News, Tuesday, December 18th, 2018

Russia ‘Report’ done by anti-conservative cabal

Tomczak: 10 Reasons why Obama was the worst President ever

Sweeney: You’re not allowed to knock Donald Trump for Stormy Daniels if you watch porn.

Christopher Steele: I was hired to help Hillary challenge the 2016 election results.

Miracle: Girl’s inoperable brain tumor disappears.  Doctors can’t explain it.

Ye shall reap, what you sow, America no longer number one.

Greenspan to investors: Run for cover!

Wall funding off table.

Levin: GOP lawyers better wise up to this rogue, Anti-Trump AG elect in NY.

Tucker defiant after losing 3 more advertisers to left wing blacklisting efforts.

Special Counsel releases 302 of Flynn interview.

Moran: Trump administration to repeal Obama administration school discipline rules.

Duke: Is Michael Savage the latest victim of TDS and the left’s ‘pacification’ effort?

Fighting for equality is never God’s intention for women.

Showalter: Google funds another ‘junk news’ study, in what looks like another effort to stamp out conservative news.

Chantrill: The harvest of free stuff.

Joondeph: O little poll of Washington…..

Wauck: The FBI’s Flynn interview was not legitimate.

Marcus: The LGBTQ Hart Attack is a good thing.

Massie: NY AG hopes to destroy Trump.

Goodman: The rise of America’s plutocracy and how to stop it.

Prager: Left vs. Right is brain vs. mind.

Brown: Preach the Gospel and engage the Culture.

Moore: Follow the (Climate change) money.

Buchanan: Can U.S. fight two cold wars at once?

See jaw-dropping evidence of the real Mt. Sinai

Victor Davis Hanson: The liberal arts weren’t murdered – they committed suicide.

University sued for punishing ‘rude’ speech.

Cashill: The FBI manufactured ‘302’s’ before Mueller.

Showalter: As Democrats eye health care again, keep an eye on these phony ‘narratives’ they will tell.

Showalter: Top congressional corruption miscreants exposed and guess which party dominates?

Hoff: Houston Mayor praises CAIR

Study: Women are abused every 30 seconds on Twitter.

Breaking: Arizona has a new senator.

McCarthy: Leftists love intolerance when it’s their own.

Hellner; Remember when Congress and the media viciously, rabidly investigated the Trump foundation? 

Lewis: Broadway sacrifices a classic to attack Trump.

Payton: Comey: The FBI’s garbage reputation is everyone else’s fault but mine.

Raleigh: If China can ever bully the United States like it’s Canada, we’re in serious trouble.

Do the Democrats have a white man problem?

Smith: Donald Trump did not violate campaign finance law.

Witches fly high: New Agers outnumber members of major U.S. denomination.

Trump’s use of ‘witches’ too ‘horrifying’ for real witches.

Media warn Dems: Don’t run 2 white guys in 2020

Dobson asks Kasich to sign heartbeat bill.

Judge orders state to give surgery to inmate who wants to be a woman.

Melnick: 3 words to be careful about using.

Miniter: How Andrew Cuomo’s war on guns turned into a war on the Bill of Rights.

Hellner: Someone please tell Democrats, Obamacare is not like healthcare.

Moran: Clemson prof wonders, would human extinction be a tragedy?

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