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News, Saturday, August 3rd, 2019. News and views the wise can use.

Mass shooting at El Paso WalMart!

At least 18 victims?

AK 47 used?

Multiple shooters?

Which of 3 factors present in every mass shooting since Columbine were present?  Porn, Islam, or psychotropic drugs?

Kevin McCarthy details how Republicans can take the house.  Targeting 31 Democrat districts which Trump won. 

BREAKING: Unbelievable! Deep State FBI Helped Hillary Clinton Erase and Bleachbit Data Off Laptops and Hammer Phones

Zelikovsky: When the Left Snatches our Kids

Google wants Trump to lose in 2020, former engineer for tech giant says: ‘That’s their agenda’

FBI Helped Top Staffers Hide & Erase Hillary’s Classified Laptop Data

Farewell to Freedom Fighter Alex Alexiev

Is a Hamas-Allied Hate Group Influencing the 2020 Dem Primaries?

Women’s March Protester Found Guilty Of Sex Abuse Against Reporter – Sentenced To Jail

Man spits on other Man in NYC and is hit with a surprise counterattack

Why John Ratcliffe Withdrew His Name for Director of National Intelligence

Welcome to Rat and Democrat-Infested Baltimore!

Ten Congressmen Express ‘Grave Concern,’ ‘Extreme Disappointment’ with War College’s Surrender to ‘Terrorist-Tied’ CAIR

This Journalist Exposed A Pedophile Sex Ring In Mexico – Look What They Did To Her

Trump: North Korea’s 3 Short-Range Missile Tests Are Not a Violation of Singapore Agreement

Potential legal troubles loom for Comey, despite evading prosecution on leaks

Lindsey Graham Forcibly Passes Asylum Bill After Democrats Stall For Seven Weeks

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