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Manitoba Petition Challenges Lockdown Lunacy


(The sanitizer and temperature regime at supermarkets can easily transform into a demand for a vaccine passport. No jab. No food. )“The current 1.4% excess Manitoban deaths in 2020 when compared to the average between 2014 and 2018 is within the range of historical values and do not justify widespread lockdowns that cause widespread collateral damage that Manitobans already have, and continue to, incur.”

A Call from Manitobans to End Government COVID-19 Lockdowns  (Footnotes here)Manitobans, sign the petition here.
(Abridged by
1) Deaths per week, 2014 to 2018: 208 Deaths per week, in Manitoba, in the years 2014 to 2018 averaged at 208, with a range from 205 to 213. (Statistics Canada, 2020) 


(Globalist traitor, Manitoba Chief Health Officer Brent Roussin)
2) Deaths per week, 2020: 211 Deaths per week, in Manitoba, in the year 2020 are currently averaging at 211 according to the latest available data, ending September 19, 2020. (Statistics Canada, 2020) COVID-19 deaths have increased since September 19, 2020. How do Manitoba’s deaths per week from all causes, including COVID-19, compare to historical average values? Do all-cause weekly deaths justify the government’s actions in locking-down Manitoba? 
3) Manitobans can reasonably expect that with a 38% increase in domestic violence severity and prevalence (46% * 82%) as a result of the COVID-19 response, the year 2020 may see Manitoba Victim Services assist 15,969 direct victims of crime, and 2,285 family members of victims….
4) Public debt increased $1.577 billion dollars. Manitoba has spent $1.577 billion dollars ($1,577,000,000 CAD) on the provincial response to COVID-19. (, 2020) 
5) Unemployment increased: 36.5% equaling 13,300 people. In October 2019 36,400 people in the province’s labour force were unemployed. In October 2020 49,700 people in the province’s labour force were unemployed. This is an increase of 13,300 people, or 36.5%. (Statistics Canada, 2020) 
6) Business closures: 41% of businesses are losing money most days, 15% are considering bankruptcy. In July 2020, 11% of Manitoba’s small-to-medium sized businesses were estimated to close due to COVID-19. (Canadian Federation of Independent Business, 2020) The provincial shutdowns instituted in November 2020 by the Province of Manitoba surely will not decrease this estimate. 


(Globalist traitor, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister)
7)  Additional consequences of Manitoba’s COVID-19 response that are difficult to quantify but intuitively have increased are mental illness, addictions and substance abuse, homelessness, food insecurity. Surely there are additional factors that should be added to this list and quantified similarly to the points above. These are important issues that really affect Manitobans’ lives and deserve quantitative analysis and communication once data becomes available. 
8)  The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (also referred to as the Charter) states that “2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of association” (Government of Canada, 2020) Section 1 of the Charter states that stated freedoms are “subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.” (Government of Canada, 2020) 
The Manitoba Government’s restrictions on peaceful assembly through the COVID-19 public health orders must be demonstrably justified by the provincial government. “The onus of proof under section 1 is on the person seeking to justify the limit, which is generally the government (Oakes, supra).” (Government of Canada, 2019) …

The COVID-19 pandemic realities in Manitoba do not justify the current violation of freedoms within the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by Dr. Roussin’s public health orders. Additionally, the current public health orders made effective November 21, 2020 are not reasonable and violate section 3 of Manitoba’s Public Health Act.
We call on Mr. Brian Pallister, Mr. Cameron Friesen, Dr. Brent Roussin and the entire Government of Manitoba to end all lockdowns, uphold Canadian constitutional freedoms, and increase data transparency to demonstrably justify reasonable, focused solutions to address the challenge of COVID-19. Yours Truly, INSERT NAME

Thanks to Chris for sending this.

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