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Attack on the First Amendment at Vallejo School Board Meeting. 10/03/2018

Hello all:

Last night, my comments challenging the pro-homosexual crowd in Vallejo to a debate on removing teaching children sexually deviant behavior in schools, which is what SB 48 does, ( were met with Trustee Ruscal Cayangyang rudely walking out in the middle of them. After this, my next comments challenging the debauched curriculum in the classroom were rudely interrupted by Trustee Kearney-Brown.

Trustee Worel, Ubalde, and Lawson all courageously upheld my First Amendment right to speak and are to be commended. I want to personally thank all three of you. In America, our rights don’t come from other humans, they come from God. Ruscal Cayangyang was severely unaware of the First Amendment, and SCOTUS decisions when he spoke last night, and needs to correct his comments publicly, ( My colleague, John Fox, who is an ardent homosexual activist in the community, left the meeting upon hearing my comments. No homosexual contacted me to take up my offer of a debate, meaning they all agree their lifestyle is dangerous for our children and needs to be removed from our schools. School employee Mitchell Romao, also a homosexual advocate, left the meeting as well. The homosexual community will be likely looking to brand me as a dangerous homophobe, and bad for Vallejo’s children. Meanwhile, they are at work trying to indoctrinate innocent children into their filthy lifestyle. Those who love darkness hate the light, and flee when their dark lifestyles are exposed. Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth. If people disagree with me we can debate it, but silencing dissent is not going to work. We don’t do that in Vallejo, that is what goes on in Fascist and Communist countries. If one cannot publicly defend one’s beliefs, one may need to get some new beliefs.

Less than 10% of Vallejo is aware of the psychological terrorism being used to indoctrinate our children with disinformation to get them into sex and drugs at young ages and destroy their futures.


The homosexual agenda is explained on my website, The website is getting 1,000 views a day, and the truth is spreading.

The parents of Vallejo never voted to allow homosexuality in their classrooms, and a full 80% of them do not agree with it.

We wonder about declining enrollment in schools, but why would a parent put their child in a school with deviant and dangerous sexual practices being taught, kids being allowed to attack teachers and other students and are not being punished, and their children (70% of them) don’t even graduate knowing math and English at the 12th grade level? They also are woefully uninformed on history and civics! This is shameful, but Vallejo’s parents aren’t stupid. They simply decide, quite often, NOT TO PUT THEIR KIDS INTO VALLEJO SCHOOLS WHICH ARE DANGEROUS AND INCOMPETENT! If we want to have more students in the schools, then we need to defy the state and NEA, and even the teachers Union if necessary, and PUT THE RIGHTS OF PARENTS AND CHILDREN FIRST! Children don’t belong to the state and federal government. They belong to parents!!! When we fight to protect the rights of children and parents, then, and only then will parents trust us to put their children back into our schools!

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Why John Fox is utterly unqualified to be a teacher or on the School Board.

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Ruscal Cayangyang and John Fox are Activists in the Homosexual Mafia.

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