creating their own World Reserve Currency, the Special Drawing Rights. They are no longer lending in Dollar, but in their own money.
Washington no longer dominates the IMF, the IMF is now the morphing into the official World Central Bank.

Officially owned by all the Nations, but in reality owning all of them.

And let there be no mistake: if there’s a World Central Bank, and a World Reserve Currency, open World Government is not far away.

———–Anthony Migchels is a monetary reformer, and the founder of ‘De Florijn’, an interest-free currency in the Netherlands. His blog is

The Dying Dollar And The Rise Of A New Currency Order
NWO Magick: A Faux ‘Pandemic’, And A Very, Very Real Financial Collapse
Trillion Du Jour For Parasites
The Crunch Is Back, There Will Be A Gold Standard, And It Will Be Disastrous

Investment take-away-  “Gold has been a disaster over the last 10 years! Everything has been going sky high, but Gold is still priced the same as in 2011, when the Fed brutally broke its ascent during the 2000’s. I always believed there was going to be a Gold standard at some point, before World Currency. But as always they’re creating facts on the ground. This SDR thing is serious business.

For the rest, keep an eye on the Fed. If they’re seriously going to end their expansion, then drop all paper/dollar assets, stocks, the like. As long as they keep printing, everything will continue to go up, once they start tightening, everything crashes. And Gold, the question is: is it going to be money again?! And my bet is still it will, once the inflation starts seriously biting. The main thing is: people shouldn’t be speculating, the question is how to become independent from this Babylonian/Nephilim ‘finance’ which is all paid for by the 90%.” -Anthony Migchels

War with China? What Fun!

There is no limit to misjudgement. If the psychic curiosities in the Federal bunker start a war with China, or push Beijing into starting one, it will be blamed on a proximate cause, such as a collision of warships after which some lieutenant who joined on waivers lost it and opened fire. After all, historians have to write about something. The causes will actually be deeper and more complex.

To begin, people are cerebrally arranged to form groups–“packs” is a better word—and fight with other groups. This is dimwitted, but so are people. The urge manifests itself in wars, political parties, football, teenage gangs, and contract bridge. It is not rational. In football, armored mercenary felons having no relation to the cities they represent, battle other felons from another city, most of whose citizens would not let their daughters within a parsec of said felons—all this while the fans scream in adrenal murderousness. It is just what we do. At the national level, it is called “patriotism.”

Territoriality is part of the disorder. Human minds—the phrase may be an overstatement—seem intended for small wild groups for whom protection of hunting grounds might be important. When a Secretary of State embodies this instinct, he may, for example, confuse Asia with a patch of woods rife with deer. An instinct well suited to one situation is applied to another to which it isn’t.

But why do Americans regard China as an enemy? Partly because the vast military sector of the economy needs an enemy as a budgetary pretext. This is often said. It is also true. Since none of the anointed enemies—Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea—does anything to threaten Americans, a drumbeat of media about largely imaginary menaces is needed. And provided.

At a somewhat deeper level, it is again the pack instinct. Conservatives in particular tend to see the world in terms of tribes, countries, or faiths presumed hostile. Even though the public has almost no knowledge of China, or because of this, it can quite easily be persuaded that China is very dangerous. People can then easily begin clamoring for war and, politicians being politicians, they will not risk votes by pointing out the stupidity.

But let us go back to the collision of warships. Why would a diversity-admit junior officer open fire on China? Proximately, because he is frightened and panicky. A bit more remotely, because he has been told over and over and over that the Chinese are dangerous and aggressive and want to do terrible things, seldom specified. The military tells them this because you cannot prepare the troops for war by telling them that there is no reason for it.

Why would a President allow a war, knowing (if in a lucid moment) that it would produce absolute unshirted havoc in the economy even if it didn’t go nuclear? He wouldn’t. That is, he wouldn’t all at once choose Armageddon. But he couldn’t afford to seem soft on China, not with the midterms looming, so he couldn’t back off. If in the ensuing shootout the Navy got trounced, he most assuredly couldn’t drop the matter, and would have to double down. So, of course, would the Chinese for the same sorts of reasons. Off to the races.

Deeper in the forest of causation is that the pathologically aggressive, amoral, manipulative, and crafty tend to rise to power. We select as rulers those who are least fit to rule. In America this is often done a bit differently, with the unscrupulous and powerful choosing cardboard leaders whose strings they can pull. The effect is the same.

Why would war seem reasonable? Because Americans have never seen one, and believe their forces to be invincible. If you think that you can’t lose a fight, why avoid one? And because those in comfortable circumstances know that a war in Asia would be fought by the lower economic classes, about whom they care nothing and don’t much like. American elites do not fight. Note the list of draft dodgers during Vietnam: Bush II, Cheney, Bolton, Trump, Biden.

These men, knowing almost nothing of the military, war or, very likely, military history, are quickly hijacked mentally by the Pentagon. The firm handshake, the steely gaze, the clean shaven, confident, and patriotic warriors (if only via Powerpoint) are impressive to pols who…well, you know…haven’t done that. They project strength and realism, without necessarily having either. Listening to them, you can easily get a sense of being accepted into a special, manly club. They say that America has the most powerful, invincible, best trained, tra la, tra la, and if you haven’t been there it is easy to believe. The Chinese? A cakewalk. Iran? Coupla weeks.

Another reason for easily blundering into a war poorly understood is the very low quality of American government. Congress and the President are chosen by popularity contests, not according to competence. A congressman who worked his way up the political ladder in Wheeling or Baton Rouge knows state politics. He is unlikely to know anything about the first Island Chain or what a terminally guided ballistic missile is. A friend in a position to know estimates that ninety percent of the Senate do not know where Myanmar is. No one without a grasp of geography has more than a child’s understanding of military, economic, or strategic reality. But they vote on these things.

Sez I, we are well and truly screwed. But there is little we can do about it.

The below is a collection of non-political pieces over the years that I think people might find enjoyable.

Traipsing Through Wonderland

Amazon: “Chronicles of a wild life in biker bars and the fleshpots of Bangkok, of years of solo hitchhiking across America, of a Southern boyhood of drag racing in old wrecks and guns and beer, of Marine Corps boot camp and Moon’s strange church, of scuba diving the deep walls of the Caribbean and cave diving in Mexico, of life on staff at Soldier of Fortune magazine and nine years as police reporter for the Washington Times in the weird, sad, and often unbelievable urban Petri dishes of the big cities. Politically incorrect and evilly funny, Fred takes no prisoners. He skews with murderous wit things he doesn’t like, which are many: pols, talking heads, officious do-gooders. He has a soft spot for things he does like, such as dogs, drunks, bar girls, and ambulance crews, of all of which he has known many. His work has appeared in Playboy, Harper’s, the Washington Post magazine an op-ed pages, and suchlike stations of the literary cross.the literary cross”


Suzanne Venker wrote the following on her Facebook page recently: “In Steve Harvey’s book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, he writes that men fish for women but can only catch what they’re able to reel in. ‘Men will treat women like one of two things: a sports fish or a keeper. A sports fish doesn’t have any rules, requirements, respect for herself, or guidelines; and we men can pick up her scent a mile away. She’s the party girl.’ He added, ‘As soon as she lets a man know he can treat her just any old kind of way, he will do just that.’

“A keeper, on the other hand, ‘never gives in easily,’ he continued. Her high standards and expectations are evident from the get-go. A keeper ‘understands her power and wields it like a samurai sword. She commands—not demands—respect, just by the way she carries herself.’ And here’s my favorite part because it’s so true: ‘Men automatically know from the moment she opens her mouth that if they want her, they’ll have to get in line with her standards and requirements.’

“This psychological seesaw, which has been played out between men and women for centuries, has been eradicated by a society that tells women to ‘have sex like a man.’ Women have no idea how to use their femininity to their advantage, so they end up getting ghosted again and again—never getting the love they want.”

I was a keeper. My mom taught me to be. I had a few boyfriends in high school that would have loved having sex with me, but I didn’t want it at all. They wanted to marry me. They respected me. Yes, the girls who “slept around” were maybe more popular than me, but I didn’t want to be popular for having sex with guys. Thankfully, I was wise enough as a teenager to know this.

Teach your daughters to be a keeper. Help them figure out the rules, requirements, and guidelines they want for themselves in relationship to guys they may want to date/court and marry. I just wrote about this last week. The respect they have for themselves comes from knowing who they are in Christ. Make sure they know this! Read this post to them. They need to understand how guys operate. Guys end up not respecting the loose girls. How can they when they know other guys are having sex with them too? They are using these girls for their own pleasure.

Feminism’s ways have hurt women so badly. God’s ways are beautiful and perfect for women. They protect women and children. Make sure to teach your daughter biblical womanhood as they are growing up. Point out all of the ways feminism has hurt women and children. It’s clearly seen in our culture.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2

Are You a Sports Fish or a Keeper?

Arrested for the second time in my life (both for resisting these evil mask mandates), at Andrew Jackson’s home, “The Hermitage” in Nashville, Tennessee, for resisting the same evil bankers who nearly killed him.

Yesterday, April 3rd, at 6:30 in the morning, I started walking the 14 miles to Andrew Jackson’s home, “The Hermitage”, where he died after his presidency. During his presidency, he got into a furious fight with the bankers, the same ones who controlled the Bank of England and funded England in the American Revolution, and the same ones, when the bank was defeated in 1811, started the war of 1812. The bankers were defeated both times, but they never quit.

These International bankers, “The Invisible Government” have orchestrated tens of thousands of assassinations to eliminate opposition to their plans. Jackson was shot during his presidency, but he survived, and defeated Nicholas Biddle, the bankers precocious pawn. Jackson said of the bankers, “ ‘You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternalGod, I will rout you out.’ He was facing the same group of MoneyChangers that Jesus whipped out of the temple 1,800 years before Jackson.

Mark 11:15 And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the MoneyChangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;

Today, the MoneyChangers learned their lesson, they no longer expose themselves to the public, but use their agents to do their bidding, and call it legal and their “private property”. It’s not really their private property, because these thieves and robbers are the only people in the world who can print out dollars. So they print out their fake money, inflate the value of the dollar, drive businesses and individuals into poverty, then lecture us on “private property rights” as they steal the wealth others earned with labor with their fake money.

One of the MoneyChangers, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, purportedly said in 1938, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!”

So, of all places in America, the place I found most appropriate to resist this bogus mask mandate was Andrew Jackson’s home. I was not planning on doing this, but I simply was not going to put a mask on. Knowing the battle Jackson had with the bankers, I simply could not comply with the bankers hoax mask mandate at Jackson’s home. I am certain Jackson is flipping in his grave at how so many Americans are timidly complying with this mask tyranny. No critical thinking, no courage, no belief, no faith. It’s the result of the careful dumbing down of America using the corrupt media, schools, tech companies, drugs, porn, victim groups, and other sources, which has been going on for over 100 years.

Also, please remember, five Presidents, other than Jackson who survived, were assassinated by the bankers. Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and JFK.

On Thursday evening, April 1st, I had nearly been arrested at the Nashville, Tennessee Library. It was so absurd, the police began telling me, after I put my mask on, that I could not go into the children’s section of the library, because I had no children, despite the fact their own rules allowed for this. What was I doing in the children’s section of the library if I had no children, you may be asking. Good question, since the Social Justice warriors are replacing all kinds of books in libraries with their corrupt garbage, I was going to ensure my childhood favorites, including Dr. Doolittle, the Black Stallion, and the Wizard of Oz series were still there. I never got to verify this as I was rudely interrupted.

Finally, on Saturday, I had had enough. In this video you can see what occurred. Then you can see what happened after I was in handcuffs. I did not get to take the entire encounter, as I had not planned on it.

I had been arrested in California, May 1st, of 2020, with 37 other protesters, protesting this bogus mask mandate at the California State Capital of Sacramento. That was my first arrest in my life. Zip tied, thrown to the ground and hauled off like a common criminal, for simply resisting a fake plandemic designed to enrich the bankers further and to enslave mankind.

The police in Nashville were considerably more courteous than those in California, which is to be expected, as California and New York are the two biggest Communist states in America. Sitting in the back of the patrol car, with handcuffs biting into my wrists, was not an experience I recommend to anyone. It’s definitely not designed for ease of use, as I’m relatively athletic, and it was extremely uncomfortable, and I had to turn sideways,to prevent the cuffs from cutting off circulation to my hands. I can’t imagine what it would be like if someone is overweight. The two police officers were very courteous, and I believe his name was Officer Chambers, the officer who drove me to the police station to book me. I can’t speak highly enough of the Nashville Police.

I had some interesting discussions with a few of the officers, who were already enlightened about the bankers, Rothschilds, and more. When I arrived at the downtown police station, there was a couple, who may or may not have been married, who appeared to be dealing with some substance abuse, though I could be wrong, and may God forgive me if I am. The man had a Tennessee accent, and was bellowing, “I didn’t take a G**d*** thing” at least a dozen times. He was placed into isolation, and after a bit an hour of hollering, he quieted down and may have gone to sleep. The woman was pretty belligerent in her own right, but after being placed into an isolation cell, she quieted down very fast. These were two of the five people that I saw in the holding area while I was there, and these two were white, in addition to two young African-American males, who were silent the whole time, and a talkative young white woman who was on the opposite side of the room from me. I have no idea what any of the others were there for. For Cultural Marxists, they ought to rejoice, as out of six prisoners, four were white, two were black. That means whites and blacks were disproportionately represented, as whites make up 63% of America, and 66% of prisoners, and blacks make up 12% of America, and 34% of prisoners.

After a courteous police woman asked a few questions and gave me a court date, the commissioner of the Nashville police informed me that he agreed with my stance, and that charges would be dismissed.

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” – Edward Everett Hale

“under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.” Henry David Thoreau “Civil Disobedience”

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matt 5:10 Jesus

The Anti-Semitic Birth of the Zionist State

Credit: Antonio Cabrera

When the victims of Zionism finally have their day in court, the world will see just how cruel and racist the early Zionists really were.

JERUSALEM — “Self-Hating Jew” — along with other terms like “traitor, Zhid, Kapo, Nazi, and Little Jew” — are among the epithets used by Zionists to insult Jewish people who oppose or reject Zionism and its racist ideology.

A recent episode of Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro’s podcast “Committing High Reason” recalls the history of Theodor Hertzl, the founder of Zionism and of the Zionist State, and sheds new light on the term “Self-Hating Jew.”

Committing High Reason

Rabbi Shapiro sources all of his claims methodically and when one hears what Hertzl, who was Jewish himself, wrote about Jewish people, the only conclusion is that he was the quintessential “Self-Hating Jew.” There can be no doubt that he hated Jewish people and wanted nothing more than to dissociate himself from the “common” Jew. Furthermore, he was not alone: other Zionist leaders — Vladimir Jabotinsky, Chaim Weizmann, and others — were equally openly hateful of their Jewish brethren.

In 2018, Rabbi Shapiro published a 1,400-page book titled “The Empty Wagon, Zionism’s Journey from Identity Crisis to Identity Theft.” The book outlines the vast differences that exist between Judaism and its main nemesis, Zionism. The book was written for Orthodox Jews and indeed every Orthodox Jewish home I have visited in the last two years had a copy of this massive work. Even though it assumes a great deal of knowledge about Judaism, the book has an unprecedented amount of well-sourced information, so that even those of us who are not well versed in Judaism can learn a great deal from it.

The information presented in this particular episode of Rabbi Shapiro’s podcast can also be found in his book, and it leads to the undeniable fact that the founder of Zionism — and many of his contemporaries — hated everything about Jews and Judaism and hated the fact that they themselves were Jewish. According to Rabbi Shapiro and many other Orthodox rabbis whom he quotes, it was their hatred of Jews and not their desire to save them from anti-Semitism that was the driving force behind the creation of Zionism and the establishment of a Zionist state.

The founder of Zionism not only believed that the anti-Semitic trolls about Jews were true, but also justified them. He claimed only that these racist accusations applied to the “other” Jews, those who were not as secular and “enlightened” as he.

The story of Hertzl, as it is told in Zionist schools both in Israel and around the world, makes him seem like the savior of Jews, a man motivated by the desire to do good. However, a more in-depth look into the man and his motivations reveals that he despised Jewish people and wanted to separate himself from “common” Jews by creating a space, an existence for people like himself who were Jews by birth but despised what it means to be Jewish.

Vladimir Jabotinsky, the father of right-wing Zionism and today’s Israeli Likud Party, was another classic case of the “Self-Hating Jew.” He wrote that “[t]he Jews are very nasty people and their neighbors hate them and they are right.”

Another Zionist spiritual leader, Uri Zvi Greenberg, wrote: “Those loathsome Jews are vomited by any healthy collective and state not because they are Jews but because of their Jewish repulsiveness.”

Zionists worship physical strength while Orthodox Judaism looks down upon it. In a conversation I had once with Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Dovid Feldman of New York, I asked about this. I told him that to people like me, who were raised Zionist, Orthodox Jews look weak and pale and very unattractive. Rabbi Feldman looked straight at me and replied: “You have no idea how hard we work to maintain this look. Being a Jew is a spiritual-religious existence, not a masculine physical one.”

Maushel (or Moishel)

In the October 15, 1897 edition of the Zionist paper Dei Welt, a publication that Hertzl founded, he published an essay, titled “Maushe,” about a Jew who is an anti-Zionist. The focus of the essay was a fictional character, a Jew Hertzl called “Maushel,” which was a derogatory name for Jews used by anti-Semites at the time.

The front page of the Zionist paper Dei Welt circa 1897

The front page of the Zionist paper Dei Welt circa 1897

Maushel — or Moishel, depending on one’s accent — is the “common” religious Jew. The article was originally written in German, with an English version published in another Zionist publication called The Maccabean. Here are a few examples of how Hertz depicts the Jews in his essay:

Maushel | Theodore Herzl

Maushel | Theodore Herzl

“Maushel is an anti-Zionist. We know him well and long and we always felt disgusted when we saw him.” Hertzl is all the more disgusted and chagrin by being obliged to acknowledge that Maushel is indeed “of our people,” though there is “not the slightest use of being proud of the fact,” which he laments results from “the co-mingling at one dark period of our history of a lower class of people with our nation.”

Hertzl goes on to say that “[t]he disgust which we had for him was coupled with pity. We sought to explain his miserable and wretched appearance. We told ourselves that we must tolerate him that it was our sacred duty to civilize him.” Wanting to disassociate himself from the Maushel Jew, Hertzl says, “He is the terrible companion of the Jews and so inseparable from them that one is always mistaken one for the other. “

Hertzl continues with his blatant hatred and writes that Maushel is “the antithesis of a human being, something unspeakably degraded and obstinate…Maushel proceeds with his own dirty business in poverty Maushel is a wretched schnorrer.” Then sadly Justifying anti-Semitic attacks on Jews, Hertzl says, “Maushel always supplied reasons for the attacks upon us.” In other words the Jews, the “real” Jews” like Hertzl are targeted by anti-Semites because of this distant, unrelated person who the anti-Semites confuse for a Jew.

Further, Hertzl writes:

In the eyes of the anti-Semite the Jew and Maushel were bound together; then Zionism appeared and the Jew and Maushel had to define their position, and now Maushel did the Jews a service: he divorced himself from the union because he is an anti-Zionist.”

In other words, Hertzl claims that only the real Jews are secular Zionist Jews. He then goes on to conflate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism: “When people say that Jews do not support Zionism the answer is no! The Jew cannot be an anti-Zionist, only Maushel is.”

Rhetoric like this is very common in Israel today, that the real Jews are the secular Zionists and religious non-Zionist Jews are described in a variety of derogatory terms.

“That’s fine,” Hertzl continues, “let us be relieved of him. It is an opportunity to purify ourselves of these degrading elements.”

The confusion regarding Jewish identity and the claims that Zionism is part of Jewish identity is very common, and indeed very troubling. This deep misunderstanding of both Judaism and Zionism clearly can be traced back to the founder of Zionism, Theodor Hertzl.

What makes a Jew a Jew?

The great Jewish sage, Rabbi Sa’adiya Ga’on- – whose full name was Sa’id Bin Yousef El-Fayyumi — was one of the most important Jewish rabbinic figures of all times. He was born in Fayyum in upper Egypt in the late Ninth century; went on to study in Tabariya, Palestine, which was an important center of Jewish learning; and later lived, worked, and wrote in Baghdad. In what is considered one of his most important books — “Emunot Ve-Deot,” or “Beliefs and Opinions,” which he wrote in Arabic using Hebrew letters — Ga’on wrote that the people of Israel — in other words, Jews — are a nation only by virtue of their religious laws (he used the term Sharia in Arabic for religious laws). In other words, a people bound by faith.

A Page from Rabbi Sa’adiya Ga’on’s book “Emunot Ve-Deot”

A Page from Rabbi Sa’adiya Ga’on’s book “Emunot Ve-Deot”

According to Hertzl, Jews are a nation because, as he put it, “our enemies made us one without our consent; distress binds us together.” The former defines Jewish people as a religious group bound by laws and faith, the latter as an undefined group united by the hatred of non-Jews.

A eulogy to Hertzl

Vladimir Jabotinsky’s eulogy to Hertzl was a monumental offering of praise and even veneration. First published as a booklet in Odessa in 1905, it was written in Russian and later translated into Hebrew. In it, Jabotinsky discusses the legacy of Hertzl, whom, despite their differences, he admired deeply. In one section, Jabotinsky praises the wonderful features of a Hebrew and compares them to what he calls the disgusting features of a Jew. Instead of saying Jew, he used the horribly degrading, anti-Semitic term “Zhid.”

“Doctor Hertzl,” the cover of the booklet containing Jabotinsky’s eulogy

“Doctor Hertzl,” the cover of the booklet containing Jabotinsky’s eulogy

The eulogy begins with Jabotinsky admitting that no one has ever seen a true Hebrew (“None of us has seen the true Hebrew with our very eyes.”) and continuing on to say that the Jew we see around us today is not a Hebrew but a Zhid (“And so today, we take as our starting point the Zhid, and try to imagine his exact opposite,” in an effort to imagine a Hebrew.).

Vladimir (Zeev) Jabotinsky’s photo on the Likud Party website

Vladimir (Zeev) Jabotinsky’s photo on the Likud Party website

“Because the Zhid is ugly, sickly,” the father of Israel’s Likud Party writes, “we will give the ideal image of the Hebrew masculine beauty, stature, massive shoulders, vigorous movements,” Jabotinsky concludes:

The Zhid is frightened and downtrodden, the Hebrew proud and independent. The Zhid is disgusting to everyone, the Hebrew should be charming to all. The Zhid accepts submission, the Hebrew ought to know how to command. The Zhid likes to hide from the eyes of strangers, the Hebrew will possess brazensess and greatness.”

Hertzl, according to Jabotinsky, was the perfect specimen of the Hebrew that no one has ever seen.

Zionism — for whom?

If indeed Hertzl and the other leaders of Zionism were self-hating Jews and looked down upon the “common” Jew, what was their motivation for establishing Zionism and working so hard to found a Zionist State?

In Chapter One of his book, Rabbi Shapiro quotes one of the most respected rabbis of his day, Rabbi Chaim Soloveichik, who lived in Eastern Europe at the end of the nineteenth century. According to the quote, Rabbi Soloveichik says that Zionists wanted to create a state in order to destroy Judaism.

In other words, Zionists were secular and viewed themselves as enlightened and better than the “common” Jew. They looked down at Torah-observant Jews. They wanted a place where people like them, who did not look or live like “common” Jews, would be able to live without having to deal with (or even see) observant Jews, and where they could be like other nations.

The State of Israel was not created for the “common” Jew, the one with a long beard and payot (the curls that dangle from the side of their heads), those who lived in the shtetl (ghettos) of Europe. Neither was the Zionist state created for the Arab Jew, but for the secular European Jew, who wants more than anything to be European.

In a book that describes how Zionist leaders viewed the Jews of Europe, there is a photo that shows Jews in the market in Nalewni Ghetto in Warsaw. There is a quote attributed to Chaim Weizmann, a major leader in the Zionist movement and later the first president of the State of Israel. The caption reads, “Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel, or Palestine) was not meant for the peddlers of Nalewski, Warsaw.” These are the Jews that Hertzl and the other Zionist leaders despised.

When the victims of Zionism finally have their day in court, the world will see just how cruel and racist the early Zionists really were. The world will see that Israel, today’s Zionist state, is a perfect reflection of what the early Zionists were: racist, violent, and hateful.

In Israel today, Ultra-Orthodox Jews who oppose Zionism are despised and ridiculed; non-religious, anti-Zionist Jews are pushed away; and Palestinians are merely collateral — the price that needs to be paid so that the vision of Hertzl and the other “Self-Hating Jews” could become a reality.

Federal Government Achieves Full Anarcho-Tyranny. This Can’t Go On.

While America faces a historic crime wave, the Department of Justice is maintaining a furious campaign of persecution against January 6 protesters. It’s impossible to see this as other than politically-driven, given its total indifference to political violence from the Left. National law enforcement now operates like a political police, more interested in protecting Regime Media narratives than Americans’ lives and property. Every day, it gets harder to support a government that has nothing to offer the country’s core population but hate. This can’t go on.

Mass murderer Ahmad Al-Issa was a Muslim immigrant reportedly on the FBI’s radar—yet this has led to no Regime Media or law enforcement campaign against foreigners radicalized by Islam. Instead, we’re getting more drumbeating about gun control, even though the banal truth is that it’s inner-city crime that’s increasing and no one is doing anything about it.

The Regime Media is attempting to weaponize the January 6 Capitol riotas a kind of Reichstag Fire. Yet facts keep getting in the way. The most obvious victim was Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed female Trump supporter shot dead by a still-unnamed black law enforcement officer. But the same media obsessed with police shootings has ignored this event, unless it’s smearing her posthumously [Woman Killed in Capitol Embraced Trump and QAnonby Ellen Barry, Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs and Dave Philipps, The New York Times, January 20, 2021].

Other Trump supporters who died, allegedly because of underlying heath conditions, arguably exacerbated by police brutality, also received postmortem smears [Trump supporters who died during Capitol riot left online presenceby Ben Kesslen, NBC News, January 7, 2021]. Officer Brian Sicknick (himself reportedly a Trump supporter) was confronted during the protests and later died [Officer Brian Sicknick Died After the Capitol Riot. New Videos Show How He Was AttackedBy Evan Hill, David Botti, Dmitriy Khavin, Drew Jordan, and Malachy Browne, New York Times, March 24, 2021]. But prosecutors are having a hard timemaking the case that it was “murder” [So-Called “Assault Video” Creates Big Problems for Prosecutors in Sicknick Capitol Riot Death Case, Revolver March 31, 2021].

In fact, the whole “attack on democracy” melodrama has fallen apart. Politico just told its progressive-leaning readers to prepare for a “jarring reality check” when most of those who entered the Capitol receive little or no jail time [Many Capitol rioters unlikely to serve jail timeby Josh Gerstein and Kyle Cheney, March 30, 2021].

The Dem/Media Complex had invented a carefully organized “white nationalist” coup attempt out of whole cloth. The truer and more tragic story: these protestors marched under the mistaken assumption someone in power cared about them. No one did.

As proof, consider that some protesters are in jail now and have been denied bail because government lawyers successfully argued that denying Joe Biden’s legitimacy as President of the U.S. means they constituted a flight risk [America’s Political Prisoners Firstby Julie Kelly, American Greatness, February 4, 2021].

Prosecutor Michael Sherwin bragged on 60 Minutes that he was leaning towards “sedition” charges for what CBS called the “assault” on the Capitol [Inside the prosecution of the Capitol riotersby Scott Pelley, 60 Minutes, March 22, 2021]. Sherwin is now being investigated for what some have called “grandstanding,” but an opinion piece in USA Today, the country’s most widely read publication, said that he was totally right to do an interview with a television program even before trials have begun [DOJ lawyer Michael Sherwin was right to discuss Capitol riots on ’60 minutes’ interviewby Ankush Khardori, March 30, 2021].

When protesters are being tried for “sedition,” we’re entering new political territory.

None of this is to deny that illegal acts took place at the Capitol (mostly trespassing—as during the memory-holed Kavanaugh incursion). Even if Officer Sicknick died from unrelated causes, there’s no excuse for brawling with him. When there’s a riot, regardless of cause, the answer is ruthless coercion.

However, the reason such force is justified is because the rule of law has value in itself. And if we are being honest, the rule of law hasn’t existed in this country for a very long time. The government, including its Deep State dimension, has destroyed its own legitimacy.

Thus the Black Lives Matter riots should have been put down at the beginning, rather than being given political patronage and corporate sponsorship. They were not. Hence they triggered a wave of violent crime that has mostly victimized the very people BLM protesters claimed to protect. It was a catastrophic failure of government at every level to provide its basic function: public order.

We see this too in the deliberate refusal—not the accidental failure—to enforce immigration law [Former CBP Chief: Over 45K Border Crossers Freed Into U.S. By Joe Bidenby John Binder, Breitbart, March 30, 2021]. But simultaneously, Americans are told to mask up, suffer economic hardship, and endure social isolation because President Joe Biden says we have a “patriotic duty” [Biden Urges States To Maintain Mask Mandates As A ‘Patriotic Dutyby Gabe Kaminsky, Federalist, March 29, 2021].

But what “nation” Joe Biden is referring to? If the federal government doesn’t feel like enforcing basic immigration laws in the midst of a pandemic, it’s hard to fault ordinary Americans for ignoring arbitrarily enforced mask laws that the powerful seem to ignore at will [Photos emerge of a mask-less Gavin Newsom breaking his rules for private gatherings, KUSI, November 18, 2020].

Mask laws and lockdowns are just small-scall examples of the nationwide anarcho-tyranny we see every day with America’s Open Borders policies.

Even the most serious terrorist attacks and mass shootings only have value to those with power if they can be spun against white Americans. Thus when a white male shot nine people in Atlanta, the story was immediately shoehorned into a forced Narrative about “anti-Asian hate,” even though the killer had also shot whites and seemed to be motivated by perverse sexual drives. But when ten white Americans were gunned down by a Muslim immigrant, the Regime Media immediately pivoted to ways the federal government can strip law-abiding Americans of more constitutional rights. The icky reality of black-on-Asian crime has been ignored even during this moral panic about “anti-Asian hate.”

It goes without saying that given the extent of media incitement against whites, almost every blackonwhite crime in the country can be laid at journalists’ feet. After all, they’ve spent the last year telling blacks that whites are engaged in a gigantic conspiracy to hold them down since before the United States was even founded.

Thus, when Journofa express alarm at “militias,” fraternal groups, or bands of neighbors defending themselves, they should stop pretending they don’t know the cause.

For an entire year, the American people were told by the media that violence works. If the mob comes for us, we are on our own. Were Americans simply supposed to lay down and die? Is the law supposed to be completely arbitrary?

Apparently, the answer to both questions is: yes. Americans are now being told to sit down, shut up, and accept comically obvious double standards and lies.

Even the American military, which despite astounding defense spending will probably never win a war again, has become just another Affirmative Action jobs program.

Like others who haven’t served, I once had fierce self-loathing for not having been in the military. Now I’m relieved, as I no doubt would have been dishonorably discharged for supporting Donald Trump in 2016 [FBI Deploys Creepy “Sentiment Analysis” Tools To Screen National Guard For Pro-Trump Sympathies, Revolver, March 30, 2021].

Of course, even the military isn’t supposed to be an institution unto itself. It’s what it defends that is supposed to be important in a free country. Yet that’s not what we have any more, is it? If you’re a white American, or even a non-white American who doesn’t despise the Historic American Nation, our rulers clearly say you are not welcome. Belief in the all-encompassing power of an unfalsifiable“systemic racism” canard has become a state religion. Even a momentary lapse can cost someone a career.

We have a government that won’t enforce the law against real criminals, but uses the might of the state against political prisoners. We have a government that won’t enforce immigration law, but shuts down businesses over mask requirements. We have a government that casually allows a wholesale invasion to proceed across our southern border, but tells us to be ready to die for the borders in the Middle East or Eastern Europe.

What exactly is this government even for, other than oppressing us?

We’re a country that was founded on a tax rebellion. Now we’re trapped in a country that is not only dispossessing its core population but is forcing it to subsidize its dispossessors.

If Joe Biden or anyone else wants to have a war with China, send the journalists and the Affirmative Action recipients—for the rest of us, it’s not our fight.

Whatever games the politicians are playing in Washington, leave us Americans out of them.

It’s not that they’re indifferent towards us—they actively hate the people they rule.

F. William Engdahl – Obedience Beats Business Sense


(Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England 2008-2020)

Major League Baseball just pulled their all star game from Atlanta because Georgia passed a law to ensure election integrity. Delta and Coke piled on. In the NWO, businesses will be valued according to their adherence to Satanist shibboleths designed to undermine society i.e. political correctness. 

Similarly, art (film, literature) is no longer an expression of the human spirit. Art must echo Communist truisms, see agitprop.

The top-down reorganization of the world economy –the so-called Great Reset or UN Agenda 2030–is no future proposal. It is well into actualization as the world remains in insane lockdown for a virus. The hottest investment area since onset of the coronavirus global lockdowns is something called ESG “Environmental, Social, Governance” investing.

The Great Reset is Here: Follow the Money 
By F. William Engdahl
(abridged by

As Governor of the Bank of England Carney played a key role getting world central banks behind the Green Agenda of the UN 2030 scheme. The major central banks of the world, through their umbrella Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basle, created a key part of the growing global infrastructure that is steering investment flows to “sustainable” companies and away from those like oil and gas companies it deems “unsustainable.” 

When then-Bank of England Governor Mark Carney was head of the BIS’ Financial Stability Board (FSB) he established something called Task-force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) in 2015.

The central bankers of the FSB nominated 31 people to form the TCFD. Chaired by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, it included in addition to BlackRock, JP MorganChase; Barclays Bank; HSBC; Swiss Re, the world’s second largest reinsurance; China’s ICBC bank; Tata Steel, ENI oil, Dow Chemical, mining giant BHP and David Blood of Al Gore’s Generation Investment LLC.

Anne Finucane, the Vice Chair of the Bank of America, a member of both the PCAF and the TCFD, noted, “we are committed to ensuring that climate-related risks and opportunities are properly managed within our business and that we are working with governments and markets to accelerate the changes required… climate change presents risks to the business community, and it is important for companies to articulate how these risks are being managed.”

The Bank of America vice chair describes how they assess risks in its real estate loan portfolio by assessing, “acute physical risk analysis on a sample portfolio of Bank of America residential mortgages across the US Each property was given a score based on the level of risk associated with 12 potential hazards: tornado, earthquake, tropical cyclone, hailstorm, wildfire, river flood, flash flood, coastal flood, lightning, tsunami, volcano, and winter storm.” 

As well, the banks’ investment “risk” in oil and gas as well as other industrial sectors is reviewed using the criteria of Carney’s TCFD. All risks are defined as related to CO2, despite the fact there is no conclusive scientific proof that manmade CO2 emission is about to destroy our planet by global warming. Rather evidence of solar activity suggests we are entering an unstable cooling period, Grand Solar Minimum. That’s of no concern to the financial interests who stand to reap trillions in the coming decade.

Another key part of the financial preparation for the Great Reset, the fundamental transformation from a high-energy intensity economy to a low and economically inefficient one, is the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). SASB says it “provides a clear set of standards for reporting sustainability information across a wide range of issues… ” This sounds reassuring until we look at who makes up the members of the SASB that will give the Climate-friendly Imprimatur. Members include, in addition to the world’s largest fund manager, BlackRock (more than $7 trillion under management), also Vanguard Funds, Fidelity Investments, Goldman Sachs, State Street Global, Carlyle Group, Rockefeller Capital Management, and numerous major banks such as Bank of America and UBS. Many of these are responsible for the 2008 global financial collapse. What is this framework group doing? According to their website, “Since 2011, we have has been working towards an ambitious goal of developing and maintaining sustainability accounting standards for 77 industries.”

Where this is all going is to create a web of globally-based financial entities who control combined wealth including insurance and pension funds into what they claim to be worth $100 trillion. They are setting the rules and will define a company or even a country by the degree of carbon emission they create. If you are clean and green, you potentially get investment. If you are deemed a carbon polluter as the oil, gas and coal industries are deemed today, the global capital flows will disinvest or avoid funding you. The immediate target of this financial cabal is the backbone of the world economy, the oil and gas industry along with coal.

Hydrocarbons Under Attack

The immediate target of this financial cartel is the backbone of the world economy, the oil, coal and natural gas sector. Oil industry analysts predict that over the next five years or less investment flows into the world’s largest energy sector will fall dramatically. “Given how central the energy transition will be to every company’s growth prospects, we are asking companies to disclose a plan for how their business model will be compatible with a net zero economy,” BlackRock’s chairman and CEO Larry Fink wrote in his 2021 letter to CEOs. Blackrock is the world’s largest investment group with over $7 trillion to invest. Another BlackRock officer told a recent energy conference, “where BlackRock goes, others will follow.”

“To continue to attract capital, portfolios have to be built around core advantaged assets – low-cost, long-life, low carbon-intensive barrels,” said Andrew Latham, Vice President, Global Exploration at WoodMac, an energy consultancy.

The Biden Administration is already making good on his pledge to phase out oil and gas by banning new leases in Federal lands and offshore and the Keystone XL oil pipeline. The oil and gas sector and its derivatives such as petrochemicals are at the heart of the world economy. The 50 largest oil and gas companies in the world, including both state-owned and publicly traded companies, recorded revenues of about $5.4 trillion in 2015.

As a new Biden Administration pushes their ideological opposition to so-called fossil fuels, the world will see a precipitous decline in oil and gas investment. The role of the Davos globalists and the ESG financial players are out to guarantee that. And the losers will be us. Energy prices will skyrocket as they did during the recent Texas blizzards. The cost of electricity in industrial countries will become prohibitive for manufacturing industry. But rest well. This is all part of the ongoing Great Reset and its new doctrine of ESG investing.

In 2010 the head of Working Group 3 of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr Otmar Edenhofer, told an interviewer, “…one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore…” The WEF Great Reset is not simply a big idea of Klaus Schwab reflecting on the economic devastation of the coronavirus. It has been long planned by the money masters.

Understanding Anti-Putin PSYOPs: Preparing for War

Intro: cause vs pretext

It is not an exaggeration to say that in the mythology of the AngloZionist Empire Putin is something akin to Satan or, at least, that he is a kind of “Sauron” who is the epitome of evil. And, we all heard that recently, Biden, in a recorded interview, declared that Putin is “a killer”. When given a chance to soften this statement Jen Psaki did no such thing. We can, therefore, conclude that this was an official, deliberately planned, characterization of the Russian leader.

This kind of language was never used by western officials during the Cold War, at least not on the top levels. So why this seething hatred for Putin?

It is not because he is ex-GPU KGB SSSR. Yuri Andropov was a former KGB Chairman, and he did a lot to strengthen the KGB, its personnel and operations. Yet nobody called him a killer. Neither is this because of Crimea or the Donbass, at least not directly, because when the USSR invaded Czechoslovakia and, before that, Hungary, western politicians did not call Khrushchev or Brezhnev “killers”. It is not because of the shooting down of MH-17 (western leaders all know that these are lies created by western special services), because there have been quite a few civilian airliners shot down by various states, but that did not result in the kind of total demonization of the leaders of these states. I could go on and on, but you get the point: even if we carefully parse all the accusations against Putin, we find out that the kind of total demonization he has been the subject of is quite unique in its intensity and scope.

There is a huge difference between the concepts of “cause” and “pretext”, and all the examples I have given are nothing but pretexts. We need to look at the real causes of such a blind hatred for Putin.

Here we come across another list of possible reasons: first, it is undeniable that while Eltsin almost destroyed Russia as a country, Putin single-handedly “resurrected” Russia in an amazingly short time. From a country which was in tatters and a population which wanted nothing more than to become the next Germany or, failing that, at least the next Poland, Putin turned Russia into the strongest military power on the planet and he completely reshaped the Russian perception of themselves and of Russia. Not only that, but Putin used every single move by the West (like, say, sanctions, boycotts or threats) to further strengthen Russia (by means such as import substitutions, international conferences and military maneuvers). Most importantly, Putin de-coupled Russia from a lot of US controlled institutions or mechanisms, a move which also immensely served Russia.

US politicians spoke of a country with an “economy in tatters” and of a “gas station masquerading as a country”. But in the real world (Zone B), the Russia economy did much better than the western ones and, as for the “energy war” between the US, the KSA and Russia, it ended in a catastrophic defeat for the USA and a triumph for Russia and, to a lesser degree, the KSA.

Then came COVID and the truly epic disaster of the West’s total mismanagement of this crisis. Not only that, but the contrast of how Russia (and China!) handled the crisis and what the West did could not have been bigger. As for Russia being the first country to create a vaccine (by now, no less than three of them actually; now Russia is about to release yet another vaccine, this time protecting animals from COVID) and, worse, the country which created the best vaccine on the planet – this is a PR disaster for the West and there is nothing the West can do to soften the blow. If anything, things are only getting worse as shown by all the coming lockdowns in Europe – contrast that with this photo of happy Lavrov in China wearing a mask with “FCKNG QRNTN” written on it!

But that is not the real reason either, as shown by the fact that the West already hated Putin long before COVID.

The “stolen” Cold War victory

In truth, the West has a very long list of reasons for which to hate Putin and everything Russian, but I believe that there is one reason which trumps them all: the western leaders sincerely believed that they had defeated the USSR in the Cold War (even medals were made to commemorate this event) and following the collapse of the former superpower and the coming to power of a clueless, alcoholic puppet, the triumph of the West was total. At least in appearance. The reality, as always, was much more complicated.

The causes and mechanisms of the collapse of the Soviet Union are not our topic today, so I will just indicate that I believe that the USSR never “collapsed” but that it was deliberately destroyed by the CPSU apparatus which decided to break up the country in order for the Party and Nomenklatura to remain in power, not at the helm of the USSR, but at the helm of the various ex-Soviet republics. Weak leaders and ideologies which nobody really believes in do not inspire people to fight for their rulers. This is why the Russian monarchy collapsed, this is why the masonic democracy of Kerenskii collapsed and this is why the Soviet Union collapsed (this is also one of the most likely reasons for the final collapse of the US as a state).

Putin, who was not very well known in the West or, for that matter, in Russia, came to power and immediately reversed Russia’s course towards the abyss. First, he dealt with the two most urgent threats, the oligarchs and the Wahabi insurrection in the Caucasus. Many Russians, including myself, were absolutely amazed at the speed and determination of his actions. As a result, Putin suddenly found himself one of the most popular leaders in Russian history. Initially, the West went into a kind of shock, then through a process reminiscent of the so-called “Kübler-Ross model” and, finally, the West settled into a russophobic frenzy not seen since the Nazi regime in Germany during WWII.

To understand why Putin is the Devil incarnate, we have to understand that the leaders of the collective West really thought that this time around, after a millennium of failures and embarrassing defeats, the West has finally “defeated” Russia which would now become a leaderless, culture-less, spiritual-less and, of course, history-less territory whose sole purpose would be to provide resources for the “Triumphant West”. Not only that, but the AngloZionist leaders of the Empire executed the 9/11 false flag operation which gave them the pretext needed for the GWOT, but which completely distracted the West from its previous focus on the so-called “Russian threat” simply because by 2001 there was no Russian threat. So there was a certain logic behind these moves. And then, “suddenly” (at least for western leaders) Russia was “back”: in 2013 Russia stopped the planned US/NATO attack on Syria (the pretext here was Syrian chemical weapons). In 2014 Russia gave her support to the Novorussian uprising against the Ukronazi regime in Kiev and, in the same year, Russia also used her military to make it possible for the local population to vote on a referendum to join Russia. Finally, in 2015, Russia stunned the West with an extremely effective military intervention in Syria.

In this sequence, Russia committed two very different types of “crimes” (from the AngloZionist point of view, of course):

  • The minor crime of doing what Russia actually did and
  • The much bigger crime of never asking the Empire for the permission to do so

The West likes to treat the rest of the planet like some kind of junior partner, with very limited autonomy and almost no real agency (the best example is what the USA did to countries like Poland or Bulgaria). If and when any such “junior” country wants to do something in its foreign policy, it absolutely has to ask for permission from its AngloZionist Big Brother. Not doing so is something akin to sedition and revolt. In the past, many countries were “punished” for daring to have an opinion or, even more so, for daring to act on it.

It would not be inaccurate to summarize it all by saying that Putin flipped his finger to the Empire and its leaders. That “crime of crimes” was what really triggered the current anti-Russian hysteria. Soon, however, the (mostly clueless) leaders of the Empire ran into an extremely frustrating problem: while the russophobic hysteria did get a lot of traction in the West, in Russia it created a very powerful blowback because of a typical Putin “judo” move: far from trying to suppress the anti-Russian propaganda of the West, the Kremlin used its power to make it widely available (in Russian!) through the Russian media (I wrote about this in some detail here and here). The direct result of this was two fold: first, the CIA/MI6 run “opposition” began to be strongly associated with the russophobic enemies of Russia and, second, the Russian general public further rallied around Putin and his unyielding stance. In other words, calling Putin a dictator and, of course, a “new Hitler”, the western PSYOPs gained some limited advantage in the western public opinion, but totally shot itself in the leg with the Russian public.

I refer to this stage as the “phase one anti-Putin strategic PSYOP”. As for the outcome of this PSYOP, I would not only say that it almost completely failed, but I think that it had the exact opposite intended effect inside Russia.

A change of course was urgently needed.

The redirection of US PSYOPs against Putin and Russia

I have to admit that I have a very low opinion of the US intelligence community, including its analysts. But even the rather dull US “Russia area specialist” eventually figured out that telling the Russian public opinion that Putin was a “dictator” or a “killer of dissidents” or a “chemical poisoner of exiles” resulted in a typically Russian mix of laughter and support for the Kremlin. Something had to be done.

So some smart ass somewhere in some basement came up with the following idea: it makes no sense to accuse Putin of things which make him popular at home, so let’s come up with a new list of accusations carefully tailored to the Russian public.

Let’s call this a “phase two anti-Putin PSYOP operation”.

And this is how the “Putin is in cahoots with” thing began. Specifically, these accusations were deployed by the US PSYOPs and those in its pay:

  • Putin is disarming Syria
  • Putin will sell out the Donbass
  • Putin is a puppet of Israel and, specifically, Netanyahu
  • Putin is a corrupt traitor to the Russian national interests
  • Putin is allowing Israel to bomb Syria (see here)
  • Putin is selling the Siberian riches to China and/or Putin is subjugating Russia to China
  • Putin is corrupt, weak and even cowardly
  • Putin was defeated by Erdogan in the Nagorno-Karabakh war

The above are the main talking points immediately endorsed and executed by the US strategic PSYOPs against Russia.

Was it effective?

Yes, to some degree. For one thing, these “anti-Russian PSYOPS reloaded” were immediately picked up by at least part of what one could call the “internal patriotic opposition” (much of it very sincerely and without any awareness of being skillfully manipulated). Even more toxic was the emergence of a rather loud neo-Communist (or, as Ruslan Ostashko often calls them “emo-Marxist”) movement (I personally refer to as a sixth column) which began an internal anti-Kremlin propaganda campaign centered on the following themes:

  • “All is lost” (всепропальщики): that is thesis which says that nothing in Russia is right, everything is either wrong or evil, the country is collapsing, so is its economy, its science, its military, etc. etc. etc. This is just a garden variety of defeatism, nothing more.
  • “Nothing was achieved since Putin came to power”: this is a weird one, since it takes an absolutely spectacular amount of mental gymnastics to not see that Putin literally saved Russia from total destruction. This stance also completely fails to explain why Putin is so hated by the Empire (if Putin did everything wrong, like, say Eltsin did, he would be adored in the West, not hated!).
  • All the elections in Russia were stolen. Here the 5th (CIA/MI6 run) column and 6th column have to agree: according to both of them, there is absolutely no way most Russians supported Putin for so many years and there is no way they support him now. And nevermind the fact that the vast majority of polls show that Putin was, and still is, the most popular political figure in Russia.

Finally, the big SNAFU with the pension reform definitely did not help Putin’s ratings, so he had to take action: he “softened” some of the worst provisions of this reform and, eventually, he successfully sidelined some of the worst Atlantic Integrationists, including Medvedev himself.

Sadly, some putatively pro-Russian websites, blogs and individuals showed their true face when they jumped on the bandwagon of this 2nd strategic PSYOP campaign, probably with the hope to either become more noticed, or get some funding, or both. Hence, all the nonsense about Russia and Israel working together or Putin “selling out” we have seen so many times recently. The worst thing here is that these websites, blogs and individuals have seriously misled and distressed some of the best real friends of Russia in the West.

None of these guys ever address a very simple question: if Putin is such a sellout, and if all is lost, why does the AngloZionist Empire hate Putin so much? In almost 1000 years of warfare (spiritual, cultural, political, economic and military) against Russia, the leaders of the West have always hated real Russian patriots and they have always loved the (alas, many) traitors to Russia. And now, they hate Putin because he is such a terrible leader?

This makes absolutely no sense.

Conclusion: is a war inevitable now?

The US/NATO don’t engage in strategic PYSOPs just because they like or dislike somebody. The main purpose of such PSYOPs is to break the other side’s will to resist. This was also the main objective of both (phase one and phase two) anti-Putin PSYOPs. I am happy to report that both phases of these PYSOPs failed. The danger here is that these failures have failed to convince the leaders of the Empire of the need to urgently change course and accept the “Russian reality”, even if they don’t like it.

Ever since “Biden” (the “collective Biden”, of course, not the potted plant) Administration (illegally) seized power, what we saw was a sharp escalation of anti-Russian statements. Hence, the latest “uhu, he is a killer” – this was no mistake by a senile mind, this was a carefully prepared declaration. Even worse, the Empire has not limited itself to just words, it also did some important “body moves” to signal its determination to seek even further confrontation with Russia:

  • There has been a lot of sabre-rattling coming from the West, mostly some rather ill-advsied (or even outright stupid) military maneuvers near/along the Russian border. As I have explained it a billion times, these maneuvers are self-defeating from a military point of view (the closer to the Russian border, the more dangerous for the western military force). Politically, however, they are extremely provocative and, therefore, dangerous.
  • The vast majority of Russian analysts do not believe that the US/NATO will openly attack Russia, if only because that would be suicidal (the current military balance in Europe is strongly in Russia’s favor, even without using hypersonic weapons). What many of them now fear is that “Biden” will unleash the Ukronazi forces against the Donbass, thereby “punishing” both the Ukraine and Russia (the former for its role in the US presidential campaign). I tend to agree with both of these statements.

At the end of the day, the AngloZionist Empire was always racist at its core, and that empire is still racist: for its leaders, the Ukrainian people are just cannon fodder, an irrelevant third rate nation with no agency which has outlived its utility (US analysts do understand that the US plan for the Ukraine has ended in yet another spectacular faceplant such delusional plans always end up with, even if they don’t say so publicly). So why not launch these people into a suicidal war against not only the LDNR but also Russia herself? Sure, Russia will quickly and decisively win the military war, but politically it will be a PR disaster for Russia as the “democratic West” will always blame Russia, even when she clearly did not attack first (as was the case in 08.08.08, most recently).

I have already written about the absolutely disastrous situation of the Ukraine three weeks ago so I won’t repeat it all here, I will just say that since that day things have gotten even much worse: suffice to say that the Ukraine has moved a lot of heavy armor to the line of contact while the regime in Kiev has now banned the import of Russian toilet paper (which tells you what the ruling gang thinks of as important and much needed measures). While it is true that the Ukraine has become a totally failed state since the Neo-Nazi coup, there is now a clear acceleration of the collapse of not only the regime or state, but of the country as a whole. Ukraine is falling apart so fast that one could start an entire website tracking only all this developing horror, not day by day, but, hour by hour. Suffice to say that “Ze” has turned out to be even worse than Poroshenko. The only thing Poroshenko did which “Ze” has not (yet!) is to start a war. Other than that, the rest of what he did (by action or inaction) can only be qualified as “more of the same, only worse”.

Can a war be prevented?

I don’t know. Putin gave the Ukronazis a very stern warning (“grave consequences for Ukraine’s statehood as such“). I don’t believe for one second that anybody in power in Kiev gives a damn about the Ukraine or the Ukrainian statehood, but they are smart enough to realize that a Russian counter-attack in defense of the LDNR and, even more so, Crimea, might include precision “counter-leadership” strikes with advanced missiles. The Ukronazi leaders would be well-advised to realize that they all have a crosshair painted on their heads. They might also think about this: what happened to every single Wahabi gang leader in Chechnya since the end of the 2nd Chechen war? (hint: they were all found and executed). Will that be enough to stop them?

Maybe. Let’s hope so.

But we must now keep in mind that for the foreseeable future there are only two options left for the Ukraine: “a horrible ending or a horror without end” (Russian expression).

  1. The best scenario for the people of the Ukraine would be a (hopefully relatively peaceful) breakup of the country into manageable parts.
  2. The worst option would definitely be a full-scale war against Russia.

Judging by the rhetoric coming out of Kiev these days, most Ukrainian politicians are firmly behind option #2, especially since that is also the only option acceptable to their overseas masters. The Ukrainians have also adopted a new military doctrine (they call it a “military security strategy of Ukraine”) which declares Russia the aggressor state and military adversary of the Ukraine (see here for a machine translation of the official text).

This might be the reason why Merkel and Macron recently had a videoconference with Putin (“Ze” was not invited): Putin might be trying to convince Merkel and Macron that such a war would be a disaster for Europe. In the meantime, Russia is rapidly reinforcing her forces along the Ukrainian border, including in Crimea.

But all these measures can only deter a regime which has no agency. The outcome shall be decided in Washington DC, not Kiev. I am afraid that the traditional sense of total impunity of US political leaders will, once again, give them a sense of very little risk (for them personally or for the USA) in triggering a war in the Ukraine. The latest news on the US-Ukrainian front is the delivery by the USN of 350 tonnes of military equipment in Odessa. Not enough to be militarily significant, but more than enough to further egg on the regime in Kiev to an attack on the Donbass and/or Crimea.

In fact, I would not even put it past “Biden” to launch an attack on Iran while the world watches the Ukraine and Russia go to war. After all, the other country whose geostrategic position has been severely degraded since Russia moved her forces to Syria is Israel, the one country which all US politicians will serve faithfully and irrespective of any costs (including human costs for the USA). The Israelis have been demanding a war on Iran since at least 2007, and it would be very naive to hope that they won’t eventually get their way. Last, but not least, there is the crisis which Blinken’s condescending chutzpah triggered with China which, so far, has resulted in an economic war only, but which might also escalate at any moment, especially considering all the many recent anti-Chinese provocations by the US Navy.

Right now the weather in the eastern Ukraine is not conducive to offensive military operations. The snow is still melting, creating very difficult and muddy road conditions (called “rasputitsa” in Russian) which greatly inhibit the movement of forces and troops. These conditions will, however, change with the warmer season coming, at which point the Ukronazi forces will be ideally poised for an attack.

In other words, barring some major development, we might be only weeks away from a major war.