Anna Von Reitz – Banks are Bankrupt

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Anna Von Reitz – Banks are Bankrupt 

October 18, 2022

If promoting gender dysphoria, white replacement and cancelling conservatives

are not enough, Anna Von Reitz provides additional reasons why 
we should not trust banks with our money.

The Most Succinct Explanation of the Banking Problem EverFrom Sep 13, 2019
By Anna Von Reitz

Please be aware of the fact that all the banks are bankrupt by design and by definition. This is because of “fractional reserve banking” being practiced and allowed.

Fractional Reserve Banking is a fancy name for check kiting—writing more checks than you have assets to cover.

Banks are allowed to extend 7 to 10 times more credit than they hold as assets, and the assets they hold belong to depositors, so the banks have no skin in the game at all. They are bankrupt by definition from the get-go.

The credit they extend is not theirs to extend. It’s yours.

They write checks based on your assets and credit themselves for this via check kiting, but since they keep the books, they get away with entering whatever digits they want to enter.

Bankruptcy is a patented business model that is necessary for this fraud to continue. Otherwise, those responsible for this situation would also be accountable for it. But as long as they can claim bankruptcy protection and risk nothing but their depositor’s assets, they have no motivation to stop.

All the banks you see — “central banks” and “retail banks” — are bankrupt.

When they advertise “home loans” they are soliciting you to loan your home to them as an asset — a deposit — that they can borrow against.

They take your home as a deposit equal to its market value. They then use your asset as the basis to extend seven to ten times the loan amount as new credit to other victims.

They return the amount of the purported “home loan” to you, and you think that they have loaned you money, though in fact all you have received is a check — a transfer instrument — transferring “money of account”.

Money of account is not actual money of any kind. It’s just arbitrary digits entered in a ledger.

They also take a “security interest” in your home, as if they had anything at risk. And they force you to make monthly payments to repay THEIR loan, while they pocket the difference— six to nine times the value of the check they kited on your credit. Plus interest, of course.

Above, find my favorite clip from Godfrey Bloom, member of Parliament, on this subject. In two minutes, his “hoary” speech, which he has delivered faithfully for years now, exposes the whole gambit:

Parliament does nothing about it. Congress does nothing about it. Until bankruptcy protection is denied and perpetrators are jailed, nothing will be done about it, because nobody is being held accountable for it.

If you are angry and outraged, you should be. You should stand behind Godfrey Bloom and me and everyone else who is fed up with this abject criminality.

A friend recently sent me a nice summary of case law demonstrating the fact that no National Bank can extend credit: “There is no doubt but what the law is that a national bank cannot lend its credit or become an accommodation endorser.” (National Bank of Commerce vs. Atkinson, 55 Fed Rep 465)

“A national bank has no power to lend its credit.” (Farmers & Miners Bank vs. Bluefield National Bank, 11 F2d 83, 271 US 669)

“Banking Associations from the very nature of their business are prohibited from lending credit.” (St. Louis Savings Bank vs. Parmalee 95 U. S. 557)

“National Banks may lend their money but not their credit.” (Norton Grocery vs. Peoples National Bank, 144 S.E. 501, 151 Va. 195)

So when you walk into a “National Bank” be aware that they have no capability to loan you any form of credit — unless they are: (1) dealing in actual money, which none of them are; or (2) they are working in collusion with “central banks” to expedite the above-described credit fraud scheme.

What would you call an organization that loans credit based on someone else’s assets and then charges the actual owner of the assets for the use of their own credit? Plus interest?

Godfrey Bloom and I would both call such an organization a crime syndicate. Most people call it a “Central Bank”.


Related – Banking System Explains Our Woes

Biden Regime Extends Invented Public Health Emergency When No Real One Exists

What dominant US dark forces and their MSM press agents call a public health emergency doesn’t exist — not now or at any time since seasonal flu was renamed covid with diabolical aims in mind.

Since the scheme was rolled out in late 2019, the public has been consistently lied to and mass deceived to unwittingly self-inflict harm.

Count the ways.

Unrelated to protecting public health, 2020 lockdowns caused economic chaos, greatly harmed the development of children and made people fearful of publicly interacting together.

Administered at high cycles — rendering them invalid — PCR tests are all about creating large-scale numbers of false positive results.

Masks provide zero protection and risk respiratory harm from longterm use.

Social distancing adversely affects normal interactions.

Providing no protection, kill shots were designed to destroy public health and shorten lifespans.

Jabbed individuals comprise the vast majority of flu/covid outbreaks, hospitalizations, and adverse reactions, including deaths.

The indisputable conclusion from all of the above, and what relates to it, is that kill shots and all else flu/covid related is the mother of all state-sponsored scams — with mass-extermination and elimination of what little remains of greatly eroded freedoms in mind.

US/Western regimes and their MSM co-conspirators are mortal enemies of public health, the rule of law and what just societies hold most dear.

They’re hellbent on harming unwanted billions of people they want eliminated.

No flu/covid pandemic exists — nor a public health emergency — not now or any anytime since seasonal flu got a scary new name.

Yet on October 13, the illegitimate Biden regime’s Pharma-linked HHS director, Xavier Becerra, extended a nonexistent public health emergency through January 11.

Since first declared in January 2020, then renewed every 90 days, it’s been all about fear-mongering maximum numbers of people to self-inflict harm from experimental, rushed to market, health-destroying jabs — in flagrant breach of the Nuremberg Code and international law.

Officials throughout the US/West and elsewhere involved in pushing toxic jabs are guilty of intent to destroy public health with genocide in mind.

Commenting all things flu/covid since rolled out at a time of US-dominated NATO war on Russia by use of proxy Ukrainian foot soldiers, noted scholar-physician, Dr. Vernon Coleman, minced no words with the following candid assessment of things, saying:

“These are the darkest, most difficult days in human history.”

“We are facing the end of freedom and the end of the awesome wonder of the independent, human spirit” — based on the current trend, what no evidence suggests is abating.

When will most people throughout the US/West and elsewhere awaken to the reality that they’ve been scammed?

Coleman called the go-along crowd “moronic mask wearers, lockdown-lovers and witless, (flu)/covid jabbed collaborators.”

What’s gone on since late 2019 was a long-planned in advance “global coup,” he stressed.

Dominant dark forces highjacked the rule of law and what little remained of societies safe and fit to live in.

Based on an unofficial estimate cited by Coleman, toxic jabs “killed 20 million and injured many (millions) more.”

Now “mysteriously returned” after disappearing earlier, kill shot proponents want everyone jabbed for alleged protection not gotten against contracting flu, and “to stop them getting the other flu” — the one renamed covid.

And after nearly three years of all things flu/covid related, it’s known — but not publicly reported — that lockdowns, social distancing and masks greatly harmed the development of young children.

Things are perilously close to a “point of no return,” Coleman warned.

Instead of responsible leadership throughout the US/West, a criminal cabal runs things.

The new abnormal is far removed from governance of, by and for everyone equitably, according to the rule of law.

If kill shots don’t eliminate billions of unwanted people worldwide, perhaps US/Western dark forces will wage nuclear war in trying to achieve their diabolical aims.

And what’s going on is at a time of double-digit inflation, making essentials increasingly unaffordable, combined with hard times getting harder — heading toward protracted Main Street economic Depression.

What may not end during remaining years of the elderly may fast-forward their end time from deprivation.

And make no mistake.

Nothing is happening by accident.

Everything going on was planned to benefit the privileged few at the expense or all others.

America was never beautiful during my developmental years long ago.

But it was worlds apart different from today’s dismal state of things — the most perilous, humanly destructive time in world history.

And instead of easing, the worst of times lies ahead — because a US/Western criminal cabal planned it this way.

Dumping My Dream Girl

(I had just seen the movie, “The Gingerbread Man.” The girl in my dream looked like actress Embeth Davidtz (left.) 

My biggest regret in life is loving women. Romantic love is a delusion mostly

based on our powerful sexual and emotional instincts. Most people, men or women, are not that lovable. 

We get our ideas about life from Hollywood. Movies program us to seek

romantic love above all else.  Romantic love is an ersatz religion to teach us to seek ourselves in another person instead of in Self-development.   They taught us that sex is a “mystical experience,” the best life offers. Sexual intercourse is a sacrament.  Orgasm is union with the universe.
Updated from Feb 8, 2011 & June 27, 2019
by Henry Makow PhD 

I am proud of a dream I recently had.

I was young again and single. My beautiful girlfriend and I were shopping. I suggested we go back to my apartment. I was feeling loving and wanted to hang out and cuddle. Just be happy together. Sex wasn’t an issue.

Shortly after arriving, she says she has to leave. 

Thwarted in love. Again. 

In the dream, I press her for an explanation. She doesn’t have one. 

She doesn’t want to be with me. I grant her wish. 

I tell her I’m not interested in games. We’re finished. 


The End.  Don’t come back.

I wake up pleased by my subconscious bravado. 

You see, when I was young, I endured all kinds of misery from my infatuations, patiently overcoming each obstacle. I was the poster child for “needy.”

In one instance, a woman who looked like Embeth (above) said she found me “repulsive.”  If ever there was a cue to tell a woman to f**k off and get out, this was it. Women respect rejection because it confirms their opinion of themselves. 

Instead, I ignored the comment and patiently persevered. We ended up living together for almost five years. I could fill another book  (in addition to “A Long Way to Go for a Date”) with what I endured. Obviously, I was immature and largely responsible for my fate. 

I’m 72 now and no longer a player. I’ve been happily married for 21 years. I only wish I had awakened from this dream sooner. 


Men have been programmed to believe that sex and “love” are the key to happiness. We need a woman’s love to develop as men. We need to sexually satisfy a woman to prove our masculinity.

We are programmed to seek feminine approval when our own approval is all that matters. 

We are programmed to idealize flawed and often stupid women instead of real ideals: Truth, Justice, Love, Beauty and Goodness. 

This is not women’s fault. They don’t want to be idealized. They don’t respect men who do it. But narcissists often succumb.

Western society is a satanic (((Cabalist))) sex cult. Women have become sexual commodities. (((Communism))) has always viewed them as sexual utilities. If feminism were really pro-women, it would have promoted marriage and condemned promiscuity. Most women seek the life-long loyalty and love of a good man, their husband.


Anyway, I’ve been there, done that. I have satisfied a few women countless times and I have been satisfied as well. I’ve matured in the prescribed way. I discovered the lie by living it. 

But I wish I had found a shortcut and downgraded the role of women and sex to its real level of importance, say from 75% to 25%. 

I wish I hadn’t loved them.Looking back, none was worth it.  I have wasted half my life.  

The satanist media has given young women a delusional sense of entitlement. Our mental programmers present them as demi-gods. 
Just like prostitutes, many young women are no longer attractive to men. Men find modesty, innocence, style, intelligence, and femininity attractive.

Moreover, I sense that fewer and fewer women are even capable of loving a man. Their hearts have been poisoned by satanist social engineering. (Of course, men share the blame by treating women as sexual urinals.)

The mystification of beautiful women, like everything else, is the result of removing God from our lives. As Oscar Wilde said, “women are sphinxes without secrets.” 

Women are intended to be helpmates, not soul mates.

Women by nature are facilitators. They need a man to give them a task and love them for fulfilling it. They want a man to give them a purpose. They don’t want to be his purpose. 

If you found a “soul mate,” I salute you.But our only soul mate is God.

The nuclear family is the foundation of civilization. That’s why the Masonic Jewish (Satanic) central bankers are destroying it.


Am I bitter?  Yes. I am bitter for all the ways my culture has lied to me. Here, I blame Illuminist brainwashing that elevates sexual “relationships” to the negation of everything else. And I blame myself for falling for this garbage.    

The average man spends 75% of his energy on it. It’s a great motivator for many men. And yes, I realize it’s hormonal. 

 But we cannot let this biological and social programming ruin our lives. Many men are ruined by divorce.  Many women are gold diggers.

Perhaps the real takeaway is this: Don’t look for someone to believe in you.

People respect people who believe in themselves. 

If I had had more self-respect, perhaps I would have awakened from this sleep much earlier.
———————————Related- Makow The Biggest Mistake Men MakeOverrated- Sex & Young Women Cabala- How Sex Became Our Religion
Men Who Get WomenManaging the Male Sex Drive Jad Jones Ten Biggest Mistakes Men Make


I had MANY teachers throughout my life. I attended public school K through 12th grade, then a Christian college for four years, and then a university to get my teaching credential. I can’t remember one of my many teachers except for a high school science teacher vaguely because he was funny. BUT I remember my mother perfectly!

She invested her life into me. She made every birthday and holiday special. She sewed our Halloween costumes and handed out carmel apples or Rice Krispies with marshmallows to the trick-or-treaters. Whenever I was sick or had been bullied at school, she was available and ready to care for and comfort me. She loved my friends and always made them feel at home. She made our home warm and comfortable.

She would come and live with us for two weeks after I had a baby. When I was so sick after I had my children, she was always available to help. At her funeral, all of my children said she was like their second mother. She would take them to Palm Springs and skiing in Mammoth. For Christmas, she would take all of her grandchildren out shopping and for dinner. She loved her grandchildren deeply.

She was my biggest cheerleader when I began writing and mentoring women. She would come over often and brush my hair when I was so sick. She would shop and cook for my family. She called daily to make sure I was okay.

Mothers, it’s YOU who your children need. It’s you who will make the greatest impact in your children’s life. They need and want you. No teacher can take your place. Be there for your children full time in your home. You are their biggest security blanket in this unstable and frightening world.

She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Proverbs 31:226-28


Wow, I used to listen to the Great Courses, where I came across a fabulous history professor at the university of Oklahoma, J. Rufus Fears, who passed away after a short illness in 2012.

His eulogy by a student.

His “Story of Freedom”

While he didn’t know about the Jew Question, he had an astonishing grasp of history, especially the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Famous Greeks.

Famous Romans

While I was going through a Great courses magazine, I found the “Wondrium App”, where for $150 a year, you have access to courses on a whole host of informative issues, without the usual college brainwashing. Just subscribed today. It’s amazing what can be learned when one is simply driving.

Reminder- Our “Money” is a Debt to (((Them)))


Alex Krainer–“Rather than waging never-ending wars, blowing up bridges and pipelines or assassinating Vladimir Putin, western powers would do better to focus on reforming our monetary system and embrace honest money. Even a miraculous military victory over Russia would do no more than delay the day of reckoning.” 
Makow- The satanist (Masonic) Jewish bankers finagled our national credit cards and are maxing them out with wars and vaccine boondoggles. They create money out of thin air as a debt to them so the more money squandered, the richer they are, especially with interest. At the same time they own the pharmaceutical and war industries. They wish to extend this monopoly over money creation into a satanist Jewish (Cabalist) monopoly over every aspect of human life i.e “wokeness.” This is the essence of Communism.  Hence, Paypal fines unwoke-people $2500 and Kanye West is cancelled by his bank
READER–“Alex Krainer is a rather sharp character. This is a great daily blog with a refreshing perspective.”
The real war: People vs. the Banks

by Alex Krainer(excerpts by week, on Oct. 6, Kristalina Georgieva, IMF’s Managing Director gave a speech at the Georgetown University in Washington where she explained that the global economy, which was expected to recover strongly after the Covid 19 pandemic, experienced a “shock, after shock, after shock” instead, that it is now experiencing a “fundamental shift,” and that this shift could create a “dangerous new normal.” Georgieva thinks this can only be mitigated by “countries working together.”  …

It’s the banks, not Vladimir Putin.

So then, what would be the “fundamental shift,” and the “dangerous new normal” that IMF’s Georgieva is worried about? I believe that the worry is that (((the rules-based global order))) is falling into a profound economic, social and political crisis that could be long and very severe.
And even while we are all encouraged to come together and hate on Russia and Vladimir Putin, that’s not where this crisis emanated from. 

Rather, it emanated from the fraudulent monetary system that’s largely shaped our rules-based global order and which has had an impressive track record of incentivizing forever wars and generating chronic crises. 


CHRONIC CRISES, FOREVER WARSWe can trace the evolution of today’s monetary system back to the Bank of England. It was established in 1694 and over the following century (from 1701 to 1815), England waged fully 18 officially declared wars against her then rival power, France. 

Back then, the French were hated almost as much as the Russians are today. In 1833 the Parliament passed the Bank of England Act, granting the BOE monopoly on issuing the empire’s “legal tender” currency. 

Out of the remaining 67 years of the 19th century, Britain spent 32 years in recessions, depressions, bankruptcy or financial collapse including the 22-year long depression lasting from 1873 to 1896. This was while the British Empire was at the zenith of its power yet, like today it was “shock, after shock, after shock…”
Rather than waging never-ending wars, blowing up bridges and pipelines or assassinating Vladimir Putin, western powers would do better to focus on reforming our monetary system and embrace honest money. Even a miraculous military victory over Russia would do no more than delay the day of reckoning. 
In the meantime, the system would need to find a new enemy to fight more wars. That is a certainty. As Lord Acton said over a century ago, “The issue that has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the Banks.” 

The banks – not Russia nor Vladimir Putin!
P.S. By “the Banks,” I do not mean local banks and savings institutions but the international banking cartel and their Global Systemically Important Banks.
Alex Krainer – @NakedHedgie is the creator of I-System Trend Following and publisher of daily TrendCompass reports covering over 200 key financial and commodity markets for investors and traders – probably the best CTA daily newsletter on the market today.

Related Satanist Banking System is Cause of Our Woes

Promiscuity Destroys the Love Bond


Promiscuity is promoted to young woman to

destroy the oxytocin bonding that takes place

when a woman has intercourse with a man. 
This undermines marriage for purposes of depopulation.  Also, the more men a woman sleeps with the more she erodes her oxytocin “glue.”  Women are not built to have multiple partners –whores have the highest mortality rate.  Women need to know that every added man they sleep with, is exponentially takingly the years off their life–bringing them closer and faster to death.  Like smoking cigarettes it increases mortality. Changing partners is dangerous–life threatening for women.   It does not effect men this way –at all!“”The “weaker sex” doesn’t just refer to physically weaker they are also “weaker” i.e. emotionally vulnerable — but that vulnerability channeled into love-bonding with one man –in one marriage and motherhood is a Jennifer

Oxytocin bonding makes females lose discernment abilities–They literally can’t discern because oxytocin floods their bodies and makes them chemically addicted to the man–that means if they try to leave they literally get sick because they go through a detox. 

Some women get cancer –they get all sorts of health problems –just like coming off an addiction to heroin. Women get the shakes, vomit, can’t sleep -when detoxing from a relationship –just like detoxing from heroin –its torture –so many women can’t handle it and they run back to the man or a woman may throw herself into another sexual relationship to oxytocin bond to the next…to take the edge off.  Women have no clue that they are REACTING to this oxytocin love-bond-addiction.  

Further, the consequences of women’s oxytocin love-bonding is an education that has been purposely omitted from standard sex education.  

These oxytocin effects have been medically researched and are known, but knowing this truth undercuts the Deep State’s agenda.  “They” don’t want people to have healthy loving marriages and families.

For example, battered wives can’t leave their abusive husbands, who beat them because of oxytocin love-bond-addition.  

This oxytocin is a bonding agent –like a glue –it makes a woman stick chemical in an induced high to the man she is intimate with and it grows stronger — more bonding when she gets pregnant and then it extends to the child and grows even stronger via breast feeding– no matter what. 

God made it this way so women would love whatever ugly baby comes from them.  Women have no free will not to love-bond to their baby. 

God didn’t want a woman to have a choice of loving or not loving their baby–oh of course there are exceptions and reasons why some women don’t oxytocin bond or lose their love-bonding ability.  

First, oxytocin bonding is activated from smelling the pheromones of an intimate partner and is stronger via sex but can still happen with just a hug. It is based on estrogen levels so young women, who have more estrogen, release more oxytocin and hence love-bond more when it is activated via the scent of pheromones.  

However, if a man has the wrong pheromones, in other words, if she does not like his smell –if his smell stinks to her then oxytocin will not be activated.  Men’s and women’s unconscious sexual attraction to each other starts with their scent.  

Why?  Unconscious to a man’s or woman’s mental thinking or logic and any visual desires they may have for each other is their brain calculating via scent a whole range of genetic data stored in scent knowledge. The nose knows what scent will make the healthiest offspring.  

This is age old wisdom noted in the Bible, Song of Solomon 4:10  “How delightful is your love my bride…your love is much better then wine and the fragrance of your perfume than all spices.”  Thus a man’s bride should smell great and vise-versa for a woman. 

When men and women do not like each other’s smell they are not a love match for children. It doesn’t matter if a woman has sex hundreds of times with a stinky guy–her oxytocin love-bonding is not going to be activated and she won’t oxytocin love-bond.

If a man has some health problems –maybe he took some drugs, vaccines or something that destroyed his pheromones…if he has no scent –he is un-bonable.  

Some women are chemically imbalanced and just can’t bond to anyone.

Also, the more men a woman sleeps with the more she erodes her oxytocin “glue.”  Women are not built to have multiple partners –whores have the highest mortality rate.  Women need to know that every added man they sleep with, is exponentially increasingly the years off their life–bringing them closer and faster to death.  Like smoking cigarettes it increases mortality. Changing partners is dangerous–life threatening for women.   It does not effect men this way –at all!

Also proven in medical studies various pharmaceuticals can under cut oxytocin bonding. I do not know of any studies on how vaccines effect oxytocin but if it messes with a woman’s hormones, it is destroying her oxytocin love-bonding ability.


The Pill totally under cuts natural oxytocin bonding by flipping a woman brain’s ability to calculate scent; thus she will NOT chose the best mate for offspring. The Pill reverses women’s scent sexual attraction and thus they oxytocin love-bonding to the wrong mate. 


The Pill makes women scent-attracted to males that are genetically close to them. In other words, it makes them incestuously sex-attracted to their relatives, where women wound not normally be sexually attracted to her own brother or father, The Pill destroys a woman’s inner brain calculating genetic knowledge in mating choices.   

After women go off The Pill to get pregnant and the effects of The Pill slowly wear off… the woman wakes-up and realizes her husband doesn’t smell that good.  Its nauseous and unconsciously that bad smell, that she would have recognized had she not been on The Pill. It is a factor leading to divorce. The Pill use and divorce rates track tandem each other.    

A woman’s natural pure loving nature is connected to her ability to smell pheromones to activate oxytocin and release love-bonding. If pharmaceuticals destroy her ability to smell pheromones which then prevent oxytocin activation or destroy her oxytocin in some other way, then she loses that wonderful loving woman ability and that fierce momma bear killer instinct to protect her child. 

I basically hung up on my male friend because he just could not wrap his mind around the idea that women don’t have free will when it comes to intimate relationships.  If they don’t have free will, they are off the hook — Yes that’s right –So we need a society to understand that teach that and protect women. 

The “weaker sex” doesn’t just refer to physically weaker they are also “weaker” i.e. emotionally vulnerable — but that vulnerability channeled into love-bonding with one man –in one marriage and motherhood is a strength.
Related– The Growing Feminist Rejection of the Sexual Revolution

SHOCK DISCOVERY: Any time a woman has sex with a man, she retains his DNA in her brain

The Sugar Babies of Stanford University
Why are elite co-eds turning to TikTok and Snapchat to connect with lonely men who pay for their attention? ‘Less work, more money. Passive income stream.’ (The only time the word “passive” can be applied to these young women.)

NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA games all rigged.

The sooner one figures out that every famous person, and every NBA, NFL, and major league baseball team, are controlled, and that for over 100 years, every NBA, NFL, and major league baseball game is fixed, the better off you are going to be. I’m happy I found out, sad I wasted thousands of hours listening to games, and watching them. from the age of 10, to 17, that’s seven years, I would probably listen to 150 out of 162 Giants baseball games, 70 of the 82 NBA games of the Warriors, and the only reason why I didn’t listen to every single 49ers game, was because there was church on Sunday. Figure each game goes three hours, That’s 660 total hours, 27 1/2 days, nearly an entire month of every year was wasted listening to rigged sports games.

Top 10 most rigged plays from the first four weeks of the NFL season.

From the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. 13

“In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about we further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people’s palaces. . . Soon we shall begin through the press to propose competitions in art, in sport of all kinds: these interests will finally distract their minds from questions in which we should find ourselves compelled to oppose them. Growing more and more disaccustomed to reflect and form any opinions of their own, people will begin to talk in the same tone as we, because we alone shall be offering them new directions for thought of course through such persons as will not be suspected of solidarity with us.”