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News, Tuesday August 20th, 2019

Meyrat: How Common Core and screen time overdoses are ruining American kids intelligence.

Omar ‘breathtakingly ignorant or a pathological liar’. 

Sullivan: What the elites think American’s ‘need’ has nothing to do with individual rights.

Rosenthal: The U.S. Congress has decided to scrap the Constitution.

Rosenthal: The Demise of public education.

2020: Zuck plans News Police.

Master: Globalism has officially failed, why did no one tell us?

Trump: Sue Google for trying to help Hillary win.

Chantrill: Hey Pichai: Here’s my advice for Google.

Epstein: Hillary Clinton is wrong about Google.

Google is biased by design, says maker of ‘Creepy Line’.

Nobel Prize Winner shreds AOC’s Concentration Camp rhetoric with this historical truth bomb.

Creech: Why are so many Americans ready to trade away their freedoms?

Report: Ties between environmentalism and eugenics run deep.

It’s time for Stefan Halper’s lies to be fully exposed.

Marcus: U.S. History does not need to be reframed around identity politics.

Bell: How publicly funded colleges encourage dangerous sex with porn, condoms, and lies.

Devore: Here is how the United States can push back on China’s foreign propaganda.

Jacobs: How Medicaid enrollment and fraud has exploded under Obamacare.

Geraghty: What the 1619 project leaves out.

Imani: CAIR: an Islamic Trojan Horse.

Day: The Climate Change Crisis racket.

Lifson: Stunning poll reveals 78% of Americans believe reporters use incidence as props to advance a narrative.

Showalter: Who say’s China’s Social Credit system isn’t used here? Check out what 20% of hiring managers in America are doing.

Jones: Figures don’t lie but liars can figure.

Lowry: Beto and the press throw America under the bus.

Victor Davis Hanson: Progressive Democrats renounce their former selves.

French: Black evangelical history should give conservatives perspective – and hope.

Cruz rips NY Times.  Obama speech writer attacks him, Cruz dunks him. 

Chang: We need a Reagan style ‘Resolute Statement’ from Trump on Hong Kong.

Report: Chinese Missiles could wipe out U.S. overseas bases and Allies within hours of opening conflict.

Italian PM resigns, the Rise of Salvini.

Harry Reid trashes progressive Democrat proposals for 2020.

Jeffrey Epstein’s life of evil and societies demand for justice.

Homeless crisis in San Francisco, by design of the left to destroy society?

The New York Times is the Trump hate Kingpin.

Top liberal champion: Liberals have become unbearable.

Trump gives Rashida Tlaib verbal spanking.

Hollywood superstar blasts venom from the left.

Report: Facebook has ‘significant work’ to address ‘bias’.

Jury awards anti-Planned Parenthood whistleblower $3 million

FBI spy Halper wants case dismissed after having f-bomb leveled at him.

CNN poll: Kamala Harris drops 12% after 2nd poll.

Surrounded: Left corners Pelosi’s deputies, lines up primaries against 7 Democrat chairs.

List of top CEO’s from 181 corporations who signed a petition to put ‘conscious capitalism’ over profits.

The left’s strategy to undermine the economy.

No, New York Times, 1619 is not the year of our true Founding.

How Deep is the Deep State Part 3.

Hong Kong police caught on camera torturing man arrested in hospital.

Krumholz: Why Farmers aren’t going to abandon Trump over trade wars.

Weir: The Eric Garner case: Another cop fired for doing his job.

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