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News, Wednesday, January 2nd, 2018

Michael Savage getting death threats, heads to secret location.

Smith: New Documents suggest Steele Dossier was a deliberate set up for Trump.

Victor Davis Hanson: Actually, 2018 was a pretty good year.

Victor Davis Hanson: Mitt Romney’s naïve incoherence.

Young women need to learn to pursue Godly femininity.


Walter Williams: the Worst enemy of black people.

Marcus: The truth about Democrat morality.

Jashinsky: The enduring beauty of Bre Payton.

Harkness: In memory of Bre Payton, a ‘strong, clear, bright one’.

Friendly Fire: Romney blasts Trump.

Coulter: Please no more ‘Border Security’.

Dunn: Mark Felt and the ‘collusion conspiracy’.

Romney slams Trump’s character in Op-ed, ignores character of even worse Democrats.

RNC chair slams her uncle.

Shapiro: Mitt Romney’s counterproductive Op-Ed.

Jill Spills: Former NYT editor rips paper’s anti-Trump bias; eroding credibility.

Trump: Mitt Romney attacks me more than he did Obama.

Rand Paul attacks ‘Big government Mitt’.

Joondeph: It’s not about the wall, its about Trump.

Hollyweird fears of recession growing amid consolidations, cord- cutting, rising debt.

NH Good Samaritan holds alleged Drunk Driver at gunpoint after destructive ride.

Hank Johnson, who compared Jews to Termites, compares Trump to Hitler.

Farah: E Pluribus Unum.

China threatens force in Taiwan, says they are part of China.

Walker: Restore the Founders Federalism.

Markovsky: Climate change: Who stands to gain?

Showalter: DREAMer’s tell of going ballot harvesting in California to flip California blue.

Lifson: Dead phony walking.

Moran: The changing face of Islamic Terrorism.

Lifson: First MSM fake news of 2019.

Moran: Government shutdown exposes redundancy in Washington.

Moran: Trump Administration sets record for lowest number of regulations.

Rail: Those poor NFL wage slaves.

Chalk: Make 2019 the year you read the Iliad with your kids.

Siewers: The boy Scouts bankruptcy is not just financial, it’s moral.

Dem Rep Ryan: China is overtaking us in every way.

Creech: The smartest thing you’ll ever do.

McDonald’s employee attacked over straw.

Federer: You like tough women, try these ones?

French: Why Twitter is even more toxic than you think.

Greenfield: How two Gustavo’s used California’s Sanctuary State Law to spread terror over 200 miles.

Gomes: Theresa May’s Anti-Christian regime.

Philips: Progressive activists are poised to hurt Democrat chances in 2020.

Newcombe: Excercising your options in 2019.

Hospital blasts Resident for threatening to give Jews wrong medicine.

Spero: Three cheers for American Nationalism.

James Woods unearth’s devastating Bloomberg video.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro takes office, targets crime, left wing.

Army, in need of recruits, turns focus to liberal leaning cities.

Dying Harry Reid attacks Trump.  

Netflix drops satire critical of Saudi Arabia,  under pressure from Saudi Arabia.

Coulter predicts Trump will fold on wall.

American becomes most expensive soccer star in history.

Moran: Israel and U.S. officially quit UNESCO.

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