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Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

Victor Davis Hanson: Ten Commandments of the Supreme Court.

Victor Davis Hanson: Peter Beinart’s amnesia.

Watch Live: Congress questions Masters of the Universe over censorship.

Kupelian: Devious dark forces at work to derail America.

Book Recommendation: Kupelian: The Cracking of the American mind.

Federer: Greed vs. the Gospel, how Native American’s were treated.

Rand Paul: Trump critics suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).

Watch: Louie Gohmert slams tech companies, throws brutal jabs at Democrats.

Buchanan: Trump calls off World War 3.

Gohmert: Lisa Page giving ‘insights’ into Russia.

Putin claims $400 million funneled to Clinton campaign. 

Sheriff Joe: Send the U.S. Army into Mexico.

Harvey: Is NEA’s stranglehold on kids ending?

Uber driver kicks out Trump supporter

Jackson: 3 reasons ‘bad boys’ love pro-choice women.

Massie: Abortion: Murderous Birth Control.

Prager: Immigrants change cultures and values.

Cashill:  Strzok farce shows obstacles to opening TWA flight 800 case.

Trinko: Correction: Trump did not absolve Russians of meddling.

Democrat candidate: I’m supported by Jesus Christ.  Democrats support abortion, homosexuality, and Islam.  Christ never even remotely supported any  of the three.

Noel: Why do we have courts and judges?

Harsanyi: Democrats need to get a grip on reality.

Deranged media claim red-haired White House staffer is a Russian spy.

Davidson: Pushed hard left by their base, are Democrats self destructing?

Brandon: Jim Jordan for Speaker would be huge part of draining the Swamp.

Unmasked: Matt Rivitz, Founder of Sleeping Giants, Behind Anti-Breitbart, Laura Ingraham Social Media Mobs

Mandalay Bay owners sue 1,000 victims of Vegas shootings.

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