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News Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hawkins: Facebook censorship blocking conservative thought from the national dialogue

Brown: The left stokes racial flames, demonizing millions.

John Solomon: 10 secret documents capable of rocking Deep State.

Rush: Life imitates art with our elite class of perverts.

Ludwig: Decades of Intensifying Left-Wing Influence on High School Students

McCarthy says Trump was investigated for Obama.

Coulter: Why the NY Times is unreformable and must die.

Federer: Latest trend with left: Oppression over freedom.

Victor Davis Hanson: What could sink Trump’s chances in 2020.

Exclusive–Jeff Landry: State Attorneys General ‘Have Had Enough’ of Big Tech

Laura Loomer Wins Appeal, Will Face Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Apple In DC Circuit Court Of Appeals Over Censorship

Trump: ‘Very Seriously’ Looking at Ending ‘Ridiculous’ Anchor Baby Policy

Fake News can create false memories, new study suggests.

Huang:  The US breaks free of its nuclear treaty with Russia to focus on its main target: China

Greenfield: How the left gets the Statue of Liberty poem wrong


Mill: The 1519 project: How early Spanish explorers took down a mass-murdering indigenous cult.

Marcus: We must say no to 1619 project in schools.

Klar:  Vermont Is Going Insane. Will the Rest of America Follow?

Sobieski: End Planned Parenthood’s White Supremacy.

America angers China with a sale of fighter jets to Taiwan

Thomas: The New York Times Is Trying to Rewrite History to Fit Its Biases

President Trump departs White House aboard Marine One – but first this LONG Presser – Holy Cow! Revealing is just the start of it…

Seattle residents blame inefficient elected officials for homeless problem, say they’ve ‘lost faith’ in system

Frontline protesters make case for violence in Hong Kong protests

DOJ Arrest Stats Show Immigrant Arrests Up Bigtime

Tucker Carlson: Stunning things you don’t know about Joe Biden.

Monkey wrench thrown into U.S. Presidential elections.

DHS announces new rule to end Catch and Release.

Limbaugh makes stunning prediction on next effort to boot Trump.

Farah: How much for Greenland?

Christian refusing taxes since they fund abortions beats IRS.

Franklin Graham: SPLC is a sham.

Loudest mouth in Congress: Electoral College is racist.

Expert breaks down for AOC why we need Electoral college.

Cashill: New ‘Must Read’ book about Trump has one needless flaw.

Chastain: Poor pitiful Planned Parenthood.

Hunter: The problem isn’t the plastic, it’s the people.

Stigall: Wall Street is suddenly woke and it’s a joke.

Blackwell: Congress must stop the erosion of Patent Rights.

Exclusive — ‘Crappy Jew Year’: New York Times Editor’s Antisemitism, Racism Exposed

Report – Anthony Scaramucci Attends Bill Clinton’s Birthday Party: ‘Democrats Have More Fun!’

Presidential Candidate John Delaney: Democrats Guilty of ‘Cheering on a Recession’

Sweden: Bombings and Explosions Up 45 Percent in 2019

MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt: ‘You Don’t Want to Worry About Character? Elect a Woman!’

Mo Brooks: Islam’s ‘Growing Influence’ Within Democrat Ranks Fueling Party’s Anti-Israel, Anti-Jewish Views

Accuser Says She Massaged ‘Simpsons’ Creator Matt Groening in Epstein’s Private Jet

Ann Coulter: Media Blackmailing America, Vote Out Trump or Our ‘Hysteria and Madness Will Go On’

Danish Party: No New Citizens Should Come From Muslim Countries

Republican Senator Takes Credit For Suggesting Greenland Purchase To Trump

WATCH: Renowned Yale Prof Leaves Darwinism, Says Intelligent Design ‘Absolutely Serious’ Theory

LITWIN: Islamists Are Exploiting The Conflict In Kashmir

MEUSER: Federal Court Deals Serious Blow To The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard

Vadum: Question to Cummings: Where did the billions in missing Federal money go?

Brown: Germans under seige.

Glynn: Enabling China’s mass surveillance system.


Harsanyi: The political perils of supporting Israel.

Education Is Speech: Why New York’s Attempts To Control Private Schools Are Unconstitutional

Elliott Broidy Case Illuminates How Far The Media Will Go To Attack Private Citizens To Get Trump

Why Does ‘Compromise’ Always Mean Gun Control Wins?

Meyrat: Here’s What’s Wrong With Treating Schooling Like A Factory Or Garden

Shields: The Whiteness Protection Program.


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