Samuel Adams
“[M]en will be free no longer then while they remain virtuous.”
Samuel Adams
“If virtue & knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslav’d. This will be their great security.”
Samuel Adams
Dickinson (ND) 378 Hits: 6.41%
Minneapolis (MN) 191 Hits: 3.24%
Macon (MO) 78 Hits: 1.32%
Chicago (IL) 54 Hits: 0.92%
Livonia (MI) 51 Hits: 0.87%
Dallas (TX) 50 Hits: 0.85%
Phoenix (AZ) 43 Hits: 0.73%
Montreal (QC) 43 Hits: 0.73%
Atlanta (GA) 39 Hits: 0.66%
Wetumpka (AL) 33 Hits: 0.56%
Orlando (FL) 33 Hits: 0.56%
Houston (TX) 33 Hits: 0.56%
Los Angeles (CA) 32 Hits: 0.54%
San Antonio (TX) 30 Hits: 0.51%
Miami (FL) 29 Hits: 0.49%
San Jose (CA) 29 Hits: 0.49%
Hellevoetsluis (ZH) 28 Hits: 0.48%
Angola (IN) 27 Hits: 0.46%
New York (NY) 26 Hits: 0.44%
Seattle (WA) 25 Hits: 0.42%
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“[M]en will be free no longer then while they remain virtuous.”
Samuel Adams
“If virtue & knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslav’d. This will be their great security.”
Samuel Adams
Tell me, why in the heck should people stand for the Pledge of Allegiance? The U.S. is a baby killing & fag marrying country. Both of those things are very grevious abominations in the eyes of the Lord. If the Lord would ever wish to annihilate this country in the future, He’d be completely justified. Amen.
The Pledge of Allegiance symbolizes our Christian heritage, which has been under steady attack from the left. The problems you mentioned are Democrat problems, and abortion and homosexuality were both illegal, along with pornography and contraception in 1960, before a rogue SCOTUS began making bogus and Unconstitutional rulings.