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Outcry: Prosecute Corona Con War criminals!

“The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable, and so if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not a romantic person he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are.” (H. L. Mencken)


May 19, 2020


With the gradual end of the lockdowns, people are starting to realize that a horrible crime has been committed, and they are demanding justice.  
Never before in history have 
government, medicine and media lost  all credibility in the eyes of so many.  
If we don’t bring these criminals to justice, they will repeat this scam until we are destroyed. 
End the stupidity.  End the corruption.
Prosecute all those involved for giving “bad data” (which cannot be mere stupidity, once even a fraction of the evidence has been examined–it was and is calculated conspiracy.
Prosecute those behind the push to implement the bad (totalitarian) ideas based upon the bad data, implementing a totalitarian takeover of not only the U.S., but all of Christendom, all of the (what once was the) free world, and the Third World–all based upon lies and “bad science”–if it can even be called science and to make drug companies (and their shareholders) even more fabulously wealthy.
Prosecute all those who took advantage of the situation (like hospitals and nursing homes lying to get millions of dollars).
Prosecute all politicians who voted illegally to violate the constitution–violate their oath of office, commit conspiracy / sedition to defraud and overthrow the Government of the United States–the true people.  The elected / appointed politicians are not the government; they are our servants… the true people are the Government.
Prosecute all politicians who voted “yes” to print more counterfeit money and increase the so-called national debt.
Prosecute all politicians and all “law enforcement” who VIOLATED the rights of free people.  It’s about 75 years since WWII and alleged Nazi War Criminals are still being prosecuted for “following orders”.  If that excuse was intolerable then it should be NOW.  Those who follow IMMORAL ORDERS are guilty of WAR CRIMES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
Prosecute all those who spread disinformation and propaganda–every politician, every media news outlet, every lying scientist, doctor, drug pusher.
You can’t destroy the lives of millions of people and then merely say “oops”.


Those involved should be tried, have all their assets seized, and then be executed!  What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.  Why do the people–the true government–allow their PUBLIC SERVANTS to commit MONUMENTAL CRIMES against them, and get away with it as if they are “untouchable”…?
All politicians involved in this Corona-con / CORONA-BOLOGNA (and about everything else they have done since 1913) have committed High Treason.
The only thing to prevent more outrageous crimes against the people is to make such CRIMINALS realize the price that they will pay for TREASON.  When such criminals (such as those involved in Ponzi schemes–which is what the Federal Reserve and U.S. politicians are engaged in) rob and damage others to such ASTRONOMICAL degree that they can never repay those whom they damaged, for all their loss and suffering, then CAPITAL PUNISHMENT is the ONLY JUST penalty.
You can’t rob someone of billions of dollars–or in this case trillions of dollars–cause untold suffering, the total ruin of their lives, the death of their loved ones, and then merely serve 18 months in prison [as such comparatively penny-ante criminals in the past have done, such as Milken and Boesky] and then get out of your low-security, all the amenities of home “prison” and then enjoy the billions you stole.


Those involved should be TRIED FOR WAR CRIMES… this WAS and IS a WAR… people have died; BILLIONS of people have been put under marshal law, TRILLIONS of Dollars have been wasted, MONTHS OF PEOPLES’ lives have been wasted.  It will take over a decade to recover.
Actually we will NEVER recover.  We will only have the comparative illusion of recovery–like a war hero coming back without a leg… he never recovers, he simply learns to make do with his debility.
So will be our economies and nations from here on out UNLESS THE GUILTY ARE PROSECUTED AND SENTENCED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW.  Not their statutory, civil law–Constitutional, Common, and Biblical Law!  Our currency has been destroyed and our nation flooded with aliens, to vote our own nation out from under us.
The dollar has fallen in value 50% since Trump took office… nearly as bad as it did under Obama; but just wait… it’s not over yet.  It will fall even more if they continue the insanity of counterfeiting and distributing another 3 or 6 or 12 trillion–and if the stupid, greedy, immoral, lazy people let them; and simply take their checks and cash them (making themselves accomplices in the heist and the unresisted takeover).





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