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Friday, July 6th, 2018

Rap Sheet: 133 acts of media approved violence and harassment against Trump supporters.

Record: 155,576,000 employed in June, 10th record for Trump.

Carson: A New Vision for helping families.

Watch: Gowdy destroys Corrupt Dem Sycophant Schiff.

Only 2/3rd’s of generation Z identify as exclusively heterosexual.  Homosexual agenda is working!!

MUST READ:‘The New Politics Of Sex’ Explains How Sexual Libertinism Grows Government!!!!!!!

7 reasons it is misleading to claim Americans support Roe V. Wade.

Hollis: Free Speech for the Goose only?

Limbaugh: The Democrat party’s Christian problem.

Norris: Is stress, busyness killing us?

Boyfriend who allegedly killed unborn baby may escape charges.

San Francisco logs over 16,000 feces complaints in ONE WEEK.

Dunn: The opportunities of Socialism.

Logis: Vicious Democrat Lie: The GOP stole Obama’s SCOTUS seat.

Weichert: America needs a new Independence Day.

Lifson: Iran has completely stopped harassing American ships now that strong Trump has replaced weakling Obama.

Lopez: the Democrats unhealthy platform

Imani: Liberty under siege.

Reports: Burdensome housing regulations are exacerbating the housing crisis.

Pullman: Trump loses my vote if he nominates a justice weak on religious liberty.

Simon: Why Maxine Waters is going crazy.

Trump’s trade war escalates as tariffs slam Chinese imports.

York: What is Devin Nunes up to?

Trump says he doesn’t want another SCOTUS judge who practices ‘judicial activism’.

“Let’s Enjoy this”.  Hollyweird celebrates ‘enemy of nature’ Scott Pruitt resignation.

Robotics engineer compares Silicon Valley to Soviet Union. 

Longtime Democratic assemblyman tells Schumer he’s supporting GOP until Democrats return to ‘sanity and honesty’.

Dershowitz: Martha’s Vineyarder said she wanted to stab me through the heart.

Keyes: Why some hate the Declaration of Independence.

Gilbert: Here’s why Hillary is running again in 2020.

Rogers: The incredible scam of rooftop solar.

Showalter: Democrats turning on each other over Maxine Waters as Trump has his fun.

Showalter: NATO in tizzy over Trump saying ‘Pay your bills’.

Showalter: Fauxahantas Warren gets another dunk in the barrel from Trump.

Wisconsin court tells Marquette University to reinstate conservative professor.

Schaper: Socialist Ocasio-Cortez, the Democrat party’s obituary.

Mindlin: I’m a teacher, here’s why I’m cheering my new freedom from Unions.

Friends defend Jim Jordan against accusations of ignoring sexual abuse allegations. 

Trump believes Jim Jordan 100%, among most outstanding in D.C.

Delusional and traitorous Dems blast booming jobs report, Trump worker agenda, ‘reckless’.

Whitney Houston’s tragic sexual abuse.

Immigration top issue for American voters.

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