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Only 6 percent of the 153,504 U.S. virus deaths, a total of only 9,210 people, were killed exclusively by COVID as of Aug. 26. The rest died because they had serious pre-existing health issues as well as COVID.

Only sociopaths reject the new normal that has been defined for us by our government caretakers. Remember that.

If you remember nothing else about the actions taken by governments at all levels since the outbreak of coronavirus, remember that one thing and you will understand the mindset of those driving the fundamental transformation of America.

And it’s not elected politicians who are steering the ship toward a Brave New World but rather the unelected technocrats advising the politicians.

Only someone who is mentally insane could disagree with them because they are the “experts,” right?

Only someone suffering from an untreated social disorder could be against the masks, the lockdowns and the coming vaccines, all meant to protect us from a deadly virus threatening to overwhelm hospitals and funeral homes and hollow out entire populations. Only the technocrat Dr. Anthony Fauci, who recommended the lockdowns, prevented the virus from pushing us into a dystopian dark age. He is to be hailed as a visionary.

That’s the official narrative. If you even lightly question this narrative on social media you will be met with emotion-laden blowback from your liberal friends … “You just don’t care about saving lives!”

Only it’s not true. It’s all a big lie. And now the Centers for Disease Control admits it.

Updated CDC numbers go unreported by corrupt media

This week the CDC quietly updated its COVID-19 death-count and the numbers should make every thinking person question their government’s draconian reaction to this virus.

If you separate those who had other serious health problems, only 6 percent of the 153,504 U.S. deaths, a total of only 9,210 people, were killed exclusively by COVID as of Aug. 26. The rest died because they had serious pre-existing health issues as well as COVID. Nearly half of them, we know from other studies, were nursing-home patients.

That bombshell figure – 9,210 – should send shockwaves throughout the media and political class. It should be the top story on every TV and radio newscast, every newspaper. The so-called journalists should be burning up the phone lines and knocking on the doors of every politician who ordered draconian lockdowns, asking them how they could justify killing an entire economy and crushing the livelihoods of countless families, literally driving many to suicide, over a virus that packed so little killing power.

But that’s not the reality of today’s America, where propaganda has long substituted for news and politicians pass the buck of responsibility to unelected bureaucrats. “Oh, but Dr. Fauci told me…”

So you’re lucky if this story makes the equivalent of a back-page footnote in your local newspaper, or a line scrolling across the bottom of your TV screen during the 6 o’clock news.

That’s because this country no longer has an honest media. They commit journalistic fraud on a daily basis, mostly in the form of bias by omission.

Journalistic fraud has real consequences.

Because almost nobody will see that figure – 9,210 deaths of healthy Americans due to COVID – and will only see the other, inflated figure of more than 153,000 deaths, the nation’s governors and mayors won’t come under pressure to relent on their increasingly aggressive COVID containment rules.

These rules, which restrict indoor dining at restaurants, change the way people view sporting events, attend business meetings, travel, worship God, almost every human activity, started as “guidelines” and “recommendations” but quickly morphed into laws and executive orders mandating our compliance “or else….” The or else is typically a fine of $500 to $1,000 or up to a year in prison.

That’s another thing to remember. Tyrants always claim to be looking out for your health and well-being and they always start by insisting that the unconstitutional measures are only “temporary.” Once the people fall into that bait-and-switch trap, it’s game over. The 15 days to slow the spread became 30 days, 45 days, 60 days and now we are about to surpass day 150 with no end in sight. Funny how you no longer hear anything about “flattening the curve.”

Some saw it coming

I warned people back on March 30, April 1and April 15 that the changes being forced upon us were not meant to be temporary and had nothing to do with public health.

I explained how the seeds for this social engineering experiment were planted in 2010 with a Rockefeller Foundation document titled Lockstep, in which the globalists detailed how they would exploit a pandemic to bring the world economy to its knees and place nations at the mercy of a Chinese-style police state.

Back on April 1, I highlighted how COVID was really all about using fear to paralyze any opposition to a planned global transition to a new socio-economic order laid out in the U.N.’s Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development document. Tucker Carlson, the biggest star at Fox News, came to that same conclusion, almost five months later in his Aug. 25 monologue. [If you appreciate this kind of cutting edge, forward-looking reporting, please consider hitting the donate button at the end of this article and help get through the end of this year.]

I explained how the Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University hosted Event 201 in October 2019, where they invited media elites, the CIA, the CDC and China to participate in scenario planning for a global coronavirus pandemic. One month later COVID-19 was released from a lab in Wuhan, China. [Not surprisingly, the ‘fact checkers’ at USA Today say that was just one big coincidence.]

Millions of Americans were needlessly robbed of their jobs and businesses. Others had memories of high school and college graduations stolen, while still others were prevented from being at the bedside of a dying loved one. If the true numbers related to this virus were ever given the media attention they deserve, the backlash would be swift and harsh.

The “new normal” would quickly be discarded. Politicians would be voted out of office and their technocrat advisers would be forced out of their cushy jobs. Why? Because they used fear and trumped-up panic to con people into accepting an agenda totally against their interests, that in fact ruined many lives, for a virus that will take far fewer lives than was forecast and in certain sectors, such as K-12 schools and universities, presented almost no threat at all.

If the truth surrounding COVID were to get out, it would become obvious that the way to tackle this virus would be to protect those who are vulnerable to it, those over 60 who also have one or more serious health issues like diabetes, heart disease, etc. There was never any need to shut down society. The proof of that lies in the seven states and handful of nations that went against the grain and stayed open. They had no more per-capita deaths than those that shut down.

In spite of the fraudulent news reporting, people are starting to figure out that they were swindled out of their jobs and careers, making them dependent and less free. Mass protests are breaking out in Berlin, London and other global cities where thousands of people took to the streets this weekend to protest the government-imposed lockdowns and mask rules.

Expect the media blackout to continue, though, with regard to the facts surrounding this virus. Because without the fear, the whole premise for using this virus to transform the world’s socio-economic order from a free-market system into one that accepts a much greater degree of government control over human activity loses its traction.

New study suggests mask, vaccine skeptics insane

That brings us to a recent Brazilian study that concluded folks who resist the draconian and ever-changing rules are actually sociopaths. For more details on this study I recommend the excellent video put out by James Corbett at the Corbett Report. A video titled Your Body Their Choice goes into detail about the technocrats’ plans to use the media and psychology to convince you to allow them to alter your behavior and ultimately plunge a needle into your arm [see screenshots from WHO below].

If you resist the preventive health measures deemed good for you by your governors, mayors and unelected public-health authorities, you are exhibiting anti-social traits that make you a sociopath.

Let’s cut to the chase. This is junk science, nothing more than a regurgitation of the old Soviet model in which anyone who doesn’t enthusiastically comply with the dictates of their government overlords must be declared mentally ill and subjected to re-education, intervention or, in the worst cases, “treatment.” Dissidents in Nazi Germany encountered a similar fate: They were drugged, tortured and experimented on until Hitler gave the order to kill them.

How dare you question any of the edicts meant for “your own good.”

For instance, what was the “science” behind Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s ban on the sale of garden seeds and the nationwide postponement of most medical procedures while allowing abortions to continue?

If you saw a double standard there you were exhibiting anti-social behaviors and may be a sociopath, according to the Brazilian study.

Many states also banned the sale of guns for a time and many are still banning or regulating church gatherings and the operation of small businesses, yet standing in line at big-box stores owned by mega-corporations is perfectly legal and healthy.  If this did not make sense to you, then you must be mentally ill.

In the newly emerging technocratic dictatorship you are expected to exhibit knee-jerk compliance with whatever your government tells you. If you don’t, you must be mentally off and in need of an “intervention,” the study concludes.

Even worse, this study states upfront that it was done with the intention of aiding public-policy makers in their decisions about how to enforce their COVID containment measures.

The findings were published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences under the title Compliance with containment measures to the COVID-19 pandemic over time: Do anti-social traits matter?

National Take Off Your Mask Day and free webinar

If you want to join me and other sociopaths in dealing a blow to these globalist elitist plans to reorder society, there is one simple, concrete action you can take. On Tuesday, Sept. 1, TAKE OFF YOUR MASK on National Take Off Your Mask Day, sponsored by my friend Shahram Hadian.

Hadian made the following comment about Tuesday’s event:

“Please encourage others to take theirs off and go to a store or place that requires wearing a mask and defy the insanity.

Watch our video here:

We need to model courageous behavior to those who want to stop this forced tyranny and encourage them to take off their masks.

Get the word out and give courage to those who have been afraid to take off their masks. It is time to refuse to wear them.

Let’s make this one day event a movement!

Thank you to those who are already defying the foolish, non-scientific mask mandates!

The Constitution and the law is on your side!”

Hadian and I will also be presenting a free webinar on Monday, Aug. 31, in which we will discuss how to prepare for the coming chaos and reclaim your lost liberties: Register here.

The bottom line is that science and journalism, two institutions that should be protecting the people from nefarious political agendas, have been weaponized against the people and mobilized in favor of big government and big globalist corporations.

I discussed in my last article how this ploy to categorize non-maskers and vaccine resisters as mentally ill will be used to trigger the so-called red-flag laws in many states. These laws were designed to make it illegal for anyone with a history of mental illness to possess a firearm.

It will all be done in the name of psychological care and the greater good of the socialist society. And nobody will question it. They will be too afraid. Tyranny never arrives with announcements from a loudspeaker or front-page headlines. It slips in the back door, while the people live in a social construct designed to make them feel happy and comfortable, thinking “this is America. That could never happen here. Everything will soon return to normal.”

The truth prepares us to deal with the reality of difficult times. It’s high time we start to soberly examine it.

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