I had MANY teachers throughout my life. I attended public school K through 12th grade, then a Christian college for four years, and then a university to get my teaching credential. I can’t remember one of my many teachers except for a high school science teacher vaguely because he was funny. BUT I remember my mother perfectly!

She invested her life into me. She made every birthday and holiday special. She sewed our Halloween costumes and handed out carmel apples or Rice Krispies with marshmallows to the trick-or-treaters. Whenever I was sick or had been bullied at school, she was available and ready to care for and comfort me. She loved my friends and always made them feel at home. She made our home warm and comfortable.

She would come and live with us for two weeks after I had a baby. When I was so sick after I had my children, she was always available to help. At her funeral, all of my children said she was like their second mother. She would take them to Palm Springs and skiing in Mammoth. For Christmas, she would take all of her grandchildren out shopping and for dinner. She loved her grandchildren deeply.

She was my biggest cheerleader when I began writing and mentoring women. She would come over often and brush my hair when I was so sick. She would shop and cook for my family. She called daily to make sure I was okay.

Mothers, it’s YOU who your children need. It’s you who will make the greatest impact in your children’s life. They need and want you. No teacher can take your place. Be there for your children full time in your home. You are their biggest security blanket in this unstable and frightening world.

She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Proverbs 31:226-28

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